It's A Freaky New Moon AroxBe...

By Gerrygirlslf

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The day when Bella Meets Aro everything did not go as planned, they come under a spell. Now they must work to... More

Chapter One: The Arrivals
Chapter Two: The Switch
Chapter Three: Plan B
Chapter Four: Getting To Know You And Me
Chapter Five: Farewells and Adjustments
Chapter Six: Discoveries and Difficulties
Chapter Seven: Encounters of the Awkward Kind
Chapter Eight: Let The Punishment Fit The Crime
Chapter Nine: Lying to Caius The Witch and Aro's Wardrobe,
Chapter Ten: The Letter and Hanging With the Guard
Chapter Eleven: You can't Avoid Mother nature or the feast
Chapter 12: Aro's day out
Chapter 13: Bella's Birthday Ball
Chapter 14: The Night Of Nights
Chapter 15: The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Chapter 16: The Blood and Sulpicia
Chapter 17: Countdown To Baby
Chapter 18: Hell Has No Fury
Chapter 19: The Return
Chapter 20: Nickolos
Chapter 21" The Awakening
Chapter 22: Time for change and farewell
Chapter 23:The Volturi wedding celebration

Chapter 24: Nickolos, Prince of Hybrids

290 16 3
By Gerrygirlslf

Well, here is the final chapter. It's been wonderful journey and I'm bittersweet about it. But I had fun with it!

Chapter 24: Nickolos, Prince of Hybrids,

As the years passed by, the Volturi became world renowned for their benevolent presence in the vampire community.

Aro happy in his new marriage, was surrounded by love and was a changed vampire for the better. His guards were no longer his lowly servants, they were his friends. He worked side by side with him to bring justice and peace to their kind. There was still uprisings of newborn vampires and lawbreakers to deal with, and so they were busy keeping order as usual. Aro and the guard had to travel to the West and deal with newborns created without care. The law of watching after a newborn was severely enforced by the Volturi and this was one of the many reasons why. Newborn vampires pose a great threat if not properly looked after and after their destruction, Aro searched the world for their creator and delivered swift judgment on the careless vampire.

Bella traveled often with him because she wanted to provide protection for her husband and coven. She was completely dedicated to him and supported Aro in everything to help with their work. She was greatly respected among the covens and feared by the lawbreakers. She made all her family that stood with her in battle indestructible and completely protected. The lawbreakers were just as frightened of her ability as Jane's and Alex's ability, so they quickly submitted to the covenant when they saw her fearsome power.

The coven was more loyal than ever and worked hard to make Aro's vision for the future a reality. Demetri, Felix, and Heidi where in no short supply of food as they captured the criminals about the continent for their weekly feast. Italy became the safest country around, with the crime rate at an all-time low.

Caius love to persecute and destroy the foolish vampires are dared to invoke his wrath as usual but at the same time, he was a loving uncle, which made him more pleasant to be around. Instead of angry, sneering, shouting vampire he was before Nikki came into his life, he was fun and sometimes witty. He was truly a pushover for his nephew that stole his heart and took the opportunity to steal him away from time to time. He enjoyed taking Nikki out and entertaining him by going to parks, fairs, museums and showing him the sites all over the world. His wife was extremely pleased that he showed such love for his family like never before and even was caught smiling on occasion. Caius only showed his softer side to the Volturi because he didn't want the vampire community to know that he could be a good guy if he chose. He had a reputation to uphold, after all.

Demetri and Felix found love among the humans and after a successful bonding, they made them their mates. Marcus was so altered now, that if you didn't know him today, you would not recognize him because he was so different from his former self. Bella's presence in his life brought him happiness and slowly healed his poor broken heart. He fell in love again and it completely changed him. After the wedding he wanted the happiness that he saw in Bella's and Aro's marriage, so he shook himself out of depression after he said his peace to his Didyme. As Marcus came out of his depression and came a new man, he opened himself up to love at last. His secretary Gianna caught his eye and they courted for months. He took her out, romanced her and as it turned out they were made for each other. Marcus even went as far as to change his appearance. Gianna suggested a makeover and when his family saw him as he returned from the mall, He look decades younger. She had picked out designer casual jeans and shirts and sneakers. He had on a leather jacket and got his hair cut short. He even got an earring that made him look quite sexy and youthful. The time came and Marcus changed his Gianna then married her. Now there were three Queens once again that ruled by the Kings side.

Nikolos, Present time ...

As the years went by, about seven years down the road, Nikki grew into a handsome young man. He stood in his bathroom looking in the mirror, giving himself a look over for the last time. He turned his head slightly as the sound of soft footsteps that approached his room came to his ears. He smiled as the door opened and in came the sweet scent of lilac filling his room and the comforting smell, he knew so well boosted his nerve.

Bella stood in the center of her son's room, stopped by his bathroom door, and waited for him to emerge so if she could help him. She smiled to herself as she picked up on the little motivational speech, he was giving to himself in the mirror before he came out. It was getting time to go, and she was ready to escort him to the Great Hall throne room.

''Nickolos, come out of there and let me take a look at you. ''Bella called.

Nickolos flitted in front of his mother looking flustered. Bella reached for his tie and straightened it again. He seemed to have loosened it a while he was stressing.

''Oh mom, I fixed it 100 times already, I'm so nervous. ''Nickolos admitted, sighing with anxiety, looking up as she fixed it.

I know Nikki, there now, let's have a look at you. '' After fixing it, Bella turned Nikki to look into the mirror with her.

''Well, don't you look fine, my boy! ''Bella smiled at his grin as she complemented him.

Nickolos, now all grown up looks so much like Aro. He still had his curly hair and wore it short and neat. Nickolos had put gel in it to make his curly locks more manageable and he looked very handsome. His eyes were brilliant, leafy green, shining with determination for what he was about to do, despite his nerves.

He stood by his mother's side as he smoothed down his suit jacket an Italian Armani suit. The black color suit made him look so mature that he had a grin on his slightly tan face. He was pleased with how he looked. His complexion was given by Aro as well as the same build and height. He developed great intelligence and wit bestowed by both parents. He retained Bella's cheeks, nose and lips that made him very endearing in his father's eyes. They were both proud of him and we're pleased to find out that he no longer aged after seven years.

Aro came across a few hybrids since his son's birth and even took some in. They were without a coven and he learned a lot about them. They explained that after 7 years they did not age. Equally interesting, the males only had the venom to change humans into vampires. Some had gifts, others did not. The fact that Nickolos was not to age any longer came at great comfort to his parents, staying at a lovely age of 21.

Slowly the door open and Aro walked to his family's side. Nickolos turned to him as Aro embrace him, warmly.

''I'm so proud of you and to witness this day gives your mother and I great joy.'' Aro praised him fondly.

''Thank you, dad. I will try to do my best with the confidence that is given to me. ''Nickolos said as he patted his father on the back as they pulled back smiling.

''I'm sure you will. They have all arrived and are waiting for us, so let's not let them wait any longer, shall we? '' Aro waved over towards the door to motion their exit.

Nikki and Bella were arm in arm as they followed Aro out the door to the throne room. As they approached their destination Nikki could hear murmurs and soft cries of the children as they opened the door. All turned towards with them and erupted in applause as they took their place on the platform. Bella and Aro sat on their thrones with Caius and Athena. Nickolos stood behind a pulpit and raised his hand to silence the welcoming crowd. Nickolos looked out in the audience and scanned the crowd for familiar faces.

He smiled as he gazed upon Demetri and his wife Angelina. In Angie's arms, she held Demetri junior as he whispered softly to his mama, playing with her hair. Demetri had created a hybrid with his chosen human mate and stood proudly at their side. Next, he observed Felix and his mate with their little girl. Felix found his mate Jenny one day as he saved her from one of the bruits he captured for the feast. They instantly fell in love and they created their little daughter Jeanette. Next, his eyes fell on Marcus. He and Gianna created Twins and they were both softly crying in their arms. They were just born days ago and were the joy of their lives. Little Mark and Isabella were just so cute in their blue and pink dress clothes with matching booties. Marcus named his girl after Bella because she saved him from endless depression, so to speak and he loved her as a daughter. Mark was named after him; Gianna suggested the spelling and he loved it. Four grown hybrids were also present they were Nahul, standing with his vampire aunt Huien. Serena, Maysun and Jennifer stood near them. They stood alone because the Volturi dealt with their father swiftly and put him to death for abandoning their mothers and the children of the so-called experiment. The rest of the hybrids were from other covens around the world that have successfully made their children. Seven more babies and couples stood before them cuddling their dear ones closed, looking up at him with smiling faces.

Nicholas cleared his throat as he began dressing the room.

''Thank you all. I would like to begin to thank my parents and family. When my mother came into my father's life, she inspired such a change to the Volturi's lives we find ourselves grateful for her gentle presence in our hearts. Aro, my father and king is a great leader and when my mother came along, she made him a great Queen and turned all the hearts of all that knew her for the better. She has such a beautiful soul that all seemed to be touched by just knowing her. In my life, I am blessed by her nurturing love and care that shines from her daily and it continues to affect me deeply in my life. ''

Bella's eyes welled up with tears at his heartfelt words.

''My father has been a great influence in all that I am today. He showed me by his example how to be the man you see before you. By his rule, I learned how to judge fairly, not with the iron fist but with wisdom to judge well. By his mind, I learn how to think and plan for the future for the benefit of all. By his actions, I learned how to react with careful consideration and patience. By his love, I learned how to give love in return, whether it one deserves it or not. Now he passes me a torch of authority that I am humbled before you to accept.''

Aro swelled with fatherly pride as his son spoke of him with such admiration.

''I wish to thank my family, the Volturi coven for all their love and support. Specially my uncles Caius and Marcus and my aunts Athenodora and Gianna. Thank you for loving me through the years. My family and guard, thank you for all you do. Last but not least, to all of you, who have put all their trust in me and I will seek to endeavor to make the best decisions for our kind, to be your voice and mediator to serve you well.

When I was young, I was quite a handful, always disappearing on my caretakers and parents. I remember Uncle Caius saying he was going to install a GPS tracking device on me if I didn't stop.''

The room chuckled at the thought.

''I am determined to be there for you all and to invest my entire life in making a good leader that you all will be proud to have represent you. I believe that every right implies of responsibility. Every opportunity and obligation. Every possession a duty to do what's right. I will stand by you and I will not let you down and be the help you need.

I recall this quote ...remember, if you need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm. As you get older, remember you have another hand. The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others. This will be what I will strive to do. ''

Clapping erupted out of the crowd.

''I know we face many challenges and I will face them head on with the determination to set things right. The laws that govern our kind of being accountable to your creations has been received and followed generally well. We are still getting the word out to the farthest regions of the world. Prejudice however have developed in some covens and we are seeking to provide protection and placement to the hybrids. My father has already taken in three and is searching the globe to find more outcast. We know that some of them recently have been abandoned, for what reasons we have yet to find out, but rest assured, we are tracking down the offenders. Crimes against us will be dealt with severely and I know you must be aware of the rising resistance of the more backward covens regarding mating with humans. I've been aware of the need to be a fair judge, who understands our kind and will strive to make good decisions for all. I will be that mediator. ''

Clapping erupted out of the crowd again.

''Violence against our kind because they wish to terminate us will not be tolerated by the Volturi and any such reports will be investigated until justice is served. Order in peace is my goal and it is an honor that you have chosen me to assist you all and bring it into reality thank you for making me your Prince.

Please now join us in the ballroom for some refreshment before you head back to your homes and again thank you all for being here today.''

Applause erupted again after Nickolos's accepted speech.


Aro stood up and walked to his son and gave him a warm hug. Bella ducked under Aro's arm to give her two guys love as she smiled from ear to ear. Everyone gathered in for the social and mingled about the ballroom. The guard were taking turns as they met with the parents getting a chance to hold the babies. Nikki met with all the families to thank them for their support. He was impressed with the children of Joham. Their survival and spirit touched him, and he was thankful for his loving family all the more. Meaning with them all strengthen his resolve to be the best leader he could be.

While Aro and Bella walked around talking with all the guests, a new presence was felt. All turned to the steady sound of a human heartbeat as it thumped all in their ears. There at the door by Santiago was Abigail Ravensky the witch. Aro flitted over to her and took her hands in friendship with Bella and Nickolos at his heels. She was grinning that all knowing smile and reached out for all their hands.

''Well Abby, I'm glad to see you after all these years! how are you? Aro ask kindly.

''How are you Is more like it! I see you made it back and have yourself a beautiful wife. I could see that your coven is so different from the last time I saw them Aro! You have a son as well! What a wonderful looking family you all are!'' Abigail exclaimed happily.

''Yes, I believe you said to me once that it will work out for the best and I am pleased to find out that you were right after all, you are a dear friend! ''Bella said as she hugged her warmly.

''Yes, I did, didn't I? Even I have not foreseen the wonders that my gift would give, not just to Aro but to all his life it seems. ''Abby admitted grinning slyly at Aro shocked face.

''What! Abigail you were behind this all along! '' Aro fumed.

''Easy there, Aro! I did it because I had a vision that you would meet your true mate but because you were so power mad, that makes you blind to the facts, you could not see past the end of your nose! You needed my help, my dear. You have your Bella and your son too. Look at all of you now! I'm incredibly pleased at the results of my little spell. ''Abby calmly explained.

''How, how! How did you fool me Abby? I read minds and so did Bella for a time!'' Aro asked crossly.

''Oh, I just cast a mind blocking spell, it was all I needed. You and Bella were not able to read me at all if you recall. '' Abby explain taking a step back as Aro moved towards her.

''You realize I was a woman carrying a baby and gave birth, all because of your so-called gift? You meddling little witch!'' Aro growled out.

She chuckled as he stepped forward then Bella intervened. ''Oh leave her alone Aro! She is so wonderful to us. Aro, do be calm it would be nice if you blinked a little, your eyes are about to pop out of your head my dear!'' Bella said shrinking back at his anger as she cut him off from getting to Abby. Bella wrapped her arms around her protectively, holding her close.

Nickolos snicker by Aro's side and Aro swatted him playfully.

''When you told me the story of how you and mom got together, you left out the part you were a woman, dad. '' Nicki said cracking up holding his side.

''I was in your mother's body, not just any woman. And as for Abby, the next time you dabble in my affairs do not turn me into anything ever again! ''Aro demanded pulling Bella to him, away from Abby

''Well, what do you think of your gift, my friend Aro?'' Abby ask happily looking around.

Bella nudged his arm to continue, giving him a mischievous smile.

''I guess I should thank you Abby, after all I owe you so much. Bella would not be with me and I will not have a son, so I will forgive you this time for your interference. '' Aro grinned his fake smile at Abby. Inside he was extremely put out by her craftiness. A human got better of Aro Volturi.

What's the world coming to! He thought as he rolled his eyes.

Caius moved over to where they were.

''Ah Aro, now you know what it feels like to have a spell cast on you and to have your life meddled with! I kind of like this human, we should keep her around! '' Caius said as he put his arm around Abby, Fondly.

Aro huffed and muttered something like over his dead body or something.

Everyone laughed and Abby looked up at Caius.

''My, things really have changed around here if the almighty evil Caius wants a human around, my word and holding me too! ''Abby said as Caius grinned down at her.

''Ah, for human you're not so bad. I think these glasses will have to go. All those spells you know, and you can't fix your eyesight, you look like a big bug in these. '' Caius chuckled as he moved to take her glasses.

''Caius don't get fresh! I'll turn you back into a white rabbit, so back off! Do not touch the glasses! ''Abby mocked threatened him as he reached for her glasses.

''Caius gulped. Um, on the second thought, you should go home. If I'm not careful to keep on your good side, I have a feeling you will turn me into something nasty every day and with my temper you will so never mind! ''


After the meeting and everyone had gone home.

Back in the room, Aro stood on his balcony just enjoying the night and its cool air as he looked over his city.

Life just meant so much to him now, just because of that clumsy little human, Bella. What would he do without the witch's interference, what brought him so much happiness and his love? He didn't want to think about it. He dwelled on happy thoughts of her as he watched his people hurrying about below.

Bella came up behind him clothed only a silky nightie and wrapped her arms around him. He sighed in contentment then drank in her wonderful scent. He turned around in her arms and took in her beauty. She looked up in his eyes and found them dancing in mirth and lust. He nuzzled her neck and sighed again happily.

"I'm the luckiest vampire to have a family like this! I'll go through it all again just have you my dear. ''Aro chuckled as he nipped her neck with affection.

''Yeah me too, Aro! Now come my love and catch me if you can and when you do, you better take me to bed or lose me forever!'' Bella called out as she wiggled out of his arms and dashed out down the Hall laughing Playfully.

''Oh, I will and you're not going anywhere my teasing little minx! ''Aro growled out as he flitted out after her as fast as lightning and overtook her speed. She shrieked as Aro snatched her up before she could go too far and carried her off to the bedroom for a night of bliss in her arms once again.

The end...

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