nothing like us - harvey mill...

By andiamkatie

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don't forget us, there's nothing like us. (i wrote this in 2020 im sorry its so cringe) (harvey mills x oc!) More

nothing like us


711 7 95
By andiamkatie


harvey's pov:

AFTER WE WENT ice skating, we all walked back to katie's house to watch a movie.

a christmas movie to be precise.

it's finally december so that means i can force my friends into watching the grinch everyday till christmas.

when we got inside katie's house, we all took our shoes off.

claire hates people wearing shoes inside of the house.

"ok guys go sit down i'll make us some popcorn" katie said, walking over to the kitchen.

"where's claire?" chloe asked, noticing claire's bag and shoes were gone.

"oh yeah she's out with some of her friends at a work party" katie explained.

"who would've thought, julie williams the party animal" i laughed.

"yeah when my mum says party, i think it means going over to her friends house for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake" katie pointed out.

"oh now that makes sense" elisha stated.

"i'm really gonna miss you when we leave" i heard cait say to tom.

"no don't bring that up cos i'll cry in front of everyone like a loser" tom replied.

"oops" cait laughed and sat down on the sofa, tom fell next to her.

"i'll miss you a lot though" cait whispered, but we all still heard her.

tom smiled and put his arm around cait, kissing her head.

i turned to look at katie in the kitchen, who was attempting to make popcorn in the microwave, but failing.

i mean, it's not that hard to microwave popcorn.

pippa and freddie could probably do it better than her.

speaking of pippa and freddie, i bet tills is at home forcing them to play dress up with her.

then it hit me.

i go back home in 4 days.

i have 4 days

to tell katie that-

no never mind it's stupid.


ok i caught feelings

but i don't think i ever lost them in the first place..

i have to do something

"ok um lads" i whispered.

"harvey why are you whispering?" max asked with a concerned look on his face.

"do you need a cough sweet?" dobby offered.

yes dobby randomly had a cough sweet in his pocket.

"no i'm whispering because katie can't hear what i'm about to say" i laughed.

"and now that is my queue to be scared" hannah added, sitting up in her seat and moving closer to me to hear.

"so stay with me on this one"

"oh god harvey for the last time, we are not buying you a pet alpaca" tom interrupted.

"ohhh i've asked for one of those for christmas" elisha giggled.

"what- like a real one?" chloe asked worriedly.

"yeah" elisha replied.

"will everyone shush so i can say this before katie gets back with the popcorn" i stressed.

"ok go ahead we're listening" ana moved closer in her seat.

"so we leave in 4 days" i added.

"yes indeed we leave on the 17th of december to be precise"

"yes thank u for reminding us" cait said sarcastically.

"meaning i have 4 days.." i got cut off.

"to go to taco bell?" rio asked.

"uh no"

"to run through times square naked?"

"what the.."

"now that would be a great video to show mum, when we get back home" max smirked.

"i don't think our mother would want to see her 17 year old son run around naked in public" i laughed.

"well you've done it before.." max exposed.

"WHAT" libby screamed.

"shhhh i was just drunk" i clarified.

"WHY IS LIBBY SCREAMING?" katie shouted from the kitchen.

"UHHH ANA SAT ON HER" i replied, unable to think of a reasonable answer.

"OH OKAY" katie yelled back, still making the popcorn.

"really? i sat on libby?" ana laughed.

"oh yeah shit sorry, i should've said dobby sat on her instead" i joked.

"harvey. no." taylor stated.

"why me?" dobby innocently asked.

"oh cmon we're not clueless, we all know you two have something going on" max smirked, making both libby and dobby turn bright red.

"really harvey?? underage drinking??... disgraceful" elisha said.

"it's fine cos we're british" max smiled.

"anyways we're changing the subject and i need to say this quickly"

"ok get this over with then" lilli chuckled.

"i have 4 days to tell katie how i feel" i whispered quietly.

"how you feel about what??" taylor questioned.

"are you dumb?" max said, turning to face taylor, who was, obviously, sitting next to him.

"ohhh wait, you have 4 days to confess your unconditional love for katie" rio said, rather loudly.

"SHHHHH SHUT UP" i pleaded.

"ok well how are we gonna help you?" hannah asked.

"idk but 4 days isn't enough time" i explained.

"max.." taylor smirked.

"taylor.." max smirked.

"do you remember what you commented on my instagram post today?" taylor mentioned.

"uhhh yeah what about it?" max confusingly asked.

"how about we actually make it happen??" taylor proposed.

"YES YES YES I LIKE THAT IDEA" max shrieked.

"i'm sorry but what are you making happen??" chloe asked.

"well tell me what your plan is because we still have some time until katie comes back" i said to max, turning my head to face him.

"ok fine, i wanted you to wait and die of suspicion, but since i'm nice i'll tell you" max rolled his eyes.

my brother can be so annoying sometimes.

i don't know what taylor sees in him.

"today on taylor's instagram post, i commented, can i spend christmas with u this year?"

"AWW YOU DID OMG" ana shouted in an excited tone.

"yes i did" max smiled at taylor.

"so the idea is, we're gonna spend christmas with you guys this year" taylor cleared up.

"what you mean like, you guys come to berkshire for christmas?" rio asked.

"yep" taylor replied.

"all of you?" tom added and smiled with excitement.

"well i'm down" cait said, making tom's smile bigger.

"are all of your parents gonna be ok with you spending christmas in england? i mean this is all pretty last minute" dobby asked.

"it'll take some persuading" hannah said, liking the idea of going to england.

"a lot of it" chloe mentioned, knowing she has strict parents.

"i mean you could always just bring your family with you" i suggested.

"yeah i'm not sure if our families want to go to england for christmas harvey" lilli giggled.

"we'll try our best to persuade our parents to let us come" elisha explained.

"ok so that's our plan, hopefully, we all come to england for christmas, spend some time there, harvey confesses his feelings, katie loves him back, bish bash bosh, happy christmas everyone" max planned.

"if only it were that simple" i chuckled.

"KATIE" a high-pitched voice shouted from upstairs.

"WHAT SOPHIE" katie shouted back.



"entertain me" sophie innocently commented, as she stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"SHIT" katie screamed as her sister gave her a fright.


"i'm sorry but it's like you bloody teleport around this house, one minute your upstairs, next minute your standing in the bloody kitchen doorway"


"what? bloody?" katie questioned.


"if you don't tell mum i'll get cait to take you to the shop to get some sweets" katie gambled, not wanting to be grounded.


"CAITTTT" katie screamed, grabbing the hand of her 9 year old sister and dragging her through to the living room.

"can you take sophie to the shop to get some sweets please??"

"ugh what's in it for me" cait whined, standing up out of her seat, knowing she's going to have to go the shop with sophie anyways.

"i'll give you my card, buy whatever you want, just don't go over 20 dollars" katie bribed.

"ok sure"

"YAYYY" sophie jumped up and down in excitement.

"thank you, you're a life saver" katie said to cait.

"i know" cait laughed.

"i'll come with you" tom added and got out of his seat.

"okie" cait smiled.

"OK CMON LETS GO GUYS" sophie screamed, eager for sugar.

"ok we're coming jeez"

once they left for the shop, i got an idea.

"popcorn is nearly ready, so get choosing a movie" katie reassured us, walking back into the kitchen.

"ok so um lads" i whispered again.

"oh god, the whispering is back therefore, once again, i am scared for what you're about to say" hannah added.

"i have an idea"

"wOaH hold that thought harvey, my mom is calling me" chloe said as she grabbed her phone went into the kitchen to talk to her mum.

"ofc the one time i have a great idea
chloe has to be on a phone call" i shook my head.

"ok so my mom wants me to go to the store to get her some groceries, but i don't wanna go alone, soooo who wants to come with meee" chloe asked, with a smile on her face hoping someone would say yes.

"i'll come" hannah said and stood up.

"me too" lilli added.

"ok let's go then" chloe smiled.

"bye losers" hannah waved.


"OK SEE YOU SOON" katie shouted.

"oh wait harvey what was your plan again" lilli stopped, remembering i had an idea.

"well it doesn't matter for you anymore but.." i stopped to think whether it was a good idea or not.

"but.. what?" taylor questioned.

"well you know how katie's favourite place is the bridge at central park?"

"yeah.." libby answered.

"i have no idea how you knew that, because i didn't even know" ana exclaimed.

"well i was thinking that we tell her there" i suggested.

"AWW THATS SO CUTE YES" rio excitedly shouted.

"shhh" i laughed at her excitement.

"awwhh" libby yelled.

"shush now shush" i said, worried that katie would hear.

"wait we should probably ask mum if they can spend christmas with us first" max remembered.

"oh shit yeah"

"i'm sure she'll be fine with it, i'll just text her" max said.

"woah your parents must be chill if they're ok with this" elisha laughed.

"hi mum can katie, taylor, and their friends come back over to england to spend christmas with us this year.. AND SEND" max read out his text message.


"woah that was quick" dobby widened his eyes.

"she never types that fast" i said, worried about her answer.

"she said.. yes of course they can, just as long as they book a hotel to stay in because we don't have enough rooms for them all, or if you wanted to share your rooms??, but i'd doubt you'd want to do that. there will be enough christmas turkey for them all so they can come round on christmas day for lunch. also tills told me to tell you that she misses you a lot and that she wants you to bring her back some american sweets- honestly what is that girl like, stay safe and see you soon xxx"

"so now it's just getting our parents to agree and we are all good" taylor said.

"this is all so exciting" libby clapped her hands.

"ok so you guys should ask your parents then we tell katie" i planned.

"i'll ring my parents on the way to the store" lilli said.

"me too" chloe added.

"uhh i guess i don't really have to ask because i already live in berkshire.." rio laughed.

"see you guys soon" i said as they walked out the door to head to the shop.

"i'll text tom, to tell cait to ask her parents now, because the earlier the better" dobby said.

"i guess i'll go upstairs to ring my mum" taylor chuckled and stood up out of her seat.

"me too, if katie comes back and we're still upstairs, tell her we've gone to use her hairbrush" elisha advised.

"i suppose i'll come upstairs too" libby laughed.

"that is actually a smart idea elisha" dobby approved.

"what can i say, i'm full of surprises" elisha chuckled and walked upstairs with taylor and libby.

"i can't believe we're going out of our way to surprise YOUR girlfriend" max teased.

"shut up twat" i rolled my eyes.

"you never stopped loving her did you?" dobby asked.

"well.. no not really" i honestly replied with a worried look on my face.


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