Naruto One-shots [Reopened]

By Imuser304

144K 2.6K 1.4K

304's Naruto character x reader / character one shot book :)) defaults to fem reader [Requests reopened, if... More

Not A Drag - Shikamaru x Reader
Forbidden - Neji x Reader
It's a Date! - Kiba x Reader
Sick Snuggles - Kakashi x Reader
False Parenting - Deidara x Reader
The Time He Saved Me - Iruka x reader
There is Something Wrong With You- Sai x Reader
Hidden In The Sand - Garra x reader
Should Have Said So - Kakashi x reader
We Made That - Rock Lee x pregnant!Reader
See You When I Get There - Tobi/Obito x reader
Mourning Is Worse Than Love - Sasuke x reader
Be Mine! Please! - Rock Lee x Reader
Breakfast - Darui x Reader
Akamaru's Final Breath - Kiba x Veterinarian!reader
And They Laughed - Choji x reader
Less Alone - Shikamaru x Reader
Kitty - Tenzo/Yamato x reader
Mourning Is Worse Than Love pt. 2 - Sasuke x reader
Betrayal - Itachi x Reader
Premature - Iruka x Pregnant!Reader
Stupid - Shikamaru x Reader
a/n - please read
First Choice - Rock Lee x Reader
Chubby Confidence - Sai x Reader
Bugs and Boys - Shino x Reader
Something You Didn't Know - Kisame x Reader
Rain - Tenzo/Yamato x Reader
Thanks Again - Shino x Reader
Not Exactly A Mistake - Kakashi X Reader
A/N: 10k
Goodbye to a World - Nejiten
I Promise - Sasuke x Reader
Best Birthday Ever - Rock Lee x Genderneutra!lReader
Balcony Strangers - Naruto x Reader
Sigh (Definitely read ;))
I Need to See It - Gai x Reader

He is No Man - Kakashi x Pregnant!Reader

5.4K 103 45
By Imuser304

Requested By: n/a

Prompt: "I'm still scared."

TW: None

Kakashi x Pregnant!reader

(Sort of following the Naruto plotline)

WC: 3597


I know that I just published a Kakashi one shot, but I just,,, I love him,. Have fun with this I guess.

Kakashi said to wear you mask when go out, and continue to practice social distancing, just to keep everyone safe.


The idea wasn't a new one. I couldn't think of an explanation to my sickness and the way I had been feeling. My best option is Kurenai, she would know more about this than I would. She's been pregnant for a few months, and though she's still mourning Asuma's death, she's doing well.

It was only now becoming dark, the sun had set a little while ago, and I was making my way to her apartment, hoping she would be able to help. Maybe she would know better. Maybe she could calm me down from the slight panic.

She was quick to open her door and invite me in for some tea.

"You're pregnant?" she asked. I hadn't even said anything about it yet.

"I think so. How did you know?"

"There's a look to it. Only pregnant women can see it though. I wouldn't expect anyone else to notice. Now, what's up?"

"That's just it, Kurenai. I don't know if... I haven't taken any sort of test yet. I'm afraid I am."

"Well," she paused to take a sip of her tea and think. "Who's the father, if you are?"

"Uhh... It was one time, but...
Kakashi." Kurenai went silent. She knew just as well as I, that Kakashi had no idea. "My pills stopped working, I guess. I've been taking them consistently for years, and this has never happened. What... what am I supposed to do?"

"Before anything else, take the test. Then... You have to tell Kakashi. I'll go with you to get the test, and we can come back here, and you'll find out. How's that?"

"You stay here. I'll be back in just a few minutes."

"Alright, just stay safe."

"I will. I'll be right back," I used the flicker technique to make it to the door of the 24 hour convince store.

shit. Kakashi is here.

I avoided him noticing me by concealing my chakra as I made my way to that specific isle. I quickly grabbed the box, and went to pay.

Unfortunately, I went a little too quick, and got in line before Kakashi. I hid the box from his view at the sound of his voice.

"Hello, (y/n)," he greeted me like nothing even happened between us.

"Kakashi," I replied with a fake smile.

"I... I heard you were feeling under the weather. What are you doing here?"

I considered telling him right then, but resisted. What if this is a fluke? Maybe I've been sick for some other reason.

"That doesn't really matter, now does it?"

"It absolutely does! I was actually about to bring you some salty snacks and see what else you might need," he explained, holding up his basket.

"That's very sweet of you, Kakashi. But I think I'm alright. Don't waste your money on me, we don't get paid enough for that," I chuckled, realizing it was now my turn to pay. The cashier waved me along. "Y-you should go put everything you got for me away. Like, now," I urged, and pushed him away. He left the line, to my relief.

I paid, and grabbed the bag, and rushed out. He seemed insistent on following me. Kakashi was right behind me now.

"What do you want, Kakashi?" I growled slightly, almost annoyed that he wouldn't leave me alone.

"...I- I guess... Nevermind. I'll leave you alone if that's what you want. But stay safe."

"Oh. Yeah, sure. I'll talk to you later?" I shouldn't hope so much. But if he's the father to my child, then... maybe I would be best- No. I'm going to Kurenai's. Plain and simple. "Bye," I flickered back to her apartment and stepped inside.

Without a word to Kurenai, I went to the bathroom, and took the test. 

She knocked on the bathroom door ten minutes later. I knew the test was done, and all I had to do was look.

"(y/n), can I come in?"

"Y-yeah," I was just sitting on top of the toilet lid, terrified to see the results. She came in, and looked at it. "You should tell me."

"It's positive."

I don't know what I'm so upset about. I already figured that I was, but knowing for sure was terrifying. Was I ready for this? Is this okay? Even though I'm an adult, my parents won't be happy about this. I'm not married, and I don't even have a boyfriend.

It was one time.

Before I knew it, my face was in my palms as I sobbed, the truth is that I'm not. I am in no way ready for this. Kurenai pulled me out of the bathroom, and did her best to comfort me. She told me that everything was going to be okay, and that she'll always be there for me, the whole time.

She wiped the tears from my face with a smile, and started laughing, just slightly.

"Mine is going to be a girl," she giggled, rubbing her belly. "They'll grow up together. Be best friends, and maybe, one day, they'll fall in love."

I started to smile at the thought. "Thank you, Kurenai. That makes me feel better," I wiped my face again, and stood up. She followed me to the door. "I think I'm going to head home. Now that I know for sure, and I know you have my back, I think I'll be okay."

"Alright. You stay safe, and if at any point you need me, come find me. Maternity leave for ninja starts at 3 months, do to the increased stress on the body, in case you were wondering. I'll see you later."

"See ya." She pulled me in before one more quick hug, and then I left.

I was going to have to tell him. there was no way around it. Kakashi needs to know.

I started walking home, after using too much chakra from the flickering technique. It was completely dark outside, other then the poorly spaced, dimly lit street lamps lining the road.

The air shifted around me, and I could feel someone's chakra join my own. I didn't recognize it, but there was the definite possibility that I was just too tired to recognize it. So, I became more defensive, and started looking around.

"I know someone is there," I called, hoping whoever it was would show themselves.

"Hey, relax, (y/n), it's just me," He replied. It was just Kakashi.


He met me at the middle of the road. "What are you doing walking around in the dark?" he asked.

"Just... walking home. What are you doing following me?"

Kakashi shrugged, and started in the direction of my house. "Making sure you get to where you're going safely?"

"Do you need something?"

"...I've... Been thinking about you a lot lately. Since that night." I froze where I stood and looked away.

"We agreed that it was only that one time," I stated, looking at the ground. "One time, Kakashi. We shouldn't have done it anyway, seeing as we broke up months ago."

"I know that, but-"

"But what? Huh? You broke my heart. You left me for no damn reason. I don't remember a fight, or a reason, so why the hell did you break up with me?" Maybe it's just the pregnancy brain. Am I actually mad at him, or is it just that? This was months ago, I thought I was over it.

"...(Y/n)," He said, his voice sounding like he was about to break. He was going to cry. "I didn't deserve you. You could do so much better than me."

"I thought you moved on," I growled, starting to walk away.

"Do I look like I've moved on?" he followed me, all the way back to my house, asking questions, asking if I had moved on.

We paused at my doorstep, and he just stared at me like he had nothing to live for. "Remember when you promised we would be together forever? Or when I let you into my life? Or when I gave you everything I had because I love you? Huh? You threw it away when you left me. All of it."

I stepped further inside my home, choking back my tears. He grabbed my wrist and forced me to look at him. He wanted to say something. But he was at a loss for words. I pulled my wrist away and stared into his eye.

"I'm pregnant. And it's yours. Do what you will with that. Either invite yourself back into my life, or walk away from this right now."

He just stood there. He was frightened, but it was his job to make a choice. Part of me wanted him to stay. The rest of me hated him. Hated what he did.

After a minute, he covered his masked face with his hand, and slowly backed away into the dark of night. I slammed the door, and fell to he ground, before breaking down into tears again.

He never stays. What did I expect?

I ended up passing out on the floor after crying for hours. What had happened was worse that the first time we broke up, I thought he wouldn't go like that. I thought Kakashi was a man. I was wrong.

And the first few months of the pregnancy were the hardest. That's undeniable. I spent so much of my time off at Kurenai's, where she let me talk and cry and be sad.

He wouldn't talk to me, he wouldn't look at me, he wouldn't make an attempt to be there.

But after the fourth month,

When I started showing,

Kakashi started showing up.

He wouldn't hide his chakra when he followed me around the village, but he wouldn't show that he was there physically. I just knew, he was constantly watching me.

As much as I appreciated what he was doing, I was frustrated. I wish he would have just been next to me.

There were some nights, where, though he wouldn't ever knock, he would nervously stand by my front door, or when I was sleeping, (pretend sleeping) he would watch me through my window.

The day I found out the gender of my baby, he disappeared for the day. But, though I was mad at him still, I taped a piece of paper to the door.

'Its a boy, if you're wondering.'

When he came around that night, he still didn't knock. He took the paper from the door, and ran off.

[Kakashi's POV]

It's a boy. She's having a boy. I took the paper off her door, and ran to the nearest person I knew, that being Iruka, who was at the academy, getting his classroom ready for the next day.

"SHES HAVING A BOY!" I exclaimed, showing the paper to him. I didn't know I would be so happy to find that out.

"Congratulations, Kakashi. Are you going to stop being a coward and you know... Talk to her? I'm sure she would be happy to know that you want to be part of her and her baby's lives."

I couldn't stop smiling, though I was just insulted. He was right though, "...I am a coward. I know that. If I keep my distance she can't be mad."

"I think she is mad. I think you should let her be mad at you. You chose to walk away, that was your fault. You could make it better. You could make her life easier if you just showed up, and not from afar," he explained, now wiping off his blackboard.

"I know, I know! You're right! But... I just don't want... to bother her."

"I don't want any of my students to grow up the same way Naruto did. Or even just one of the parents. Now go," he demanded slightly, and forced me out of his room.

I started hopping through the trees, knowing I wasn't going to actually do anything.

She was leaving her house, wiping away her tears as she walked. I followed her through the trees, all the way until I saw a man that I didn't know approach her from behind, sneaking up on her. I hid my chakra, and concealed my presence.

[(y/n)'s POV]

After Kakashi left my door again, I stayed inside for a while before breaking down once again. I decided I was going to Kurenai's so I wouldn't feel so alone.

Kakashi appeared again, but I continued along. I didn't care that he was there. Why would I? it's normal at this point.

But then he was gone. His chakra disappeared. He vanished, and someone else was there. Behind me. I was told not to use any chakra by my doctor until after I gave birth, and I didn't have the energy to use taijutsu.

Whoever it was grabbed my hair before I could react, and yanked me back, beginning to pull me somewhere else. I tried to scream, but he put his hand over my mouth. I bit down as hard as I could, but he was wearing gloves, so it didn't matter to him.

"You're mine now, princess," he laughed in an evil tone that made me shiver. Tears started streaming down my cheeks, I had no option. "Come with me quietly, and I won't hurt your baby boy."


Kakashi was here.

Thank the heavens.

In just a flash, the man was off of me, and I could breathe. Kakashi had him pinned to the ground, and was going farther than I would expect them to when it came to hurting him.

The other man's face was bloodied and bruised, but he was alive. I just stood and watched, until he stopped, and Kakashi threw him over his shoulder, and poofed away, without a word to me.

There were still tears. I was on the ground, relieved nothing else had happened.

I wish Kakashi had stayed.

I shook off my confusion, and finally made my way the rest of the way to Kurenai's.

She listened to me. The somewhat short story, that was my night, all the way until she invited me to stay the night so I didn't have to walk home in the dark.

I didn't sleep much that night, and so I was up early the next morning. As I sat on the couch, reading into of Kurenai's books on parenting, a knock came at the door. Not knowing what to do, I opened it, since Kurenai was still asleep.

I stood there, slightly confused, and happy, and upset, and angry.

"Are you okay?" he asked, putting his hands on my shoulders, making me look at him in the eyes. "Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine, thanks for... being there."

"Is he okay?" He just seemed worried, like all the sudden he only cared about me and the baby.

"We're fine, Kakashi," I pushed him outside to Kurenai's doorstep to talk to him. "Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

" There's something else." I shifted my weight onto the heels of my feel to listen. "I'm sorry," he stated. "I reacted terribly when you told me you were pregnant. I'm sorry for walking away like I did, and for breaking up with you without a reason. And for letting you go all this time by yourself. It was bad of me, and terrible for you."


"I'm not done."

"Oh. Okay, sorry."

"Please, please let me be part of your and the baby's lives. I was terrified at first, I don't want to end up like my father. That's why I was scared. And I'm still scared now, but I want to protect you and the baby more than myself."

"Are you done now?" I giggled. He shook his head.

"I... Again, I'm sorry, and I miss you, and I want us back together." I smiled. He had finally done it.

"Are you going to stay?"

"I promise."

"Then okay. Let's have a baby, together," I agreed, finally relived for good. I placed my arms around him. He leaned his face close to my ear to talk.

"Thank you," he whispered, squeezing me tight. "Thank you so much."

Kurenai's door opened to Kakashi and I in an embrace.

"It took you long enough, Kakashi. I told you she wanted you back," Kurenai laughed.

Kakashi was a hot mess, his face was red, tears streaming to his mask, and he wasn't tense anymore like he usually was.

"You knew?" I asked with a smile.

"I knew. He came to me the same night you found out for sure. I don't know why he didn't just go back and talk to you the next day instead of following you around, don't you think that's silly, Kakashi?"

"I didn't think you would want me back," he said to me.

"Oh, I'm still kinda pissed that you left, but I'll get over it. I'm just glad you came back." I grinned. "Thank you, Kurenai, for being there for me."

"Anytime. I'm going to head back to bed now, I'll see you guys later?"

"For sure," she closed the door, and I hugged Kakashi again, before starting back to my house. He followed close behind, obviously still feeling some sort of guilt.


"Hmm?" I turned back to him.

"I love you." He reached his hand out for me to take, and I pulled him next to me.

"I love you too," I agreed as we walked all the way back to my house. He didn't let me walk very long before he picked me up bridal style, and ran the rest of the way. "You know I can still walk, right?"

"Yeah but I owe you a lot of effort, so I'm going to carry you everywhere," he explained, brining me back to my bedroom. "Do you want breakfast? I'll make you something." I shook my head, getting under the covers. "What do you want then? I'll do anything." I opened my arms, then scooted over.

"Cuddles," Kakashi immediately got under the covers with me, and wrapped me up in his arms, and kissed my face all over. "Yess!!!!" I whispered excitedly, getting as comfortable as I could. "I missed having you around."

"I missed being around," he started playing with my hair as we laid there quietly.

"You know what I think?" I started running my hands along his back.

"What's that?"

"I think you'll be a good father. But I promise we'll do this-"

"Together. We'll do this together."

"Exactly," I yawned, and just laid there in his arms, until I finally fell asleep.

[5 months later]

I had been out, Kakashi was on a mission, and wouldn't be back until late tonight, unfortunately.

Of all the places for my water to break, why did it have to be the grocery store? I didn't even get the chance to pay for my box of sugary cereal before someone had realized, and I had a group of people around me.

I only knew one of them, that being Iruka, who ended up helping me all the way to the hospital, where, ten hours later, I heard the cries of my baby.

Kakashi still wasn't back, so I went through the whole process with Iruka instead. It was very sweet of him to stay with me, but Kakashi hated that he wasn't around. He, upon finding out where I was, rushed to the scene, and made Iruka leave.

I laughed, because even though he wasn't there for the actual birthing process, he had still been so, very, supportive everywhere else. I could understand his frustration though, our baby wasn't supposed to come for another few days, and Kakashi being a little... baby dumb, thought he would be back in time.

Yet, I still hadn't ever seen him happier then when he met his little "mini me." because, in every way possible, that baby was Kakashi's. It looks exactly like him, somehow, not retaining any of my features whatsoever. That was Kakashi's baby.

"Kakashi," I giggled, holding our son up to him. "He looks exactly like you," Kakashi was more emotional that I had been during my entire pregnancy, basically sobbing as he rocked him gently.

"That's my little boy," he held him with one arm, and bounced him, just a little, letting him grab Kakashi's finger with both of his tiny hands. "I love my little boy," he whispered happily, and kissed his head.

"Hey," I called. "That's not just your little boy," Kakashi got into the small bed with me. "That's ours," I leaned my head on his shoulder, and brushed the hairs on our son's head to the side. I cuddled up to Kakashi, where our baby had fallen asleep in his arms, and relaxed. "I'm going to sleep for a while, okay? Take care of him for me," I chuckled, and closed my eyes.

"(y/n), I love you," Kakashi whispered. I didn't have the energy to answer, and I was already half asleep, so I mumbled whatever I could back, hoping he would understand.

And he did.


nskkajaikxksh send requests for anyone except Sasuke because I hate his guts and I have three other requests already.

Sasuke Uchiha is a bitch boy and I swear he's the worst character in the show.

:/ I miss Itachi

(Don't hate me for this, but I like Sasuke more in Boruto than I do in the original and Shippuden, He's just more chill and way less moody.)

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