It's A Freaky New Moon AroxBe...

By Gerrygirlslf

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The day when Bella Meets Aro everything did not go as planned, they come under a spell. Now they must work to... More

Chapter One: The Arrivals
Chapter Two: The Switch
Chapter Three: Plan B
Chapter Four: Getting To Know You And Me
Chapter Five: Farewells and Adjustments
Chapter Six: Discoveries and Difficulties
Chapter Seven: Encounters of the Awkward Kind
Chapter Eight: Let The Punishment Fit The Crime
Chapter Nine: Lying to Caius The Witch and Aro's Wardrobe,
Chapter Ten: The Letter and Hanging With the Guard
Chapter Eleven: You can't Avoid Mother nature or the feast
Chapter 12: Aro's day out
Chapter 13: Bella's Birthday Ball
Chapter 14: The Night Of Nights
Chapter 15: The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Chapter 16: The Blood and Sulpicia
Chapter 17: Countdown To Baby
Chapter 18: Hell Has No Fury
Chapter 20: Nickolos
Chapter 21" The Awakening
Chapter 22: Time for change and farewell
Chapter 23:The Volturi wedding celebration
Chapter 24: Nickolos, Prince of Hybrids

Chapter 19: The Return

246 11 0
By Gerrygirlslf

This is it! What you all been waiting for... on with the show.

Chapter Nineteen: The Return,

Within moments, Bella arrived in Aro's room and she laid him down on his bed. Blood was seeping out of his wounds with every beat of his weakening heart. She had to help him now, there was no time to wait for Carlisle or it would be too late for him to survive. Aro moved his head side to side in agony and Bella panicked seeing him in such pain. She ripped off his dress and lapped at the gaping wounds until they closed. With all her love and control she maintained strength enough to heal his wounds. She grabbed a towel off the table and sopped up the blood that lay on his skin and checked him over anxiously.

"Oh Aro, I'm so sorry I wasn't there!" She said agonizing in regret.

She reached down, lifting his hand, and brought it to her lips. She kissed it tenderly and he pulled her down for the kiss. He moaned softly from her affection. His soft trembling lips parted as they begin to kiss desperately. The couple were only glad to be alive. Thoughts flowed though her mind and guilt stirred again when she worried about the condition of the baby through the trauma. She rubbed his tummy as she listened for the fast reassuring heatbeat and the slight movement that soothed her worried brain as she picked up on it. Seeing Aro cry, she reached up and wiped the tears away that was caused by the pain then sat back in the chair by the bed.

Just then, the door flew open the banged against the wall as Caius, Felix, Demetri, Carlisle, Esme and Reneta entered all at once. Bella moved quickly and covered Aro with a blanket then turned to address them. Carlisle moved immediately to Aro's side and started to check him over. Caius stepped forward and grabbed Bella's shoulders as she stood to talk to him.

"What the hell happened!" He shouted.

Bella looked into his upset face, her countenance appearing exhausted and emotionally drained as she answered. "Sulpicia and Victoria got in and kidnapped Aro and Corin! Corin's dead Caius, we were too late to save her! Jane has been dismembered as well!"

Everyone turned to her and gasped at the news. Caius ignored the outburst and continued questioning Bella.

"How? We had every entrance guarded by someone!"

Bella shook her head emphatically. "Not every way in, you remember the secret passageway, that's how they got in and out and got to him." Bella continued not caring that she had let the cat out of the bag concerning the switch.

Realization hit Caius as he looked into Aro's face in disbelief of his own forgetfulness and gave him a sorrowful expression of regret. Esme approached Bella and reached up to her face, bringing it down to her level to search it with concern.

"Bella?" Bella nodded affirmatively to her. She hugged her then. "Oh, my poor girl!"

Carlisle squinted at Aro's face. "Um Aro? Is that really you my friend?"

Aro nodded slowly. "Yes, my dear Carlisle, it is a spell that caused a switch of our souls."

"How long?"

"Since Bella arrived to save Edward." Aro answered.

Carlisle looked from Aro to Bella in amazement, he would have never known if Bella hadn't said anything.

Aro's guards flitted over by his side, suddenly. "Master?"

Aro nodded at them to continue. "Yes, my dear ones?"

Demetri and Felix looked at each other in alarm and in embarrassment at the news.

"Oh, sorry Master for tying to kiss you in the past." Demetri elbowed Felix for the comment, but he went on.

"Ouch Dem, uh, sorry for the flirting and stuff." Felix apologized as he shuffled one foot and then then other in nervousness.

Demetri swatted Felix. "Really? Felix what the hell?"

Caius moved forward to the guards and grabbed both by the ears and led them away. "Shut up, you morons!"

"Ouch, ouch, ow, ow, ow, ow!" They cried together from Caius pinching their ears as he walks them out.

Carlisle grinned, shaking his head at their antics.

Aro chuckled at his foolish guard as well. While everyone joined in the laughter, a sudden agonizing scream shook everyone to the core.

"The baby's coming!' Aro cried holing his tummy.

The next moment everyone scrambled to help. Carlisle hurried to prepare the epidural and Bella help Aro get in position to receive the injection. Everyone's voices picked up in alarm as Caius ushered everyone out, leaving them in privacy. Aro cried out in pain as the baby began tearing at the womb's liner. As the medicine took effect, Bella held him close, holding his hand. Aro watched as Carlisle hurried about getting the nursery bed by him and table to examine and clean up the baby when it came out. Aro eased back on the bed as he felt the pain decrease, until he no longer felt anymore pain. He stared down at his stomach in anxiousness, sweat pouring down his pale face. He began to feel groggy and he couldn't help it as his eyes fluttered closed.

"Aro? Look at me, that's it!" Aro heard her urgent voice and struggled to keep his eyes open.

"I love you! I won't leave you, so you don't leave me!" Bella was saying as she put her hand to his face and turned it towards hers to get him to focus. He laid his forehead against hers.

Carlisle poked his tummy with an instrument to see if Aro felt anything. "Feel that?" He asked trying a few places to test the effectiveness.

Aro shook his head negative in response.

"Bella keep him focused, it's time! I'm going in to get the baby!"

Carlisle shouted as he began his extraction.

Bella held Aro's hand in hers; venom tears welled up in her eyes as she saw his distress. She leaned toward him then kissed his trembling lips and brushed the tears away. Aro felt the pulling and strange sensation of Carlisle's hands fishing around in his guts. He raised up slightly and gripped Bella's arms in panic as he leaned his head against hers once more for support. He suddenly felt relief as Carlisle's hands lifted out. Aro collapsed back as his breath shuttered; now he seemed to breath easier.

Bella glanced over at the white, slimy bundle in Carlisle arms as then he worked on the baby to get it to breath. He used a machine to suck out the fluid from its mouth and nose. When he finished, he gave it a little smack; Bella and Aro heard the sweetest sound that gave the unbelievable relief and happiness at the same time. The baby's shrill, angry cry filled the room as they watched Carlisle cut the cord, clean the baby, and wrap it up in a blanket. He walked toward the joyful parents and presented the baby, holding him, Aro gazed at his new baby as saw it had black hair just like his.

"Your son," Carlisle announced.

"He's beautiful!" Bella exclaimed, reaching out, laying her hand on the baby's head gently.

Aro smiled and thought as he looked lovingly at his baby. My son, I love you more than life itself. I am the happiest father in the world!

When he reached out to stroke his baby's soft rosy cheek, Aro's smile began to fade suddenly as his body started to shut down, heart slowed, and his vision decreased. Aro was bleeding out, he was dying.

"Bella, quick! Bite him now!" Carlisle exclaimed as he heard his heart failing. Bella moved quickly and began to bite as she worked her way around to all his limbs, getting each once twice.

She finished her last bite, sinking her teeth in, releasing all the venom she could them moved over to the table and grabbed the syringe. She plunged it straight into his heart, injecting all her venom to help it spread more throughout the body. As she pulled it out, she gazed helplessly into his pale face in worry. Pain and a flash across her vision occurred at that moment causing her to stagger back; grabbing her head she dropped the syringe.


Aro slowly slipped into unconsciousness as he heard panicked voices.

Quiet and stillness enveloped his senses and he seemed to float in a dark endless void. It was blissful to him to feel peace instead of pain and anxiety.

Then a sudden pain filled his entire being. Oh, gods the pain is unbearable. He was burning.

A blinding flash filled his mind's eyes and then he held his head, screaming.


Bella screamed inwardly as she felt venom like fire lick through her veins.

''Aro? Aro! Please help me! Ahhhh!" She tumbled into darkness. It hurts help me! Where are you?"

Pain was all she knew now and all else was lost.


When Aro opened his eyes the room slowly came into focus. He blinked and the first thing he saw was Bella's body lying still and deathly pale on the bed. He didn't realize how much the pregnancy wasted her body until now and it frightened him. Aro shifted his gaze to Carlisle as he laid the baby down in the nursery cradle. He clutched at his chest and noticed he no longer needed to breath. No heartbeat.

"Carlisle, I'm back in my own body!" Aro shouted.

Before Carlisle could respond, the door opened and in flitted Marcus and Caius. They both stopped in front of Aro, searching his face.

"Brother?" Thy asked at once.

"Yes, it's me." Aro answered solemnly.

Aro glanced around at Bella's still body and fell apart emotionally.

"Bella! She's back in there, just look at her! My gods she's so still! So quiet! Did she bite enough?" He cried out with sorrow.

Aro rushed forward in panic. Caius and Marcus grabbed him. Aro continued to call out as he fought against their hold on him.

"Did someone check her?! We need to check her!" He desperately cried as he shook off Caius's hold and tried to reach for Bella.

"She did it. It was enough Brother!" Caius pleaded as he grabbed Aro's arm again.

"Please Brother, be calm. Listen her heart beats still!" Marcus calls out, pointing at Bella's body. Marcus turned Aro to look at his face to see if he registered his words. Aro's will crumpled as he sank to his knees and held his mouth as he picked up on her slow rhythm with his ears. He finally let his body go slack as he calmed to its reassuring sound.

Carlisle knelt in front of him and looked into his eyes. "Aro, Bella will be okay, it is only the morphine. Let me introduce you to your son, he needs you."

Carlisle helped him to his feet and then led him over to the nursery cradle. Aro peered curiously in at the sleeping baby bundled up in the blue blanket. Marcus and Caius joined him by his side. They watched as the baby squirmed and yawned, looking snug and comforted. The brothers smiled at each other and Aro reached down and picked him up.

"Hello there, my little kicker." Aro smiled as the baby cooed as he traced his fingers over his baby's soft cheeks.

Aro was pleasantly surprised as he discovered that his gift worked once again. Images of his sweet memories came into his vision. In his mind, Aro saw the baby in the womb listening to his parents talk and loving the sound of their voices. He remembered every touch on the tummy soothing him to sleep at times or causing him to kick with happiness. His thoughts were amazing to Aro as he was shown that the baby couldn't wait to be with them and held by them. Most recently the trauma of the kidnaping and torture caused him stress. He wanted to come into their world to comfort Aro because he was hurting. This knowledge made Aro want to cry because he never knew such love in his whole existence.

He brought his baby up to his face and kissed his rosy cheek and rocked him slowly in his arms, treasuring his baby's thoughts.

"Well, Aro, what are you going to name the baby?" Marcus asked.

Aro smiled gazing into his son's face. "Bella and I came up with a name if it were a boy. He shall be called, Nickolos Charles Volturi. Named after our fathers."

They smiled down at the baby. Marcus nodded approvingly. "Very fitting, a beautiful gesture."

Suddenly, the baby woke up crying in his arms. Aro looked over at Carlisle in alarm.

Carlisle looked down un Aro's arms smiling. "I believe he's hungry."

Carlisle walked over to his bag and withdrew a can. "Esme and I have taken the liberty in getting the baby's formula while we were out." He took the proper measurements and poured it into the bottle. "Be right back." He said flitting off to the kitchen to add water and warm up the bottle.

Aro in the meantime patted and rocked the baby to try and soothe him. "It's coming, my little one. Don't worry."

Carlisle came back in a few minutes and gave Aro the warmed bottle. Carlisle showed Aro how to test the formula before putting it into the baby's mouth. When satisfied, Aro put the bottle into Nickolos's waiting mouth and the baby began to suck the milk eagerly. Aro sighed in relief as his baby fed contented, looking up with his leafy green eyes at his father. Aro remembered having such eyes when he was human and that warmed his heart to see them again.

A knock came to the door and Caius went o open it. He was greeted by the entire guard, Alice, Jasper, Esme and Athenodora.

"Can we see the baby?" Patience is overrated. Please?" Alice gave Caius her best pathetic pleading pout.

Caius chuckled and stepped back to let in the anxious group. They all gathered around Aro, adoring the baby, cooing at him.

"Is he one of us? Or is he a human?" Athenodora asked nervously.

"He's both, his skin is tough but still vulnerable. His has body heat and his pulse is quite faster than your average human. He sleeps like a human and seems to like this milk so I'm assuming he can eat human food." Aro explained.

She moved toward him cautiously. "So, he's not an immortal child.?"

"No Dora. He grows everyday even in the womb. Can not you hear the heartbeat?"

She nodded. "What's his name?"


"Awe!" The crowd exclaimed in unison.

Suddenly, the baby spit out the nipple and a fountain of formula erupted from the baby all over Aro.

"Eww, Carlisle! The baby hates this milk! Are you sure this stuff is good for him?" Aro asked irritably as milk dripped down his face.

Everyone chuckled at Aro's predicament except Heidi. She shrieked as she saw him covered in baby puck and went to get him a towel.

"Hold on, I got an idea." Carlisle announced as he flitted off to the kitchen again.

Heidi came back in and moved in front of Aro, wiping him up. "There you go Bella, all cleaned up. You should change though."

Aro cleared his throat and spoke correcting her. "I am Aro."

Heidi gasped in surprise and shook her finger at Felix and Demetri. "You told us that Master Aro and Bella switched bodies!"

The two guards held up their hands in protest. "They did!" They insisted together.

Everyone turned to Aro for answers.

"We just switched back as she changed me or her, well whatever. You all now what I mean!" Aro said stumbling over his words as he tried to explain.

All turned and looked sorrowfully at Bella laying on the bed. Jane stepped next to Aro.

"She's going to be okay, right Master?" Jane asked walking to Bella's bedside, looking her over mournfully. She was covered in blood from her waist down. Carlisle managed to clean up most of the blood, but Bella would need a new outfit to wear when she wakes up.

"Yes, I think so dear Jane." Aro said as he joined her side. I'm glad you are alright Jane, I heard you got tore up pretty badly."

Aro looked at her with concern as she turned to gaze up at him. There were signs of healing still in progress. She looked like a cracked porcelain doll as the wounds slowly disappeared healing the cracks in her skin.

"Yes Master, I'm just fine. They were lucky to take me by surprise though. I would have made them suffer for this." Jane growled out in regret.

Aro put his free arm around her and kissed her head.

"Um, Master?"

"Yes, Jane?"

"I'm sorry for putting you through all that girl stuff, you must have been horrified about all that?"

"I'll admit I was at some things, but you know Jane, you are like my daughter. Now that we've been through this together, I'm proud to call you my friend." Aro said giving her had a squeeze.

"Oh, Master!" Jane gasped in happiness.

"Call me Aro, Jane. My friends call me by my name." Aro corrected her fondly holding her side.

"Yes Mas...uh, Aro." She replied shyly.

As Jane returned his smile, she suddenly remembers something. "Aro? Didn't you see us naked in the changing room!?"

Everyone looked shocked at Aro. Heidi and Reneta shrieked in embarrassment.

Santiago with his arms around his wife growled out. "What?!"

Aro held up his hand and swore. "I didn't see that much! I turned around! Not to worry Santiago."

Marcus suddenly appeared at Santiago's side and cleared his throat in warning. Santiago backed down and pulled his wife as close as he could to is body.

Just then, Carlisle returned with the new bottle for Nickolos. He held it out for Aro to take. Aro eyed it with trepidation.

"Are you sure about this? What is it? It looks pink."

Carlisle laughed at his expression of fear as he cuddled the baby closer, away from the bottle.

"Here just try it. It's 50/50."

The baby stopped fussing instantly and drank happily as the bottle reached his lips.

"50/50 of what?" Aro asked looking at the baby with caution to see if Nickolos liked it.

"Formula and blood of course!" Carlisle explained.

Aro tilted his head to the side, watching the baby and waited until he was finished. As the unmistakable sound of a finished bottle came to his ears, Aro laid him against his shoulder and patted his back. Nickolos burped out loudly and Aro chuckled.

"That's my boy!"

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