The Black Sheep | George Weas...

By Sydney3027

1.2M 36.1K 13.6K

Lyra Malfoy has always felt like a stranger in her family, she felt misplaced. As she feels torn between hers... More

Twenty-Eight (Explicit)
Sixty-Three: Wedding


18K 501 81
By Sydney3027

Lyra woke up one morning, it was her last day before going home for the holidays. She had her bags already packed and was excited and nervous to go back home. Lyra was glad that nothing spread around the school, but her happiness for that fell folly. She sat at breakfast and looked around, she didn't see George, Fred or any of the Weasleys to be frank.

She noticed everyone at the Gryffindor table looked solemn, especially Angelina who had Katie trying to comfort her. She looked over at Draco, he was a few seats from her. She peeked around the heads to see him snickering.

"Draco! What's happened?" She asked, trying to mask her concern.

He looked quite proud. "Mr. Weasley apparently almost died. Such a pity, they could have used the five knuts he's worth." His friends started to laugh along with him.

Lyra felt her face burn with anger. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She hissed viciously, almost mimicking their mother when she's angry. "What if they were laughing if our father almost died? You insensitive prick!"

"It's just a joke, lighten up, Lyra." He scoffed as if she killed his buzz.

"Such an awful thing to say." She muttered as she bit into her sausage in heavy thought.

Suddenly owls started to land in. She quickly looked up to see a cute small owl come excitedly towards her. She gasped as he was flying straight at her face. She dodged it only for it to hit Pansy right in the back of the head. She began swearing frantically as she didn't want to appear weak. The boys started laughing, which led her to pinch them.

Lyra saw the little guy on the table still fluttering about as if it didn't run into something. Lyra quick picked a spoon full of porridge and plopped it onto the table for it to eat excitedly. There was a small piece of parchment tied to it's ankle. She quickly unraveled it and glanced around for any on lookers.


I told you I'd give you her address, love. Xx

- George :)

Below his name was an address, just like he promised. Her chest heated up with joy. But then she felt sad. He sent this possibly before the news broke. She wished to send him a letter before she left home. Almost everything was monitored under the Malfoy roof.

She quickly finished breakfast and ran to the Slytherin common room. She sat at a desk and grabbed corked ink to write George a quick letter.

Dear George,

I appreciate it greatly. You are so sweet for doing this for me. I heard that your father got injured and I feel terrible. I really hope he recovers quickly and is well.

Love, Lyra xx

Was that too forward? Putting love? Perhaps she should get rid of it.... Was it too much commitment? Would he read too much into it? Before she spiralled, she quickly rolled it up and rushed to the owlery to send it off with Ellie. Her owl wasn't very happy to be send out, but did it anyways. Lyra gave her instructions to just go home and wait for her there. She seemed alright with that and flew off.

She kept his letter in her robe pocket, even as she climbed inside the train. She sat alone, Draco tugged her to sit with him as he noticed Higgs trying once again to speak to her. But she couldn't stand sitting with her little brother and his childish friends. It was also uncomfortable to watch Pansy hang off his arm and sneak kisses.

No, Lyra needed alone time. She found an empty carriage to think. She felt awful for George and she was also thinking about going home for Christmas. Her grandfather would be coming and the letters about him seemed to be that he is still... Not the same. He has many lame days and Lucius and Narcissa are thinking to have him live with them for awhile. She didn't want him living with them. She was sick of his comments. A week of him was enough for her. To see him all summer long didn't sound fun at all.

The compartment doors opened, Katie and Alicia sat across from her. Katie seemed a little down.

"Hey, we thought you were with Draco." She greeted. "What are you doing here?"

"I can't stand staying in there with them fifth years." Lyra replied.

"Do you know? About Mr. Weasley?" Alicia asked softly.

Lyra nodded her head sadly. "Yeah, it's awful. Truly awful."

"Yeah..." Katie sighed. "All of them must be in distraught. We thought about getting a card and signing it with some enchanted flowers to give to Mr. Weasley."

"That sounds really nice."

"We thought so too. You could sign it too." Alicia suggested.

"He wouldn't want to see my name on there." Lyra started smoothing out her skirt that went to her calf, she knew if her grandfather could see her knees he'd have a mean comment about it. With it she wore an emerald green turtleneck so he couldn't say she was showing too much skin and that she didn't have Slytherin pride like Draco.

"He'd be appreciative." Katie injected. "Mr. Weasely is a good man, he doesn't hold a grudge as fiercely as Mr. Malfoy."

"Maybe," She replied quietly.

"Why are you in here, you could have joined Angelina and us." Alicia suggested with a kind smile. She meant well, she really did but Lyra just felt more misplaced.

"Angelina doesn't really like me."

It was true, Angelina had made it really clear that she doesn't like her and seemed in no rush to get to know her. She knew her family name and school house and that was enough for the Quidditch queen. She had tried to embarrass her at the Gryffindor party. She thrived to make it obvious she didn't fit in or belong with the Gryffindors. She was an outsider, and Lyra agreed with that, but she felt more accepted with them. She got to be herself and not many over there cared about her aristocrat family name. She was just Lyra.

"She just needs to come around. She's a really good person." Katie tried to reconcile.

"Perhaps, but she wouldn't like it if I joined.

"She'll get used to it." Alicia insisted. "Come on, no need to be alone."

"No really, it's okay. I-I'll find you when we go back to school. I don't want to make it a hostile environment. It's best I stay behind."

"Lyra," Katie growled, growing impatient, she was willing to drag the girl out of the compartment.

"Go, I'll be fine. If I get lonely, I'll join you."

"Okay, promise?" Alicia asked.

"Cross my heart."

The two girls reluctantly left their Slytherin friend behind. Lyra leaned back against the seat. She wasn't looking forward to going back home at all.

When the train pulled into King's Cross station, she groaned to herself. She got up and grabbed her overhead bag. She head down the tight aisle to the exit door. She went down the stairs and noticed all the families waiting. Lyra had put on her hat and heavy robes to keep her warm. She descended the stairs, looking around for familiar faces. She had her luggage handed to her. She thanked the gentleman and went to find her family. She was happy to see her mother waiting with a stern expression, glancing over the children with a chill in her stare. When she spot her daughter, her face softened and gave her a small grin.

"How was the semester, dear?" Narcissa asked sweetly before pulling her close for a quick hug.

"Fine, just fine." Lyra ignored the thoughts of snogging George within the last few weeks. "Focused on my studies."

"Besides that git Flint looking under her skirt. Snape gave him a hefty amount of detention with Umbridge." Draco spoke up who was beside their mother.

"Your father was disgusted." Narcissa replied sternly. "He may be more lenient with you during the holiday so do not anger him. Keep your mouth shut, especially around your grandfather. He doesn't need any reason to argue."

"Grandfather gets angry over everything." Lyra pointed out. "And he's so rude."

"That's enough, Lyra. Hold your tongue. He just has acquired tastes. You will respect him and behave. You cherish your holiday with him. It may be his last."

With that, they were ushered off after their mother.

Arriving to Malfoy Manor was anything but sweet. Narcissa quickly fixed Lyra's hair that was coming out of her ribbon. She tried to make the children look pristine.

"Your father wants to see you in the reception room on the main floor. Remember, behave." She looked between them before summoning their house-elf to deal with the luggage.

Lyra and Draco shared a look of boredom. They knew what they were walking into. Their grandfather had always been polite and mindful in front of the children, but in the last few years he had no filter and no trouble saying anything nasty to the children or Narcissa at that. He had chosen Narcissa and yet had problems with how she ran the manor. Complaining that it wasn't like how his wife ran the place.

Lyra and Draco entered after the long dark corridor. They peeked in to see Lucius and Abraxas sat in plush chairs by a large roaring fire. At Lucius' feet were his favorite children, his hounds who laid docile at his feet. One on each side. He loved his animals.

He had a crystal glass of a dark liquor, along with his father. The older Malfoy barely had any hair on top of his head, all long and pulled back into a thin ribbon. He wore out of style clothes made from the best material. He had his cane proudly in his hand like Lucius'. It made Lyra shake out her hand.

"Ah, Draco! Look at you. You look more like a man each time I see you." Abraxas greeted fondly. "Come and give me a handshake." That was his idea of affection and only ever ask Draco to shake his hand. Never Lyra. She prefers her grandmother anyways. She used to give nice hugs.

Draco approached the older man and shook his hand proudly. He wore a proud smirk. Lyra hadn't moved, like a good woman, waited for approval to sit near them.

"Lyra, get Draco some fire whiskey." Her grandfather insisted, giving her no noticed.

Draco would have to pretend it was his first time. Lyra suppressed an eye roll and went to the mini bar and swiftly made Draco a glass while Abraxas and Lucius asked Draco about his studies, giving him a bigger head.

Lyra went up to Draco and handed him his drink, he barely even glanced at her. Again, she suppressed the urge to roll her eyes and take the drink back and spilling it over his head.

"Lyra, you may sit." Lucius spoke up.

She sat on the sofa beside her younger brother who was being treated like a man. She bit her tongue and looked unbothered but she was stewing with anger.

"Ah, Draco, when I was your age I had many women chasing me down." The older man laughed weakly. "Of course, all I wanted was your beautiful grandmother." Abraxas finally looked at his granddaughter. "Lyra, you get your looks from your mother's side of the family." He started to chuckle. "You look obedient, just like Druella. I have some men in mind for you. Good men, men that will be lucky to have such a Malfoy marry into their family." This was the most affection she'd get from him before he gets dark, mean.

"Thank you, Grandfather." Lyra forced a pleased smile. "I try my best. I hope to please my future husband and not bring dishonor."

"As you should."

Lucius looked pleased. "Lyra, how has your semester been?"

"Brilliant, no complains. I've focused on my studies and try to make you and mother proud." She was pretending so well.

"Next year is her final year. We will discuss her marriage then." Lucius suggested.

"Nonesense! I had your mother secured in my sixth year. Lyra shouldn't have to be uncertain about her future. It's not good for women to stress."

Lyra noticed her father looked utterly distressed. Did he not want to organize it? Had all this talk been a front and in reality, he wasn't ready to let go of his daughter? It was too good to be true.

"Yes, father." Lucius didn't push it, he only downed his glass and didn't seem fully in the conversation. He just stroked one of his dogs' head.

Abraxas seemed more keen talking to Draco anyways. He had much to discuss with the heir. The one who got all. He was the more valuable and favored after all. Only fitting.

Lyra was forced to listen to long tangent stories, she started zoning out, thinking about George and how she couldn't wait to see him again, to hold him close.

She glanced up at her father, he looked her in the eye and for a moment she could have swore she saw an apology, a look of regret. What would he see in her eyes? Hatred? Anger? Resentment? It didn't matter, as soon as she saw it, it was gone.

Merry Christmas to you all or Happy holidays

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