Partners In Crime: An Among U...

By LunaOfChaos

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"Why didn't you kill me?" "A couple reasons. The main one is that you weren't having a typical emotional rea... More

Chapter 1: Uh... Hi.
Chapter 2: Why Am I Suddenly The Psychopath?
Chapter 3: Defending The Liar
Chapter 4: I Didn't Come Here To Be Psychoanalyzed.
Chapter 5: Should I Take That As A Compliment?
Chapter 6: I Dare You.
Chapter 7: We Need To Talk.
Chapter 8: Fear? Psychopaths Don't Know Fear.
Chapter 9: Begone.
Chapter 10: Expendable
Chapter 11: Framing The Innocent
Chapter 12: Order To Kill
Author's Notes - Part I
Deleted Scene: Part I Alternate Ending
Part II - Synopsis
Chapter 14: Home Sweet Home.
Chapter 15: That Was An Absolute DISASTER.
Chapter 16: He Knows.
Chapter 17: Trust No One
Chapter 18: Just Another Crewmate
Chapter 19: United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Chapter 20: Like A Lamb To The Slaughter
Chapter 21: Your Worst Nightmare
Chapter 22: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 23: You Fool.
Chapter 24: Ensuing Chaos
Chapter 25: Broken Glass
Chapter 26: Allies and Secret Agents
Chapter 27: What's The Plan?
Chapter 28: Oh, God, No.
Chapter 29: Whose Fault Would That Be?
Chapter 30: Worth It? Probably Not.
Chapter 31: Please Don't Give Me An Existential Crisis.
Chapter 32: Hurry Up. Please.
Chapter 33: Just Don't Look.
Chapter 34: Wrong Place At The Wrong Time
Chapter 35: Maybe They Already Succeeded.
Chapter 36: Prove It.
Chapter 37: It Can't End Like This.
Chapter 38: No Remorse
Chapter 39: Pick Up The Pieces
Chapter 40: Do I NEED A Reason To Want To Watch The World Burn?
Chapter 41: Tell Me The Truth.
Chapter 42: Anything You'd Like To Confess?
Chapter 43: Trapped
Chapter 44: That's A Lie.
Chapter 45: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 46: Black and White
Author's Notes - Part II
Part III - Synopsis
Chapter 47: Ice-Cold
Chapter 48: Wow. Rude.
Chapter 49: Not Again.
Chapter 50: Screaming
A/N: Just Want To Say Something
Chapter 51: To The Ship!
Chapter 52: Who, Me?
Chapter 53: You Wouldn't Dare.
Chapter 54: Nobody Asked You.
Chapter 55: Web of Lies

Chapter 13: Why Am I Here?

210 14 63
By LunaOfChaos

"Have you ever yearned to go, past the world you think you know, been enthralled to the call of the beauty underneath?"

- "The Beauty Underneath," Love Never Dies



On a bench outside the changing rooms, Blue waited for Green to join her again.

After they left the Skeld, they had to change out of their spacesuits, since they were now on Earth again.

Blue hadn't taken much time to change, since she didn't necessarily care about her appearance.

After all, what was the point in looking presentable if, inside, she felt horrible?

Before, I wanted to feel more emotion.

But... these aren't the emotions I wanted.

Deep down, in her gut, she felt her guilt.

I should have done something sooner.

Maybe more of them would be alive.

With her current mental state, she didn't feel like doing anything other than a simple braid with her hair.

However, she did keep her blue color scheme for her clothing, since the particular shade did comfort her - even if just a little.

Just then, Green walked out of the men's changing room, and both of them looked at each other with new eyes, since they had never seen one another without their spacesuits.

... I didn't know it was possible for him to look even MORE like the bastard son of an idiotic, bucket-brained pigeon and a serial killer.

The first thing Blue noticed was Green's fluffy, light brown hair, and his gray eyes. They weren't the warmer shade of gray, but instead the much colder shade that made one wonder if they had a heart or soul.

Evidently not, in his case.

As she had observed long before, he was a little shorter than she was, but his physique was a little scrawnier than she imagined.

Then how the f**k did he easily overpower me in the fight for the button?

... he's a lot stronger than he looks.

That must be part of his tactic.

Green blew his small green streak of hair from his face when it got into his eye.

Each of them had a streak of hair dyed their suit color, as was tradition - Blue had a small blue streak, which went quite nicely with her black hair.

Green sighed. "So, are we just gonna keep calling each other Green and Blue, or are we going to do actual names?"

"I already know you as Green, so even if I know your real name, I'll still call you Green."

"Eh, true. Well, if you're curious, my name's Lexacon."

Blue paused. "No, no, that can't be it. That sounds too normal."

Green looked at her, amused. "No one's ever called my name normal."

"Clearly, they haven't compared it to your one-of-a-kind, exceptionally insufferable personality."

"Ah, there's the Blue I know," he smiled. "I was wondering when the attitude would come back - you haven't been yourself the past few hours."

"... Oh, gee, I wonder why."

"And have I mentioned how much I like the sarcasm?"

Blue was becoming increasingly more irritated with him with every word that came out of his mouth.

... What would happen if I punched him in the jaw?

Green picked up his bag that carried his spacesuit, and started walking towards the exit of the space center. After a few steps, he turned, looking at Blue to follow.

She snatched up her bag as well, and followed his lead. Out front, there was a car - it was apparently waiting for them, since Green went ahead and got in.

The parking lot was mostly empty, since it was evidently the weekend, meaning that they had little to no witnesses seeing them leaving.

Blue got in and closed the door, and immediately, the car started to move.

"Okay, now business - once we get out of this car, we will be at our final destination."

"You told me a little about that before, while we were landing - but what the heck is this... soy?"

"No, not soy, SSOUI. As in Sweden. SSOUI."

Blue rolled her eyes. "Okay, fine, not soy. What is... SSOUI?"

"There you go, you got it. It's the Secret Society Of United Imposters."

"And what do they do, exactly? Murder people on space missions for the fun of it?"

Green looked a bit uncomfortable when he said, "Well, essentially, their current aim is to stop the space program."


"But why?"

"Commander Maelstrom has his reasons - meaning... I don't know exactly. I have a hunch, but I haven't confirmed anything yet."


"Well, what's your hunch?"

Green lowered his voice, leaning down towards her. He paused before saying, "my hunch is that they've found something out in space somewhere, and they don't want anyone else getting their hands on it. I mean, why else would they target the space program specifically? Why not the government itself? It just doesn't make sense to me. If the goal was to strike fear into everyone, they wouldn't be taking so many measures to keep us secret, now would they?"

Blue pondered that for a moment. What would they have found?

"But anyways," Green sat back. "That's just my personal theory. Think what you will, but don't tell anyone else - it's not good to be questioning orders."

She nodded, but then a thought came to her, and she decided to ask him.

"So... why am I here, exactly?"

Green paused. "You want the practical answer, or the emotional one?"

Oh, DEFINITELY not that one. I'm not in the mood to deal with that.

"Definitely the practical answer."

"Well, I've been trying to move up in the ranks, and bringing a new recruit safely into the SSOUI automatically puts you higher up."

This might get emotional... but I have to know-

"Wait, but why me?"

"Because, deep down, I believe you're a lot like me."

They were both silent for a long moment before Blue finally responded:

"I am nothing like you."

There was another silence.

"... Well, you're probably right. But, after hanging around me long enough, I'll start to rub off on you. Just you wait."

Blue rolled her eyes at him.

Green smiled. "And, who knows? We might even become friends. I'd like that."

"What makes you think I'd want to be friends with you?"

"Because I'm interesting to talk to?"

... He wasn't wrong. Not entirely.

However, instead of answering, Blue proceeded to say, "anyway, back to business - what is going to happen to me when we walk into the SSOUI?"

Green got really quiet for a second, and then said, "okay, Blue, hear me out: from now on, if I tell you to do something, you need to do it."

"Why would I do that?"

"... Because, if you don't, it's certain death for both of us."



As she regained consciousness, the first thing she saw was the bright light. Too bright.

And the first thing she felt was her pounding head, and pain on a certain spot on her arm for some reason.

She closed her eyes again, turning away from the light.

What happened? I... I don't remember-



She hit me-

She said... she said-

... "Now, I need to kill all of you to save both me and Talon - but I can't do that."

Her words echoed in Black's head.

Why did she say that??

... I'm not in the right state of mind to process this.

I'm definitely forgetting something.

A major something.

She was confused. So, so confused. She opened her eyes again and blinked, trying to get used to the bright light.

Then, Black remembered: the others. Where are they?

Just then, in her peripheral vision, she saw someone walk up.

"Good, you're awake," Red's voice said. Why did he sound so far away?

Black did a simple thumbs-up, still trying to fix her vision.

"Oh, that must be hurting your eyes - let me try something," he said.

Finally, in the dimmer light, everything came back into focus.

She sat up in the hospital bed - wait.

Hospital bed? This isn't the MedBay.

... Where in the known universe am I?

Noticing her confusion, Red explained, "oh, the authorities came and got us from the Skeld after we landed."

Speaking of Red, he wasn't in his spacesuit anymore - although, he was still wearing the color red.

Looking to the beds next to her, Black realized that Pink and Purple were also no longer in their spacesuits.

She also noticed that Blue was missing, and so was Green.

And that Pink and Purple were alive.

They're gone. But where?

And if she said "I need to kill all of you"... then why are we alive?

Why am I alive?

Red sighed. "They asked me questions, and then told me we'd be sent back out again as soon as possible."

... seriously? They're not taking our crewmates' DEATHS into consideration??

Red was also frustrated, and he rolled his eyes angrily. "They said there were technically 'no bodies,' and 'no evidence,' so they couldn't do anything."

TECHNICALLY? What?? That makes no sense. Literally no sense.

Something must be up for them to overlook this. And to send us back out? That's weird - and suspicious.

Black sighed through her nose, and then remembered: her tablet.

I need to ask him- I need to know where Blue is.

She's missing, and so is Green-

Do the others know what she told me?-

She turned to Red, made a writing motion with her hand, and then mimed the shape of the tablet. My tablet. I need it.

"Oh! Right," he said, getting up from his chair. "Speaking of your tablet, Blue left something for you."

... she did? That means... she left.

She's gone - and I'd bet anything that Green is with her.

Red reached for a pile of bags - which Black noticed contained all their spacesuits - and he pulled out Black's beloved tablet and handed it to her.

Black nodded, smiling in gratitude, and Red nodded back, going to leave the room.

"I'm going to go get the little ones," he said.

Black watched him leave, and then turned back to her tablet, pressing the sketch app.

... And there was a full-scale letter from Blue.

Taking a deep breath, Black started to read:


I'm sorry for hitting you on the head - I knew I couldn't have you running out and alerting Green to the situation, so I panicked... I'm so sorry.

Black understood, but also- ... did you expect me to take it WELL?

I understand if you hate me. I really do. But thank you for being my friend while I was here - I don't deserve you.

I... don't know what I feel.

As for the situation... Green blackmailed me into helping him (Red can help elaborate on this), and I had to, in order to protect Talon. He told me, and I quote: "This isn't the only ship with an imposter right now".

... So they WERE the imposters.

And there are other people in our situation.

But why?

There are other killers like him - apparently there's some sort of movement, and he's planning to take me back there for some reason. I faked your deaths, and I'm going with him to keep him away from all of you - I don't know what'll happen to me, but I'll try to escape if I can.

... Please do. I'm definitely not happy with you, but... I also don't want you dead.

And where are you??

Whatever you do next, please... just take care of Talon. I couldn't take him with me, and he's much safer with you.


Blue (Estelle)

... Estelle.

So that's her real name.

Black pressed the Save option, saving Blue's letter in her files.

Blue and Green were both imposters. And they're both gone.

Blue faked our deaths, and that's why we're alive.

Things started to make more sense.

Just then, Red entered the room, with his son and with Talon.

Talon. She risked all of our lives for him.

... But it's not really his fault that she did that.

She smiled at Talon as he ran towards her. Black stood up from her bed, testing her legs. They were fine, so she easily leaned down and picked up Talon, ignoring the pain in her arm as she did so.

Looking down, she realized that she had a bandage there.

... How did I get hurt there??

While she thought, Talon quickly made himself comfortable on her shoulder.

Red shook his head. "I don't know if he knows what's going on yet. That's a shame - he could potentially be a good source of info."

Black looked at Talon, noticing how he definitely wasn't his bright and curious self. She picked up her tablet.

No, he definitely misses her. Notice how he seems depressed? I think Blue told him something, or at least, he's kinda picking up on what's going on.

"... do we know how much he understands?" Red asked Black.

Blue always said he was pretty intuitive - I wouldn't be surprised if he did understand.

Red pondered this for a moment. "He probably doesn't, since he hasn't spoken a word or verbally communicated at all. And, since he hasn't communicated, who's to say that he remembers anything useful?"

After a long pause, Red looked at Black and sighed at her doubtful expression.

"... Okay, fine, I'll try."

Red turned to the small child.

"Talon, do you miss your sister?"

The little one looked up, staring at Red.

He paused for a long moment.

And then, in a tiny, nervous voice, Talon clearly whispered, "... yes."

Red's eyes widened.


A/N: I'm back.

Welcome to Part II! I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I'll enjoy writing it. :)

So, what do you think so far?

Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it!

And thank you so much for over 1K reads!! I was absolutely ecstatic when I saw that!

(... Honestly, part of me still can't believe my one random idea turned into this. It's quite surreal.)

As for the update schedule, I don't have one, since I like to be flexible with my scheduling.

I will say that Part II will take a lot longer than Part I to complete, since I have many fun plans for these beloved characters.

But don't worry - I'll update fairly regularly, and I fully intend on completing this project in its entirety. :)

I have a couple chapters prewritten, so I'll see you soon!

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