Love Is A Battlefield (A Stra...

By HFFLPFF082300

709K 17.6K 3K

Riley Hopper's life wasn't exactly 'normal' to begin with. The cancer diagnosis, eventually leading to the tr... More

Chapter One: You Wouldn't Believe Me If I Told You
Chapter Two: One Year Later
Chapter Three: What Happened To Will?
Chapter Four: El, Short For Eleven
Chapter Five: I Liked You Better
Chapter Six: Hiding
Chapter Seven: Hawkins National Labratory
Chapter Eight: Will
Chapter Nine: What For?
Chapter Ten: Here Goes Nothing
Chapter Eleven: Good Idea
Chapter Twelve: Deer in Distress
Chapter Thirteen: Over And Out
Chapter Fourteen: Monster Hunting
Chapter Fifteen: Very Bad
Chapter Sixteen: Gone
Chapter Seventeen: The Demogorgan
Chapter Eighteen: Promise
Chapter Nineteen: Merry Christmas
Chapter Twenty: What The Heck Just Happened?
Chapter Twenty-One: Don't Call Me Blondie
Chapter Twenty-Two: All The Best People Are
Chapter Twenty-Three: A Hack and a Con Artist
Chapter Twenty-Four: Stupid
Chapter Twenty-Five: Like We're In Love
Chapter Twenty-Six: Beautiful
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Something Wrong With Me
Chapter Twenty-Eight: It Got Me, Mom
Chapter Twenty-Nine: I Need Steve Harrington
Chapter Thirty: Popcorn and Showers
Chapter Thirty-One: Goodnight, Barbie
Chapter Thirty-Two: His Face Opened Up
Chapter Thirty-Three: Lion or Ninja
Chapter Thirty-Four: Something Alive
Chapter Thirty-Five: Long Story
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Mind Flayer
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Not Giving Up Yet
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Close Gate
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Billy
Chapter Forty: Say You Understand
Chapter Forty-One: Trust Me
Chapter Forty-Two: I Hate You
Chapter Forty-Three: Prom Night
Chapter Forty-Four: I Can't Say It Yet
Chapter Forty-Five: I Love You
Chapter Forty-Six: You Suck
Chapter Forty-Seven: Stupid Idea
Chapter Forty-Eight: Henderson
Chapter Forty-Nine: There's More To Life Than Stupid Boys
Chapter Fifty: The Week Is Long
Chapter Fifty-One: We Make Our Own Rules
Chapter Fifty-Two: Tread Lightly
Chapter Fifty-Three: Some Kind of Game
Chapter Fifty-Four: We're Good
Chapter Fifty-Six: You Won A Fight
Chapter Fifty-Seven: I Liked Being Your Schmuck
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Morons
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Did You Just OD In There?
Chapter Sixty: The Gang's All Here
Chapter Sixty-One: Big-Time
Chapter Sixty-Two: Do It Together
Chapter Sixty-Three: Planck's Constant
Chapter Sixty-Four: Isn't That What Life Is All About?
Chapter Sixty-Five: Right Now
Chapter Sixty-Six: Happy
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Jealous Steve
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Whatever Happens Next
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Bullcrap
Chapter Seventy: Given Up On Assuming
Chapter Seventy-One: Tammy Thompson and Chrissy Cunningham
Chapter Seventy-Two: Definitely Not Nothing
Chapter Seventy-Three: Is This A Dream?
Chapter Seventy-Four: Base of Operations
Chapter Seventy-Five: What You Need
Chapter Seventy-Six: What No One Else Can
Chapter Seventy-Seven: Ready For Anything
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Victor, Vecna, and Vengeful Demons
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Its Going To Be Max
Chapter Eighty: Cry-Baby Petey Mchew
Chapter Eighty-One: Angels, Demons, and Ella Fitzgerarld
Chapter Eighty-Two: Runnin' Up That Hill
Chapter Eighty-Three: Professor X
Chapter Eighty-Four: No Questions Asked
Chapter Eighty-Five: Something is Here
Chapter Eighty-Six: Fears and Vows
Chapter Eighty-Seven: The Shire Is Burning
Chapter Eighty-Eight: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Eighty-Nine: Upside Down Riley
Chapter Ninety: Steve Harrington Saves The Day
Chapter Ninety-One: See You On The Other Side
Chapter Ninety-Two: We Are The Same
Chapter Ninety-Three: Vecna/Henry/One
Chapter Ninety-Four: Dream Come True
Chapter Ninety-Five: Work Through It
Chapter Ninety-Six: She Needs You
Chapter Ninety-Seven: You Will Break
Chapter Ninety-Eight: Always You
Chapter Ninety-Nine: Because of Me
Chapter One-Hundred: Let Me
Chapter One Hundred-One: Brother-In-Laws
Chapter One Hundred-Two: You're Not Real
Bonus Chapter: Family Dinner
Bonus Chapter: Steve's Glasses
Bonus Chapter: First Date
Bonus Chapter: Dreams Of The Future
Bonus Chapter: Sweet Amber
Bonus Chapter: Just Me
Bonus Chapter: Your Parents and Ours

Chapter Fifty-Five: Operation Child Endangerment

6.1K 127 15
By HFFLPFF082300

Once the mall closed, Steve, Robin, Dustin, and I head for the roof, and settled into our position watching the door. We waited until the last delivery of the night, and until the armed guard left the premises, to radio Erica.

"Erica, do you copy?" Robin asked.

"Mm-hmm. I copy. You nerds in position or what?"

"Yeah, we're in position. Its all quiet here, so you've got the green light."

"Green light. Roger that. Commence Operation Child Endangerment." 

"Can we maybe not call it that?" Steve nodded in agreement.

"I mean, that's kind of what it is, let's be real." I said.

"My point exactly. See you on the other side, nerds."

It was another twenty minutes until we heard from her again.

"Alright nerds. I'm there."

"Do you-Do you see anything?" Robin questioned.

"Yeah, I see those boring boxes you're so excited about."

"Any guards?"


"Booby traps?"

"If I could see them, they'd be pretty crap traps, wouldn't they?"

"Thank you for that." I chuckled.

"I can't tell if I like her or not," I said to Steve, "I think I do."

"Of course you do." He said dryly, putting a hand on my knee. 

"I'm in." 

"Oh gosh." Steve tangled his hands in his hair in relief as the doors came swinging open and Erica stood in the doorway, decked out in safety gear with two flashlights taped to her helmet.

"Free ice cream for. Life." She called from the ground. We all stood up, climbing down from the roof and meeting her down below. 

We rushed in and quickly located the Imperial Panda and Kauffman shoes deliveries. Dustin handed Steve his pocket knife and he cut them all open. As Steve handed Dustin back the knife I pulled one of the boxes open, revealing a very weird, very industrial looking container. I reached in, grabbing the handle, when Steve put a hand on my shoulder.

"Why don't you let me do that?" I raised my eyebrows at him and he held his hands up. "Right...sorry. Forgot who I was talking to." I nodded, shooting him a smile before twisting the bar and removing the lid. We all looked into the container to see that not only was there some kind of vapor emanating from the container, there were four more handled-objects waiting to be extracted and inspected by us, a child, an eight grader, and three Mall Ice-Cream shop employees, one of which still being a High School student.

"That's definitely not Chinese food." Steve said. I reached in, going to grab one of the handles when Steve stopped me. "Ok, you got the lid, no reason for you to take all the risks." I held my hands up now and he reached in, grasping the handle. "Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back."

Robin and Erica stepped back while Dustin and I stayed where we were.

"No." Dustin said.

"Just step back, ok?" He put a hand on his chest, trying to push him back. 


"Step back! Seriously!"

"No! No!" Dustin exclaimed. "If you die, I die." Steve glanced at me and I shrugged.

"Ok." He twisted the handle, pulling out a cylinder full of bubbling green goo. "What the heck?"

"What is that?" I carefully touched my fingers to the glass turning it in Steve's hand to inspect it closer.

"Whatever it is...its nothing good, I can tell you that much." I said.  Suddenly the room rattled and we all looked around in shock.

"Was that just me, or did the room move?" Dustin questioned.

"Booby traps." Erica whispered. The room began vibrating again, but this time it didn't stop.

"You know what? Let's just grab that," Robin took it out of my hand, "And go." She moved to put the cylinder in Erica's backpack, and Dustin walked over to the control panel.

"Which one do I press, Erica?"

"Just press the dang button nerd!"

"Which one? I'm pressing the button, ok?"

"Press Open door!"

"I'm pressing 'Open Door'!" Suddenly everyone started yelling at once, and Steve walked over, pressing the buttons too, which triggered a giant metal wall to slide down over the door, trapping us inside. Next thing we know the lights begin blinking and the room drops, triggering screams from Robin, Dustin, and Erica. Steve and I look up in the corner as lights speed by, indicating that was once just a random room is now an elevator and its heading down to some undisclosed location.

"Crap." We said together. The elevator picked up speed and then everyone was screaming and clinging on to whatever solid surface we could find.

"We're going down!" Steve screamed.

"Yeah no duh, Harrington!" Dustin ran over to the control panel, hitting the buttons.

"WHY DON'T THESE BUTTONS WORK!" He screeched in a girl-like voice. Erica ran over to join him.

"Press the button!"


"COME ON PRESS THE THING, JUST PRESS THE BUTTON!" They began hitting all of the buttons until the elevator finally came to a sudden stop, sending me to the ground on top of Steve, and an incredibly heavy box down on top of me. I groaned in pain as my head collided with Steve's sternum.

"My groin," Steve groaned, "You fell on my groin."

"Well sorry, I'll be more careful where I fall next time." I said sarcastically, rubbing the back of my head as I struggled to push the box off of me.

"Are you ok?" He asked, his fingers probing the back of my head.

"I'm fine. You?"

"Dustin! Get this off of us!" Dustin ran over, lifting the box and Steve stood up, hooking his arms under mine and pulling me up with him. I rubbed the back of my head.

"Is everyone ok?" Robin asked.

"YEAH I'M GREAT NOW THAT I KNOW THAT RUSSIANS CAN'T DESIGN ELEVATORS!' Steve screamed, rushing over to the control panel.

"I think we've clearly established that those buttons don't work."

"They're buttons, they have to do something!" 

"Yeah, maybe if you had a keycard with the proper clearance they would do something." I pointed out.

"What?" He asked.

"Its the same kind of lock as the outside, meaning if we don't have a keycard, the thing is practically useless, meaning-"

"We're stuck in here." Dustin said. Steve slammed the control panel door shut, putting a hand on my back.

"Just so you nerds are aware, I'm supposed to be spending the night at Tina's, and Tina always covers for me, but if I'm not home  for Uncle Jack's party tomorrow, and my mom finds out you four are responsible, she's gonna hunt you down one by one, and slit your throat."

"I don't care about TINA! Or UNCLE JACK'S party!" Steve yelled. "You're mom's not gonna be able to find us if we're dead in a RUSSIAN ELEVATOR!"  I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Ok, let's just calm down, and think rationally here for a second, ok?" I suggested. "We need a way out, and clearly the door is not an option so..."

"What if we climbed out?" Dustin suggested, pointing up to the maintenance door. 

"That'll work."


Steve boosted Dustin up so that he could open the maintenance door. Then once he was up and through, he grabbed my waist, lifting me up to it before following behind us.

"What were you saying about climbing?" Steve asked as all three of us looked straight up at what looked like an endless tunnel of nothing.

" much for that." I said, my voice echoing painfully in the metal elevator shaft. "Its ok, there has to be a way out of here, we can figure this out." 

"I appreciate your optimism, but its not really looking like there is a way out of this one." Steve said.

"Yeah, well we've thought that before, and we're all still here to tell the tale." I pointed out. "But I have a feeling no one is around, so we're probably gonna have to wait until morning for this thing to be powered up again."

"Great. So we just have to sit here and wait for the Russians to find us." Steve put both hands on his head.

"No, we just have to sit here and formulate a plan for when they do." I said, taking his hands off of his head. If we have some vague idea of what's coming, we have the next twelve hours or so to figure out what we're going to do when it does." He sighed, but nodded.

"I'm sorry," Dustin said, sitting down on top of the elevator, "I dragged you guys into this. This is my fault."

"You didn't drag us into anything, Dustin. We chose to be here, and I would much rather be here with you then for you to be here on your own, so personally, I'm satisfied with the circumstances of our situation." He smiled and I turned back to Steve.

"Alright...let's figure out what we're gonna do."

Morning came, and we still and no idea what we were going to do.

"This is a code red, I repeat, a code red. This is a code red, I repeat, a code red. Does anyone copy? We are innocent children and we are trapped under Starcourt Mall. The Red Army has infiltrated Hawkins and if we are found, they will torture and kill us."

"Hey!" Steve cut off Dustin's rambling by climbing through the elevator shaft and pulling me up after him. "You gotta take it easy on that thing, ok? You're gonna drain the battery."

"The mall just opened."


"So someone could be in range."

"What do you think, Petey the Mall Cop is gonna rappel down here and save the day?" Steve asked skeptically.

"Alright, why are you such a cranky pants after getting to spend the night with Riley after having her not talk to you for like, a week?" He shot back.

"Yes we had a really romantic evening trapped in an elevator trying to form a game plan that would keep us from dying. Easily the best date idea ever." I said sarcastically.

"We were also trying to figure out a way to open up the door, while you children were sleeping. After eight hours, we're still exactly nowhere which is you know, probably just a little bit of the reason why I'm feeling just a tad cranky." He walked over to the corner of the elevator and unzipped his pants.

"Oh gosh." I groaned, turning around.

"What are you doing?!" Dustin asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing, I'm taking a leak, look away. Look away!" I groaned in disgust as the sound of his urine hitting the wall filled the elevator shaft.

"Can you redirect your stream please?!" Robin shouted. He finished up and re-zipped his pants and I turned around, my nose scrunched up in disgust.

"What?! You gotta go, you gotta go!" 

"Yeah, I guess. I just wish I didn't have to be here to witness it." I pointed out.

"What, you can climb through an oozy slimy Upside Down portal but pee is too much for you?" He questioned. I shrugged.

"Fair point." Suddenly Robin's head appeared in the maintenance hatch.

"We've got company." 

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