
By Freakshow_Comics

5.5K 264 87

When Eret and Niki took a walk through the woods the last thing they expected to find was bloodied teen. The... More

How this works
Left alone
My name?
Tommy and Tubbo
You're worried?
Tubbo's gone?
Incorrect quotes
Where are we?
Red boy.
Escape room
The past
The past into the light

New Name

260 13 4
By Freakshow_Comics

Dream turned away from them heading back to the building. They breathed out, what the hel was that? It was like they couldn't control their body at all, like someone was pulling the strings and they were some puppet. Were they dangerous? Would they hurt someone?

They breathed in deeply and breathed out again. It was fine they would just control themselves next time. They turned and walked right where the masked man had been walking. 

Everyone inside was patiently waiting, when finally Dream walked in alone. 

"I swear if you hurt that kid in anyways-" Niki stomped toward Dream. Dream just glared down at her through the mask.

"I didn't touch them calm down, I just talked with them." Both glared at each other, the tension was thick enough to be cut with a knife.

Everyone turned when the door opened to reveal the teen. They stood in the doorway with every pair of eyes on them. They cleared their throat from the awkwardness before speaking. "Frost."

There were various versions of what or confusion as to what they said. All looking to the teen for an answer.

"My name will be Frost." They stated. Tommy and Tubbo smiled widely, they gave a small smile back. Dreams side didn't seem to really care. L'manbergs side gave thumbs up showing they liked the name. 

Frost walked up to Dream and whispered something low so only he could hear. "Thank you." He hadn't expected that. Wilbur told everyone else they could leave and him and Dream would have a discussion. Both sides filed out annoyed at each other.

The guy with a white headband and big glasses stayed by the building making no interested in the other teams chatting. Everyone on the other side were congratulating Frost for finding a name for themselves. They smiled they weren't used to complements. 

Frost couldn't get over glancing at the other two on Dreams side. Surly they couldn't be as bad as they were thinking. They hadn't even got their names. Fundy suggested that they head back and Eret would stay and wait.

Tommy wanted to stay for Wilbur and was arguing with Fundy about not being a child. Frost glanced back at the two they hadn't said a word. They turned back to see everyone distracted. It wouldn't hurt to just learn their names could it? They slipped away silently. The shorter one seemed to have a kinder more childish face. They guessed he was about 17 with his big round glasses. 

Frost slowly approached not wanting to make a sudden movement and get a sword at their throat. They lightly tapped the boy. He seemed to be shaken out of hid thoughts at the shorter teen. They looked up at him wondering what color his eyes were.

"Um Hi?" He questioned looking at the kid. They gave him a little wave.

"Im Frost whats your name?" The dead sounding voice threw him off guard a little.

 They reminded him of Technoblade a bit. 

"Im George. Why are you over here?" He asked looking down at Frost, a little upset they were only a coupe inches shorter than him.

"I wanted to learn your names and you seem about 17 so-" They got cut off a dramatic huff from the brunette. They blinked confused. Had they offended him?

"Im 23" Frosts eyes went wide realizing their mistake. Thats such an unfortunate height for a 23 year old. 

"Oh...Sorry..." They bite their lip. Again they screwed up why are they so bad at social cues. They looked at the Raven boy who was also glancing at the teen. 

"Whats your name?" They asked the other teen. He looked at back at them before answering.

"Sapnap." He smiled at the other. 

"Thats a weird name"

"Frost is a weird name."

"At least mine makes sense because of my hair."

George could tell the two would get along nicely, if only Frost was on Dreams side instead of L'manbrats. The thing that was nagging at his head and he guessed everyone elses was. How did they get here in the first place? Dream sure didn't add them and Wilbur and the others claimed they hadn't. He doubts they would have called the meeting if they did. What would they have to gain?

The teens teased each other about appearances. It seems like Niki is attracted to Frost. The one thing he couldn't get out of his head was the way they had said they were going to kill Dream. Sure anyone on L'manbergs side would want to but that was different. It wasn't in revenge it was purely instinctual.

"Frost!" Tommy called realizing they were with George and Sapnap. He stomped and grabbed Frosts not hurt arm dragging them off. They waved to the pair. 

"They seem nice."

"No they dont!" Tommy shouted. Frost shrugs. 

Niki, Tommy, Tubbo and Frost head back to L'manberg as per Eret and Fundys request. The two would wait for Wilbur and head back with him. 

"Hey Tubbo when are we going to kill mobs?" Tubbo looked at them odd.

"What do you mean?" He asked Frost.

"Like you know, don't you have like a night where you head out and kill a butch of mobs together?" Frost was helping Tubbo water his garden. It was in a field not far off from the walls. 

"No, we don't do much mob killing why?" He asked pouring the water pale over the pink rose bush. They stopped water holding the can still.

"You don't at all? But its good practice?" They were lost, they didn't do any nightly runs?

"I guess, we mostly do sparring. Did you want to go and kill mobs?" Tubbo looked at them.

"I mean yeah it gives me something to do and practice I love sparring, but when you kil mobs its different you know?" He nodded turning towards some of the other flower. They crouched down watering the smaller flowers.

"We could ask Wilbur he might agree since Dream promised to not attack until we figure out where you came from." They lightly touched the flower. They recoiled hold their hand hissing in pain. Tubbo turned setting down his watering pale.

"What the heck." They held their hand against their chest. 

"Are you ok?! What happened?" He reached out to grab their hand. 

"Are the flowers poisonous?" Frost looked at their hand the tip was red and irradiated. Tubbo shook his head. "Those are just tulips, you might be allergic. Here." He grabbed their watering can and held out their hand to the water.

"Ow! Ow! stop stop!" They ripped their hand away from him. "Omg Im so sorry!" He didn't know that would make it worse.

Their hand was red and irradiated. "We need to get back Niki could probably help come on!" He grabbed their other hand leading them back quickly. 

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