Chapter 14: First Indication

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Natalie was in her Room dancing around to some Muggle music as she always does till she heard a tap on the window from a random owl.
"Hello" Natalie said petting the owl.
"Thank you" Natalie said taking the letter.
"That man" Natalie said to herself.
Natalie knew that man would write to her eventually , when the time was right.
At first Natalie didn't want to open it, she could feel a knot in her stomach for some weird reason.
After a while Natalie decided to open it.
While reading it she realized it wasn't from that man at all..

Dear Natalie
If you are reading this you have found out the truth about our Family and met your Great Uncle I assume. I know that means I would of been away from you for some time, I understand that you will have mixed emotions and being around your Fathers family but that is the safest place for you at the moment In the wizarding world. I hope to see you and your Siblings again and see how much you have all grown, but now is not the time.
I am doing something that is going to protect wizards and Muggles alike and I'm sure you will learn why as you go through your years at Hogwarts.
I also want to let you know that you should not worry and trust your professors.
And no matter what you think of me now, I will care for you and our family always.

Natalie just stood in one spot..tears going down her face. Natalie sat on her bed still eyes locked on the letter, letting out a shaking breath.
"That sneaky old man" Natalie said trying to let out a chuckle.
"Natalie come on" Amelia said opening the door to see Natalies eyes all puffy and red.
"What happened" Amelia said walking over.
"He sent it" Natalie said shaking .
"Who did" Amelia asked.
Natalie just showed Amelia the letter.
"That's...amazing" Amelia said, she didn't want to spoil this feeling of joy that Natalie had but she had a weird feeling.
"Is it his writing" Amelia asked.
"Looks like it" Natalie said with a small smile hugging the letter.
"Most likely he wrote that ages ago" Amelia mentioned.
"I am aware of that" Natalie said with a smile.
"Just be careful ok" Amelia said.
"I know, I just ah can't process this, first indication of him being alive, at least after I seen him" Natalie didn't finish her sentence she just spun around and hugged the letter once more and put it away.
"You really are something" Amelia said walking off.
"Can't help it" Natalie said skipping along.

Throughout the day Natalie was a lot more cheerful than usual.
The thought that her Grandad had written a letter for her was too much of a good thing in her mind.
She would say hello to random people and sing random Muggle songs out loud which made some people confused.
Natalie walked past Draco and his friends and did her usual hello.
"Shes ..more happy than usual" Draco says.
"Probably got herself a boyfriend" Goyle says as a joke but gets a hit from Draco.

Natalie noticed that Neville was walking back and forth more than usual talking to himself.
"You ok Neville" Natalie asked walking up to him.
"Oh Natalie its just you" Neville says letting out a deep breath.
"Sorry To disappoint" Natalie said with a laugh.
"What's wrong" Natalie asked.
"Umm...has Amelia said anything odd to you" Neville asked.
"Not to me...why" Natalie asked but she seen her answer.
"YOU TWO STOP ASKING HIM QUESTIONS" Natalie shouted to Sophie and Harry.
"Nosy buggers" Natalie whispered.
"I don't mind the's just" Neville didn't finish.
"They can be a bit pushy I know, don't worry about it, it's just because we see you two together a lot that's all, I think it's sweet" Natalie says sitting down.
"Oh...really" Neville asked.
Natalie nodded patting the floor for Neville to sit next to her.
"You know you can hang out with us, I did say before" Natalie mentioned.
"I know it's just" Neville said nervously.
"I get it, just remember if you want to you don't have to ask" Natalie said with a smile.
"Thanks Natalie" Neville said.
"Just Nat is fine" Natalie said walking off to find Harry and Sophie.

"What is it with you two, you gonna give him a heart attack" Natalie said trying not to giggle.
"We didn't mean to" Harry said.
"Sure" Natalie says.
"Admit you have been curious to" Sophie says.
"I ain't saying I haven't but I know my limits, what of people did it to you two" Natalie says which made Harry and Sophie blush.
"Enough said" Natalie said with a giggle.
"Oh ye, Amelia said you got a letter" Harry asked.
"Oh yes I did, I like to think my grandad sent it but I doubt it, he did write it though" Natalie said with a smile.
"Did it give you any hints" Sophie asked.
"Obviously not, my grandad wasn't the type to do that" Natalie said shaking her head.
"The only lead I have is that My grandfather knew Tom Riddle" Natalie said.
Sophie and Harry looked at each other and back at Natalie .
"Are you going to ask him" Harry said.
"I tried to when he was here but Mr Malfoy came in.
"So I have to wait till I go back to his" Natalie said.
"Good luck with that" Harry said.
"Well I can just make most of the fun I can have here till I go back" Natalie says with a smile.
"That's the spirit" Sophie says.


Natalie was back in her Room with Amelia and Katie.
"Seriously Ron can be something" Katie said puffing her cheeks.
"You sound like a married couple" Amelia said laughing.
"Oh Shh" Katie said throwing Natalies pillow.
"She's not wrong" Natalie said avoiding another pillow.
"Not you too" Katie said.
"Shes only teasing calm it" Natalie said picking up her pillows.
"Honestly thought you would be like this Natalie, Especially around Draco" Katie mentions.
"He's no that bad" Amelia said which made Natalie and Katie turn.
"See" Natalie said with a chuckle.
"You just judge too quick" Natalie mentioned throwing a pillow at Katie.
"Can you blame Me" Katie says.
"In a way no but you moan because Ron took a bit of food" Natalie says .
"MY FOOD" Katie moans.
Natalie and Amelia just burst out laughing as Katie tries to prove her point.
Natalie always wondered why her Friends brought up Draco so they want to get along with him or not...?.
At times Natalie would treat Draco different but she didn't think of it as a bad thing, he did the same in a way.
It's only recently Natalie put more thought into it.
Natalie didn't see the laughter but she would definitely see it when it comes to her friends.

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