Chapter 17: Saying Goodbye

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Natalie hated that this year went by so fast. She slowly packed her things looking around the room.
"We will be back" Amelia said.
"I know, I just hate staying with my Grandparents, my mum and dad is the only good thing" Natalie said putting away some clothes.
While packing Natalie picks up the letter her grandad written for her.
"You have to be more open about this you know" Amelia said softly.
Natalie looked at Amelia with a small smile,
"I know...I just needed my time to process this, next year I will definitely try and look into this more" Natalie said nodded her head.
"I'll take your word on that" Amelia said packing away her things.
"Do you think he' know" Natalie asked.
Amelia just looked at Natalie , silent for a bit.
"I honestly can't is a complicated thing" Amelia says.
Natalie flipped onto her bed letting out a sigh.
"If I ask my Grandfather or Grandmother they would flip" Natalie says.
"How about your Mum's mum" Amelia said.
"She can barely remember my name at times" Natalie says with a giggle.
"I did ask her about all this on my first year but she didn't say much on the matter, just changes the subject"
"Now that I think about it, you don't talk about ya family that much" Amelia says.
"Just never came into conversation" Natalie mentioned.
Natalie started to fiddle with her fingers and look out the window.
"My Gran would cry if I brought up my Grandad" Natalie said still keeping her eyes looking outside.
"I see, She loved him a lot" Amelia said with a small sigh.
"She did" Natalie said
Amelia knew Natalie was hiding her emotions and didn't want to push it but I was getting more worrying than before.
"Just ask at least someone" Amelia said almost begging.
Natalie turned to Amelia giving her a sympathetic smile,
"I can't promise that is worth a shot...or a nagging" Natalie said trying to lighten the mood but was not working.
"Ok or not". Natalie said clearing her throat.

"Some things have gotten better though" Amelia mentioned.
"Like what" Natalie asked.
"Us getting on with Draco to start" Amelia said,
"Well just you and Nicole" Natalie said laughing.
"Oh and you and Neville" Natalie said with a wink.
"Don't you start" Amelia said smiling.
"You two are cute" Natalie admitted.
Amelia just gave Natalie a look that was just saying "really".
"Well how about you and Draco" Amelia said teasing.
"Friends" Natalie said.
"Sure you are" Amelia said closing her case.
"Seriously, friends" Natalie said starting to pack again,
"Keep telling yourself that" Amelia said walking out the room.
"See you on the train" Amelia said.
"And you might see Draco" Amelia quickly said before running off"
Natalie just shook her head and closed her case, Natalie sat on the floor looking around the room one last time.
Natalie let out a sigh and left the common room heading to the train.

Natalie was the last out of her Friends to be on the Train, Natalie wanted to make most of Hogwarts as much as she could even though she knew she would be back for her third year..already.
"Come on slow poke" Sophie shouted to Natalie.
"Be right with you guys" Natalie shouted back.
Natalie turned to see the castle in the distance.
"You will be back you know" Draco said walking up to Natalie,
"I know I was just thinking we will be in third year" Natalie said with a shrug.
"Crazy" Draco says.
"I know , it feels like yesterday I found out about all this" Natalie said.
"And met amazing people" Natalie said nudging Draco.
"Really" Draco says surprised.
"Oh ye Harry and that are great" Natalie says with a laugh.
Draco just looked at Natalie with a mad and sad look,
"Ah I'm only kidding, you are amazing as well"
Natalie said Giving Draco a side hug.
"You better be" Draco says.
"We better get on the train" Draco says with
"Did he just" Natalie thought to herself, she seen him smile but not like that, suddenly what Amelia said hit Natalie's mind. "No no Natalie he's a friend" Natalie thought shaking her head.
"You good" Draco shouted,
"Huh ye ye I'm ok" Natalie says running up to Draco.
"See you next year" Draco says walking off.
"See you" Natalie said going In for a quick hug and running to the others.
"He guys" Natalie said sitting down.
"What took you so long" Katie asked.
Amelia just smiled ,
"Don't" Natalie said with a smirk.
"Oooo" Everyone said.
"Draco" Nicole said with a wink.
"Nooo not like that" Natalie said going red in the face while her friends started to laugh.

Draco stayed In place as Natalie gave him a hug and ran, Draco couldn't help but blush a little,
"She only sees me as a friend" Draco said to himself, constantly telling himself that just what she's like around everyone.
During the ride every both Natalie and Draco kept thinking the same thing.
"He/She doesn't see me like that".

Natalie Davis and The Hidden Secret [ Year 2 ] [ Completed]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن