Our Happily Ever After!

By Giraffe502

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THIRD BOOK IN THE ACCIDENT SERIES It's been 3 years since Becky gave birth to little Hope, family life is gre... More

1 - Return
2 - Why?
3 - Ambrose
4 - Ouch
5 - Buttercup
6 - No more secrets
7 - Seizure
8 - Furious
9 - Arguments
10 - All my fault
11 - Hate how much I love him
12 - Shocking
13 - Why does it have to be you?
14 - Losing it
15 - Leaving
16 - Becky?
17 - Explain
18 - Murderer
19 - Missed me?
20 - In my head
21 - In your head
22 - Your fault
23 - I know she'll be alright
25 - Happy to be going home
26 - Final Goodbye

24 - Time

213 20 6
By Giraffe502

I can't tell if it's been a day, a week, a month or a year. It's just the same white room, nothing ever changes. I raise my shaking hand to my mouth and I take the two drugs, I quickly swill some water in my mouth and swallow the drugs. I never know what time it is, I don't have calendar, or any windows and I can turn the lights on or off whenever I want. Being in here is making me feel like there's something wrong with me...I know I have got something wrong with me but this place makes me feel bad for having one. It's like I'm being punished for being ill.

The doctors and the nurses keep saying all I need is time, but if I'm relying on myself I'll be in here for the rest of my life. I'm not allowed any visitors and I'm never allowed to leave my cell-I mean room. It's just these four white walls, all day and all night. I stand up and walk towards my door, I just want to be able to go out, I just want to be able to see my friends. Never in my life have I felt so isolated...

A knock at the door startles me, nobody ever knocks, they just open. I lift my head onto the door and make a noise and it opens. I see a familiar face outside, I can't quite pinpoint who it is but they look happy to see me. As soon as the hug me and I smell their perfume I know it's Ashley.

"Come on, you've got an assessment."

I quirked my eyebrow at her and she just smiled and nodded, I stepped out of my room and I could see it was probably the middle of the day. The sunlight shines through the windows directly into my eyes, I have to squint it's that bright. We began to walk towards the visitor rooms, she swiped a key card and let me into the room. She flicked the lights on and I saw Joe, Colby and my kids standing there with big smiles on their faces. I couldn't help but cry when I saw them, I don't even know how long it's been but I've missed them.


I fell down onto my knees and I opened my arms, all three of them ran into my arms. I hugged them tightly and kissed each of their heads.

"I've missed you all so so much."

"We've missed you too Momma..."

I stand up and look Colby up and down, I haven't seen him since that day, I see the guilt on his face and I walk over to him. I grab him by the neck and pull him in for a kiss, it's been more than 3 years since we kissed but I still got the feeling that I used to but even more extreme, fireworks. I pulled away and pulled him into a hug.

"I've missed you so much Colby..."

"I've missed you too Becks."

"How long have I been in here?"

"6 months..."

"6 months! Crikey I wondered why you three all looked so much taller, it won't be long until you'll be over taking me!"

I don't know how I feel, but I feel like the old Becky. I feel like I can actually be a good mother and a wife, I feel like I can do this again.

"Once I'm out of here, us five must go on a nice holiday somewhere? I've missed the sea and the sun, I'd just like to be away from America for a while!"

I received four bright smiles back, they all clearly liked that idea.

"We haven't got long but Becky they wouldn't let you have any visitors! We've been trying the whole time, so today I dressed up like a psychiatrist and stole you for a bit."

I smiled at Ashley who was clearly pleased with her plan and I walked over to her.

"I've missed having you around Ash..."

I pulled her in and saw Joe standing awkwardly behind her.

"Oh will you join in too?"

He looked up at me and I pulled him into the hug, before I knew it everyone was in the hug. A red flashing light startled us along with a knock at the door, Ashley opened up and it was a security guard. He spoke into his walkie talkie.

"I've found her, she's safe."

They must be looking for me, the red light went off and the atmosphere changed to a definitely calmer one.

"I've got to walk you back to your room."

I quickly hugged my family one last time before walking with the security guard towards my cell, I walked in and saw two doctors waiting for me. I sat down onto my bed and looked up at them.

"So Rebecca we understand you've been here for a long time, you have improved a lot during this time. The team have been talking and we believe you'll only need another month and then if you continue to take the two drugs we've given you, we all believe you have recovered."


"Of course, I know this time has been tough. Without any visits from the family but you've improved, we'll have to do some home and environment checks just to make sure it's a safe environment for you to return to but other than that just one more month."

The both smiled at me as they stood, they began to walk out of the room and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. One more month and then I can go home to my husband and my kids, I'll finally be home. Maybe everyone was right, maybe time was all I needed.

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