Natalie Davis and The Hidden...

By Nettles_16

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Natalie is Finally back at Hogwarts for her Second year. Little did she know things would get a little more i... More

Chapter 1: Here we go again
Chapter 2: Back at Hogwarts
Chapter 3: Herbology and Howler
Chapter 4 : Accepting
Chapter 5: Little Voice
Chapter 7: Hidden Manor
Chapter 8: Petrified
Chapter 9: Hidden Close
Chapter 10: Forbidden Forest
Chapter 11: Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 12: Fate
Chapter 13: Letting it all out
Chapter 14: First Indication
Chapter 15: Matthew and Karen.
Chapter 16: Opening up.
Chapter 17: Saying Goodbye

Chapter 6: Muggle time

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By Nettles_16

A few days have went by since the petrified incident and things were slowly going back to normal.
Natalie decided to relax in the courtyard with some of her Muggle music to block out the random sounds she's been hearing.
The past few days they have been more obvious to her and Muggle music was the only thing that would block it out, either listening to it or humming it to herself.
Natalie was sitting on the steps by the courtyard looking up at the clouds taking in the cold crisp air, closing her eyes sinking into the music.
Natalie didn't realize she was humming away to herself, thankfully it wasn't too loud or else the whole school would hear.
Hermione was walking past when she heard Natalie humming. Hermione just stood behind listening to the music.
"Sometimes I run, sometimes I hide" Hermione sings next to Natalie which made her jump.
"Oh Hermione I didn't notice you sorry" Natalie said clearing her throat.
"You like Britney Spears as well" Hermione asked.
"Not all of her songs, just this one" Natalie says hiding her face.
"I sometimes miss muggle music" Hermione admits sitting next to Natalie.
"Same, I miss a lot to be honest" Natalie says.
"Really" Hermione questions.
"Well you will kinda get it but I'm that used to it" Natalie shrugged.
"Still, wish the Wizarding world liked muggle music at least" Hermione laughed.
"What songs would you want them to like" Natalie asked.
"Oh Hero by Mariah Carey" Hermione says .
"Really" Natalie says surprised.
"Hey Shes a good singer" Hermione laughs.
"And when a hero comes along" Hermione sings in a joking manner.
Natalie just sits laughing and joining in.
"And you" Hermione asked after calming down.
"That's a tricky one" Natalie says thinking to herself.
"I think I would pick all star" Natalie bursting out laughing.
"Come on" Hermione laughed hitting Natalie .
"Ok ok but it is a good one but I would honestly pick I want it that way" Natalie says
"The Backstreet Boys" Hermione says leaning back
"TELL ME WHY" Natalie sings in a dramatic manner.
Hermione just laughs into her hands.
"Better than all star" Natalie says nudging Hermione.
"No" was all Hermione says which made Natalie laugh more.
"You hate them like" Natalie asks
"No I just hear it too much at home" Hermione says
"Ah" Natalie says with a small nod.
"I just hear music from the 60s" Natalie says shaking her head.
"I feel you on that one" Hermione says with a small laugh.
"Ah it's nice to talk about the muggle world" Natalie says stretching so she can relax again.
"That's true, most of our friends don't understand it" Hermione says.
"They will eventually, i won't stop talking about it" Natalie says .
"I even brought up scooby do which Sophie didn't get" Natalie giggled.
"That show was something though" Hermione laughed.
"Oh don't get me started on the books" Hermione says with a little jump.
"Like what" Natalie asked.
"Matilda, that's what got me into magic" Hermione said with a big smile.
"Oh I remember that book" Natalie says with the same enthusiasm.

For a whole Natalie and Hermione were talking about everything to do with muggles and what it was like for them before they knew about Hogwarts.
"So your parents are dentists" Natalie says
"You never talk about them that much" Natalie mentions.
Hermione just clears her throat and rubs her neck.
"I mean you don't have to if you don't want to" Natalie says in a panic.
"It's ok Nat" Hermione giggles .
"Just didn't see the need to is all" Hermione responds.
Natalie just nods and continued to talk about other things.
"Oh by the way" Hermione says.
"Hmm" Natalie hums
"Did Fred bring up Nicole to you at all" Hermione asked.
"Nope, why?" Natalie asked.
"Well, they have been rather close recently" Hermione whispered.
"Oh come on they are just friends don't make it a big deal" Natalie says with a sigh.
"Normally yes but Fred" Hermione asks.
"Why , you have a crush on him" Natalie teased.
"I DO NOT" Hermione says hitting Natalies arm.
"I'm kidding" Natalie said between hits.
"Good" Hermione said .
"Ouch you have quite a grip you ken" Natalie says running her shoulder.
"Dinny care" Hermione said which Made Natalie turn in excitement.
"YOU SAID A SCOTTISH SLANG" Natalie shouted bouncing a little.
"I pick it up from you" Hermione laughed.
"And that's also muggle slang" Hermione mentioned.
"Is it" Natalie said with a little hum at the end.
"As long as you don't say them to teachers" Hermione says.
"Too late" Natalie giggled.
Hermione just shook her head while Natalie put a cheeky grin on her face.

"Do my eyes deceive me" Hermione says looking at the other side of the courtyard.
"Ron and Kat, so?" Natalie says confused.
"Oh Nat you are smart in a lot of things but this isn't one of them" Hermione says with a sigh.
"And you are" Natalie says on a dry tone with one eyebrow raised.
Hermione just turns to look at Natalie.
"More than you" Hermione says.
"I mean they are never alone together" Hermione mentioned.
"And let them now" Nat says now laying on the step.
Hermione kept her eye on Ron and Katie who were just having a regular conversation.
"Gosh Mione we are only second years, what they gonna do" Natalie says giving Hermione a little tap on the arm.
"I know I'm just curious" Hermione mentioned .
"Nah more nosy" Natalie laughed.
"Oh ha ha" Hermione says with a small smile.
"If this was Sophie" Hermione says but was cut off.
"She would get a slap more than a tap" Natalie giggled.
"What" Hermione says in shock
"She would scream something at them knowing her" Natalie says.
"Not wrong on that" Hermione says .
"But don't actually hit her" Hermione asked Natalie .
"Obviously" Natalie says putting Hermiones book on her head.
"My book isn't sunglasses Davis" Hermione scoffs.
Natalie just let out a small pout and sat back up.
"Anyway at least those two add up" Hermione mentioned.
"Eh" Natalie says confused but then gets the hint.
"He's a friend Mione don't lump me with him that quick" Natalie says .
"I'm offended" Natalie says with a fake shock which made Natalie and Hermione laugh.
"Can I ask you one thing" Hermione says to Natalie .
"Sure" Natalie responded.
"Don't go too deep" Hermione says standing up.
"Mione im not that kind of smart either" Natalie says crossing her arms.
"I mean with those sounds you mentioned, don't follow them randomly" Hermione says.
"I won't I promise" Natalie said waving Hermione goodbye.
"What brought this on" Natalie shouted .
"The thought just came up" Hermione mentioned.
"Even Hufflepuffs can be reckless" Hermione says walking away
"Too deep huh" Natalie thought to herself looking back at the sky.
"How deep is too deep though" Natalie questions.
"HEY WHAT YOU MEAN BY RECKLESS GRANGER" Natalie shouted running after Hermione once what Hermione said sunk in.
Forgetting that Ron and Katie could see them and were laughing at what Natalie shouted.
Things were starting to settle in a good way.

One thing that none of them noticed was a bird sitting in one place for too long keeping too good of an eye on the students.

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