Partners In Crime: An Among U...

By LunaOfChaos

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"Why didn't you kill me?" "A couple reasons. The main one is that you weren't having a typical emotional rea... More

Chapter 1: Uh... Hi.
Chapter 2: Why Am I Suddenly The Psychopath?
Chapter 3: Defending The Liar
Chapter 4: I Didn't Come Here To Be Psychoanalyzed.
Chapter 5: Should I Take That As A Compliment?
Chapter 6: I Dare You.
Chapter 7: We Need To Talk.
Chapter 8: Fear? Psychopaths Don't Know Fear.
Chapter 9: Begone.
Chapter 10: Expendable
Chapter 12: Order To Kill
Author's Notes - Part I
Deleted Scene: Part I Alternate Ending
Part II - Synopsis
Chapter 13: Why Am I Here?
Chapter 14: Home Sweet Home.
Chapter 15: That Was An Absolute DISASTER.
Chapter 16: He Knows.
Chapter 17: Trust No One
Chapter 18: Just Another Crewmate
Chapter 19: United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Chapter 20: Like A Lamb To The Slaughter
Chapter 21: Your Worst Nightmare
Chapter 22: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 23: You Fool.
Chapter 24: Ensuing Chaos
Chapter 25: Broken Glass
Chapter 26: Allies and Secret Agents
Chapter 27: What's The Plan?
Chapter 28: Oh, God, No.
Chapter 29: Whose Fault Would That Be?
Chapter 30: Worth It? Probably Not.
Chapter 31: Please Don't Give Me An Existential Crisis.
Chapter 32: Hurry Up. Please.
Chapter 33: Just Don't Look.
Chapter 34: Wrong Place At The Wrong Time
Chapter 35: Maybe They Already Succeeded.
Chapter 36: Prove It.
Chapter 37: It Can't End Like This.
Chapter 38: No Remorse
Chapter 39: Pick Up The Pieces
Chapter 40: Do I NEED A Reason To Want To Watch The World Burn?
Chapter 41: Tell Me The Truth.
Chapter 42: Anything You'd Like To Confess?
Chapter 43: Trapped
Chapter 44: That's A Lie.
Chapter 45: The Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 46: Black and White
Author's Notes - Part II
Part III - Synopsis
Chapter 47: Ice-Cold
Chapter 48: Wow. Rude.
Chapter 49: Not Again.
Chapter 50: Screaming
A/N: Just Want To Say Something
Chapter 51: To The Ship!
Chapter 52: Who, Me?
Chapter 53: You Wouldn't Dare.
Chapter 54: Nobody Asked You.
Chapter 55: Web of Lies

Chapter 11: Framing The Innocent

262 16 29
By LunaOfChaos


She and Red walked through the ship, checking up on all the systems in case of malfunctions.

No bodies. Good.

Well, not yet, at least.

Red finished checking the reactor, and then turned back to her. "Everything's good so far - all we need to check now is security and the cameras."

Blue nodded. They hadn't been making that much conversation along the way, but instead simply enjoying the peace and quiet.

Red suspected nothing from her, which was good. All Blue needed to do was check the ship for bodies, and then she could go back to sleep with a clear conscience.

She opened the door to security, and they both saw the cameras... off. They were usually up and running.

Is that... blood? Wha- oh my gosh.

Orange's body, covered in fresh blood, was curled up in the corner.

... I was too late.

Suddenly, Blue was slammed against the wall, and she felt herself being lifted up.

She struggled, but it was no use - without leverage, she couldn't fight much, not to mention Red being a lot stronger than her somehow.

... then how did he pass the test during the time where everyone was measured against me??

Realization came to her. He's skinnier than I am, so he used that as his excuse to get off the chopping block - he's the leader, so no one questioned him...


"You did this," Red said, bringing Blue back to reality. "No one else is awake, and it's not me, so it HAS to be you!"

Fool, Blue thought, trying to stay calm despite her panic. Red's angry, emotional eyes were staring straight into her soul like knives.

... Wait a minute.

I'm SUPPOSED to be panicking.

"You don't have the best case either," she shot back, making herself visibly more frantic. "How am I supposed to know that you're not the imposter, hmm?"

"Tell me why I shouldn't throw you out the trash chute right this second."

Oh, you probably should - I might be the death of you one day, so it would be in your best interest to kill me.

"Well," Blue started, taking a deep breath as Red's grip got tighter on her shoulders. "You were with me for this past while - around fifteen minutes. The blood hasn't dried, which means that this kill is very fresh, so I couldn't have done it."

Red's gaze turned to the blood, which was indeed very fresh and hadn't dried at all. With that, he set Blue down.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't think that through," he apologized.

Blue nodded, not quite sure what to say. "It's okay, you were just acting on instinct. But, for goodness' sake, please lighten up on your grip - I think my shoulders are bruised or something."

Red didn't answer her, because he was inspecting Orange's body. "Still a little warm - yes, definitely fresh."

Then, he turned away, trying to hold himself together.

Blue took a deep breath, softly rubbing her more painful shoulder. I was too late. Green got to Orange.

Wait... She paused. Wasn't he going to go after Pink?

So why change plans? That makes no sense.

Then, a sudden memory from the past came to her - Black saying that she thought Orange was jealous of her spending time with Green.

... that might have something to do with it.

Red put himself back together, and turned to the door to go get the emergency button.

But that's when the lights went out.

Red must have lunged for Blue to grab her and keep her close for safety, because she felt him grab her arm suddenly and start pulling her along.

"We need to get to the emergency button - fast," he whispered.

Blue nodded as they walked quickly along, hoping that Green didn't have another kill in mind.

She didn't know whether or not he would dare to try and kill Red while she was around.

... Let's hope not.

They went through the hallway together, towards the cafeteria and the emergency button.

Thankfully, nothing happened, and Red was able to successfully hit the emergency button, which set off the blaring alarm.



Once the lights were fixed, everyone gathered around the center cafeteria table - most of them looked exhausted, due to being woken up in the middle of the night.

Green saw that standing next to Red and Blue was Black, who looked absolutely distraught. Talon was on Blue's shoulder, sleeping.

Purple and Pink were standing together at one side of the table, with Pink quietly making her own observations and Purple trying not to have a breakdown.

Brown, on the other hand, was next to Green, keeping to himself.

Green decided to look exhausted as well, in order to blend in well, but also while looking confused. "... Where's Orange?" He asked, knowing full well what the answer was.

He's dead.

"Orange... is dead," Red announced, to everyone's surprise and distress. Green reminded himself to look even more distressed, because he was Orange's roommate.

"Wh-what?" Green said, his voice wavering. "When did this happen??"

"Very recently - only a few minutes before we hit the button," Blue said.

She looked at him, pretending to be sympathetic.

We're both quite the actors, eh? He thought, amused.

"No... this can't be happening - he was so nice," Green said disbelievingly.

Red looked at him with actual sympathy. "I'm sorry, Green, I know you two were close-" HA- "but this did happen. It was done with a knife, and Orange was left in the security room after dying."

Pink jumped in, "how are we supposed to know that you and Blue aren't guilty, Red?"

"Well, we were both checking the systems for malfunctions, and neither of us went out of sight of the other. If one of us was the imposter, the other would be dead already, and judging from the two kills we've seen so far, there's only a single imposter."

... well, yes, but technically speaking - no, there are two of us.

Pink debated that in her head for a long moment, and then nodded. "That's true, because if there was more than one imposter, more of us would be dead - there'd be no sense in keeping us all alive."

Red nodded. "Exactly my point. Now, does anyone have evidence?"

There was silence for a long moment before Pink spoke up again. "Wait, I have a way we can narrow it down."

Smart girl.

I really should have gotten you too, but I won't make that mistake again - you are totally next.

You'll be the death of me, unless Blue beats you to it.

Or if I somehow outsmart you.

Everyone turned to her. Purple asked quietly, "what is it, Pink?"

"You remember back when the lights suddenly went out when everyone was in the cafeteria?" She asked, looking around at everyone to ensure she had their attention. "To trigger that, they used a button that was hidden in a vent beneath a table. So, take the people who always sit at that table, and then it's simply the process of elimination."

"So, who sits where?" Red asked Pink, knowing she was onto something.

Well, this might turn out badly. Blue probably won't be able to get me out of this one, if everyone gets on board with Pink.

"Purple and I sit at the upper left table, Black and Blue sit at the upper right table, and Red just goes where he wants to - but Brown and Green both sit at the table with the vent, which - may I add - coincidentally happens to be the table Orange sat at as well. So - it's either Brown or Green."


Everyone's eyes turned to him and Brown.

Oh s**t.

If my other plan doesn't work... I'm done for.

Blue and Green locked eyes for a moment. She looked... hopeful?

While Brown was still processing the accusation being turned to him, Green collected himself and made use of his secret weapon - drama skills.

"Why would I do this?" He asked the others, starting to tear up for the first time. "Orange liked me, and I liked him. He was... the first person I was really romantically interested in."

... This might be the biggest lie I've ever told-

On the other side of the table, Blue looked like she wanted to laugh at his mini soap opera, but hid it well.

He continued, wiping away a tear with the back of his hand, "I was asleep, and when I woke up - he was just... gone. I'll never see him smile again, never talk with him again, never-"

Brown stared at him in disbelief. "You seriously expect us all to believe that sob story?"

"... Don't you care that he's gone? Or are you trying to pin this on me because you got into an argument with Orange yesterday and you know it'll give you away?!"

That last part had not been a lie - Green had indeed heard Orange and Brown get into an argument.

And there had been other witnesses.

Purple quietly spoke, "I did hear Brown and Orange argue yesterday - Brown seemed really mad too."

Red nodded. "I remember that too."

Black was skeptical, but seemed affirmative, and so did Blue - obviously.

Brown, infuriated at everyone seemingly turning against him, slammed his hands down on the table. "WHY are you ALL believi-"

Suddenly, he was cut off by something falling out of his suit and announcing its presence loudly with a CLANG.

A slightly blood-stained knife.

The one Green had used to kill both Cyan and Orange.

The room went into an uproar, and Green covered his mouth to keep his cunning smile hidden.

He wanted to laugh.

Perfection. Utter PERFECTION.



After the murder weapon showed itself, the room went into an uproar, with everyone trying to talk over everyone else at once.

She saw Black next to her, covering her ears and looking overwhelmed.

Green, on the other side of the table, had covered his mouth with his hand, putting up a horrified expression.

But she knew he was smiling under his hand.

Blue was still in shock. For a long moment there, she had thought that no one would believe Green, that he'd get shoved out the trash chute, and that she and Talon would finally be safe.

But Green, the cunning, wretched psychopath, had talked his way off the chopping block and thrown someone else in his place.

Red finally managed to calm everyone down. He had the knife on the table in front of him - he had gone and confiscated it while Blue was in shock. "Okay, let's just go ahead and vote."

Shaking, Blue raised her tablet and voted for Brown, as she didn't have much of a choice. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Black do the same.

Red got the results, and straightened for the announcement. "Well, Brown, the jury has declared you guilty."

Pink was in total disbelief, as was Brown.

"Wait, you all believe that?" Pink said, raising her voice. "You're serious??"

"Pink," Red told her, "I'm sorry to say - not every situation has a complex answer."

After staring at him angrily, Pink realized she'd have to fight everyone and draw suspicion to herself to continue defending Brown.

Pink took a deep breath, masking her emotions again. After she collected herself, she said, "You might be right, but I am not helping with the chute."

With that, she got up and left the table without another word.

Brown was panicking. "I'm innocent, I swear! Please, please don't do thi-"

"Enough," Red said coldly, then sighed. "Blue, will you help me?"

He really believes it's Brown.


The soap opera star and the knife convinced him.

Regretfully, while trying to act cold and uncaring, Blue obliged, handing Talon to a very emotional Black.

Brown's screams and protests reverberated through her skull as she and Red dragged him to the chute.

Looking behind her, Blue saw that Black had curled herself up on her chair, crying, while hugging Talon.

I'm sorry, Black. I'm sorry you have to witness this.

... and I'm so sorry, Brown. I know you don't deserve this.

After shoving him inside, Red pulled the lever.

And Brown was left behind to die in open space.

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