High school Sweethearts ( Dav...


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Y /N and Daveed were high school sweethearts ... well they were ... one day randomly Daveed broke up with Y/N... More

Nick Name
Graduation !
Not an update
What really happened
Forgieness? Can you imagne? No....
Who are you?
We cant tell her!
Thank tou ...
Dinner ....
He said what????
After care
Its a..... aborted! Also hamilton!!
Burn out .....
Make up
One last time....
Its okay ...

What really happen

593 9 24

This is what really happen when Leslie and Anthony went to go talk to daveed !

Anthony's POV
Me and Leslie are headed over to daveeds house because he just broke up with Y/N! That is messed up ! How could he break up with
Y/N! They loved each other sooo much! Well at least we thought he did ...... and I'm ready to beat his ass! But Leslie tells me we can't .... I guess I won't ..... but Ima still give him a piece of my mind! We go over to his place and he answers the door ...
" WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" I say pushing him ... he falls down ...
" woah woah calm down Anthony!!" Daveed says backing up ...
" CALM DOWN! YOU BROKE Y/N HEART!" I say pushing him again ... Leslie grabs my arm but I pull away ... the Leslie says something...
" Yo diggs what's going on?" He says ... clearly he is taking a more calm approach than me ...
" I - ju-st" he says ... he was choking on his words ... his eyes were full of water .... he seemed broken ... like these words were forced ...
" I j-ust s-s topped... loving her ....." daveed said .... he seemed broken .... it seemed like he didn't want to say those words...
" are you okay?" Leslie asks .... walking towards daveed slowly...
" I'm fine .... now leave!" Daveed says ... he pushes us out door and then slams the door on us... he is not okay .... but I mean ... after a break up your not always okay ... but he immediately got with another girl .... that's not like daveed ... he is not a player ... he is loyal .... he has morals .... we walk back to our car ...
" somethings wrong with him .... he seemed off ..." I said ...
" yea definitely..." Leslie says .... the rest of the car ride is silent.... Leslie drops me off at my house ... I can barely sleep that night ... I just keep on seeing daveed ... he seemed so broken .... but he did say not to tell anybody what happen .... so I don't ... and that's why when Y/N asks me and Leslie what happen we just lie ..... but it just seems so werid .. cause when we saw him with Jessica ... he seemed so happy and laughing but his eyes were dull .... something was definitely off ,but how could we ask him about it ... he would just Decline  it... we told the whole friend group what happened when we went to daveeds house expect for
Y/N... I don't want her to stress .... she's already hurting enough ... but to know that daveed didn't even want to say those words ... I couldn't tell her ..

Back to Y/N POV

Soon Anthony and jazzy left too ..so for the rest of the day I was by my self .... I called Rafa to see if he knows anything .... but he only sided with daveed ..
Bold- Rafa
Normal- Y/N
" I have a question...." I say
"What.." he didn't even say hello ... or anything ....
" do you know anything about daveed breaking up with me ? It was so sudden..." I ask ... my voice shakes a little ...
" I don't know anything ... and if I did I wouldn't tell you .. daveed is my best friend ... I would lie for him ... I would do anything ... now stop calling ... I'm on daveeds side ..."
Call ended ....
he was so mad ... and in a hurry ... I started to cry .... I lost both of my best friends ... I knew i should've never dated daveed .... it messed up everything ... of course it did ... it's all my fault ... Nothing could ever be nice .. or perfect ... something has to ruin it ... like always ... they were my closest friends ... they were with me through think and thin ... they cared ... especially daveed ... but now ... it's all gone ... all 16 years ... wasted ... we all knew each other since we were 2 ... but it's all gone ... nothing matters anymore ... the next day at school it's pretty quiet in the friend group ... even at designer class jazzy is quiet ... we finish our project and we're gonna show it off soon ... at art Leslie is quiet too....it also seems like he is shaking a lot... he only does that when he is lying or nervous..... school is wrapping up so maybe he is nervousness about all the tests....  the only time I see daveed is at football games .. even though we broke up I still want to support oak ! I still go to Rafa and Lins shows ... and we all still do theatre ... but it's a little more awkward now ... I also finish my art project ... it's the most important grade in art ... I've been finishing most of my classes now ... and I've been doing really good on my tests! Which is great so when I try it get into a college I have some benefits! So at least something is going right .. but it's hard to study because my parents are home more ... so they keep on arguing ... and I started to get hit more ... it keeps bringing back old memories that I've tried to block out for so long ...

Flashback! Y/N is 11!
It is late at night and my parents aren't home ... so I decided to go downstairs to get a snack ... I end up eating a donut and milk ... I bring mister monkey with me of course ... then I hear the door open .... I try to hide... because I don't think my parents are too happy... there foot steps are really loud ... I try to hide in a cabinet but my leg is poking out ... so when they come into the kitchen they see the light on and milk and a donut on the counter... then someone starts to yell.. it's my dad ..
" Y/N !!!! WHY ARE YOU UP!" He yells ... I don't respond .. I'm supposed too ...
" OH SO YOU WANAN HIDE ??" He starts to walk around the kitchen and then stops ... I get scared ... then he pulls me out by my leg...
" AHHH!" I scream ... then he slaps me ...
" SHUT UP!" He screams ... I feel a punch in my side .... then it goes black ..
( like I said before I don't actually faint I do get beat but I have blocked it out so much that I don't want to try to remember it...)
I wake up in the living room on a towel ... it has a lot of blood on it ... my parents already left .... so I get up and clean my self up ... it's 4 AM and I have to wake up in 2 hours ... so I get ready for school and eat a good breakfast ... I clean my clothes and mister monkey ... he has some blood on him ... then I put mister monkey in my backpack and head to school ...

End of flashback

But now the memories start to resurface... which cause a lot of panic attacks... I've started to pick at my nails a lot .... I've been tempted to pull out my hair ... but I like my hair too much to pull it out .. I do more things too ...I've destroyed objects before ... or I get so mad that I start to throw stuff ... or I pinch myself ... or scratch myself ... I've done it so hard that I started to bleed ... I've always thought about cutting but I don't ... I couldn't do that ... I do theatre .. they could see .. and what would happen then ... all my friends would think I'm crazy ...

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