Red Snow ~ Trixya

By In_a_land_of_ships

26.5K 1K 916

《 Trixya lesbian AU 》 Katya, a homeless Russian woman who lost everything, shows up looking like death itself... More



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By In_a_land_of_ships

"See you later милашка" Katya said before placing a quick kiss on Trixie's forehead.
Trixie watched as Katya left the diner, smiling to herself as she subconsciously touched her forehead where Katya had kissed it. _______________________________________

Katya was fast asleep when she was, yet again, woken by a knock of the door.
'Maybe Trixie forgot her key' she thought as she groggily made her way to the door.
She opened it and to her dismay, Trixie wasn't the one standing of the other side.
"May I help you?" She asked the police officer in front of her.
"Is this Trixie Mattel's apartment?" She asked.
"Yes..." Katya said, waiting for her to get to the point.
"You're a friend of miss Mattel, yes?" She asked. Katya just nodded.
"I was asked to inform you that she is in the hospital right now. She crashed her car-" the police woman was cut off by Katya storming out of the flat at full speed, running towards the first taxi she could spot. Katya was panicking- no. She was on the verge of having a full on panic attack. How? How could Trixie get into a fucking car accident in the two minute drive back home? She shouldn't have left. She shouldn't have let Trixie drive tired. It was all her fault. The one good thing in her life was injured and there was nothing she could do about it. Not without a time machine.

When they came to a stop in front of the hospital's entrance, Katya practically flew out of the taxi after paying for the ride. She ran over to the front desk, immediately and frantically asking where she could find Trixie Mattel. The nurses tried to calm her down, but Katya was far from okay.
"Please could someone just take me to her? Or at least tell me where she is?!" She pleaded.
The nurses, looking through Trixie's files and realizing she didn't have any family member as an emergency contact, decided to let Katya see her.
"Follow me. But prepare yourself to see her unconscious, It's not a very glamourous sight." One of the nurses said before leading Katya towards a room.

Once they got there, Katya made her way over to Trixie's side. She collapsed beside her bed, taking in the state she was in. Her face seemed fine, but her leg looked to be hurt, as well as her head. Not to mention the many cuts and bruises all over her- probably from all the broken glass.
"We had to stitch her up. Her leg isn't broken but it'll still hurt for a while. Our main concern is her head. The hit was pretty hard, she was bleeding internally. We did what we can. All we can do now is wait for her to wake up." The nurse explained, looking at the pair with sorrowful eyes.
Katya didn't respond. She was in shock. She just sat there on the floor, staring at the woman she loves. Katya's eyes widened at the realisation.

She loves Trixie.

She loves Trixie and she didn't tell her.

She loves Trixie and Trixie might never know about it.

Katya pushed that thought to the very back of her mind.
Trixie was the strongest person she knows, she'll get through it. She has to. Katya wouldn't know what she'd do with herself if she didn't wake up.
Katya didn't move from her spot on the floor for god knows how long. Could've been five minutes or five hours, either way Katya didn't notice or care. She was in a half conscious state, still staring at Trixie, when she was pulled out of her trance by a hand on her shoulder.
"Kat?" She heard. She turned around to see Kim and Bob. They both had extremely sad looks on their faces, as to be expected. Katya could see the traces of tears and the puffy eyes. She finally stood up, hugging them both.
Katya watched as the two friends approached Trixie, sitting beside her bed. She knew how much of a shock it must be for them to see her like that. So fragile and weak.

They stayed with her for few hours, mainly processing the reality of the situation. They were both very optimistic though, not a doubt in their mind that Trixie would wake up sooner or later.
Eventually, they had to leave.
"Are you sure you don't wanna go home as well?" Kim asked, already knowing the answer but she was just making sure.
Katya shook her head.
"I can't- I won't leave her alone. I owe her my life after all." She said.
Kim sighed.
"At least get some sleep then" she said as she gestured to the extendable armchair in the corner of the room.
Katya agreed to that, mostly because she didn't want them to worry about her. Katya wasn't planning on leaving the room until she could leave it with Trixie.

Kim and Bob left. It was well into the middle of the night and Trixie was still fast asleep.
Katya on the other hand, was wide awake. She gently caressed her cheek, running her thumb across the smooth skin. Her heart ached knowing Trixie is probably in a lot of pain. It ached seeing her so vulnerable. Katya whispered the lyrics of a lullaby she used to hear as a child, secretly wishing Trixie would somehow hear her.

"Загляни ты в сердечко мне И скажи "уходи" зиме Ветер воет, а ты грей меня Небо стонет, а у нас весна"
She sang, her voice barely over a whisper.

"Попроси у облаков Подарить нам белых снов Ночь плывет и мы за ней В мир таинственных огней"
Katya was now sobbing, making her voice sound choked. I truly hope you've never heard someone sing while they cry, because it's one of the most heart breaking sounds I can think of.

"Разгони ты тоску во мне Неспокойно у меня в душе" Katya stopped singing after that line. She quietly wept into Trixie's bedside. Katya just felt so useless. She wasn't a doctor. She didn't have magic healing powers. All she could do was pray, or maybe wish upon a star that the woman she loved so dearly will be okay. All she could do was stay close and be there for her when she wakes up.
She stayed like that until sleep consumed her, because apparently even tears have a limit.


Translation of the song:
(It's called "Lullaby" btw by Polina Gagarina. In Russian: Полина Гагарина - Колыбельная)

Look in my heart and say: "go away" winter
The wind howls and you grey me, the sky groans and we have spring.

Ask the clouds give us white dreams, night swims and we for it
Into the world of mysterious lights.

Break up your melancholy in me,
My soul is restless.

AN- yes I know this is a shorter chapter but it's very eventful and I didn't wanna squish too much into it... hope you liked it? I know it's sad lol i'm sorry but don't worry things could only go uphill from here... right? Only time will tell ;)

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