It's A Freaky New Moon AroxBe...

By Gerrygirlslf

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The day when Bella Meets Aro everything did not go as planned, they come under a spell. Now they must work to... More

Chapter One: The Arrivals
Chapter Two: The Switch
Chapter Three: Plan B
Chapter Four: Getting To Know You And Me
Chapter Five: Farewells and Adjustments
Chapter Six: Discoveries and Difficulties
Chapter Seven: Encounters of the Awkward Kind
Chapter Eight: Let The Punishment Fit The Crime
Chapter Nine: Lying to Caius The Witch and Aro's Wardrobe,
Chapter Ten: The Letter and Hanging With the Guard
Chapter Eleven: You can't Avoid Mother nature or the feast
Chapter 12: Aro's day out
Chapter 13: Bella's Birthday Ball
Chapter 14: The Night Of Nights
Chapter 15: The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
Chapter 16: The Blood and Sulpicia
Chapter 18: Hell Has No Fury
Chapter 19: The Return
Chapter 20: Nickolos
Chapter 21" The Awakening
Chapter 22: Time for change and farewell
Chapter 23:The Volturi wedding celebration
Chapter 24: Nickolos, Prince of Hybrids

Chapter 17: Countdown To Baby

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By Gerrygirlslf

Okay, I know in the story they couldn't see the baby, but I thought it would be fun if they could see it with the ultrasound. So, here's the next chapter enjoy.

Chapter Seventeen: Countdown to Baby,

The weeks just flew by and Aro and Bella consumed themselves with the preparations for the birth. As the delivery date was drawing near, the whole castle was on high alert for anything to happen.

Jane, Heidi and Reneta ordered all the baby supplies that the expecting couple would need. When the boxes started to arrive it was Felix, Demetri and Alec's job to put it all together.

"Felix, this part says A and I guess it should fit in slot B. I mean how hard can it be to put together a baby swing?" Alec said distracted as he examined the parts carefully.

The trio turned pieces in their hands trying to see the symbols correctly. The light was a bit dim in the spare room and the darkness made it harder to see.

"Dem, get the lights." Felix said as he went through the hardware.

"Got it." Jane said as she and Heidi dropped by and flipped the switch.

"Oh, what are you two doing here?" Alec said sighing.

Standing in the doorway the girls giggled. "We wanted to see how you three are doing setting this thing up." Said Jane.

"Yeah okay no wise cracks." Felix said irritably.

The girls smiled innocently. "No problem."

"Okay, we got screws and bolts, he paused, "Um, I'm thinking these go into these little holes here."

"Oh man, I'll get the tool kit." Demetri said getting up to get it from the table.

"Okay this is for slot D, oh where is slot C?" Alec pointed out ruffling through the pile.

"Never mind the other part of the alphabet, we got to finish with this side, A is still not in slot B." Demetri said getting impatient.

The girls tried their hardest not to laugh but it bubbled up none the less. Heidi flitted over to the pile and snatched the paper discarded in the trash. She opened it up and cleared her throat.

"It says here that you're to attach A and B with screws and bolts, she paused and added, "don't forget to make it tight, it wouldn't do for the baby to fall out of it."

"Felix got up and walked over to her and examined the instructions. "Oh, there's instructions, Dem, did you know that?"

Demetri shrugged. Alec slapped his forehead. Felix scowled as Heidi waved it in front of his face and giggled.

"Better take these," she said holding back a snicker.

Felix grabbed the papers and walked back to the pile. "Okay, here we go."


Caius and Athenodora were almost done with the baby's room. They were planning its unveiling after the big day. Caius posted a warning sign on the door for the nosy guards that read... Enter At Risk Of Second Death! It was a bit over the top, but that was Caius.


One day, Marcus came in the study where Bella and Aro were looking at a baby name book discussing their favorites and he sat down at his usual place by the fire looking very tired. He's been hard at work researching the birthing process. He now approached the couple with his concerns.

"I've come to you both with a heavy heart tonight, I need to tell you the facts. Beyond the difficulty of mating with a human successfully, the birthing process is most grievous. In the legend, the baby makes it way out by means of its own teeth. This is not a good scenario for Aro. This is a dangerous time and up until now we did all we could do to help you make it through. However, we simply do not have the knowledge to help this baby enter this world for Aro to get though it too. I have completely exhausted my search and I'm now looking to you for suggestions."

At the shock of the news, Aro clung to Bella's side holding his tummy. Something stirred in his heart when he thought of the baby's welfare. This child he was carrying he cared for so much. It was part of him and Bella and was a rare and precious gift. He felt it kick once more and he leaned into Bella for some comfort. His love for his unborn child grew more and more every day. He couldn't wait to hold it. This news was grave indeed, however Aro was not deterred a bit, something had to give.

Bella gently ran her fingers through his hair deep in thought. The way she saw it; this baby was not going to come in this world the natural way, so she searched her mind for a solution. A planed c-section seemed to be a good way to go before this baby tries to work its way out. She reached over and caressed his tummy, gliding over Aro's hand and gave it a squeeze. She looked into his eyes and saw such emotion there that she knew she had to do something. Anxiety crept into her heart, but she was determined, even if she had to take out her own baby, she was fixed on saving them both.

Suddenly an idea dawned on her and she got excited. "What about Carlisle? He has excellent control around blood, Marcus we need to call him!"

Marcus brightened at the suggestion and seemed to gather new energy. He flitted to the phone on the desk and phoned Carlisle and Esme picked up.

"Hello? Cullen's residence." She greeted.

"Esme, this is Marcus. I have a medical emergency concerning Bella, can you please put Carlisle on the line?"

"Yes of course, right away, one moment." Esme put Marcus on hold as she went to get her husband.

"Hello Marcus? What happened to Bella?" Carlisle asked concerned.

"Bella is pregnant with Aro's baby and needs you to come right away to assist with the birth because none of us has the control or knowledge that you do. We need you old friend, she needs you."

"I didn't know this was even possible! Of course, I will be on the next flight out!" Carlisle said as he hung up the phone.


Even though Aro felt some relief that his old friend was coming to the rescue, he felt tired from all the stress and asked to go to his room. Bella carried him out, as she entered their room, she laid him on their king size bed. Bella looked down at him for a moment. He looked worn out from anxiety, but his condition of his body improved a lot since the discovery of the blood.

Moving in to cuddle him, she kissed him tenderly. He dozed off in her arms and Bella was left alone with her thoughts. This baby was everything to them. She wanted her family so desperately. She never dreamed of love like this. The pure love of Aro and the baby had for her was amazing. Tilting her head, she listened to the sound of their heartbeats and laid her head on his tummy. The sound of the baby's movements gripped her heart so much that she sobbed.

"Be strong my little one, we love you and can't wait for you to be in our arms." Bella said to the baby, kissing his tummy and rubbing it gently.


When Aro awoke the next day, Bella was still at his side, stroking his hair. He looked up at her as he struggled to sit up. He huffed in irritation into her hair, blowing the strands across her face. His now fully expanded belly caused him much discomfort.

"I've got to pee really bad! It seems like I'm going three or four times an hour now!" Aro grunted trying his best to move.

Bella lifted her head and chuckled at the sight of Aro trying to roll off the bed, failing miserably. He laid back suddenly, teetering to the left and right, attempting again to roll. Bella had to bite back a snicker as she pictured him looking like a turtle stuck on his back. Bella sat up and gave him a hand.

"There you go." Bella said as she sat him up.

He attempted to get out of the bed, but his belly was in the way to really get any momentum to move. "Help Bella, I can't move!" Aro said struggling uselessly.

Bella couldn't hold her laughter back anymore and gave him a good push causing him to slip off the bed and he grabbed the post for support to keep balance. He stiffened and held his head high trying to maintain a sense of dignity, and said," Thank you."

Aro Voltruri, natures bitch! He thought frustrated.

Aro waddled into the bathroom and relieve himself. However, unfortunately the belly was too big to get up without Bella's help. Normally the belly would bend to give him some room to stand but his tummy was as hard as stone. As he tried to get up, his feet slipped uselessly on the tile of the floor and he couldn't get traction at all.

Oh well, God damn this sucks! He thought embarrassed at his predicament.

"Bella. I need your help in here!" Aro called.

Bella entered the room and chuckled at the scene before her.

Oh, my poor man! Bella thought amusingly.

Bella waisted no time and lifted him off and placed him on his feet. Aro pointed down and Bella smirked as she helped him get his underwear up. She put her arms around him as he finished washing up and led him out. Aro steered to the right and went to the mirror.

"I hate my body." He stated as if it were fact.

Bella nuzzled into his ear and whispered. "I love you honey. You're perfect"

The baby did a sudden kick and he rubbed his bruising tummy gently. "Hey in there, give me a break!"

Bella smiled and kissed his lips. "See the baby loves you too."

With that Bella steered him away from the mirror to lay him down to rest. She climbed in and waited for him, laying on her side, patting the place beside her.

"Uh Bella, in case you haven't noticed I'm too big to get in this gigantic bed anymore." Aro said as he placed his hands on his hips in irritation at her forgetfulness.

"My bad." Bella said.

Bella got up and scooped him in her arms without effort and laid him down gracefully next to her. She plopped in next to him as she planted a heated kiss on his lips. Aro moaned and pulled her closer. Bella gave in a moment or two but pulled back and curbed her desire for him. This saddened Aro and Bella just couldn't help it. Aro played with his bow on his dress looking down at it sighing.

"What's wrong Aro? You okay?" Bella asked as she brushed his hair from his eyes and tucked it behind his ear.

"Does my body disgust you?" Aro asked softly, looking up at her.

Bella sat up in alarm. "What? No! No! Aro I'm just afraid of hurting the baby. I love you so much!" She reached to smooth his lips with her thumb. Caught up in emotion he sighed and nuzzled her hand.

His tummy growled and he patted it as he said." Baby's hungry, breakfast time."

Bella jumped over him and landed on two feet with ease and scooped up Aro.

"Show off!" Aro played.

Bella grinned at him mischievously and flitted to the kitchen to get him some food and blood.


"So, what do you feel like today?" Bella asked as she sat him down in the chair at the table.

"Um, eggs and toast. I feel like coffee too. Bella nodded and went to work on his meal. She cooked with the skill of experience and set in front of him perfectly cooked eggs, toast and coffee with cream and sugar. Also, a cup of blood for the baby.

"That coffee is decaffeinated, you can't have too much caffeine." Bella informed him.

Aro sighed and took a bite. "I know, my love. Um, this is good."

Bella watched him happily finishing his meal. Suddenly, the door to the kitchen opened and in fitted Felix and Demetri.

"Good morning Master and Miss Bella! We came to tell you that Carlisle has just arrived, and he is anxious to see Miss Bella." They said bowing as they announce the news.

"Okay wonderful, we'll be coming soon. Bella's almost finished her breakfast!" Bella said and they nodded and waited for them.

"Okay Aro, I'm done. Let's go and see Carlisle." Aro said as he drowned his last bite and sipped the cup of blood dry.

Bella picked Aro up and headed towards the throne room. Aro watched the various paintings and torches fly by as they rushed. Bella entered with Felix and Demetri flanking her sides as she carried Aro in.

The Cullen's were waiting by the thrones and Carlisle took in the appearance of the girl he used to know months before and was taken by surprise his dramatic change. Esme and Alice and Jasper came too and were as equally shocked as they gazed at Aro's expanded tummy. Marcus and Caius flitted next to Bella suddenly to greet their guest.

"Carlisle, thank you for responding so quickly my friend." Marcus stepped forward to clasp hands with him.

"No problem at all Marcus. I see Bella's time is short, I must examine her now. Will your guard be so kind to retrieve all the medical equipment from the trailer hitched to the car?" Carlisle asked politely.

"Absolutely, Felix and Demetri. Get all the things from the trailer and bring it to Bella's room." Marcus ordered.

Esme walked up to Aro and gave him a motherly kiss on his forehead. "Oh, my goodness dear, how are you feeling?"

"Tired and hungry all the time." Aro confessed. Esme laughed and touched his cheek fondly.

Alice and Jasper edged over next to him. "Hey Bella, I'm so glad to be here for you, we both are." Alice corrected as she hooked arms with Jasper.

"Hey Bells, you look a bit nervous, let me." Jasper said.

A strange calm washed over his mind and making him smile and sigh with its relief.

"Thank you, Alice, happy you're here and thanks Jasper for the emotion manipulation" Aro said with amusement.

"Okay, let's head to the room, I'd like to get started." Carlisle said moving to Bella and patting Aro on the Arm.


In the bedroom Carlisle unpacked his medical bag of all the things he needed for Aro's examination and set it on the bedside table. Bella got Aro cleaned up and into fresh clothes for the exam. Felix and Demetri hooked up and placed everything in the room then moved to the side wall beside the door until they were needed next to Alice, Jasper and Esme. Marcus and Caius stood with them as they all watched Bella carry in Aro and placed him on the bed. Aro watched warily as Carlisle prepared a needle with four tubes on the table. He took out his instruments and took Aro's vitals and made note of them on them on chart.

"Okay Bella, hold your arm."

"What's that for?" Aro asked nervously.

"It's just a blood test, routine." Carlisle answered as he swabbed his arm with alcohol.

"This will pinch little, hold still." Carlisle ordered.

Aro watched as he penetrated his arm with the needle and Aro winced as he drained him of four tubes of blood then put a band aid in the site.

"Okay, will you all give us the room? Bella is going to get an ultrasound now." Carlisle asked of the others in the room.

Bella nodded and they all left closing the door behind them. She moved to the drawers and withdrew a sheet and laid it on Aro's lap and exposed his belly.

Carlisle powered up the machine and the screen appeared fuzzy at first. Then he prepared to put the doppler on Aro's tummy.

"This will be warm as it touches your skin." He placed it on the tummy and pressed down to get the picture to come on the screen. Suddenly an arm came into view and he glided it around to look at it on all sides.

"What's that?" Aro asked confused, tilting his head.

"That's your baby Bella." Carlisle explained.

Aro squinted at the screen. "Are you sure this thing is working properly? I can't see a thing."

Carlisle zoomed the image out so they could see the whole picture and Bella pointed excitedly.

"Oh, there it is, see the baby hun?"

Aro stared at the screen in wonder as he recognized the baby's form. As Carlisle finished up his examination, he printed out a photo.

"Here is the baby's first photo." Carlisle said handing Aro the picture and he stared at until he noticed the profile of the body and traced it with his finger, lovingly.

Aro looked up. "We don't want to know what it is."

"Okay not to worry I will not disclose it if that's what you two wish."

Bella nodded. So, how's the baby?"

"Just fine Aro, you did a wonderful job with her, she looks positively glowing." Carlisle said smiling at Aro.

"What about the birth, when should the c-section be done?" Bella asked with a worried tone.

"In a couple of days would be best, she's far enough along. After the test results we need to prepare. I will need to extract from you venom by syringe to use after the birth to give her a better chance, plunge it in her heart. It will work, I just know it."

As Carlisle finished a knock came to the door and the three snapped their heads to look at the source of the sound.

"Come on you guys, hurry up! We're dying out her! We wanna see the picture of the baby!" Alice.


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