Us. (DracoXReader) 16+

By writingsbyemm

265K 6.7K 7.4K

Follow the love story between Draco and you. Will you make it out together?? (This story does not revolve ar... More



6.4K 190 202
By writingsbyemm

Reader's POV

"Say hello to Buckbeak!" Hagrid smiled as the creature swallowed down a dead ferret Hagrid had thrown to him.

"Hagrid." Ron gulped. "Exactly what is that?" Ron questioned as everyone whispered among themselves, also trying to figure out what the creature was.

"That Ron, is a Hippogriff." Hagrid said, walking closer to the group of students. "First thing you wanna know about Hippogriff's is that they are very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a Hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do." Hagrid warned the class and y/n gulped, she had never seen a Hippogriff in person before, majority of the class likewise.

"Now, who would like to come and say hello?" Hagrid clapped and y/n took a step back, encouraging the rest of the class to also take a step back, leaving Harry by himself. "Well done Harry, Well done!" Hagrid grinned as Harry looked around confused.

"Now, you have to let him make the first move. It's only polite." Hagrid instructed as Ron pushed Harry to move towards the Hippogriff. "Step up, give him a nice bow and then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go and touch him."

Harry hesitantly walked towards the beast, his hands slightly shaking. Y/n had watched, hiding behind Ron. Students took a single step forward to get a closer look to see how Harry was acting, and if he would get struck by the sharp talons on the creatures feet.

Harry bowed at the Hippogriff and it groaned and chirped, its wings flapping slightly, making Harry back up slightly in fear. Hermione grabbed Ron's hand, making Ron jump. Suddenly, the bird bowed back at Harry and y/n breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Go on Harry, you can pat him now." Hagrid calmly spoke and Harry rested his palm on the Hippogriff's beak. 

Students that were next to y/n suddenly got pushed, giving a few 'ow's' in response. Y/n turned her head and saw Draco next to her. He made eye contact with her and took a bite of his green apple. Y/n rolled her eyes and focused her attention back to Harry, who Hagrid had thrown on Buckbeak's back. 

Draco laughed and pointed at Harry, apple still in his left hand. The Hippogriff suddenly squawked and started running at full speed, flapping it's wings. Out of fear, y/n grabbed the closest thing to her, which was Draco's arm. She had completely forgotten who was beside her.

Draco gulped down the piece of apple he had bitten off as y/n clung to his arm, Harry and Buckbeak disappearing into the sky. Draco hadn't known what to do. He didn't know if he should call her a name, brush her off, or let her cling on to him. He decided to let her cling to him, just for one moment before shaking his arm, getting y/n's attention. 

"Get the fuck off me." He seethed, flaring his nostrils at y/n.

"Sorry." Y/n spoke, clearing her throat and pulled away from Draco. She rolled her eyes when she looked away from him.

Suddenly, Harry reappeared from the sky with the Hippogriff and they landed with a thud. Everyone started cheering, except for Draco, who was somewhat annoyed, maybe even a bit jealous that y/n started giving all of her attention to Harry, who had just gotten off the beast.

"Oh please." Draco muttered, pushing past everyone who had crowded around Harry. 

"Yes, you're not dangerous at all are you? You great, ugly brute." Draco teased, storming up to the creature, feeling the need to show off when he knew y/n was watching. 

"Malfoy!" Hagrid gasped as Buckbeak stood on his two back legs.

Draco's expression changed to regret as Buckbeak threw his talons in the air, Draco using his arm to cover his face. One of Buckbeak's talon struck Draco in the arm, ripping his clothes and scratching his arm just enough to draw a small amount of blood. 

The students screamed and scurried off as Draco fell to the floor, y/n's mouth dropping open in horror. Draco rolled on the floor holding his arms, whining in pain as Hagrid calmed down Buckbeak. 

"He's killed me, he's killed me." Draco cried, still rolling on the floor.

"Calm down! I-It's just a scratch!" Hagrid panicked, looking at Draco.

"Hagrid!" Hermione shouted. "He has to be taken to the hospital." She suggested and Hagrid nodded.

"I'll take him!" Pansy offered, a smile on her lips. Draco's cried worsened and Hagrid looked around and spotted y/n.

"Y/n, would you be able to take him? I trust you more!" Hagrid pleaded and y/n clenched her jaw and let out a sigh. She briefly nodded, walking over to Hagrid who was helping Draco get on his feet.

Pansy stared at y/n, her nostrils flaring in hatred and rage.. She was the one who Draco liked, or so she thought. Draco whimpered as he stood up, holding his arm.

"Come on then." Y/n huffed, holding onto his good arm so he had support. She took a quick glance at Hermione who was looking at the pair with one brow raised. Y/n pressed her lips together and shrugged, walking with Draco.

"You're gonna regret this!" Draco called out. "You and you're bloody chicken."

Y/n rolled her eyes in response and heard how Draco's whimpers lessened when they got further away from the group.

"My father will hear about this. Hagrid and that stupid bird." Draco mumbled, pulling away from y/n so he could walk on his own. "And a stupid Mud Blood coming to my aid." He snared and y/n felt rage course through her veins. 

Y/n had enough. She pushed Draco up against a tree and pulled out her wand, holding it up to his neck and Draco's eyes widened in shock.

"Will you just shut the fuck up and stop whining about a stupid scratch before I make you puke slugs, you spoilt little shit." Y/n threatened, getting right up in Draco's face. He gulped and y/n pulled away, turning around and slowly started to walk.

"You're kind of turning me on, y/l/n." Draco growled, a smirk evident on his lips. Y/n stopped in her tracks and felt heat rise to her cheeks, but then she remembered what she had seen in the library earlier that day. Y/n spun around and looked at him, a bit of blood staining the white on his shirt.

"Eat slugs." She muttered and flicked her wand at him. Draco gasped and his cheeks filled up instantly, causing him to vomit up the green creatures. "Now come on." Y/n pulled him along to the hospital to see Madam Pomfrey, Draco vomiting out a slug occasionally.

"What's happened here?" Madam Pomfrey asked as they entered the Hospital, helping Draco to a bed.

"Hippogriff scratch." Y/n muttered with crossed arms.

"And the slugs?" Madam Pomfrey asked y/n, who rose her hand. "You might want to apologize for that, he could get you expelled." She whispered to y/n, who gulped.

Y/n sat at the foot of Draco's bed, handing him a bucket that was under the bed so he could vomit the slugs into it and not make a mess of the hospital. He glared at y/n response as Madam Pomfrey looked at his scratch.

"Should heal up in no time with a bit of cream and a bandage, and as for the slugs, drink this." Madam Pomfrey handed Draco a drink, which he drank and cringed at the taste. She then began cleaning the wound, Draco wincing.

"Madam Pomfrey, they has been an incident at Qudditch practice!" Madam Hooch barged and and Madam Pomfrey shot up.

"Y/l/n, I need you to put this cream on Mr. Malfoy's arm and wrap it up, I need to go!" Madam Pomfrey ran out the door with Madam Hooch before y/n could object.

Y/n sighed and looked at Draco, who had stopped puking slugs. He was staring at y/n, no expression on his face. Y/n stood up and grabbed cream and a bandage from the tray next to the bed. Draco held out his arm for y/n to reach as she sat further up the bed, closer to Draco and her stomach fluttered as he rested his arm on her thigh.

"I'm sorry about the slugs." She apologized, lathering cream on the wound. 

"I deserved it, I guess." Draco shrugged, drinking some water from the cup that was next to the bed.

"You aren't going to tell your father, are you?" Y/n spoke softly, beginning to wrap up Draco's arm. He looked at y/n, a look of confusion on his face. "About the slugs? And the Hippogriff?"

"I wont tell my father about the slugs, he will find out about the Hippogriff though. Hogwarts will end up sending him a letter. The slugs aren't documented." He shrugged and y/n nodded.

"Draco?" Y/n mumbled, Draco responding with a hum. "Why do you hate me so much?" y/n blinked up at him as she finished wrapping up his arm, Draco sitting up straight with a sigh.

"I don't hate you." He began. "I'm actually quite fond of you." He admitted, assessing his newly wrapped arm.

"Then why do you treat me like you do?" Y/n and Draco shrugged in response. Y/n stood up and found a sling on a shelf and walked back to Draco, sitting down on the bed again.

"I guess it's because people are around, and I have to be a certain way in front of everyone or people may think I'm weak or something." Draco sighed, looking away from her. "I am not really aloud to associate with half-bloods."

Y/n smiled. This was the first time he referred to her as a half-blood.

"You're not weak for caring, Draco." Y/n smiled at him and blush crept up his cheeks. "You don't have to act like that in front of me, who am I to say that you should be tough when I am the only one around?"

Draco felt his heart flutter and he smiled at y/n.

She moved her arms around Draco's neck so she could tie the sling around his neck. Draco leaned in closer to her. Once she had tied the knot, she rested her palms on either side of his neck. Draco stared at her lips and he blinked, moving in a bit closer so that his lips brushed hers.

He wanted to kiss her again. He needed too. She had her eyes shut, waiting for his kiss as their foreheads rested against each others. He hesitated and pulled back, removing her arms from his neck. He knew if he kissed her, he didn't know if he could stop. Y/n opened her eyes and looked down at the floor. She suddenly stood up.

"Why do you do that?" She spoke through a clenched jaw, and he furrowed his eyebrows at her. "You go to kiss me and then you bail out, like the other day in the bathrooms. I knew you wanted too, you just never did. I'm sick of it!" Y/n shouted, thankful that Draco was the only patient in the room.

Draco's heart fluttered once again. Did she just admit that she liked him? Draco opened his mouth to speak but he got cut off.

"I get it, you're with Pansy." Y/n sighed, closing her eyes. "Just please, don't try and kiss me again."

Draco was so stunned, he didn't even stop her from leaving. He just sat there, staring at the door with his heart pounding in his chest.

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