Earth 23 (Re-editing process...

By LorraineDiaz12131989

1.6K 49 1

Welcome to Earth 23. Barry Allen is the son of Henry and Nora Allen, They attended a gala night by Mr. Bruce... More

Little More Explanation
Episode 1: Hearts Distress Call
C-02: Welcome To Our Earth 23
C-03 Kara's Siren Call
C-04 The Speed Force Fiasco
C-05 The AfterMath
C-06 Time Blast From The Past and Future
C-10 Morning Hangovers
C11: Afternoon Deals
C-12 Gods of Krypton
C13: Midvale Adventures
C-14 Central City: Home of the Flash
C-15: Let The Hunt Begin
What if? Author's note...

C-09: The Queen of the Knight

49 4 0
By LorraineDiaz12131989

     The night was cold, but it was peaceful, as peaceful as it gets. The night of the heroes started so glamorously. The chandeliers shine brightly every time the ladies sway their long sequins gown dress on the dance floor with their dashing strong-armed tuxedo partners. The baroque style matches the champagne, and the bar was taken by the heroes who like to drink for the night. The laughter of the weary heroes beautifully dominates the echo inside of the room, a melody of the harmonious clang of wine glasses that comes with the challenges between two unfriendly competitors.

James Olsen (The Guardian) makes the DJ Music for this evening while Mon-El (Valor) was bartending alongside Mr. Alfred Pennyworth.

James first song was Jason Todd (Robin)'s favorite song Ed McCain's – I'll be there and so he asks Thea Queen (Speedy) to dance with him as they are both sidekick of Batman and Green Arrow respectively, then Clark Kent and Lois Lane join the dance with Ronnie (FIRESTORM) and Caitlin (Killer Frost), and Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) and Dick (Nightwing)

Meanwhile Oliver Queen (The Green Arrow) was set to the gentleman's table wearing a dark cherry vest as punishment from her sister for losing in the monopoly two nights ago, with a 15-year-old whiskey in his hand he was join by John Diggle (Spartan), J'onn(Martian Manhunter), Barry Allen (the Knightly Speedster), Barry Allen of Earth 1, Captain Rip Hunter (Capt. Of Waverider), Dr. Nathan Heywood (Steel man), John Constantine (The Magician), Mick Rory (Heat Wave), Leonard Snart (Captain Cold), Carter Hall (Hawk Man), Ronnie Raymond (FIRESTORM), King Arthur of Atlantis, Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), and Bruce Wayne

Then in the Ladies Table we have Kate Kane (Batwoman), Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Felicity Smoak (Oracle), Laurel Lance (Black Canary), Sara Lance (White Canary/Agent Venus) and Alex Danvers (Agent Croft), Nia Nal (Dreamer), Kendra Saunders (Hawk girl), Lisa Snart (Golden Glider), Zari Tomas, Lois Lane and Lady Diana of Themyscira.

In the genius chairs is Dr. Max Stein (FIRESTORM), Henry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Winn (Agent Solo), Hartley Rathaway(Pied Piper), Curtis (Codex), Cisco Ramon of Earth 1, Harrison Wells of Earth 2, where he supposed to get Cisco and Barry back to Earth 1 but of course, Party of the Heroes who say no to that.

Everyone was having a good time for a moment forgetting they were heroes, for a time being, they are normal people needed to hang out or have a good time. There were a lot of talks between these heroes. In the genius table, Henry asks Harry not telling him about Zoom.

"Why didn't you inform me that you are having a problem with Hunter Zolomon? You know we can send him to space where he could never use his powers? Henry asks Harry.
"I've seen Barry and Jay's life in the hand of Zoom and if we lose to Zoom, I don't want your son to be hunted next, the less he knows, the better. Plus, probably it's better mental health of Her Majesty not to see Zoom, last time they fought it was brutal and I don't think that's her it will change her," Harry explain and has a good point.
"Well, that's a good point, he was just starting to be the Flash of this Earth, I wish you could visit me and give to you something that can help you defeat him," Then look at Barry 1, "I just wanna let you know that you have multiversal allies in the multiverse," My dad said getting the idea correctly.
"Thanks, Dr. Allen," Barry1 said.
"Please, call me Henry or Papa Henry is much better, but of course, I can't take the place of your real father away from you," Henry clarified it to Barry1.
"Alright Papa Henry, your call," he said jokingly.

Then Barry heard his dad let Barry1 calling him Papa Henry makes his night better, he slides in the table with them and reach his hands to Barry

"Yehey!!! Everybody, I claim tonight and forever, I got a Multiversal Twin here," Barry said to everyone and raised a glass for him.

Barry raised his hands with Barry1 who was laughing at the top of his lungs. The people cheer in the air in-sync with Barry's toast for the night. When Barry excuses himself to see Arthur and Diana, Hartley goes to Barry1 and handshake with him. Barry1 and Cisco1 were shocked by this.

"This night keeps getting better," Cisco1 said.
"Oh... yes! And you look like them," Hartley said.
"We came from different Earth," Barry1 said.
"Do you have this face on your Earth?" Hartley asked and Cisco scoffed.
"Absolutely terrifying. Because on our earth he is a villain..."
"Of your engineering life," Barry chimed in correcting Cisco.
"Oh... I was, and even when I'm bad, Barry gave me a chance to feel what it's like to be a protector of my City, The Central City and it feels good!" he said trying to smolder.
"Well, maybe if you can, he can too" Barry1 looking at Cisco.
"No!!! Hartley and I, in one room, have you seen us? Barry his mind and mine are not a good example of a work ethic relationship!" Cisco laughable outburst.
"Don't worry Cisco and I always do, Henry and Barry always get in between us whenever we fight about our egos about sciences," Hartley said.
"No, I don't do that one. I already had H.R. and Cisco. I don't want to get wrinkles in time," Barry joked about it.
"There's a lot to connect people and the night is still young. See you around,"

Barry salutes to Hartley while Hartley bump into Cisco, Cisco immediately turns into his Hispanic language and Hartley fight back in Japanese apparently, they can't also stand each other. Then Hartley looked at Barry and Cisco's Earth 1 Table

"See what I mean,"
"What do you mean?" looking at Barry1 and Cisco1, "What does he mean?" Looking back to Hartley who is walking away from him, "What do you mean?"

Cisco called him out many times and followed him too, leaving Barry1 and Cisco1 and talk to the others like Oliver, Thea, Felicity, and John Diggle telling them about the version of Team Arrow on their Earth. Later on, Bruce calls everyone with a clang on his flute champagne a makes a personal toast. Everybody loves his speech which is the first time he did after became Batman, he was a closed-door person, so making a personal toast was memorable.

"That's a first," Diana said Surprise but sweet acceptance.
"Quite surprising" Selina said Looking at him lovingly.
"I seconded their emotions. There is only one meaning of this 'ANOTHER ROUNDS FOR DRINKS!!!' Mon-El!!! Bring out the maddest drink that this group has ever gulp!!! And DJ Guardian TURN UP THE HEAT!!!" Kate Kane said.

Bruce laughs at his one and only cousin Kate Kane, Mon-El charges up the drinks while James turns the music to Jeremy Renner's music Main Attraction, Bruce notice Clark was sad even though Lois Lane is here and as a detective, he already knew what was it but still approach it.

"Hey! Nice Speech, I didn't know you could do that,"
"Just came out of me, I may have written speeches before but still, it feels different when it comes to this," Pointing to his brain, not from his heart.
"And he's back," Clark laughing.
"Is she not yet waking up?"
"No," he said softly then look at J'onn and J'onn answered him back, "J'onn says she's making progress but she's indefinite,"
"Don't worry, she is a fighter, remember she is stronger and the best than you,"

Then a drunk Oliver and Kate came to challenge Bruce.

"I challenged you, my friend, to a dangerous and most critical game of all..." he started.

Oliver stops at his words thinking what it was. Bruce waited for him.

"The "DART THE PICTURED GAME" game," Oliver finally remembers it.
"You challenged me to a Dart game?" Bruce asks Oliver if he hears right.

Kate shot a gun finger at him while Bruce wasn't sure if he was saying correctly or he has a problem with his ears.

"Dart Game," Oliver said again.
"Sure. Where are the Darts? and where's the..."

Oliver produced a toy gun darts. He seriously wanted to laugh but he only snorted because of Oliver's drunk childish moments.

"Here I thought you were into "ARROWS"?" Bruce asks while taking the orange gun from Oliver.
"I can be everything you know, let's see who is the sharpest eye between us plus in every bullet which seven, eight dart bullets... we drink Alderum. Mon-el brings out the rum!!!"

"Oh my god!!! That's crazy," Clark said getting excited.

Mon-El heard Oliver and bring Alderum, the highest intoxicated rum from the Roanian Solar System, Daxam's favorite rum but still, Mon-el breaks out the Alderum and place two glasses in front of Oliver and Bruce.

"Just so you know, THIS IS NOT FOR HUMAN capacity," He called out, "But for two of you, sure, just no hitting the winery cell," Mon-El reminded them but who cares.

Everyone glued their eyes from a not so–so friendly vigilante game, Clark gave the word.

"All right, Drink first," Clark commanded and they both drank.
"Oh!!! Strong"

"Yeah, it does, Okay," Clark looked at Bruce, "the word is 'Smoke'," Clark said.

Bruce shoots John Constantine and exclaims bloody hell while Oliver shoots Felicity in the forehead.

"I said smoke not Smoak" Clark said laughing out loud
"My Bad!!! Sorry, Fel!!!" Oliver said.

"It's Okay!" Felicity said it while Winn remove the Dart from her breast.
"One point for Bruce, O for Oliver" Clark said.

"Yes! Outstanding!!!" Oliver being so proud drunk.

Everyone laughs at the comedic stand of Clark and Oliver's Drunkenness. How did they get Oliver drunk anyway?

"Felicity does the honors," Clark said Felicity came over while Oliver and Bruce drank the Alderum and she gave the second one.

"The word is 'Beep-beep'," Felicity said the hint.

Oliver didn't know what to do and neither did Bruce. They think for a while, confused and drunk as well to what beep-beep is, then Oliver shoots the coffee maker while Bruce shoots Barry Allen.

"Beep-Beep," Bruce said to Barry and he snorted.

"2 points to Bruce and O for Oliver!" Felicity said.

Poor Oliver can't get a single point. The play continues, Sara gave Bruce and Oliver, the word is BIRDS, they shoot each other "birds" and everybody was having a misfit of laughter, how dark the joke was, then she explains that the bird was Carter Hall and Kendra Saunders, they were embarrassed especially Bruce, this is the only time he regretted something but no points for that one, while Clark film that part because at last he has blackmail to Bruce then until the last dart both agreed to do it at the same time, unfortunately, Bruce wins because he already used somehow to drink in this Alderum and he was practiced with the Batarangs that he made for and also HE IS BATMAN, everybody cheers while others lose some bets. Bruce pats the back of Oliver as a consolation part then Oliver exit with his headbang in the post while Laurel takes care of him and Selina came up with Bruce as they go to the one of the rooms and make magic.

Sara was having a great time with her girlfriend Alex, the food is fantastic, the music is great, especially it was her favorite song, Backstreet Boys' I want it that way and everybody sings!!! Especially Mick, who was holding the microphone with Leonard, Ronnie, Carter as the Backstreet boy's Heroes Edition. She notices that Dr. Ray Palmer (Atom), her friend, was not at the party, so she excused herself and went to Dr. Nathan Heywood, his best friend.

"Hey, Nate!" Sara greeted Nate.
"Hey, Sara! How is life with Alex?" Nate asks.

"Great! Where's your other boyfriend?" Sara asks Nate clearly to find someone.
"You know I am into girls, I dance like a Flamingo Man," Nate said not noticing of Sara's sarcasm, "C'mon have some party," and he do a salsa dance step.
"Oh my god!!! Not that one, what I meant is where is Ray???"
"Oh... that one, I mean, I haven't talked to him since yesterday, I thought actually he's coming today... though he didn't show up a while ago too," she told herself, maybe it's totally nothing but at the back of her mind still bugging her, she should pay a visit to the Palmer Industries later after the party.

"Well, enjoy it! The night. There are not so many bachelorettes here except for Zari," Sara said.
"I know right!!!" Nate said excitedly.

But Nate has other plans to woo Zari, he calls James in the sound booth to make a request song Charlie Puth – One Call Away then he went and challenged Clark Kent into a twisting arm-hand challenged and make a record who is the real Man of Steel and in every 15 seconds they must drink Alderum too. Sara was ridiculous to this idea and make her way to Zari, Kendra, and Diana, who are talking together about their culture and powers and Sara told Zari what Nate's doing. Everybody has their own bets and of course, in the end, the winner is Superman because just like Oliver, Nathan has a low tolerance of this said alcohol though Clark swears he can't fly now because he is drunk too. They turn to Barry of Earth 1 and their own Barry Allen to test who is the fastest man alive. They told everyone that they already had challenged themselves a while ago while waiting for them to arrive here at the party and it was seconded by Clark. They all laugh at the top of their lungs that they've been tricked by these two speedsters. While Lois is tending Clark in his first time drunk challenged because of Alderum. James Olsen changes the music from Glad You Came by The Wanted to Pentatonix's version of Can you feel the Love Tonight, Cisco asks Nia to dance with him, then Cisco1 asks Gypsy as well. Barry1 slides up with Barry.

"Why didn't you ask Iris to be your plus one, tonight?" Barry1 ask.
"Oh... The same old reason the first time I was on your earth, but Iris and I, have fought before the UN party," Barry said.
"Huh! Is that the reason why there is a broken door in the next room?" Barry1 said.
"I broke the door?" Barry said innocently.
"Yeah! I think so, dang I thought it was a little shake," He said, "Well, we've fought some things that are already there. I told you, she never notices Kara before but ever since she knew that I'm the Flash and she is Supergirl, she was now a totally different person and reasoning with her like 'why I had to do all with this stuff together with her' was impossible for her to understand. Sometimes, I just want to give up on our relationship because I'm so down and yet she wants me to abandon this line of work like I really could, I feel like my hopes when we were young are now gone in the wind right now, she may even sleep with Detective Pretty Boy in the CCPD because she is frustrated that I wasn't given her enough of my love for her. I'm upset that I had to lose the other to gain another. I mean, Kara and I are intertwined with the powers she has and mine too and here I am pinning for Iris for what?" He ranted and drank his whiskey.
"She's cheating on you? Does she know that you know, she's sleeping with the other guy? What's Detective West saying on this?"
"Well, he is convincing that I'm the one causing problems in our relationship especially, he doesn't like my vigilantism, nor ever since our STAR LABS accidentally creating of meta-humans."
"Well, if that's the case, if a relationship is getting unhealthy, you should break with her, it will be hard but your freedom to love someone like heaven,"

Barry1 advice his multiversal twin because he was in the situation before between Linda, Patty, and Iris and for the second time, Barry didn't notice Laurel again.

"I seconded, Barry's opinion. Finish it. C'mon Barry, you and Iris are already long gone," Laurel said out of the blue
"That's the second time you lurk at me," Barry said in an exasperating act.
"Look, believe me, or not, that's what we were seeing, you and Iris are falling apart and I know sometimes you thought it was forever but it really wasn't like Tommy and me, I thought that we were gonna be like Nala and Simba but it wasn't,"
"Yeah, but she was my childhood love,"
"Exactly, like a "Childhood Crush" it means, its puppy love," then she takes a deep breathe, "Okay, listen here. Some people might have been a story like that but even though they also had a fair share of drama, I mean even them, they find themselves off and full of what if's and doubts because they were too young, to know the truth, so they separate and go to the route were at the end bring them together again but in your case, Barry, you will know the value of love, effort and time, if you only seek your freedom and find a girl who can understand on what you do as a hero and as a man of your word but then if you think that having a single life to figure out your next life that's the greatest thing you can give to yourself. For once, in your insignificant life, Barry don't run," Laurel said.

Though it was no secret that she wants Kara and Barry to be together, she knows that being in a long relationship will just make the others shorten than ever because the pain inside will never let go even if you wanted too... Laurel knows that for Barry love truly again is to find himself in solidarity. Felicity and Winn came as they saw their friend was so sad so they decided to drop by but sadly, Felicity is all in the house drunk.

"Cisco!!!" Felicity said when she thought Barry was Cisco.
"It's Barry,"
"Why you are so sad, mimosa?" Winn said.
"Hard to let go," Barry said trying to sound like sarcasm.
"Believe in me, Cisco," Felicity said.
"It's Barry,"
"Better to stay away from the people with negativity charge, it will slow you down,"

"Did you not just reference Barry's weakness in inspirational speech?" Winn said head over heels to Felicity.

Then James turned up the dance with the song in the background is Shut up and Dance by Walk the Moon.

"Yes, my love, I just did! C'mon, let's dance!!!"Felicity said to Winn looking unbelievably at Laurel who holds a phone.

 "You need to pass that to me,"

Laurel gave two thumbs up and ended the video. She turned to Barry.

"She didn't even notice the phone I had but admit it if Kara is awake, you're gonna dance with her on that stage,"
"Girl, You Suck!" Barry said to laurel and drink whiskey again.

Laurel wanted to laugh but she managed to shut her mouth.

"How's Oliver by the way? Is he dead?"
"I wish he was but nope!!! He is just sleeping,"
"What do you feel when Oliver flirts with the other girls? Like,"
"Hmmm... are you not jealous despite the fact first love of Oliver is Kara?"
"Oh god! No! Oliver knew where his heart lies and that's me. He just wants you to feel jealous and all. He is also a team SuperFlash!"

Barry raises his eyebrows too much of his surprise. In all of that, a shocking revelation comes, when the door flips wide open, all of the guests and staff momentarily stop on what they are doing. A lady enters in a Golden Blue gown lace with flowers embroidery, her skin as soft as it is invulnerable. Her blue eyes shine in the deepest stars in the universe. Her lips are the most irresistible. She wears a sapphire necklace and pearls on her wrist gleams and compliments the party itself. Her two inches flat heels gave her the perfect height she needed for and her hair is flawlessly falling on her shoulder covered by a sapphire tiara with an engraved symbol of her that encrusted with sapphire and ruby diamonds that was given by her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, when she saved London from the destruction from world nuclear terrorist together with Barry Allen, J'onn J'onnz, Green Arrow, Speedy and Wonder Woman.

"So, having a party without me???" Kara's first sentence.

After a long time sleeping. Barry couldn't believe what he was seeing, Kara Danvers his best friend, walking down toward him like a goddess. He was speechless, Barry1 and Laurel looking at Barry and Kara back and forth. Barry can't explain how happy he was seeing his best friend alive and well but also hesitant if this is all real or maybe it was just imagination. J'onn came up first to Kara and tried to read her mind. The twin agents behind her back told him that they escorted her here and she was released a while ago. They look at each other. Kara realizes that J'onn is the father she never asked for, he leads her down the stairs from the door and dismisses the agents, then next who came up was Winn, Alex, and Sara. Alex was in tears seeing her sister alive was the beautiful thing that happened that evening. She felt like she was not supposed to be happy while her sister was suffering but here, she is, walking and smiling and now hugging her with all her might. Winn was crying baby as they are the team OG with James. Kara made her way to Barry but Laurel sees that Mon-El was coming this way, Laurel pushed Barry to Kara fast so that, Mon-El don't make a scene with her especially came back and deserve a welcome dance, a little harsh but she's team SuperFlash. Kara hugged Barry tightly knowing what he had done for her, more than ever. Kara almost cried because of happiness; how glad she was to be back home. Laurel nudged Barry to ask her for a dance.

"Care to dance, Your Majesty?" Barry asked her as he kissed her top right hand with his left hand.
"Well, why not? My Knightly Grail,"

Kara takes his hands and begins to walk to the center of the dance floor, waving to all the people there. They make a circle like how Cinderella and Prince Charming dance for the first time on the ballroom floor. James immediately chooses the best song for the future practice when the time comes for them if they settle down and he chooses Christina Perri and Steve Kazee – A thousand years. Barry and Kara swayed in every moved in sync as they both still remembering their lesson in dancing that Eliza took for them in the summers back in Midvale.

"So do you remember every step?" Barry asked Kara and she replied,
"Just like how I always remember you."

They even sing their part together. Kara sees Barry with all of her heart, Barry makes her strong and alive, but in her mind, she knows this moment with him was just a borrowed time, she was confused seemingly why she can't see Iris, running down and get starting to shout at Barry like what she did the last time on his birthday. Kara's wish for Barry to find his happiness, it's fine, if it's not her as long it is not Iris. Barry on the other hand, how he was so selfish to think of himself while he was hurting her best friend the one who always had his back no matter what, his feelings are scrambled as the TV antenna signal but he wishes at this moment, eye to eye with Kara, has never ended, though he knew at the end of the song was a reality still on, she was with Iris. Henry is happy seeing his son happy again but deep down he knows how completely Barry was torn inside because of this, sooner or later, he has to face the truth. Diana contacts Lois to tell Clark that Kara is here dancing with Barry like a princess. The dance ends with a fantastic dip from Barry and Kara then they bow to each other.

"Dare, may I say that you look so beautiful tonight, My Majesty," Barry complimented Kara.
"Thank you, I love to hear those words. Though you fill me in about what happened while I'm asleep,"

And at that moment Diana decided to get Kara from him. Diana hugs Kara tightly too as she is the one personally trained Kara when she was in summer college. So, Kara knows how to fight with or without powers like an assassin or warrior breed. She is a much longer hero because she came out just before the particle acceleration exploded.

"You know you are like a sister-in-arms to me; I was really worried about you. How's your sleep? Is it peaceful? Or chaotic?"
"It was truly chaotic. I meant a flash flood of memories in a single second then next thing I know I was back in the land of Krypton where peace cannot be disturbed, the grass grows in my hands as it dances with the winds, I was walking under the new light of life, I've met my father and told me, I was in the middle of life and death and he said I need to wake up, after that, I was back here on Earth in Midvale back in my first room, my diaries, the pictures hang or stand in the wall or the table. It my family, all of you were there but then I realized my sister is right, before I became Supergirl, I'm Kara Danvers, and no reason, not to be that girl, I just had to be a better person than ever been," Kara said perfectly.

Diana cry when Alex came to Kara and gave her a big sister hug knowing she won't be alone in this fight, before this all happen, Jeremiah Danvers, Tommy Merlyn, and Roy Harper, they all die before her eyes, and it was her fault why they die and many others who suffer from Trickster and Toyman's bombing skills that lay across the Keystone City. Then there's also a fight with Barry because Kara doesn't want him to be in trouble especially since Barry has a relationship with Iris, Kara doesn't want him to be hurt and so shutting him out as she thought the best thing for the both of them and shutting everyone in her life was a good idea. Everybody wants an audience with the last Queen of Krypton, especially Mon-El. Mon-El grew to love Kara as she is the one who gave him a second chance just like her, she taught him the ways of humanity, every time Mon-El sees Kara it reminds him of home what is like to be prince, a position he never cares about before, he was inspired of what Kara's doing being a hero while representing all the alien life form and of course, Kara was proud to be the queen of Krypton even though it was exploded, though, in the back of his mind, he was conflicted, he was now the King of Daxam but still under the rules of her mother Queen Regent Rhea to follow her rules now that they found a perfect Earth to live by the thousand displace Daxamites in the space right outside the solar system and living in the spaceship is not viable for a long time as it gets. So, thinking if he can get Kara's heart maybe, he can save Kara from the demise of this world as Mon-El and his mother had a chance to steal the earth from humans and make this planet only for Daxam especially he knows every weakness of the Justice League. Kara made her way to the bar where Mon-El greeted her.

"Hey, Mon-el, how's your night?"
"Your Majesty," He bows, "It's fine but what's your order?"
"Ughh... talking to everyone is exhausting. I want shots with fire,"
"Every fuss in the past few days is all about you,"
"Yeah... the bombing of the Cadmus Secret Facility and Frost right there," Mon-El pointing at Caitlin, "Made Antarctica a joke plus, Barry brought some friends with him from the other earth,"

Barry Allen of Earth1 was intrigued by Kara ever since her life was different from Kara he knows, so he excuses himself and goes to the bar and catch her to talk before they go back to earth1 this evening, and he heard Mon-El talks about Barry's back up friends and so he joined in the conversation.

"Yeah, that would be me," Barry1 introduced himself to Kara.

Kara faces him and she was shocked that Barry brought his doppelganger back on their earth. Kara wonders what life he had then Barry Allen knows. Kara shakes hands with him.

"Sorry to intrude but it's getting late and tonight we will be back on my earth 1,"

Harry Wells of Earth2 saw Barry talking to Kara and so he thinks it's best to announce himself too because they met before. He calmly pats Cisco1 to join him and meets the Star Hero of the world. Harry pats the back of Barry and Barry immediately recognizes who is it and as well as Kara too.

"Hello, Dr. Harrison Wells of Earth 2," Kara gave him a nice hug, "What are you doing here on our earth?"
"Hello, your Majesty, it's nice to see you again, how do you know it's not me and not Henry Allen?"
"Henry is with his protégés. Plus, cologne and the suit,"
"I was just going to get Cisco Ramon and Barry Allen to get back to Earth 1," Harry said as he joined the conversation.
"Yeah, but Henry wants us to stay longer and experience this party," Barry1 said.
"Well, he is not wrong about that,"
"Hi! I'm Cisco Ramon," Cisco did a firm handshake with Kara which is a mistake because of the super strength, "I'm the boyfriend of Gypsy,"
"Wow! She wasn't kidding when she told us that she has a boyfriend that is the doppelganger of Cisco,"
"By the way, the last time we saw each other was with my daughter Jesse and Zoom's problem,"
"Yeah, I remember him, I almost killed the guy. What about him?"
"Don't worry we already defeated him," Barry1 said remembering the events with Zoom.
"Ah... too bad, I was preparing to knock him down. Hmmm... No, wonder I can't feel his powers anymore," Kara said to them.

They all laugh but Barry is confused about how Kara can feel Zoom she is not a speedster, is there a thing Barry neglected to say to him. While Cisco from the DJ requested to do the Karaoke again and made a request song Iris by The Goo-Goo Dolls and the look on Barry's face was astounding priceless.

"Oh... my Rao!!! My Poor Grail" then Kara laughs with the crowd.

But Barry stole the microphone and requested James, the song Lost Star by Adam Levine. Kara was mesmerized by this. She keeps falling to the man she can't call her own while Barry looks at Kara whenever the chorus hits especially in the part 'Are we all lost stars try to light up the dark'. Barry1 remembers how that laugh was familiar with, He was just looking at her just like how he used to look at Kara, the smile, the laugh, even though this Kara's doppelganger is still different from the one he knows too. He misses her a lot. What was happening to him? Barry says to himself. FOCUS!!! Scolding himself. He tries to look calm but Cisco1 vibes him off and helps Barry to make himself calm down. Cisco1 reminded Barry1 that they are here to say hello and goodbye. Kara accidentally holds Barry1's hand and feels the speed force inside of him. She smiled shyly as she quickly apologized.

"Oh... Sorry about that but Thank You!"
"For what?"
"Even though you are part of the other earth, and this earth is not your obligation, you are still full-heartedly side by side with Barry throughout this Crisis and save me from the speed force,"

Barry1 was shocked and speechless. How did Kara learn about those? Because the only one who knew was the first-hand people, Sara and Alex who are partying with the girls like, the boys are busy doing karaoke to tell Kara the whole story.

"How did you know that?"

"Now that's Barry finishing his song. C'mon, let's slip outside to show you how. Oh, my Rao... I can't believe how wrong that sentence was,"

Barry laughs at Kara's awkwardness and her ramblings. Kara sips her drink and thanks Mon-El. Barry1 told Harry and Cisco1 to get Gypsy, Henry, and Barry as they will bid goodbye for one last time and they want it to do outside as Kara stand up and led Barry1 to the door, Kara look at Barry while Harry talking to him with Henry and nod. Kara and Barry1 are now outside of the converted Justice League Hall in the vacant airstrip of Star Labs old hangar. While waiting for the two, Kara shows Barry the Seven forces of the Multiverse each has a unique approach in each individual in each multiverse.

"I was chosen by Rao, the sun god of Krypton to seek and guide in the Multiverse just like Perpetua, she is known as a celestial being capable of harnessing powers from the Seven Forces of the Multiverse but my powers are still limited. All I can do is to feel and see what's in it," Kara explained.
"No wonder you defeated Zoom,"
"Yes, every power always comes with laws and prices. Every mortal and immortal are combined with one power, the power of Faithfulness energy, the last connective energy of Multiverse. When an individual loses its faith, it leads to a dangerous path, and you become part of the negative force called the Faithlessness energy. Believing in destruction and chaos. Just like Zoom, he lost his faith in the events of his life,"
"Or me," Barry said sadly.

Kara extends her hands to Barry1. Barry1 hesitated at first, but Kara firmly told him to hold her hand too. When they did a blue and red energy formed around them. Gypsy, Cisco1, and Harry were shocked seeing this as well as Barry, Cisco, and Harry. They were in awe of what they saw. Kara's mind and Barry1's mind are combined and see the speed force. Awe is the word they feel and see. Kara simply smiled at Barry1. He was fascinated by knowing that they are people who can tap into the speed force.

"Can all Krypton do this?"
"Then how?"
"I am pretty sure I told you that the seven forces of the multiverse affect individuals differently in each version of the multiverse,"
"So, the Kara that I know can have these powers?"
"Depends on what life she has back in Krypton. But as far as I know, I am the only one who can do this. She may have other ways to use her powers other than being a Kryptonian power,"
"I made a mistake a..." Barry stops for a while thinking if he should tell her but that doesn't matter.
"A FLASHPOINT," Kara said, "I know that's why I always told Barry that he was a lucky guy growing up and living with his father. I can see the other Allen's in other worlds. Yours specifically, how you thrive as the flash, there's something about you, I can't sill sure about it but your feelings and decisions always between Red and Violet, Rage and Love, it's a bad combination. Good thing, you bring back your timeline because unlike Flash 77 he didn't and know he is paying for the price he made. He is now powered by Faithlessness Energy and being punished in the speed force being a time wraith. One of the darkest energies ever carried by the universe. Kara shows the face of the Earth77 – Barry Allen on how the flashpoint destroys his earth and now that earth has been dissolved and the point of the multiverse breaching method is now passed to the Martians.
"See, Barry that's why it is important to balance love and your other emotions remains check or else, you will be something else, something unimaginable for the world. If there's something changed in the timeline, use it because you might not know and you will know it's for the better,"
"Thank you," Barry1 was speechless.
"Barry, I already know your case now that I heard it from you, I don't know how much you will spend your time in the speed force prison, but I make sure when your earth needs a hero, you will come back to your earth to fulfill your duties as a speedster and as a superhero. I will try to reason with the speed force about your case,"
"Why? Why would you do that? And how will you convince them?"
"Go back to your earth, we will go to you when the time comes. Be with someone you wanted to be you, the one who will never question you, the one who trusted you, loyal to you, and has faith in you, don't lose that person, Barry. HOPE and LOVE always go together," Kara reminded him.
"Hopefully, Barry can see that," he said hoping for his multiversal twin.
"Barry is in love with Iris. I can feel it. Though I haven't mastered my true potential, this power of speed force is the first major energy I felt after the Faithfulness Energy I have. I have still many to unlock from,"
"Well, good luck to you,"
"And to you of course,"

The magic is done. Barry1 and Kara are back in the earth's presence. Harry, Gypsy, and Cisco1 were fascinated by what happened while Henry, Barry, and Cisco smiled at their best.

"Now you experience the magic of a Kryptonian goddess," Barry said to Barry1.
"She's cool!" Barry complimented Kara then looked at Kara, "You're the coolest person ever,"
"That she is," Then Barry also looks at Kara.

The moon shines at their group perfectly. Kara shines in golden silver rays with her hair and gown reflecting on the lunar full moon effect. The quiet of the night breaks the silence of Harry and Cisco.

"Ahem... Kara might thaw tonight because of those hot looks," Cisco said.
"And we're also going home, Barry1," Harry reminded.
"Harry is right for the first time plus, your Kara is on earth 38. Am I right?"
"You don't have Kara on Earth 1?" Henry asks Barry1.
"No, we don't have, Kara and I met accidentally because I fry a tachyon device and I ended up in her Earth."
"Knowing the multiverse, there are no accidents, it's always happened for a reason. Use it. May you find peace in your heart Bartholomew Henry Allen, Francisco Ramon, Cynthia Gravis, and Dr. Harrison Wells,"
"You always have an Ally in Earth 23, you can come in anytime you want," Barry said to them.
"I give this world the highest satisfaction for guest accommodation, a ten star. Thank you and you always have also ally on Earth 1," Barry1 said back to them.

Barry Cisco and Henry hug their counterparts while Kara hugs Gypsy. Harry opens the breach and enters there next is Gypsy and Cisco1 then the last one is Barry1. Kara and Barry exhaled and relieved that this crisis is done. She is awake, Barry and the world is safe. Now, she can focus on harnessing her powers to be ready in the fight of what's to come because Mar-Novu is the person who wakes her up and told her about the Source Wall created by Cosmic Raptor is now getting thinner and a lot of people are getting faithlessness energy causing of the wall to pull down and once it's down a possible reboot again of the multiverse and now this time, we are more prepared than ever. Henry taps Barry just to point him out to speak to her, Barry saw Kara's forehead all scrunched up, so he knew something's bothering her. He asks.

"Something wrong?" Barry asks her.
"There is but it's not yet the time to tell, all you need to know is that the major problem of the universe is yet to come,"
"Can we do something about it?"
"According to the book of Destiny, no, it's always supposed to happen,"
"Maybe we should be the one writing our destiny, right,"

"We do. We are writing our destiny. Destiny is written because of our decisions in life like what kind of story we want to tell the world. and we refused our own choices, the fates will rewrite what was gonna happen. Look, knowing your destiny is an honor as knowing your past and the future too but whatever happens on our decision will always change constantly, they won't even feel the change you've made if it's best or worst. Hopefully, not worse. Don't worry, we will be the first one who knows what kind of changes in this major crisis upcoming is but right now, can we have a duet? I miss singing," Kara explained and she requested Barry a favor.
"Why not, I'm free tonight," Barry said.
"What will we be singing?"
"Everything has changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran," Barry suggested.
"Yes!!! I love it!!!"

Everybody went home after the party and Kara immediately fell asleep with bad news, she had a bad dream, as well as Cisco and Nia, in their dream, they saw Queen Rhea she is talking but they won't be heard or clear who she is talking to or what are they? But Nia told Cisco about the symbol quite familiar for an alien flagship. Kara, Cisco, and Nia woke up frightened and knowing a new crisis is coming and it's here waiting to pounce like a lion, or making sure the humans or heroes will be in the most vulnerable time. The night ends with the ships descending from above. Mon-el who excuses himself from the party and goes back to his ship. He greeted his mother, Queen Rhea of Daxam.

"How's your spying moments with these so-called Heroes? Do they notice you at all?" Queen Rhea asks her son.
"Don't worry, they don't, I have been very careful," he said.
"Remember! We cannot fail, this is for you, and your people. There's no perfect living planet but this one,"
"I won't fail mother, as I am the crown prince, I must do this for my people and of course for the name of Daxam as we rise again and be known to the universe without a Kryptonians overshadowing us again,"

Mon-el was hurt by saying those words because he needed to impress his mother while loving Kara at his best.

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