White Lies ✓

By but3rfliez

200K 5.7K 16.5K

All your life you've fought to prove yourself. Whether it was through school, work, or your personal life. Wh... More

Author's Note
1 - Dust Bunnies
2 - Bright Lights
3 - New Girl
4 - 800 Degrees
5 - Impulse Control
6 - Carpooling
7 - Setbacks
8 - Cloak and Dagger
9 - Sweet Dreams
10 - Emergency Calls
11 - Team Player
12 - Insomniac
13 - Predispositions
14 - Narcotic's Anonymous
16 - Surrogates
17 - The Devil On His Shoulder
18 - Just Tonight
19 - Concussions and Apologies
20 - A Nice Goodbye
21 - A Dangerous Backfire
22 - Long Distance
23 - Homecoming
24 - Spencer's Letter
25 - Bittersweet Victory
26 - Damsel in Distress
27 - The Twilight Zone
28 - Long Time No See
29 - Internal Affairs
30 - Family Dinner
Playlist - White Lies

15 - Swipe Right

5.7K 184 1.2K
By but3rfliez

*Friday the 13th spoilers! (come on, the movie came out in 1980, if you haven't already seen it, tf are you doing)*

You'd been dreading talking about everything that had happened with Spencer. After falling asleep extra early last night, you'd woken up at the crack of dawn (literally, you watched the sunrise from your bedroom window). You opened the small bag Spencer had asked you to take, and examined the paraphernalia. Small glass bottles labeled Hydromorphone, one empty, laid in the front pocket of the kit. A quick Google search helped you realize it was Dilaudid. You faintly remembered hearing about Dilaudid once but didn't know much about it. You'd broken the seal and emptied the two other bottles into your toilet and tossed the bottles in the trash. You uncapped the two sterile needles in the kit and snapped the metal tip. You knew this probably wasn't necessary, but it helped your mind feel at ease. You didn't touch the one used needle in the kit, you merely tipped the case into the trash, left the bathroom, and went back to bed. Periodically throughout the night, you were awoken in old sweats plagued by nightmares of Spencer laying on the bathroom floor.


The last few weeks at work had been absolutely draining. Spencer had returned to giving you the cold shoulder, and you spent most of your time working as hard as you could. Sleep was something of the past, it seemed like every time you closed your eyes you were either reliving the night of your near-death or the night of Spencer's. He refused to talk to you about his progress, and you were worried. As much as you fucking hated it, Spencer was always on your mind. You'd expected him to lash out. After all, no matter how hard he tried to pretend, Spencer was still a kid at heart. You had no clue if he was still on drugs, and you didn't know how to ask. He refused to drive to work with you, waking up extra early to catch the bus each day, and it bugged you more than it should have.

"What do you have planned for this weekend?" Prentiss asked as you stepped off the jet on Friday night.

"I've got a date," you said nervously. You'd been using Tinder, trying to meet people in Virginia.

"Ooh! Let me see a picture."

You opened your phone and pulled up Julius's profile. The photo of him and his cat is what originally made you swipe, and you learned later you had a lot in common. He liked a lot of the same music as you, and read a lot of your favorite books. The two of you decided to meet up for a movie that night.

"He's cute!" Prentiss said reassuringly. "I mean, I play for the other team but he's not bad."

You smiled. "I haven't been on a date in a million years, I'm a little nervous."

"You're gonna have fun, a pretty face like yours will get you far." She winked at you as she walked back to her desk.

You stopped at your own and gathered your things before heading down to the garage. You passed Spencer on your way out, not bothering to say anything. You were perfectly happy not being friends with Spencer Reid.

The drive home from work was uneventful, and soon you were standing in front of your closet, scrambling for an outfit. From the depths of your drawers, you were able to put together a cute enough look. The plaid babydoll dress you'd picked fell to your mid-thigh, making your legs look longer. Your makeup was simple, a little mascara and some blush, matched with clear lipgloss. As you touched up your hair, there was a knock at the door. You skipped through the living room and pulled open the door.

What the fuck?

There was Julius, looking exactly like his photo, and there was Spencer, looking angry.

"What's going on?" You asked, smiling softly at Julius before shooting Spencer a dirty look.

"You know him?" Spencer asked angrily.

"Yeah, he's my date. What's it to you?" You moved aside, letting Julius into your apartment as you continued to argue with Spencer.

"A date?" Spencer looked shocked.

"A date," you mimicked. "Don't you have a book to read or something? Get out of here."

He grumbled under his breath as he stomped back up to his apartment. You shut the door and turned to Julius.

"I'm so sorry, that was my co-worker, he can get a little- angry sometimes."

Julius smiled at you. "Don't worry about it, it's good you have someone around that looks after you."

You slipped your boots on and grabbed your purse. "He doesn't do it to be nice, that's for sure."

Julius led you out of the building and over to his car. "Don't hate me, but I've actually never seen Friday the 13th," he said, referencing the movie you were going to see.

"Really!? It's one of my favorites, I watch it every October."

"I take it you like horror?" He asked as he drove to the theatre.

"it's my absolute favorite," you gushed. "You'd think after working with violent crime every day, I'd want a break, but I can't get enough."

He smiled as he pulled into the parking garage. "I think I like the idea of horror, but when it comes down to it, I've got a weak stomach."

You smiled back. "If you get scared, I'll hold your hand."

"You better." He winked.

Julius quickly got out of the car and stepped around to your door, holding it open. You thanked him as you climbed out of the car and followed Julius to the elevator. He bought two tickets to the 7 o'clock showing of Friday the 13th. It was a Halloween event, the local theatre was doing a '31 Days of Halloween' movie screening 'extravaganza'. You bought the popcorn and drinks, against Julius' wishes. He led you to the seats, close to the front. After a few minutes of waiting, the theatre lights dimmed and the movie began. Even though you'd seen the movie close to a million times, you still found yourself jumping at each character's untimely demise. Julius physically covered his eyes more than once and held tightly to your hand. In the dark of the theatre, you had the freedom to examine his face. He was cute. His curly hair fell across his forehead in shaggy whisps, framing his heart-shaped face. He stared intently at the screen as the movie came to an end.

"Wait, so it was the mom the whole time?" He asked as you left the theatre.

You laughed. "Jason doesn't actually start killing until the second movie."

"Wow. So I got catfished by a movie?"

"It seems like you did," you giggled as you walked back to the car.

Julius kept you laughing the whole way home. You couldn't help it, he was just so funny. He talked about himself mostly, the things he liked, the things he didn't like, basically covering anything that wasn't discussed over texts. You learned he grew up without a father (like you), and that he'd planned on traveling after college but he still hadn't made his plans yet. He went to school for creative writing and had "no fucking clue" what he wanted to do with his life. You listened intently, grateful for any conversation that didn't revolve around a body count.

"So, you said earlier that you'd just moved to Quantico. How are you liking it so far?"

You shrugged. "I haven't really had the chance to explore, working with the FBI is so demanding, when I do have time off I spend it sleeping."

Julius laughed. "Well, if you need someone to show you around, give me a call."

You smiled. "I might just hold you up to it." He parked in front of your apartment and hesitated in his seat. "Wanna come in?"

"I'd love that."

Julius followed you inside, looking around your apartment for the second time. He sat on the couch as you walked into the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of wine off of your counter, using the other hand to balance two glasses. You sat next to him on the couch and passed him a glass, pouring him some wine. You sat and talked for a little, not noticing how close you two were leaning to each other until Julius' hands were trailing up your spine, and his tongue was slipping into your mouth. You leaned back on the couch until Julius was laying between your legs, chest to chest. As he kissed you, his hands traveled slowly and lightly over your body. He dipped his head down and sucked on your neck, leaving a few soon-to-be purple spots along your collarbone. He brushed your hair away from your face, dragging his fingers down your throat and towards the buttons on the front of your dress.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked quietly.

You pulled him closer to you. "Definitely."

He kissed you again, this time with a sense of urgency. He quickly unbuttoned the top buttons of your dress, exposing your breasts. You gasped quietly as he took your nipple between his fingers and tweaked it slightly. He smiled at the small noise, and dipped his head down, taking it in his mouth. Your hand gripped the hair at the base of his neck as he flicked his tongue over your sensitive nipple, using one hand to play with the other. He removed his hand from your breast and slid it up your leg, under your dress. His fingers slipped under the elastic of your underwear, and he climbed onto his knees to pull them off of you. After doing so, he laid back in between your legs. You wrapped one leg around Julius' hip and ground into him. You grabbed the corners of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head, and he pushed up onto his knees again to pull off his pants. He hovered over you, gripping the arm of the couch next to your head. One knee rested between your legs, and the other rested towards the edge of the couch, with you laying under him. He maintained eye contact as he pushed two of his fingers into your mouth.

"Suck," he commanded.

Doing as you were told, you closed your lips around his fingers and sucked. He groaned quietly before pulling them slowly out of your mouth and trailing them down your body. He rubbed his fingers against your clit, smiling as you whimpered quietly. He teased you, pushing his fingers into your pussy and curling them against your g-spot.

"Fuck," you whispered.

"You want it?" He asked, dragging his thumb over your clit.

"I do, I do," you groaned quietly.

"Use your words, princess, tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck me," you said, pulling him closer to you.

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you. What did you say?"

"Fuck me, please," you groaned, raising your voice.

"One more time, what do you want?"

"I want you to fuck me!" You yelled.

As you did so, he grabbed his jeans off the floor and pulled a condom out of the back pocket. He slid it on and repositioned himself between your legs.

"Since you asked so nicely..."

Julius pushed his cock inside you, groaning quietly. You felt him grip the arm of the couch harder as he thrust into you again and again. You wrapped your leg around his hip, positioning yourself so he was also applying pressure to your clit. The friction was enough to send you closer to the edge, your breath caught in your chest as you neared orgasm and you cried out. He hit your g-spot again and you came, clenching around him.

"Fuck," he groaned as he came too.

He slowed his thrusts and rested his forehead against your chest, catching his breath.

"Do you mind if I shower?" He asked quietly.

"Go ahead."

He rolled off of the couch and walked to your bathroom. As you laid on the couch, listening to the sounds of the water, there was a knock at the door. Confused, you grabbed Julius' t-shirt off the floor and pulled it on as you walked to the door.

"Spencer?" You said as you opened the door.

"Look, I get it, you're having fun or whatever, but could you try to not have unnecessarily loud sex directly under my living room? I'm trying to read."

"Oh shit, sorry about that." You blushed.

"Just, keep it down please, I mean, I know how responsive you are but the whole building doesn't need to hear it."

"Spencer! Shut up."

He turned and started to walk back up to his apartment. "See you later, princess," he joked.

"Not funny!" You called after him.

You closed the door and walked to your bedroom, trying to figure out how you were gonna ask Julius to leave. Yeah, he was nice, but there was something about him, he felt a little too perfect if that's possible. You pulled his shirt off and left it next to the rest of his clothes.

"Hey," you said as he stepped out of the bathroom. "I hate to be an asshole, but I've got an early morning tomorrow..."

"Don't worry about it, I'll call you?"

You smiled. "Please do."

You watched as he got dressed and left your apartment before you climbed into bed. You were asleep immediately, for the first time in months.

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