New Earth: Arrow

By Lauriver1fanboy

29.4K 758 81

My name is Oliver Queen. After giving my life to create a new multiverse, I was given a second chance, not on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Not an Update!

Chapter 37

343 13 1
By Lauriver1fanboy

When Oliver arrived at the bunker he found that he was the last one to arrive.

"What's the plan? The city's in panic after the attack this morning. SCPD is going crazy trying to keep everything from descending into chaos." Rene said, since he and Dinah were both their SCPD informants, along with Lance.

"The DAs office is in disarray too since Kate Spencer was among the victims." Laurel said, since she'd recently accepted a job there.

"And the media is not helping much. If anything, they're just making things worse." Felicity said.

"Of course they are. John, anything from Lyla?" Oliver asked, but John shook his head.

"Lyla is still dealing with the fallout of taking over Argus from Amanda Waller. She can't afford to help us right now." John said.

"Okay then, looks like it's just us." Oliver said.

"So, we going after Slade?" Rene asked.

"If we knew where he was right now, yes, but at the moment we don't know, so our main priority is to help the SCPD restore calm and order to the city, especially the Glades." Oliver said and they all nodded.

"What's the plan?" Laurel asked.

"I'm assuming the Glades is the area in the most disarray?" Oliver asked Rene and Dinah.

"Yep." Dinah said.

"Then that's where we focus on. Tell Quentin to have the SCPD focus more on the rest of the city, we will handle the Glades." Oliver said.

"Oliver, shouldn't we also go after both of the people that we know Slade is associated with, AKA, Isabel Rochev and Sebastian Blood?" John asked.

"We can't go after either of them without proof of their crimes. Knowing Slade, he'd love to have us attack a city alderman or vice president of a huge company, since it would focus the SCPD's attention on us instead of him. We have to be smart about this." Oliver said, right as the computers beeped.

"What's that?" Oliver asked as Felicity checked the system.

"Satellites have detected an assassin heading towards Iron Heights." Felicity said.

"Okay, but still, that alone wouldn't have alerted our system, even if they are headed there to get my mom." Oliver said.

"You're right. The reason our system detected them is because of who it is." Felicity said.

"Well, don't leave us in the dark." John said.

"It's Emiko." Felicity said, stunning them.

"What's she doing here? It's a bit early isn't it?" Rene asked.

"Wouldn't surprise me if she's working with Slade, considering how much she hated me. And I'm willing to bet that she's going to Iron Heights to kill my mother." Oliver said.

"So I'm guessing that's where you're going?" Laurel asked.

"Yep. John, you're in command." Oliver said.

"Oliver, you sure you don't want back up?" John asked.

"I'm the only one who stands a chance of subduing Emiko long enough to restore her memories, especially since I don't need the memory gun to do it." Oliver said.

"I thought you were saving your spectre energy." Laurel said.

"This is one of those cases I've been saving it for. It takes a minimal amount to restore people's memories." Oliver said.

"And if Emiko is still an enemy even after she remembers what happened?" Rene asked.

"Then I'll deal with her." Oliver said as he activated his ring and deployed his suit before walking out of the bunker before anyone could say anything to him.

"Emiko, I thought I told you to stand down. This is not a part of my plan." Slade's voice said to Emiko over her comms as she headed towards Iron Heights.

"I don't work for you, I'm helping you because we have a common interest. But this is personal." Emiko said.

"I told you that you'd get your chance to kill Moira Queen, but not until I say so. You risk jeopardizing my plans for your own self interests." Slade said.

"You should listen to the man. Slade may be a maniac, but he knows tactics. Emiko." Green Arrow said as he landed on the rooftop across from her.

"You know who I am?" Emiko asked.

"I do. And I know what you've done and that you know who I am." Green Arrow said.

"Really, so what do you know about what I've done? Oliver." Emiko asked.

"I know that you had the chance to warn our father about the Gambit and you didn't. You let him die, you let me go through 5 years of the worst kind of hell." Oliver snarled, making sure his act was believable.

"You deserved it." Emiko said.

"Tell me something, how would your mother feel about you being a killer for the Ninth Circle." Oliver asked her.

"Don't you even mention her. I didn't want any of this, but we all do things we have to in order to survive." Emiko said as she raised her bow at him and he did the same to her.

"You sure you want to do this? Slade will be pissed if you kill me." Oliver said.

"The Ninth Circle can handle him, especially since we're the ones funding his plans." Emiko said as they both let their arrows fly before charging at each other.

Emiko was quickly regretting fighting her brother, since Oliver was far more skilled than Slade had described.

"You may be good Emiko." Green Arrow said as he knocked her back on her ass.

"But you're not good enough to beat me." Green Arrow said as he walked up to her and held an arrow at her chest.

"Go ahead. Do it." Emiko said, but to her surprise, Oliver lowered his bow.

"No. I won't kill my family. Not even you Emiko." Green Arrow said and before she could do anything else, Oliver tapped her forehead, causing Emiko a bit of a pain before it cleared.

"Oliver." Emiko asked.

"You still want to kill me sis?" Oliver asked and Emiko chuckled as she took his extended hand and he helped her up.

"Only for the headache you gave me. Though I guess I deserve it after what happened between us and considering the fact that I was trying to kill your mom." Emiko said.

"What's important is that you're not going to now right?" Oliver asked.

"No, I'm going to spend my life atoning for my actions." Emiko said.

"You can start by telling me everything you know about Slade's plans." Oliver said and Emiko nodded as they headed back to the bunker.

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