Chapter 8: Petrified

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It was late and Sophie was sitting in her bed reading the book she got before, more so just out of curiosity of all the manors in the wizarding world.
Sophie wrapped herself in her blankets and put it over her head like she was in her own little bubble.
"Soph it's late" Katie said Rolling over in her bed letting out a annoyed grunt.
"I know sorry kat I just got too into the book" Sophie said slowly shutting the book.
Sophie just gripped onto the blanket with a little shiver.
Sophie turned to see she left the window almost wide open.
"Great" Sophie mumbled dragging the blanket on the floor to the window.
Sophie put her head out the window and took a deep breath and took in the crisp cold hair and slowly. letting it out trying to relaxing.
As she looked out she noticed a figure just standing in the grounds.
"What" Sophie said squinting her eyes to try and get a closer look
"Kat look at this"Sophie whispered but Katie was too deep into sleep to even move.
Sophie just kept her eye on the figure trying to keep herself out of view.
The figure just turned in one spot almost as if it was looking for something...or someone.
Sophie turned to look at Katie to make sure she was still asleep .
"Hermione" Sophie said walking over to her bed to see she wasn't in it.
All of a sudden Sophie seen a green light and all you could hear was a scream from across the halls of the castle.
Sophie quickly turned back to see the figure running.
Sophie then seen two people on the floor from what she could tell was either unconscious or dead.
"Oh no" Sophie said
"Oh no Mione" Sophie said running out the common room almost tripping on her feet as she turned the round the corner.
As she ran she seen a few other students worried and confused
Sophie didn't even think all she did was run.
"Amelia" Sophie shouted.
"What's going on" Sophie asked but turned before she could get an answer.
"Oh Merlin" Sophie said covering her mouth in shock.
It turned out to be Nicole and one other students. The other student was lucky that they were only hit lightly, Nicole not so lucky.
"It looks at if she was jumping in front of them" Amelia said.
Sophie just nodded, it was as if Sophie was also petrified, she could barely move.
Nicole was on the floor with her arms in front of her as if she was blocking the blast.
"Everyone back to the common rooms" Snape said pushing some students for them to go.
"Guys" Harry shouted while running towards them.
Sophie just stood in one spot, unable to move still , mouth wide open in shock.
"Sophie" Amelia said shaking her.
"Soph" Harry said putting his hand on her shoulder.
"It''s" was the only thing Sophie could Bring herself to say.
"NICOLE" Natalie shouted behind them.
"Miss Davis back to the common room all of you" Snape said firmly.
"BUT" Sophie finally let out walking over.
"We can't" Amelia said .
"Miss Davis take Miss Henderson back the the Gryffindor's common room" Dumbledore asked while walking past.
"It's ok I will, we are in the same house after all" Harry said
"Nat you deal with Amelia" Harry asked.
"Of course" Natalie said taking Amelia back who was also distressed about the situation.

"How...why" Sophie said quietly.
"I don't know...but we will find out" Harry said giving Sophie a hug.
This is the first time Harry seen Sophie this upset and in made him have a pain in his chest. All he wanted to do was take the pain away from Sophie but he knew all he could do was comfort her.
"I head a sound before all this" Harry mentioned.
"Was it the same as before, when you had the duel with Draco" Sophie asked.
"Yes..." Harry said quietly.
"Just like Natalie" Sophie thought to herself.
"You didn't hear anything soph" Harry asked taking her into the common room.
"No just a figure" Sophie said sitting on the couch.
Harry sat next to Sophie giving her a side hug.
"Nicole will be fine" Harry said.
"But harry she looked almost like a rag doll...she" Sophie said but cut off.
"Nicole is strong, she was found in time...she will be ok" Harry kept saying to Sophie over and over, rocking her a little to calm her down.
Sophie just put her head on Harry shoulder sniffing a little.
"Out of all people" Sophie whispered.
"Why was she out at this time" Sophie said sitting back up now looking right at Harry.
"I-I'm not sure" Harry questions.
"She isn't the type to do that" Sophie said.
"Thats true" Harry said.
"You said you seen a figure...what was the figure doing" Harry asked.
"It was just in one spot..turning around, I looked away and then I seen a green light and that's it" Sophie said .
Harry just looked at the ground.
"This is odd" Harry said.
"Ye.." Sophie said crossing her arms and putting herself in a little ball.
"Try and get some rest" Harry said putting his arm out for Sophie.
"Come on" Harry said taking Sophie to the girls film and heading off.
By this time Katie and Hermione were both up and worried.
"WHERE WERE YOU" Hermione shouted.
"SAME TO YOU" Sophie shouted back.
"You two stop it" Katie said crossing her arms.
"We heard about the situation soph, we will go see Nicole tomorrow" Katie said reassuring Sophie.
Sophie did not say anything and just curled up into her covers.
"You couldn't stop it" Katie said sympathetically to Sophie, Sophie just nuzzled her pillow letting out a little sigh.
Sophie hated seeing anyone get hurt especially one of her best friends. Sophie tried her best to go back to sleep but all she could do was toss and turn as she slowly fell asleep.

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