The Mafia's Flame

By strawb3rryluv

4.3M 117K 79.9K

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE IS GONE?" He shouted at the poor guard. The guard flinched and lowered his head, "She... More

Authors Note
1. The Feelings
2. Perfect Timing
3. Unexpected Meeting
Castle grounds/Charcater List
4. Familiar Face
5. Why am I here?
6. Only one
7. Bonding Hours
8. Dreadful Explanation
9. Just Dance
10. Operation Llama
11. Preparation Nation
12. Igniting the Flame
13. Her Parents
14. His Beloved
15. Their Progress
16. You're Staying
17. Daddy's Little Girl
18. The Surprise
19. Her Home
20. Brick, Wall, Waterfall
21. The Call
22. His Soul
23. Late Night
24. The Field
25. Warehouse Mess
26. In Spirit
27. The Job
28. Favorite Show
29. Plans Change
30. Dress Shop
31. Bad boys
32. Jump Scares
33. The Ball
34. The Truth
35. The War
36. (S)he's Gone
37. His Help
38. Their Downfall
39. The Boys
40. The Fight
41. Your Forgiveness
42. The Ladies
43. She knows
44. Smile and Wave
45. Excuse You
46. Tell Me
47. Let's Go
48. Working On It
49. Sooner or Later
50. A Princess
51. The R word
52. Our Bond
53. Long Road Ahead
54. Good Times
Part Two/ New Characters
55. A Mess
56. Your Dress
57. The Camera
58. No Way
59. Riddle Me This
60. Going Insane
61. For Her
62. One Month
63. The Boss
64. Amphisbaena Twins
65. Tell Him
66. It Wasn't Him
67. It's Time
68. See Her
69. My Sister
70. A Game
71. Fall In Love
72. A Candle?
73. Bad Feeling
74. I Need You
75. Your Memories
76. Hold Them
77. Her Eyes
78. Happy Now?
79. With Whom?
80. Its Purpose
81. I Can't
82. Call Me
83. Go Now
84. Some Fun
85. Six Words
86. Her Choice
87. Four Hearts
88. Yes And No
89. Hellfire's Amphisbaena
90. Demios's Firefly
91. Princess's Khaos
92. The Mafia's Flame
Bonus: Hiding The Amphisbaena
Bonus: Traveling With Khaos
Bonus: The Donna

Bonus: Meeting Deimos and Alessio

12.4K 348 41
By strawb3rryluv




I groaned looking around the crowd of sweaty, drunk, high, crazy, and loud people. All of them kept trying to talk to me but I just wanted to go home.

Aidan and I came to the underground to let go of some pent up steam. I had a mask on the whole time and a matching purple workout set, everyone knew who I was. However that also came with a disadvantage, people knowing who I was which meant less people wanted to fight me. I had just finished my fourth fight of the night and was looking for Aidan. I checked everywhere but it's like this dumb boy disappeared and forgot about me.

My phone went off and I answered without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked walking to the bar.

"Serafina..." Aidan's voice rang through the phone.

I grunted, "Where the hell- hold on," I paused, "One water please," I looked at the bartender and gave him money, "Now where the hell are you?" I hissed into the phone.

"I had to come back home, I saw Walter and came home to calm myself. You were in the middle of a fight so I didn't want to bother you." He explained.

I gasped, "You left me here just because Walter is also here?! What kind of best friend are you?!" I gritted out.

The bartender came back and he handed be two water bottles and a napkin with a wink.

"Thank you." I smiled grabbing them.

"He is my arch nemesis you know this!" He whined.

I scoffed, "That doesn't mean anything! Just beat him up then! That's it! You can't have fruit snacks for two months! I'm so disappointed." I murmured opening a bottle.

"Little grape..."

"No excuses! I'm hanging up!" I hissed.


"No!" I stubbornly protested and hung up.

I pulled my mask up a bit and chugged half of the water before putting the bottle down reading the napkin.

I would love to see you use those wrestling skills in bed, call me sexy.

Seriously? That dude was like 35.

I grabbed the napkin and turned to another guy who looked the same age as him, he fought a round earlier. I tapped his shoulder and he looked at me with a glare before realizing who I was.

"Um, the bartender told me to give this to you." I mumbled and gave him the napkin.

He read it over and his eyebrows shot up, "Me? What- Who?" He asked gruffly.

I pointed and he looked over before a smirked formed on his lips.

"Thanks." He grunted and got up.

I watched him walk over to the bartender and started flirting with him. He leaned over and grabbed his hand making the bartender pale. I heard laughing and turned to see a guy sitting at a table a few feet away looking me over.

"Hellfire... that was a bit mean, no?" He titled his head.

I scanned him but my eyes grew curious looking at his black hair. My dad had black hair but this guys hair was extremely dark to the point I didn't know that it was possible. My eyes landed on his bare chest and they traveled up to his neck tattoo before I looked up again.

"Nothing close to what you've done, isn't that right Deimos?" I shot back.

He just smirked amused.

His eyes traveled over me and I scoffed crossing my arms.

"Checking me out are we? Aren't you a little young..." he looked up.

I furrowed my brows, "No I wasn't and what makes you think I'm so young?" I asked coldly.

"No offense but you're pretty short, and also that mask doesn't cover everything. You might fool people with those boots but not me, I caught a glimpse of your face earlier, not enough to fully see you but hence me knowing you are pretty young." He shrugged.

"You've seen my face? Are you a stalker?" I mocked.

He laughed, "No I just saw you put it on when you got here. Don't worry I can keep a secret." He winked.

"Okay, bye." I waved and turned to leave.

"Wait!" He called but I didn't listen.

"Hellfire!" He yelled.

I sighed and turned around, "Yes?" I looked around.

"Can I take you to dinner?" He breathed.

My eyes darted to him, "You literally just said I was too young to be here. How old are you?" I crossed my arms.

"I'm seventeen," he answered.

"Mhm," I hummed, "Sorry Deimos but I have places to be and things to do." I turned around.

"Come on please, let me take you out?" He asked walking next to me.

Lucifer this dude.

"No thank you." I replied nicely.

He blocked the door, "But, I want to get to know the famous Hellfire." He smiled.

"What makes you think you can get to know me? I keep my identity a secret for a reason." I rolled my eyes pushing past him.

He ran in front of me outside and stopped, "Can I take you to dinner?" He looked like he wasn't going to give up.


"Can I take you to dinner?"

I threw my hands up, "It's almost one in the morning!" I said exasperated.

"Then can I take you to a midnight snack?" He asked with hopeful eyes.

I put a hand on my hip, "Listen buddy, that's the fifth time you've asked and I said no. I don't know who you think you are but you don't know me. I have a very crazy family and you'll be dead before you can say my name again. Ask me one more time and I'll personally break your pretty face." I hissed jabbing my finger into his chest, "And put on a shirt!" I huffed walking away.

I looked around only to groan in annoyance, Aidan took the car with him. If I call my brothers they'll be so mad that he left me here alone. I might be mad but I don't want my best friend to die, yet.

"So, can I take you out now? I assume you don't have a way home with the way your friend left pretty quickly." He said from behind me.

"Biscuits." I cursed.

I spun around and he slipped on a black t-shirt before leaning against a motorcycle. He crossed his arms basically flexing without trying and I saw his veins pop out a bit making me want to drool.

Nope, absolutely not Serafina.

Get it together.

"Fine. But I'm not responsible if you die. And it's definitely not a date." I crossed my arms.

He nodded, "Fair enough," he stood up and held his hand out, "Daegan." He smiled.

I pulled my hair out of my bun and shook it real quick before taking off my mask.

"Serafina or Riot," I took his hand.

His eyes stayed on me and I looked around confused, do I have something on my face?

I let go, "Uh- Daeagan?" I shifted.

He blinked, "Sorry... I just froze. Hop on Princess, I don't want your father to kill me." He mumbled.

"It was the face wasn't it?" I got on behind him and tied my bag around me tightly.

He turned slightly, "Yeah, there's magazines with you and your family everywhere. Plus the Italian mafia is the highest rank after all. Don't worry I'll get you home safely." He promised.

He brought out a black helmet and put it over my head and clipped it for me. His gray eyes connected with mine and I closed the visor before it got anymore intense and he chuckled lowly.

"Hold on tight," he winked and turned to start the bike.

After a thirty minute drive we ended up at a small dessert restaurant. He bought us some milkshakes and small sweet snacks ignoring my protest to pay for at least half. We sat near his bike in the parking lot sharing everything.

"So, you're american right? Where are you from exactly?" I asked sipping on my milkshake.

He made a face, "No, I'm from Texas. I travel around a lot though." He grabbed a cookie.

"Texas? Oh, you're not American then." I waved him off.

He nodded again, "Exactly I'm not American. Hey, you knew!" He smiled, "I'm Texan. It's basically it's own country." He shrugged, "Obviously you're Italian right?" He asked as I handed him a napkin.

I made a face, "Uh, my family are Italians through and through. I've lived here a long time and I'm a citizen but technically I'm not Italian because I was born in Scotland." I admitted quietly.

"You're Italian." He confirmed, "Doesn't matter if you were born somewhere else. There are children all over the world born in different countries from where they live and identify differently. An orphan from Spain can go to America as a kid and identify as American or Spain later on, it just depends what you think. Like you said you've lived here a long time and your family are the Donatello's. Pure blooded Italians. Don't let people determine your nationality because of some stupid society stereotypes." He rolled his eyes.

A small smile made its way to my face, "Thank you." I whispered.

"You're welcome," he replied, "We should probably get you home though." He stood up.

We threw all the trash away and it took about an hour to get home, it was already almost four. I knew he was taking the long way, maybe some wrong turns as well but I didn't care, for once I felt a little free. My arms tightened around him but instead of tensing he seemed to relax more. He stopped outside the gate and I got down waving to the guards making them nod and open it for me.

"Your family took the phrase every princess needs her castle literal huh?" He looked at the castle.

I laughed, "Thank you for tonight Daegan. I'll see you around?" I handed him the helmet still smiling widely.

His eyes softened a bit, "You'll see me around, maybe I'll take you on another date firefly." He smirked.

"Firefly?" I titled my head.

"When you smile or laugh I swear you glow a bit, it's very captivating. And fire from you know hellfire so... therefore Firefly." He explained.

I hummed, "Later Dae, also it was not a date." I waved and turned.

"Bye for now firefly," I heard him whisper and take off.

Bye for now indeed.


"Dae!" I yelled.

I heard running and he burst into the room looking around before signing in relief.

"Firefly what the hell? You scared me!" He lightly scolded.

My eyes watered, "I'm sorry!" I sobbed.

He paled, "No no no it's okay firefly. I was just scared it's okay, I love you." He cooed hugging me.

"Okay!" I smiled, "Can you help me tie my shoes, your son is making it difficult." I huffed tiredly.

He sighed softly, "Of course my love, here let's sit you down." He gently lowered me.

He bent down and tied my shoes before touching my stomach, "Give your mommy a break little man. You're already causing her enough problems with your size." He whispered.

Excuse me, size?

"Did you just call me and our baby fat?" I hissed angrily.

He looked up, "No I didn't!" He shook his head quickly.


Killian walked in calmly, "Did you accidentally call her fat?" He asked.

I gasped, "You think I'm fat too?" I cried.

"Princess no!" He held his hands up.

Willow walked in and looked around, "What is wrong with you two?! Get out! I'm kicking your ass Killian!" She gritted out chasing him.

"My love, you're not fat," Deagan kissed my hand, "I think you look absolutely beautiful. You're carrying our child and that's honestly the best gift you could ever give me. I love you and our little man in there. No matter what you look like." He mumbled kissing my head.

"I love you too," I sniffled.

"Fruit snacks?" He smiled.

I squealed, "Yes! Help me!" I said excitedly.

He pulled me up and liquid ran down making us look at it quietly.

"Firefly I know you love fruit snacks but did you really get that excited enough to pee?" He asked a little baffled.

I facepalmed, so smart yet so stupid.

I hit his head and he hissed, "My water just broke you dumb head! Call Lily!" I ordered.

"Water broke?" He paled.

I groaned, "WILLOW CALL LILY MY WATER BROKE!" I yelled loudly.

"WHAT?!" She squealed, "I GOT HER ON SPEED DIAL!" She yelled back in the distance.

"Oh fuck!" Daegan yelled.

He ran around and got everything we already packed before running out of the room. He cursed loudly in the hall and ran back in to pick me up, he ran towards the car downstairs quickly yet carefully.

"Lily said she is on her way to your family's hospital, she will handle everything. They won't know until you want them to." Willow said running next to us with Killian.

Daegan placed me in the back with him and the other two got in the front. I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes tiredly. We finally made it to the hospital and I was immediately rushed into a room after changing me. They made Daegan change as well so now he was with me holding my hand.

"Lily," I muttered closing my eyes.

She smiled, "Okay I need to check and see where you're at." She said before checking under the blanket.

I grunted feeling another pain.

She looked up, "Uh- Serafina you're going to have to push now." She nodded encouragingly.

I grimaced, biscuits this hurt. This isn't physical pain it's internal- vaginal pain- I'm going to cry.

"When I say push you are going to push," she instructed, "Okay, 1- 2- 3- push," she spoke loudly.

I pushed and held Daegan's hand tightly.

"You're doing good firefly," he whispered kissing my head.

"Shut up Deagan!" I yelled, "As soon as we're out of here your dick is coming off!" I hissed.

He paled, "But- l-love..." he stuttered.

"Push Serafina!"

My eyes squeezed shut as I pushed and I stopped taking a deep breath.

"You're doing great, again. 1- 2- 3- push!"

I gripped his hand tighter pushing as much as I could before stopping again.

This is too much.

"I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You." I gritted out.

"One more push!"


I pushed extremely hard probably brushing Daegan's hand until I heard a cry. I sighed letting go and Daegan kissed me before leaning back showing me his tears.

I wiped them away, "Why are you crying?" I murmured tiredly.

"Thank you, he's beautiful. I'm so proud of you." He sniffled kissing my hand.

There was movement all around until Lily finally came over with a bundle and slowly handed him to me.

"He's beautiful, what do you want to name him?" Lily asked softly.

My baby slowly opened his eyes little by little and I laughed as tears ran down my face.

"You have your daddy's eyes handsome." I sniffled.

I looked at Dae and he had the biggest smile on his face making my heart melt.

"What do you want to make him?" I asked looking back down.

Dae hummed, "Alessio, after your father?" He asked making me freeze.

"Really?" I asked as a few tears slipped out.

"Yes firefly, I think it's a good name for our little man." He mumbled lovingly.

I nodded, "His middle name will be Dacian, after you..." I declared.

"It's perfect." He kissed my head.

"I'll get the paperwork started and call the others for you guys." Lily smiled and walked out.

I handed him to Daegan, "Isn't he perfect?" I asked softly.

"Just like his mommy," Deagan smiled.



Hey cuties, this is just a short bonus chapter explaining what happened in those years. Yeah I made Daegan a Texan, just like me- and what?! This is just a repeat of the last AN so you can skip it. I just copied it just in case some people didn't read the others. I'm so sad this story is over but all good things come to an end.

Little fun fact- all writings in aesthetics are said through the story so if you ever RR look out for them.

If you are wondering my next story will be out in a few days. Thanks for the support! My love and blessings to you cuties, see you soon.

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