A Second Chance (A Reylo Fanf...

By Snips_101

812 94 1

(COMPLETE!!! My best ranking is #54 in 'order' out of 2,000) 5 years after the rise of skywalker as rey is no... More

chapter 1: the nightmare
Chapter 2: the whole story
chapter 3: the vision
chapter 4: the training
chapter 5: the books
chapter 6: the apprentice
chapter 7: the grey way
chapter 8: the future
chapter 9: the return
chapter 10: the suprise
chapter 11: the forgiven
chapter 12: the pep talk
chapter 13: the bet
chapter 14: the heartbreak
chapter 15: the saber
chapter 16: the threat
chapter 17: the answers
chapter 18: the sisters
chapter 19: let the past die
chapter 20: the family reunion
chapter 21: the docter
chapter 22: the deal
chapter 23: redemption of the sith
chapter 24: under covers
chapter 25: the welcome committee
chapter 26: the new threat
chapter 27: trust
chapter 28: childhood best friend
chapter 29: arms and legs
chapter 30: ugh! Politics!
chapter 31: a senators escape
chapter 32: the new Republic
chapter 33: the army of the Republic
chapter 34: grey way rules
chapter 36: The Ventress sisters
chapter 37: the 'special visions'
chapter 38: attacks of the metal troopers
chapter 39: the battle of Kamino
chapter 40: The ending to their beginning

chapter 35: the emperor's hand

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By Snips_101

(Just a quick warning, this chapter is pretty intense but probably the most twisted, awesome chapter made yet and it'll definitely be leaving you on the edge of your seat. Also this is jow the longest chapter ive ever made. Please enjoy and also im just saying it only takes 30 seconds to write a quich comment and it takes even less time to vote. Now lets begin!)

Bellan and Rey walked out of the Falcon and joined the others. She was surprised to see Ben, Rose, and Finn, all of them holding weapons. Her and Bellan grabbed  their light sabers and got into a fighting stance, they always got into the same stance. Rey always had both hands on her light saber with her left foot behind her. Bellan always had the stance as her grandfather, right arm with her saber back above her head and her free arm signaling she was ready for combat. Bellan had her basic white saber and Rey was trying something new today. Rey had her regular grey light saber in its normal position, both sides ignited but technically still one saber with both sides sticking straight up and down in the air. Ben grabbed his from his belt and did his signiture spin and Finn started firing on him. Chew ie continued firing on Gio and Asa but very slowly since they were beginners. Rose walked towards Rey and Bella quickly, but very regally. Rose looked very hesitant, she kept raising her arms but lowering them over and over again. "Oh come on Rose just shoot, we're tough we can take it."Rose was still hesitant but she kept her arms straight in front of her pointing at them 2 mini blasters in her hands. "I'm sorry but I couldn't possibly, she is only 5 years old and you... your one of my best friends no I'm sorry just..... no" Rose said as she lowered her weapons. Rey sighed but before she had a chance to argue she heard a terrible scream escape Asa's mouth. "Ahhhhhh!!!!!!" Rey and Bellan ran over but Finn never stopped shooting, which forced Ben to keep blocking. "ASA, Asa what happened why are you-... Chewie, I SAID SET YOUR WEAPON TO STUN!!!" Chewie shrugged and hobbled over, wookies aren't great runners. "She'll be fine Chewie don't worry luckily it was just a scratch, maybe blaster blocking was a little to advanced for them. Chewie you did this, go bandage her up and clean her arm." Chewie looked a little upset at the command but he gave in and carried her aboard. He closed the ramp and Finn legit never stopped shooting at Ben. Ben stared at him with anger the he wanted to shoot at him, but mostly curiosity of why he was and wanted to shoot. Finn blinked a lot then stopped firing. He dropped his weapons to the floor and he fell unconscious for reasons no one could explain. Ben fell on one knee so very thankful for a breather but Rose and Rey ran over to Finn. "Finn! Finn? FINN!!! SPEAK TO ME!!! Finn?" Rose started crying over top of him and Bellan and Gio stood behind them with their heads hung low. Rey reached over to feel his pulse, he was alive. She picked him up with the force and threw him on her back. "Don't worry Rose he'll be alright, you'll see. Let's just take him to his room so he can recooperate." Rose nodded wiping a tear from her face and they walked towards the Senate building rather quickly. Since the planet of Corosaunt was really just one big city there wasn't any grasses or beaches to train on so they improvised using the landing docking bay to be their training grounds. The only ones left were Ben who was laying on his side from ehxuastion, Gio being the most confuzzled person in the world and Bellan deep in her train of thought. She couldn't stop wondering why Finn fainted all of the sudden like that. All of her thinking was interupted by Ben grunting while he was getting up. "Ben are you okay what happened?" He let her question sink in as he sat himself up and turned to look her in the ehe, he wanted to look as serious as he could when he told her the terrifying wlrds, "he tried to kill me. He wouldn't stop, he was ruthless, so I made him pass out. I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt him nut, he was gonna kill me I had to do something." Bellan was shocked she had thought Finn had excepted Ben. She helped stand him up on his feet and Gio walked over. "Where's Poe?" He asked and Ben was struck with a horrible realisation. "Yeah, and where's Amer."


"There you go buddy nice and cozy." Rey took off his jacket and boots as Rose pulled the covers over him. Rose lead forward on his bed and whispered something to him that Rey couldn't hear and she kissed his cheek. Rose left the room leaving Rey and Finn alone... or so they thought. She sat on the opposite side of the bed and put her hand on his arm. "I don't know what happened out there today but-" she paused because she thought she heard a loud bang, but she assumed it was her imagination so she continued. "I don't know what happened out there today but I know that it wasn't your fault and that you are completely-" Okay, now she definitely heard something she quickly powered on her light saber and split it in half, this was no longer training, no longer practice, it was real life. She stalked the room with both sabers firmly in her grasp and she heard the banging noise again this time more clearly and with some muffle to. She examined every inch of the room, but still heard a bang. She has seen everything all except for... the closet. (Dun dun, duhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Sorry let's continue with the story.) She attached the two blades and used her free hand to reach for the handle. When she opened it she was met with an unexpected surprise a dark creature in a mask came out and immediately lunged at her. Rey blocked and separated her blades, Rey was more used to it that way. The creature was a vicious monster who wore a black robe and had two light sabers that looked identical to......... (dun dun duhhhhhhh. Sorry again but seriously I had to put that in there.) The sabers were identical to Asa's sabers, both a bright red thick blade with a silver and black hilt. Rey remembered the grey way knowledge, she would not give into hate or anger, she needed to maintain peace despite how upset she was at Asa's betrayal. Even though she released Asa from the closet she still heard a loud noise but it was more muffling noises instead of banging. She looked back in the closet while still battling Asa to find Poe sitting in the shadows with his arms and legs tied up and a rag around his mouth. Rey focused and was able to continue fighting while slowly releasing Poe of his restengths. Asa powered off her saber leaving Rey off balance as she fell forward. Asa gave Rey a mark on her shoulder and slashed the back of her leg. Rey fell to the ground looking defeated, as Asa raised her arms to kill her but Poe grabbed the metal chair sitting next to him and he hit her upside the head with it. She fell to the ground face first, she was unconscious and Rey wanted to slice her in half but didnt, she barely even wanted to fight Asa at first. Poe took off the last rope on his legs and then he was free. "Thanks Rey, I owe you. Any idea who that- ZORII!!!" Both Poe and Rey looked up and dashed out the door Rey went in Bellan's room, then Poe's room then Ben's thoroughly checking each one and of coarse opening the closets. Poe looked in Gio's, an Amer and Asa's room but that's as far as he had to look. "Rose, oh thank goodness your alive." Poe worked at the ropes, the same ones that were keeping him tied up, she was also in a shadow of Asa's closet. Rey came running in and helped the senator to her feet. "Are you alright?" Rey asked her. She nodded and replied "where's Finn." "I wouldn't worry about him for now he is still unconscious on his bed. It looks like the threat is on you senator. I need you to tell me exactly what happened from the point when Poe and Amer walked to the building to where we found you Rose." Rose nodded and nudged Poe to tell his point of view. He gave an exasperated sigh and began to speak. "Okay well Rey I was asking for a bodyguard for Zorii's replacement and you gave me Amer even though I originally asked for Asa. So I took Amer and we walked peacefully never saying a word to each other. When we arrived art Rose's room she remained silent. Rise answered the door and we left to go personally meet with the chancellor. Everything was pretty normal there they just talked about the big vote then Rose left to go see if  you could use any help. And that's when... someone came up behind me and knocked me out, next thing I know I woke up in Finn's closet hearing you and Rose. What about Zorii, we still haven't found her yet and judging by our captors behaivor, I think she is probably in a closet." Rose and Rey giggled before turning serious again. "But which closet, we've checked all of our closets. WAIT!!! The force!! I've been working on this new power where you can feel other people's force signitures and bring them to you. Maybe I can track her and free her of wherever she's hidden. Okay everyone stay quiet and try not to think about Zorii, it may just lead me to you." They nodded and tried not to think about her or Rey. "Poe, seriously!" Poe looked at her with pure sadness on his face. "I'm sorry it's just hard for me, okay ill try harder." He did he focused on Rose, and Rose focused on him. Rey reached out and she felt Zorii really close by. She calmed herself and was able to locate her, she was in Bellan's room. "Follow me!" No one even asked her why, they were used to her crazy force... jedi... super powers by now. She ran and slammed open the door to Bellan's room. The 3 of them searched the entire room but found nothing. "Okay ill try again" Rey said to them in a rather irritated tone. She practiced this for many hours every day for this?? To be left in the dark by the force! She reached out her hand, Zoo's signiture was getting stronger so she reached out her other hand whispering. "Zorii Bliss, wherever you are come to me." "Come to me." "Come to ME!!!" BAM! A huge streak of lightning burst out of Rey's right hand and after the lightning passed a... someone fell from the ceiling. Rey powered on one of her light sabers and stepped in front of Finn and Rose. Rey deactivated her saber because the person who stood up was indeed Zorii Bliss. "ZORII!! your alive" screamed Rose "I mean uh, Miss. Bliss my wonderful assistant." Rose corrected. Poe didn't say anything he just lunged forward and hugged her. He backed away only because Rey pulled him back. Rey said "This is beautiful but we have a mystery to solve, and if this was Asa then Chewie is........." Everyone raised their eyebrows waiting for an answer. "Okay what's up with her" asked Zorii. Poe shrugged and waved his hand in front of Rey until she grabbed his hand and threw him back from her. "Asa was shot in the arm and was with us when Rose arrived, there is a small possibility it could be her but, it's slim. It had to be someone else someone who had access to Asa's light sabers. Or had... THEIR OWN LIGHT SABERS!! GUYS, American did this not Asa, she's planning something, and I think we just fell into her trap."


"Oh guys thank goodness... I'm so glad your safe, there was... an attack on... the senator. I was her assistant and bodyguard but I was knocked out by the Rey, she's the attacker." Everyone stared at her like she was an alien, which actually she was, one from Dathomir. "LIAR" Ben screamed at her, Bellan stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder she could barely reach. "No I won't calm down, not this time!" And with a yank Ben walked forward with his hand held out. Amer rinsed in pain as he delved deep into her mind, desperate to find the truth. When he released her she felt to the ground rubbing her temples. "You are a liar, and a traitor, you trying to kill Rey weren't you, yes you were. We gave you everything, new legs, a new home, a new chance, and you ignored it all for what. Following orders. From who, who did you get your orders to kill Rey from. WHO!!" She stayed silent so Ben asked once again. "Who, tell me, TELL ME NOW!!!" This time it was more of a demand then a question, even so she still remained completely silent. She started floating in the air. "I see through your little act, you won't get away. And you will give me everything I want to know, or else! You are a monster, you the 5ou sisters, Asa and Alis. You dream of killing, you set a trap? Let's try this again, for who?" He asked. She gave him a wild smirk and managed to choke out the words "take a... guess." He didn't have to guess, he knew if Rey ran into that trap it would kill her. "No, NO she's to smart she'll never run into your trap." He started choking her but she was resisting and it was the only thing keeping her alive. "As we speak she is taking a step closer to death. But it's not to late you have a choice, you can kill me and suffer the loss of her, or save her and risk me getting away." Amer proposed. Ben thought about it for a second but came to his senses. Rey told him to not put one life before the lives of many. But she also heard her say trust your instincts, his instincts were telling him to run, run right to her rescue. He released him and darted off to the building and yelled after him "stop her, at least hold her until we get back." Bellan powered on her saber, so did Amer but Gio was left defenseless. It still wasn't evenly matched, a 5 year old girl with one light saber and a young man with no weapons against a trained assassin with 2 light sabers. "Just stay back, I'll handle this... hopefully." The only time Bellan battled for real was against Amer and last time Amer had sent her to the hospital in need of surgery. She remembered everything she learned about the grey way and put it to use, Amer slowly prowled towards Bellan. Gio ran back to the Falcon but Bellan didn't know why. Amer finally pounced on Bellan, but she swiftly blocked the attack. The same thing happened over and over again Amer advanced and sent strike after strike, Bellan retreated slowly while still blocking both of her sabers. Bellan was going backwards to much, she was so close to falling off the landing platform. Amer, with one last vicious strike had sent Bellan flying backwards, Bellan scooched as far as she could away from Amer until she was sitting on the edge. "Your going to kill a child. YOU ARE A MONSTER!!!" "I will end all of the jedi, I will finish what the Emperor has started. I will kill all jedi, starting with you." Amer lifted both of her sabers above her head. "NOOOOOOO, you will NOT kill her, not without going through me first." Ahh, sister how nice of you to join us, I see you want to be like your little friend and he your head severed from your body. It's brave, but foolish to face me, you were always mor well known but all those times you were taking credit for team work, I was growing strong and conspiring my own plan to defeat you. Your no match for me!" Amer yelled in fury. Bellan  opened her eyes shocked to see Asa was fighting her own sister to save her Bellan's life. Just then Chewie and Gio burst out of the Falcon with blasters in their hands. They kept running towards Amer and Bellan picked herself up and kept fighting side by side with her best friends. They had her cornered, Chewie and Go standing on opposite sides of her while Bellan and Asa were advancing in between Chewie and Gio with their light sabers pointed at her head. "Put down your weapon and surrender, we have you outnumbered." Asa said. American snarled and smiled. "theres one thing I learned from Rey, it's how to get out of difficult situations." And with a grunt she powered on jersey light saber and did and flawless triple flip across the landing platform. She headed towards the Falcon. Everyone ran after her shooting but she blocked with her saber, neither Asa or Bellan knew force speed of how to force flip. She got on the Falcon and closed the ramp Gio was firing on the ship but quickly stopped when he saw the wookies reaction. "NO STOP!! If we shoot down Amer, then we destroy the falcon, and it's can't let that happen Gio seize fire. Let's just... go assist master Solo." She said. Bellan and the others walked to the temple trying to not think a hot their awful defeat, 4 against 1 and they failed miserably.


"Yes Lord Sideous, I will be there soon." Amer was kneeling before him in the ship. "Good may I be the first to congratulate you on your brilliant escape. You are on your way to becoming a powerful sith, in fact I have a rank for you no one else has ever recieved, almost no one. My personal assassin, the best assassin the has the rank of the emperor's hand. Ah yes, I can sense the hate in you child, towards your sister Alis and Asa, hate towards my grandaughter and Ben Solo, and most of all towards the jet in general. You will make a fine apprentice, and assassin." Amer couldn't help but smile, "thank you Lord sideous." And suddenly she was alone in the ship again. She couldn't believe it, finally someone is realizing her full potential. She would not let down her new master, not at any cost.


"Ben! Ben are you close? Ben what's going on? BEN!" Rey tried to reach him through the force but he wasn't answering her call to him. Earlier she had told everyone to stay still  and not move a mucsle, they had absolutely no idea what she was talking about but listened anyway. No one, not even Zorii or Poe was rebellious enough to ignore a grey jedi. "Rey, Rey I'm here I will be arriving in a second, don't move." She was releaved to hear his voice but she couldn't help but wonder where the padawans were. They were on the top floor, how could Ben get here so quickly? She saw Ben jump through a windows holding a grappling hook, everyone looked excited to see him. "Ladies first" he said sarcastically while doing a little bow. "Why thank you" Rose replied. Ben held out the grappling hook and was about to hook it to the ledge but Rose stopped him. "Than,so but I think I got it." She said with a smirk. She moved over to the next windows and instead of hooking it on the ledge, she hooked it on the inside of the room. "So it'd be more sterty." she explained. And with a huff she slid down the side of the building. "Rey your-" but before Ben could finish his sentence she already jumped out the window of the 64 foot building. "You jumpin or sliding?" Ben asked Poe. "Gee as much as I'd love to fall to my death, I think I'm going to have to go with sliding." Poe sarcastically said. Ben chuckled to himself on how alike Rey and her friends are, even if Poe is slightly more annoying then her. "Meh, might as well." And Ben jumped out after Poe and he saw Rey had landed on her feet unharmed and Rose was close to. He could see the docking platform with no one on it, and even worse. No ship was on it. He felt a wave of panic hit him and he brought himself closer to the ground as quick as he could using the force and he pushed Poe down with his other hand. Rey noticed before him and Poe got to the ground so Rey and Rose were running towards the docking bay. When Ben and Poe reached ground level they quickly joined them. "They're gone. They're all gone! Asa. Gio. Chewie. The Falcon. BELLAN, 5 YEAR OLD BELLAN!! THERE ALL GONE BECAUSE I WAS TO LATE!" Rey screamed as she cried into Ben's jacket. "Stop crying, grey jedi don't cry. They pick up their hearts and avenge defeat. Rey I feel something familiar, I think I feel Bellan."

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