It's A Freaky New Moon AroxBe...

By Gerrygirlslf

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The day when Bella Meets Aro everything did not go as planned, they come under a spell. Now they must work to... More

Chapter One: The Arrivals
Chapter Two: The Switch
Chapter Three: Plan B
Chapter Four: Getting To Know You And Me
Chapter Five: Farewells and Adjustments
Chapter Six: Discoveries and Difficulties
Chapter Seven: Encounters of the Awkward Kind
Chapter Eight: Let The Punishment Fit The Crime
Chapter Nine: Lying to Caius The Witch and Aro's Wardrobe,
Chapter Ten: The Letter and Hanging With the Guard
Chapter Eleven: You can't Avoid Mother nature or the feast
Chapter 12: Aro's day out
Chapter 13: Bella's Birthday Ball
Chapter 14: The Night Of Nights
Chapter 16: The Blood and Sulpicia
Chapter 17: Countdown To Baby
Chapter 18: Hell Has No Fury
Chapter 19: The Return
Chapter 20: Nickolos
Chapter 21" The Awakening
Chapter 22: Time for change and farewell
Chapter 23:The Volturi wedding celebration
Chapter 24: Nickolos, Prince of Hybrids

Chapter 15: The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction

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By Gerrygirlslf

Thank you all for you support and reviews. Here's the next chapter.

Chapter Fifteen, The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction,

One evening when Aro and Bella were together, Heidi passed by Jane who was told by Bella not to worry she had it all under control and dismissed her for the third time this week and chuckled knowingly as an unmistakable sound of passion came from behind Aro's closed doors; reaching the sensitive vampire ears. They just couldn't keep their hands off each other.


Early the next morning, Aro woke from his sleep, reaching for his mate. He sat up, recognition dawning on him that Bella left for the throne room. The window was open, letting in the scents and the sounds of the day as it was just beginning. Last week, day of the ball, had been the happiest night of his life. He could only imagine what life would be like spending forever with Bella.

Aro rolled out of bed and he looked over at the door when there came a sudden knock. He quickly moved to the bottom of the bed and retrieved a robe and put it on.

"Come in," Aro called when he was decent.

Jane came in with a tray of breakfast and coffee. Aro loved the smell of food and the coffee was just heavenly. She moved in slowly looking around suspiciously and placed the food on the side table.

"There you go Bella. Eat up, you need your strength." Jane encouraged.

He nodded. As Aro picked at his plate of food he thought of Bella. Her love and passion took him by surprise. Not to mention how dominant being a vampire made her. It was sexy to say the least. Somehow Aro like to be the female for once. It thrilled him to hear the words Bella spoke to him. MINE all MINE! The chanting gave him chills.

"What are you thinking about Bella, that look on you face, wow, it's like you were in the happiest place you ever been just now."

She had him, maybe she knew. But he will not let her wiggle it out of him.

"I just was thinking of some silly joke Felix told me." Aro lied.

Jane walked about the place and surveyed the condition of the room in amazement. "Bella you must have had a terrible dream. Your bed is such a mess." Jane said with a click of her tongue.

Aro stared down at his half-eaten bagel and cream cheese not sure if he should look her in the eye, least he would give his secret way.

"I um, yes that's it but Aro was with me and he helped calm me. I was okay." Aro reassured her.

I see...", Said Jane thoughtfully not at all sounding convinced.

All the while Jane studied the room with her heightened senses. She sniffed the air and smelled the evidence of sex in the air but said nothing to Aro about her suspicions.


In the throne room Bella was surprised when the proceeding was coming to an end. It had been about an hour and all she could do was think about Aro.

"Will you answer Demetri, he says they tracked Victoria to a near by city. How do you want to proceed?" Caius's tone growing impatient.

Bella regarded him coolly, leaning back on her throne, hands on the arms of the chair. Then turned her attention to her faithful guard.

"Forgive me. Yes, double your efforts and take a large party with you, also take Alec. He will serve you well in the capture." Bella commanded.

"Yes Master." Demetri said bowing and left the room.

Marcus leaned forward to observe Bella's far away expression and looked upon her with bond sight. As he suspected, Bella's and Aro's mating bond was thick, vibrant, and strong and a thing of beauty. He leaned back and smiled at her secretly. They were finally complete, and he was happy for them.


That evening Bella sighed to herself, looking around the study satisfied Aro was in her life and she had a new vampire family. All her ties with Edward had been severed completely but she did not regret it. It was actually a relief to be the person she always wanted to be and soon to be a vampire.

Bella reached her Volturi pendent and traced the symbol that she wore as Aro always did. Marcus and Aro sat together across the room, their faces beaming with so much joy that Bella could not help her own smiles. It was a truly a kodak moment.

Bella got up and joined them by the fire. She sat next to him and put her arms about his shoulders.

"Aro," Bella began, "we got to keep our mating a secret at least for a while."

Aro nodded his agreement and put his drink down on the table. He knew that he was not successfully acting as discreetly as he would have liked. The guard were very suspicious, and they bombarded him with questions.

What are you smiling about Bella? It looks like you slept with a lemon wedge in your mouth. Felix would say.

"I really think it's too late for that." Aro confessed.

"You told someone?" Bella asked incredulously.

"What? No, of course not, I'm just not doing well hiding my happiness. I'm failing miserably."

Marcus nodded and chimed in. "There is much talk going around about what happened the night of the ball. Much of it is pure speculation. But some, like Jane knows something is happening," Marcus turned to Bella," don't you dismiss her a lot at night to be Aro?"

"Yes, well I say to keep him safe." Bella said defensively.

"Well, I just don't think you two are not fooling anybody."

Bella sighed. "Well, we'll have to try harder."


Aro in the middle of his third climax, cried out in the neck of Bella, trying to muffle his passions from the ease dropping ears of the coven.

Oh yeah baby. This was so much better than food! He thought with satisfaction.

He was wrong eating wasn't his favorite thing to do as human, sex just moved up to number one and food a close second.

Bella gripped the headboard so hard it splintered above their heads. Oh crap, not again! Bella thought amusingly.

That's the fourth time this week she had to replace the bed in Aro's room. It was getting expensive and surly the brothers would notice the high bill. Bella would have to call the furniture store again for the fifth time thus far. All the damage caused by Bella's need to take out her pent-up frustrations on inanimate objects. She did care about those things, besides Aro was more important. She just couldn't risk hurting Aro.

Oh, hell it was worth it. She thought as she dismissed the worry.

Bella, feeling her climax coming, pulled back and grabbed, ripping the four poster bed curtains down as she released.

Oh god yeah! That's never going to get old! Bella thought arching her body. Aro laughed at her as she tossed the remaining curtains aside.

"I know if your laughing, I didn't hurt you, so that's a relief." Bella said grinning.

"Well you made me a bit sore love, but it's not bad." He said running his hands over his bruised hips.

She rolled off of him and cuddled him. He winced a little as she brushed hair from his eyes.

"I know, I know, I bruised your body again. Oops, there's another hickey on your neck! How are you going to hide that one?" Bella said snickering behind her hand.

Aro sat up and climbed out of bed. He walked over to the mirror and looked at his image.

Damn I look like I've been in a wreck! Aro thought as he noticed his condition.

Bella got out of bed and stood beside him. "You know, we might have to stop for a while I think your too bruised up to ignore." She advised.

"Well, if you didn't suck my neck all the time, it wouldn't be an issue." Aro said as he started toward the bathroom.

"I see your point but still, you look like a bruised banana." Bella said joining him in the bath he started.

Aro laughed and slashed her playfully as she settled behind him. Bella held out her arms invitingly and Aro moved into them. She stroked his body with a soapy cloth tenderly, so not to hurt his already injured flesh. Aro sighed with pleasure as she nuzzled his neck lovingly causing him to reach behind her. She brought her lips down to his as she pulled his head up to hers.

Bella pulled reluctantly away to resume her attentions getting him completely soap covered and washed his hair. She soon finished and picked him up after she rinsed the soap completely away. Then she carried him out of the tub and walked over to the shelves. She grabbed him a towel and wrapped it around him. As Bella was getting a towel for herself Aro felt strange and the room started to spin in his vision. He swayed on his feet and grabbed the sink as he lost his balance. He fell to the floor, gasping. Bella flitted over and picked him up, then ran to the bed to lay him down.

"Aro, what's wrong my love?" Bella asked as she smoothed his sweaty brow in worry.

"I feel sick! Bella quick, get me a trash can!" Aro cried.

Bella nodded and flitted into the bathroom and back again, carrying the trash bin. She helped him lean over and pulled his hair back in time as he retched.

"Oh Aro, what do I do?" Bella asked feeling helpless.

Aro laid back and moaned. "Bella, get me a cold cloth, mouthwash and something to rinse in."

Bella obeyed him and came back quickly with everything. Aro washed his mouth with the washcloth and rinsed it out with the mouth wash, spitting into the bin. He laid back down again and put his hand over his forehead. Bella sat everything to the side and took a seat next to him. She saw his continual distress as he moaned.

"Aro, I'm going to get Marcus!"

Aro nodded as she flitted out.

Okay, this was definitely the worse part of this human existence. After three thousand years, throwing up still sucked! Aro groaned.


The large bedroom with a M on the double mahogany doors was dark and depressing. The windows were left open and a slight breeze wafting to Marcus's hair huffing it slightly. Marcus sat in his chair staring up at Didyme's portrait feeling sorrow and loneliness. A sudden knock made Marcus growl in warning to anyone with the nerve to disturb him.

"Marcus, please help. We need you." Bella called through the closed door.

A whoosh sound came from behind the door and in a second Marcus was at Bella's side.

"What's happened?" Marcus asked looking concerned.

Bella looked round the hall for anyone about. The coast was clear. She was safe to whisper.

"It's Bella, she's not well."

"Okay let's make haste."


Marcus and Bella were at Aro's side in second. Bella looked completely panicked as she explained the situation. Aro appeared pale and tired as Marcus sat next to him as he touched his forehead soothing. Then Marcus noticed all the bruising and gasped.

"Bella, Aro is badly injured, did you do all of this?" Marcus asked peeling down the towel until he had it all the way off Aro's naked form.

Aro blushed in embarrassment and tried to hide his body from Marcus with a sheet.

"Aro, don't be silly! I'm trying to help you!" Marcus said clicking his tongue.

Aro huffed and then let him examine his body farther.

"Firstly, I'm going to order cold packs for your bruises. Secondly, while you don't have the cold packs on your body, you should be rubbed down with Arnica gel. Sport physical therapist used it all the time."

Bella nodded and made note of it to tell Jane what to get at the pharmacy.

Marcus covered his body with the sheet after his examination. "Now, concerning the fainting and throwing up, did you hit your head anytime while you were together?" Aro shook his head answering him.

Bella shook her head. "I was careful not to hurt him." Aro nodded his agreement and moaned as he felt another wave of nausea hit him again and he leaned over to retch into the can. Marcus helped him hold back his hair and looked at Bella, worried.

Afterwards, Aro laid back moaning and Marcus put his hand on his tummy and rubbed it gently. He looked between the two, with his brow furrowed in thought.

Just then a loud abrupt knocking came to the door caused Bella to jump and she moved to answer the door. "Maybe it's Jane."

Bella upon opening the door was jolted by the sight of Caius, looking extremely concerned. Bella leaned against the door frame to block Caius from looking passed in the room.

"Oh Caius, what can we do for you?" Bella said trying to block his view as he attempted to look passed her. Bella moved as he moved, mirroring his actions to keep him out.

"I heard an unmistakable sound of distress as I passed by. What's going on?" Caius asked sounding annoyed as Bella persisted with her efforts.

"Nothing that concerns you Caius, Bella's sick." Bella said, growing suspicious of his concern and wave him away.

Caius crossed his arms as he stared Bella down. He suddenly sniffed the air and covered his nose.

"What's the putrid smell, Aro?" Caius asked disgusted.

"I told you Bella's sick, please go!" Bella yelled tying to shut the door in his face.

Caius put up his hand to stop the closing door. He pushed it back despite of Bella's efforts to stop him. He then broke passed Bella and flitted to Aro and Marcus's side. His eyes widen as he took in the state of the bed and Aro. Caius whirled around and pointed accusingly at Bella.

"What have you done to her, Aro? She's in horrible condition." Caius yelled.

Bella put her hand up to halt his questions. "What do you care Caius?"

Marcus stood up and stopped Caius from getting in Bella's face. However, he shook off Marcus and grabbed Bella's shirt.

"You should have changed her, Aro!" Look at her, you could have killed her!" Caius said as he bared his teeth at Bella. "You can't have sex with a human."

Bella stared in his angry eyes so stunned by Caius's disclosure, and she felt powerless to defend herself.

"Yes, Aro I know of your new mate, do you take me for a fool! I can smell the human all over you and she smell like you!" Caius seethed.

Marcus turned Caius around and tried to talk him down. 'Caius, I'm taking care of this now so please don't distress Bella any farther."

Caius looked over at Aro and softened his gaze. He threw off Marcus's grip and knelt next to Aro.

"Well, if she is to be my sister, I must insist that you change her now." Caius demanded.

"No, Caius not now!" Bella cried.

"What are you waiting for?! She's nineteen, now do it! She's your mate so make her one of us!" Caius bellowed. Seeing Bella's hesitation, Caius reached down and took Aro's wrist, posed to strike.

Marcus flitted to stop Caius, grabbing his hand that held Aro's wrist. "You can't, we can't. Bella could be pregnant!"

"What, wait? The three voices cried out together in unison.

Bella covered her mouth as she stepped forward to Aro. "I didn't know that was a possibility. Aro, why didn't you tell me vampires cam impregnate humans?" Bella cried.

Marcus hissed at her mistake.

"What the hell is going on here, why did you just call Bella, Aro for?" Caius bellowed at Bella.

Bella slapped her hand over her mouth in disbelief to her own stupidity.

Aro sighed in resignation. "Caius do be calm brother. I am Aro."

Caius looked to each face for answers. Bella sat down on the edge of the bed and put her head in her hands. Marcus paced up and down in worry. Caius got up from the floor and took the chair by the bed, shaking his head in confusion. It was beginning to make sense now, all the strange behavior and the secrets.

He looked at Marcus. "How, when and what the hell Marcus?"

As Marcus explained Caius grew more and more regretful. Had he have known this would have been quite different. He would have understood, well maybe. "Why didn't you trust me." Caius said softly.

"Oh brother, it was my decision not to tell everyone. And I still want to keep it a secret from the rest of the coven. My life is in danger like this, maybe now more so now that I'm pregnant." Aro said regretfully.

Caius put his hand over his mouth and shook his head. "I'm such a fool, Aro. I should have been so hasty the night at the ball and I was very forward with you and I'm sorry."

Caius looked at Aro and asked. "Can I feel your tummy?" His voice soft and caring.

Aro nodded and Caius moved to the bed side and laid his hand on his tummy; a slight fluttering of movement could be felt.

Caius gasped and his eyes went wide. "Incredible, it is true!"

Silence ensued as the vampires stopped to hear a strange heartbeat. The couple looked into each other's eyes with happiness but with also uncertainty.

"Oh God Aro, I'm so sorry." Bella said as she brought up his hand and kissed it.

Aro smiled and shook his head. "I'm not mia amore, I did read about this in vampire legend, but I didn't put much weight in truth, thinking it pure fantasy. Now I know that I was wrong. I will not lie though, I'm a little scared to be carrying a baby, but at the same time fascinated too."

"We will help you through it." Marcus said encouragingly.

'Yes, and now that I know I will be extra vigilant. I intend on being a supportive brother to even Bella." Caius announced.

"Thank you, Caius, it means so much to us." She said.

"Yes, and brother do not touch my ass ever again." Aro joked.

Everyone laughed and if Caius could blush, he would have down to his toes.

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