By bratzcartel

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Not good at descriptions. More



4.4K 285 24
By bratzcartel

"You look cute, What are you doing tonight?" Raven asked

"Josiah's taking me somewhere, he told me to dress sort of formal so, this is what I came up with" she said.

She wore a body con leopard print mini dress with a pair of black heeled sandals, she did a natural glam on her face since that's all she knew how to do and her hair was currently in pin rolls.

"Are you going to put some jewelry on?" Raven asked

"Yeah, I'm looking for my black purse, have you seen it?" Aubrey said

"I think I put it in the hall closet" Raven said

"Thanks, do you think he'll like this" she said spinning around

"Yes you look great, what time is he going to be here"

"He told me 10 minutes so that means 20, so I have to finish my hair"

"What is he taking you out for anyways?, Valentine's Day is tomorrow" Raven asked

"I guess we're doing a two day thing, I think he's going to ask me to be his girlfriend" Aubrey said smiling

"I hope so, you guys are so cute, hurry up and finish so I can take your pictures" Raven said as Aubrey went into her room.

Aubrey took her time combing out her curls and found her gold nameplate along with a gold bracelet she had gotten when she was younger. By time she finished and got her pictures taken Josiah was there.

"You're on time" Aubrey said opening the door


"Good wow?" She asked

"Great" he said as they walked to the car.

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere to eat" he said looking over at her, he'd never seen her dressed up and he was mesmerized. She was gorgeous to him both ways though of course.

"I would ask what place but it's likely you don't want me to know or else you would've said it when I asked" she said and she was correct he wanted it to be a surprise and it was likely she wouldn't know anything about the place if he'd told her the name anyways.

Once they'd gotten there Aubrey was in awe of how pretty it was at night in downtown Atlanta. The tall buildings lit up and the air was slightly chilly. The restaurant was at the top floor of a hotel and it took no time getting them seated although they're was a long line in the crowded restaurant.

"You made reservations here?" Aubrey asked

"No, they didn't have tables for tonight when I tried a week ago, they're booked until November, but I'm a very important person"

"What does that mean?"

"That I'm very important and I'm a person" he said purposely misinterpreting what she said

"You are not that important to be skipping lines and reservations, tell me" she said laughing

"You won't be able to do it so there's no reason to tell you and I am that important"

"Did you do something bad?" she semi whispered with her eyes widened

"No Aubrey, I had my dad pull some strings" He said. His dad knew people and Josiah knew that so he used it to his advantage. Joseph didn't let him do it often though because he only had so many favors he could ask for and in his line of work he needed them.

"So your dad is the very important person?"

"I'm his son so I inherited it from him" he said making Aubrey laugh a little

"This is so pretty" she signed, she was beginning to sign full sentences, only if she knew all the words though.

"You are too" he signed back.

"I thought you didn't like signing in public" Aubrey said

"Well you did it and I didn't want to leave you hanging" he said shrugging. Truthfully he was okay doing it in public when he wasn't the only one doing it.

"Well thanks I guess, also you look really cute too" she said

"Thank you, it took me a while to find this shirt" Josiah wasn't really a dressy person his wardrobe didn't consist of any formal clothing, so he had to shop for something.

"Well you did a good job, we should go on more formal dates so I can see you like this more often"

"Yeah we should because you look whew" he said

"Thank you again, what's good to eat here?" She asked

"I usually eat the seafood meal, you like crab and lobster right?"

"There's crab and lobster on it?" Aubrey asked

"Yeah two lobster tails and 3 crab clusters"

"Well yeah I want that, I probably won't be able to finish it though"

"You can take it home and eat it for breakfast like a weirdo" he said. He found it odd that Aubrey ate any kind of food at any hour of the day, his body didn't operate that way.

"It's not weird, food has no designated time"

"I'm not having this conversation with you again" he said

"Yes because you know I'm right" she said.

The two held light conversation while they ate until they were both full. He managed to eat most of the food which surprised Aubrey because she couldn't even it half.

"Can we just walk around" Aubrey said as they approached the car. She didn't want the night to be over just yet.

"Yeah, you wanna get on the Ferris Wheel?" He asked.

"Mhm I've never been on one" she said as he got a sweater out his trunk.

The line was short so the two were able to get on as soon as they got there.

"I have a question" Aubrey said as they'd got settled onto the ride.

"Go ahead"

"Have you ever did this exact thing with another girl?" Aubrey asked making him laugh

"No, well you're my first like- well I have a question to ask before I finish"


"I want you to be my girlfriend"

"Really?" She asked pretending she didn't know he'd ask her tonight.


"Well yes I'll be your girlfriend" she said kissing him just as the Ferris wheel reached the top.

"Now finish" Aubrey said wanting to get back to the other subject.

"so yeah, you're my first adult girlfriend, and first girl I've been on dates with since I've been an adult so I couldn't have taken anyone else here" he explained

"Oh, well I guess that makes sense" she said. Aubrey had assumed he'd at least been on dates with the girls she knew he'd been with sexually.
"You haven't had sex with her and you made her your girlfriend?" Darren asked surprised.

"Yeah, so?"

"So what if she's bad at it?" Darren asked. He was shocked by his friend's decision and the changes he'd made with himself in a few months.

"I'll make her better" he said shrugging, sex was really the least of his worries with Aubrey. He felt like as long as he knew what he was doing the sex would be good.

"Does Leah know?"

"No and she doesn't need to know, we're not friends"

"Oh yeah I forgot y'all were doing the enemy thing"

"Nobodies enemies just not friends" he said shrugging

"What're you doing here anyways, shouldn't you be celebrating Valentine's Day?"

"Yeah I gotta go to Aubrey's place in a few minutes, you?"

"Nothing" he said shrugging. Darren had a hard time getting girls simply because he had no game, he was a handsome guy but he stumbled on his words around women.

"One day" Josiah said getting up from the table and heading to Aubrey's. Before he went there he picked up a few gifts from Walmart for her.

He knocked on the door only to be welcomed by Leah. He assumed she was there for Raven so he shrugged it out and went to Aubrey's room.

"Hi, is this for me" Aubrey asked smiling at the bouquet of roses, chocolate heart, and large teddy bear in his arms.


"Thank you" she said taking the things and putting them in their designated area in her room. She felt special, it was the first time she'd gotten gifts from a guy on Valentine's Day.

"What are we doing?" He asked looking around her room. He let her plan their Valentine's Day since he planned the dinner the day before and for that same reason Aubrey didn't want to do anything big.

She had a projector on a ladder and her bed next to it with snacks on her nightstand. She planned for the two to do a movie marathon all day.

"Pretend We're at the movies, I hope you like, I didn't feel like going out today"

"It's cool, where'd you get this?" He asked pointing at the projector.

"I got it a while back from Walmart because it was on sale, good thing I did huh?"

"You just buy things because one day you think you'll use it?" he asked

"Yes, is there something wrong with that?" She said

"A lot, what are we watching?"

"The breakdown, have you ever seen it?" She asked


"It's old but I think you'll like it" she said as he sat on her bed and she played the movie.

Halfway through the movie Aubrey had fallen asleep on Josiah's shoulder, she had already seen the movie and was having one of her exhaustion days. Josiah didn't mind though because like she said he would he was enjoying the movie.

"Sorry" Aubrey said waking up just as the movie ended

"It's alright the movie was good like you said, I couldn't have been in that mans position though"

"Why not?"

"Because why would you let your wife go off with some strange man in a truck, he's stupid"

"Yeah I get that, you're supposed to stay together"

"What's next?" He asked

"Next on the list is the vacation" she said, she had picked out movies from different genres so he wouldn't get bored.

After a few movies the movie marathon turned into a make out session with Aubrey on top of Josiah.

"Aubrey we gotta stop" he said breaking the kiss. He could feel himself getting hard and he was sure Aubrey wasn't trying to take it there with him.


"Because you're making my guy excited and we both know we're not having sex so yeah"

"Oh Okay, well what do you want to do"

"I want to have sex with you" he said making her laugh

"I wanna do it with you too but- never mind" she didn't know whether to tell him she was a virgin or not. She felt like he'd start treating her differently if he knew.

"What Aubrey?"

"Well im- I'm a virgin and I want my first time to be special you know?"

"You're a virgin?" He asked. He wasn't surprised, he felt like he knew already and it was nothing to him.



"What's hm mean?"

"It's just a hm Aubrey"

"Yeah but it means something"

"Well nothing bad, I could kinda tell you're a virgin or just extremely shy I don't know why you're making a big deal out of it"

"I wasn't making a big deal I just don't like telling people, it's kind of embarrassing for me to be a virgin at my big age" he said as Josiah laughed. Most girls she knew lost their virginity around age 16 so she felt like that was the norm.

"You shouldn't be, a lot of girls here are virgins or just started this year Bre"

"I would ask how do you know but I don't want that answer"

"I've never taken anybody's virginity here, so it's not the answer you're thinking of" he said

"Oh, well how do you know"

"People talk" he said shrugging

"Hmph, can you hand me the doritos" she asked.

"There's no more"

"You ate everything?" She asked

"Pretty much" he said looking around picking up the empty wrapper.

"You're going to be sick" she said giving him a look.

"I'll be fine, I told you I do this, I didn't eat the chocolate I gave you, eat that"

"Yeah because it wasn't in your reach, I don't have an appetite for chocolate, I'll ask Raven if she wants to go half on some pizza"

"I'll pay for it, they're probably busy anyways" Josiah said

"Thank you"

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