Chapter 13: Letting it all out

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Natalie looked up the stairs to see a too familiar face looking right art her with a not so harry look on their usual.
"Who's he" Hermione asked,
"That would be my Grandfather saying his goodbyes to Dumbledore" Natalie said with a not so happy tone.
"Why" Katie asked.
"He never tells me anything so I don't know" Natalie said rolling her eyes.
"Probably about what happened" Hermione said.
"Fun" Natalie said with a sigh.
"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING" Albert shouted when he seen Natalie.
"Ill meet up with you guys later" Natalie said rolling her eye sand walking up to her Grandfather,
"What are you doing here" Natalie said crossing her arms.
"Business" Albert said.
"As always" Natalie said .
"I was informed of the adventures you have been going on" Albert said glaring at Natalie.
"Why is that a problem with you" Natalie said bluntly,
"Because of the reputation, bad enough you are in Hufflepuff" Albert says.
"Funny, only a bother when you are around the Malfoys" Natalie said when she seen Lucius walk over.
Natalie was fine with Draco and his mother, His father on the other hand was a
Little tricky, she hated his nature with a passion and would do anything to avoid him.
"Now be nice miss Davis" Lucius says in his cold tone.
"I keep telling you Albert Natalie should only need to be around Draco" Lucius says looking at Natalie who was showing too much attitude for his liking, "and maybe she will learn some manners as well" Lucius said which hit a Nerve in Albert.
"I was taught to be nice if someone is nice back" Natalie said.
"Nice seeing you" Natalie said walking off.
"NATALIE" Albert yelled.
" Oh that reminds me" Natalie said turning around no longer bothered by her Grandfathers loud tone.
"Who's Tom Riddle" Natalie said glaring at her Grandfather who's hole face changes emotion, went more pale than usual.
"How did you" Albert says but Natalie cuts him off.
"A ghost named Myrtle told us" Natalie said looking at her Grandfather and then Lucius.
"None of your concern not off you go" Albert says.
"I'll tell Myrtle you said hi" Natalie says walking off.
The second Natalie left Albert looked at Lucius, "she must of learned when she was in the chamber" Albert says.
"But how" Lucius asked.
"I will find out" Albert says when he seen Natalie match away with Katie and the others behind.
Alberts eyes almost went red with Anger.

Natalie practically had steam coming out of her ears.
"WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS" Natalie said walking back and forth again while Katie and Sophie watch.
"ACTING ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY" Natalie yells copying her Grandfathers Posture.
"Ignore him" Sophie said.
"I thought you were ok with him" Katie asked.
"He's better than my Grandfather anyway" Natalie said.
"He's lucky he wasn't alone" Natalie said
"I would of hit him for what he did"
"You wouldn't actually hit him" Katie said crossing her arms, Natalie just looked at Katie and that was enough for her to realize she was being serious.
"You are something when man" Katie admitted.
"Agreed" Sophie said.
"Listen Nat" Sophie said putting her arm around her.
"Let loose a little, don't worry about him"
"How about you go with Nicole and Fred, they plan to do some pranks" Sophie suggested.
"I'm ok" Natalie said taking a deep breath.
Sophie noticed that Amelia and Neville were walking past and she put on her usual smile.
"Leave them be" Kate said.
"Aww come on" Sophie said walking over to Katie.
"They are always together at this point" Sophie said with a fake sad face.
"Maybe because we are all too hyper" Katie said  with a laugh .
"Nat does Amelia tell you anything" Katie asked.
"Nothing much, just that she get along with him" Natalie said sitting next to Sophie.
"And it's best to leave them" Natalie mentioned looking at Katie and Sophie.
"Whaa" Both said at the same time.
"Trust me, Neville is not as outgoing as you two, you might make him feel nervous" Natalie said.
Sophie and Katie looked at each other and just shrugged as if they new what Natalie meant.
"Then you go" Sophie said.
"Seriously" Natalie says rolling her eyes.
"Yes seriously you are more chill in that way than us" Katie mentions giving Natalie puppy eyes.
"That won't work" Natalie says.
Sophie joins in and after a while they see that it was not working at all.
"Nat just do it" Katie said once more.
"If I do it will you two stop" Natalie says as Sophie and Katie nod.
"Fine" Natalie says walking off.

At First Natalie didn't want Neville or Amelia to see her, she felt rude just walking in on them. As Natalie watched them all she could do was smile.
Natalie didn't do what Sophie and Katie wanted, rather she just took the hint.
"I'll ask her later" Natalie thought to herself walking away.
While walking she heard a few screams from 1st year students. And one ran behind her.
"WHAT ON EARTH...FRED" Natalie shouted as he flew past.
"ITS FUN NAT" Fred shouted.
"This boy"Natalie said putting her hands on her hips.
"He won't hurt you, he's just joking around" Natalie said to the first years leading them away.
Natalie didn't notice George flying past and grabbing onto her.
" GEORGE NAAAAAAA" Natalie yelled and she wrapped her arms around him.
"No bad is it" George said.
"You are dead when we get off" Natalie said fear in her voice.
"COME ON NAT" Nicole shouted.
"NOT YOU TOO COLE" Natalie shouted.
"You wanna know why I grabbed you" George asked.
"Why" Natalie said now hiding her head on his back.
"Didn't want to be a third wheel" George said laughing.
Natalie looked up to see Fred and Nicole.
"Who would of thought" Natalie said.
"I know right" George said.
"Can you let me down now" Natalie asked.
"Nope" George said flying higher.
"GEORGE" Natalie shouted again while George laughed.

Eventually everyone seen them together on the broom.
"Careful you two might become a couple" Fred shouted.
"OH HA HA" Natalie shouted not impressed at all.
"SAME TO YOU FRED" George yelled as Fred went near Nicole.
While flying around Draco noticed from below, seeing them made Draco mad..and upset?.....
Draco shook his head, "shes only a friend" Draco kept thinking. Trying to ignore but when he heard Natalie scream he just didn't want to leave it.
"CANT YOU SEE SHE HATES IT" Draco shouted which caught people off guard.
"Looks like you got yourself a boyfriend Davis" George said flying down.
Natalie just hit George in the arm,
"Next time give me warning" Natalie said.
"IM OK" Natalie shouted at Draco so he wouldn't go crazy.
"Since when was he nice" George asked.
"He always has..just never shown it like that" Natalie said slowly.
"You ok Nat" Nicole asked.
"Ah I will be fine, just was surprised that's all" Natalie said reassuring George he didn't hurt her.
"Draco has never did that before" Nicole said smirking at Natalie .
"Glad to see you are fully well" Natalie said trying to change the subject.
"Looks like he's warming up to you Davis" Fred said messing up Natalies hair.
"Guess so" Natalie said looking up at Draco who was walking away.
"Well screaming does get a lot of stress out" Nicole mentioned.
"You planned this didn't you" Natalie said looking at Nicole who was smirking.
"Mayyybe" Nicole said laughing.
Natalie couldn't help but laugh along, it did work, she did feel as angry or stressed as she did before.
"What's next" Natalie said which Nicole was exited for.
"Oh you have seen nothing yet" Nicole said with a big smile.
"You are a bad influence on her" Natalie said to Fred and George.
"Shes the same to us" They said in sync as they walked into the castle planning for what jokes they could pull next.

Natalie Davis and The Hidden Secret [ Year 2 ] [ Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora