The Order and The Ravenclaw (...

By tooldtobehere

182K 5.6K 1.4K

(Lyra Stone Book Two) After everything that happened last year, Lyra knew that evil was waiting just over the... More

Summer Break
Authors Note
The Visitors
The Betrayal
Grimmauld Place
The Attack
The Letter
The Interrogation
The Hallway.
The Nightmare
A Morning with the Weasleys
The Healer and the Jokers
News of Harry
The Snack Boxes
Harrys Arrival
The Order of the Phenoix
The Hearing, The letters, and the Trip
Diagon Alley
A Vacant Storefront
The Party
The Scare
To Hogwarts We Go
The Beginning of a New Year
First Day of Classes
The Boyfriend and The Friend
a Meeting with Dumbledore
a Lover's Secrets
a Bit of Courage
Getting to know the enemy
Trading of Facts and Gossip
Worry and Woes
Slytherins and Ravenclaws
The Letters and The Lessons
Hermione's Dangerous Ideas
Intercepted messages
The Hogs Head
The forbidden forest
The Trouble With Fudge
Dumbledore's Army
Something up with Lyra
Big Plans for Christmas
The Stranger
The Knight Bus
Christmas Morning
Saint Mongos
Christmas Night
Lyra's Muggle Life
The confusing life of Lyra Stone
The Weasleys vs the muggle world
After The Fight
Early Birthday Morning
a Birthday with the Weasleys
A Sick Lyra Stone
January at Hogwarts
The date and The Fight
The Talk
The Magazine
Dreams and Changes
A Very Dangerous Birthday
Phase one
A Rude Awakening
Phase Two
One Last Night with the Boys
Everybody wants to be a Weasley
A turn for the worse
The Visitor
The Visitor 18+
The Visitor After
The Morning After
The Ministry of Magic
A fight for life
I must not lose control
Starting Again
Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes
Someone elses nightmare
The Gift 18+
The Gift
Alastor and Stone
Platform Nine and Three Quarters
End of Book Two

Gryffindor vs Slytherin

1.8K 59 35
By tooldtobehere

It was a cool November Morning as Lyra headed down for breakfast early. The entire castle seemed to be buzzing with excitement and the great hall was a sea of Reds and Greens. 

"Lyyyyraaaa!" came a familiar voice, in a sing-song tone. She turned to see Geroge and Fred running towards her. Geroge swept her up into his arms and spun her. "Hello, my love!" 

"Your in a good mood this morning." She laughed as he placed her down. 

"Of course he is!" Fred said, pumping his fist into the air. "Today's the day we are going to kick Slytherins butts!" 

"And your going to be there to watch us!" George added his excitement and joy rolling off of him in waves, making her quite giddy.

"Yes, Yes I'm going to come and watch the match. I already have plans to sit with Ginny and Hermione to cheer you all on." 

He swept her up in his arms again."Brilliant!" 

Lyra laughed. "I'm glad you're so excited but do you think you could put me down so I can go eat breakfast?" 

He placed her down. "Yes, but first...." 

He swung his backpack off and rummaged through it, pulling out a maroon knitted sweater with a large golden G on the front of it. 

She raised an eyebrow? "What's that for?"

He and Fred grinned wickedly, "Well you can't cheer us on if your not wearing the proper colors." Fred teased.

George handed her the sweater and she laughed again, "George, this'll be a dress on me." 

"That's because its mine." 

Lyra felt her heart speed up, though she didnt know why, of course it was his. She looked at the two of them questioningly.

"Comm'n Lyra!" George begged but he could hardly keep the amusement out of his tone. "Wear it as a good luck charm."

"If you don't wear and we lose, it'll be your fault." Fred added. 

"That is definitely not how that works" They went to cut her off but she raised her hand up to stop them. "But if it will really make you two happy, I'll wear it anyways." 

They cheered in victory as she slipped the large sweater over her head. As she predicted it was way to long for her. Her being so short, and George so tall, meant she usually swam in his jackets. 

"I told you it'd be way to big on me." she laughed. 

"Mmm I don't know." George replied closing the distance between them once again, "I think red may just be your color." 

Fred rolled his eyes, "I'll give you two a moment then" and turned to walk back towards Griffendor table. 

"George, its breakfast." Lyra said, trying to sound exasperated. 

He picked up on her teasing tone though, "Comm'n Lyra, a good luck kiss?"

"mmm maybe if you win." 

"I'll hold you to that." 

"Speaking of good luck," She pulled something out of her pocket, "I was going to give you this as a confidence booster, but now I'm thinking you could do with a little less." 

She opened her hand to reveal a folded up blue ravenclaw tie. It was almost identical to the one he had given her, except blue and bronze instead of red and gold. 

Georges's heart lept and he couldn't help himself, he pulled her close again and kissed her solfty on the forehead. 

She stared up at him, wide eyed, beat red and completely flustered.   

He grinned "Breakfast?"

Lyra nodded, and allowed him to drag her over to the table. The twins scarfed down breakfast, and Lyra was surprised they could eat so much before a game. Once done George leaned over and kissed her on the cheek and then they were off down to the field.

She finished her cereal and then met up with Hermione and Ginny.

Ginny grinned an oddly familiar grin as she saw Lyra. "nice sweater."

Lyra blushed madly. "They made me wear it ."

"Mmmm maybe Hermione could wear one of Ron's next time."

Hermione also turned very pink but pretended not to hear her.

"Ron has one too?" Lyra asked curiously.

"Yeah" Ginny laughed. "Mum makes them for Christmas every year. She'll probably make you your own this year, especially if she saw you in George's."

"Did you get one Hermione?"

"Hm?" She said as if she hadnt been listening. "Oh, yes. Harry too."

"That's really sweet of her." Lyra said subconsciously pulling the sweater tighter around her.

"Yeah, nothing like an ugly sweater to know your loved." Ginny said beaming, "shall we head down?"

The air was icy, the ground chrunched under their feet. The girls chatted Merrily as they found their seats and waited for the match to start.

"Did you see those badges?" Ginny asked.

Lyra nodded, and turned towards Hermione "Did Ron see them?"

"Thankfully no, I made sure to tell Harry not to let him. He's a mess right now as it is."

Lyra couldn't blame him. She thought if she'd have to go in front of the entire school she'd pass out from fright. Nevermind on a broomstick high up in the air where people activity threw balls at you.

"Hopefully he can stand his ground." Ginny sighed worriedly. Even though they fought a lot, it was clear she really cared about him.

"Hey guys!" Someone yelled, and they all turned to see a cheery Neville. "Mind if I sit with you?"

"Of course!" Hermione said scooting over to make room for him. Lyra gave him a small wave.

"Oh, Hi Lyra, I don't think I've ever seen you  at a game before, do you usually sit with Ravenclaw?"

She smiled, "Nah it's my first game. I usually avoid the crowds but I wanted to come support everyone."

"I think you'll like it, it can be pretty exciting to watch!"

Hermione leaned in close to whisper in her ear "How are you handling the crowds? You seem pretty relaxed all things considered."

"That's because I went to see Proffesor Snape this morning before breakfast."

She nodded in understanding.

The sound of the crowd erupting around them turned their attention back to the field. Both teams where entering the field now. Slytherin first, then Griffendor. They joined the crowds cheering as they all lined up and the captains shook hands. Then they took to the air.

"And it's Johnson," Came a commentator over the speakers. "Johnson with the Quaffle, what a player that girl is, I've been saying it for years but she still won't go out with me —"

"JORDAN!" yelled another voice over the speaker.

"Just a fun fact, Professor, adds a bit of interest —"

"Is that Lee?" Lyra asked laughing and Ginny nodded her grin ear to ear.

"and she's ducked Warrington, she's passed Montague, she's — ouch — been hit from behind by a Bludger from Crabbe. . . . Montague catches the Quaffle, Montague heading back up the pitch and — nice Bludger there from George Weasley--"

"Go George!" She yelled as loudly as she could. Her heart raced from the excitement, her cheeks flushed.

"— dodges Warrington, avoids a Bludger — close call, Alicia — and the crowd are loving this, just listen to them, what's that they're singing?"

Lee paused for a moment, and suddenly Lyra could hear it too. Her heart dropped.

She shared a look of Horror with Hermione as the Slytherin side of the pitch sang "Weasley is our King!" At the top of their lungs.

"— and Alicia passes back to Angelina!" Lee shouted over the speakers clearly trying to drown them out. "Come on now, Angelina — looks like she's got just the Keeper to beat! — SHE SHOOTS — SHE — aaaah . . ."

The Slytherin Keeper caught the ball easily, and passed it to another team mate, who began darting down the field again with it. The singing seemed to grow louder and louder the closer he got to Ron.

"— so it's the first test for new Gryffindor Keeper, Weasley, brother of Beaters, Fred and George, and a promising new talent on the team — come on, Ron!" Lee shouted hopefully.

But as Ron dove, his arms swinging frantically, the ball flew right between them and into the middle goal.

They groaned, as the Slytherins screamed with delight.

"It's okay," Hermione said hopefully, "it's the first goal that's all."

But Ron let three more goals in after that, and the singing had grown so loud they could barely hear Lee anymore.

Finally Angelina manged to score and this seemed to lift the crowds spirits. They roared their approval, maybe this wasn't a lost game after all.

What seemed like seconds later, Ginny nudged her and pointed to Harry and what looked like Malfoy, they were both diving, chasing something.

"Looks like they've spotted the snitch!" Hermione yelled "If Harry can catch it we'll win!"

"Comm'n Harry!!!" They cheered.

They were feet from the ground now, arms outstretched, Lyra couldn't even make out the small golden ball, but next thing she knew Harry was pulling upwards again, his hand held up in the air, clutching something in victory.

The crowd around her erupted. But their cheers were cut short, as a ball made contact with Harrys back sending him flying off his broom. They screamed out in horror.

"What's happened?" Lyra asked confused. "I thought the game was over?!"

"It is." Ginny growled. "It was that prat Crabbe."

"Come on," said Hermione, "we better head down to make sure he's okay."

Lyra kept a close eye though as they weaved their way through the seats and down the stairs. Something didn't seem right...

The other players had landed, Malfoy was saying something. Then Angelina grabbed Fred's arm. Then Harry Grabbed George's.

"Um Hermione, I think we may have a problem."

Hermione looked up just in time to see Harry let go of George, and in a flash both boys were on top of Malfoy. The crowd reacted immediately. People yelled out, some cheered, a few girls screamed. 

"Oh bloody hell!" Hermione said and all three began to run down the stairs. But they were too late, by the time they had made it all the way down, Madam Hooch had broken up the fight, and sent the two boys on their way.

They reached the rest of the team, Lyra still panicked, as she got a good look at Malfoy. He was beaten to a pulp.

"What happened?!" Hermione said breathlessly.

But Lyra couldn't hear their response, she was looking around feverishly for George.

She found Fred, standing and getting told off by Madam Hooch. She barreled up to him almost knocking Madam Hooch out of the way.

"George," she said breathlessly "Where's George?! Is he hurt?? Are you okay?!"

She held his sides forcefully oblivious to the world around her.

"I'm not sure," Fred admitted, "he was bleeding but he could walk. They sent him up to the castle."

She looked him up and down quickly, seeing no injuries, and then took off running.

"Young Lady get back here!!!" Madam Hooch yelled after her.

"Lyra!!!" Hermione yelled.

But she was too far gone. She ran as fast as she could. Her lungs burning from the icy air, her arms and legs screaming out in protest, her side cramping up in pain. She ran all the way to Professor McGonagall's office.

She slid to a stop in front of the door and wrenched it open. Not even hearing the cries of surprise and outrage. Lyra scanned the room until she found George. She tried to run towards him but her legs were wobbly from running, and she stumbled almost falling on top of him.

"Lyra?!" He said shocked not quite believing his eyes.

"George." She said breathlessly reaching up clutching his face turning it this way and that.

"MRS. STONE." Professor McGonagall bellowed, but she fell on deaf ears.

"Your lip, are you hurt anywhere else?! Fred said he say you were bleeding but-" Tears were in her eyes now.

George reached up and touched her arms. He could feel her sheer panic. Her eyes unfocused, she was pure emotion."Lyra, Lyra calm down I'm okay, just a busted lip is all" He said.

They were all shocked at the state of her. Even Professor McGonagall's rage had been temporarily stunted.

"For heaven sakes you silly girl." She said, but her voice was softer now. She placed a hand on her shoulder and began to pry her away from him. "of course he's okay, do you think he'd be here if he was seriously injured?"

Lyra finally turned towards her touch. "P-Professor?" She asked in a daze as if she had just walked into the room.

She looked around the room noticing a very confused Harry, and Umbridge standing there too. She gulped and began to stand.

Seeing that she was starting to come to herself Professor McGonagall switched back into her stricter mode. "Yes, Mrs. Stone. We were in the middle of a discussion about these two boys' actions before you so rudely came barreling in like the castle was on fire."

"O-oh." Lyra began, reality slowly starting to click back into place.

"Outside with you. I'll deal with you after we are done with these two."

She looked back at George. Trying to fit all of her emotions into one look.

"NOW Mrs. Stone."

"Yes, Professor," she said and quickly stepped outside.

Lyra put her back against the cool castle wall and slipped all the way down to the floor. The weight of what she had just done settling in. She covered her face and groaned. Why on earth had she done that?!

It wasn't long before Professor McGonagall's door crept open, and everyone filed out. George stopped short in front of her, but a scathing look from Professor McGonagall kept him moving.

She turned to Lyra now peering down at her sternly. "Mrs. Stone, come take a seat."

Lyra felt her heart drop and her stomach lurch. But she quickly rose and walked back into her office quietly.

She sat in the chair George was previously in. Professor McGonagall walked around her desk and sat down across from her. She rubbed her temples frustratedly.

"In all your years here Mrs. Stone you have been nothing but an exemplary student. I've never once seen you or heard from another staff member that you've acted out in any sort of way."

Guilt swirled around Lyra now. She could feel her tears coming back again.

"You've never even turned in an assignment late!" She continued exasperatedly, "So could you please explain to me what on earth came over you?"

Lyra shifted in her seat. She tried to find the words to explain, but she couldn't.

Professor McGonagall looked up at her now, and she softened a bit. "Why were you so afraid?"

"I-I I'm so sorry Proffesor. I think I just lost control." Tears flowed freely now she tried to quickly wipe them away.

"Oh child." McGonagall said, and passed over a box of tissues.

"I was so worried. I was so worried that he was going to be hurt that I let my guard down, and I think, I think the crowd around me when they panicked I lost control."

She sighed. "That seems to be the common denominator in all of this. A loss of control."

Lyra looked down at her lap. She felt so ashamed. "I really am sorry Proffesor McGonagall. I'll do whatever I need to do to make up for this."

Professor McGonagall watched the girl with stern eyes. "When I first met you, Mrs. Stone,  you were this shy little thing. Always on your own, never really allowing yourself to take up space, never risking anything."

Lyra looked up now, meeting her Proffesers gaze.

"And then one day, out of nowhere it seems, I look up and there you are with the Weasley twins at your side." She laughed dryly. "At first I thought maybe they were up to no good, I couldn't wrap my head around such a strange trio the three of you made."

Lyra shifted in her seat uncomfortably. Not sure where she was leading with this.

"But the biggest surprise was how much you had changed in such a short time. How much you had grown. Mrs. Stone, I don't want this one slip too far to the other side to have you reeling backward. You made a mistake. That's okay. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Lyra nodded and dabbed the tears away from her eyes again.

"Now if it were up to me, and your head of house, we would probably have let you off with a warning. But Professor Umbridge has intervened and expects you to serve three nights of detentions with her. Do you understand?"

Lyra nodded her head again.

"Good. Now go get some rest." 

She quickly left the office, but instead of heading towards her room, she found herself heading for the Gryffindor Common room. She thought that she would have some difficulty sneaking in, but someone soon left the common room, and they didn't even look up as she quickly swept by them and into the common room. 

The Gryffindor team was slumped around the fire. She scanned through them looking for Fred and George. They looked particularly grim. Lyra stopped short, maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea... would it have been better to give him space? 

Ginny looked up, seeing Lyra standing there unsure. "Lyra?" she asked, "How'd you get in here?"

George's head flew up and as their eyes met, Lyra decided now was not the time to be unsure. She walked over to him, as soon as she was in arms reach he reached up and pulled her into his lap. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close to her.

"Hello, Love," He sighed "You feeling any better?"

"I'm sorry." She said into his shoulder. "I went crazy and made everything worse."

"Nah," he said running his fingers through her hair. "It was pretty hot how you barged in like you owned the place. Made me feel pretty special."

"You didn't get in trouble for it did you?"

"Not in anymore trouble then I was already in."

"Did you really barge into Proffesor McGonagall's office?" Fred asked.

"Like the school was on fire" Lyra sighed.

He snorted. "I bet she was pissed. She tear you a new one after?"

"No I got off pretty easy."

"You goody two shoes always do." He grumbled slumping back.

Lyra looked up at George now. "What about you and Harry? How many detentions?"

George's face fell and his emotions soured. "worse then detentions I'm afraid, they've banned us from playing. Fred too. We're all banned for life."

Lyra sat up. "Banned from playing Quidditch?!"

"Afraid so." Fred said miserably.

"Oh guys." She said looking around at the team. It made sense why everyone was in such a rotten mood now. "I'm so sorry."

"Yeah," said Fred, "So are we."

Lyra touched George's cheek, she tried to send him all of her love. The feel his sorrow.

He pulled her hand away. "Lyra I'm okay-"

"Shut up." She said.

He blinked at her in utter surprise. "What?"

"I said, shut up and be upset George. It's okay that your upset right now."

He blinked at her again, and if he hadn't been so upset he probably would have laughed. Instead though he sighed and pulled her into a hug. "Alright then," he said and didn't hold it back any longer.

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