
By Freakshow_Comics

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When Eret and Niki took a walk through the woods the last thing they expected to find was bloodied teen. The... More

How this works
Left alone
Tommy and Tubbo
You're worried?
New Name
Tubbo's gone?
Incorrect quotes
Where are we?
Red boy.
Escape room
The past
The past into the light

My name?

404 22 0
By Freakshow_Comics

Niki hugged herself outside the medbay. She was smiling brightly, they were ok, they woke up. They needed the sleep so she was going to leave them alone until she knew they were ready to talk. She ran and found Eret telling him the good news

Of course the news spread like wildfire until everyone knew they had woken up. They didn't change the rule that only Niki and Eret were aloud to check up on the kid. All were patiently  waiting for the kid to wake up again and say exactly what had happened and who they were. Everyone was on edge.

Tommy and Tubbo were practicing with Wilber. The 3 had wooden swords, Niki was reading a book second hand listening to Tommy shouting about it being unfair. Fundy was off in the forest doing whatever he needed, Niki assumed was hunting. Wilber and Tommy were arguing about the training being unfair because Tommy had a worse sword. Of course it wasn't true he just wanted an excuse to why Wilber was winning. Tubbo had gotten distracted by a yellow flower growing near a tree. 

Suddenly Tommy and Wilber went silent. Niki confused by the silence bookmarked her book before looking up. Eret was standing in front of the brothers, saying something she couldn't understand. She hopped off the rock she had been sitting on and hurried by Tommys side. Tubbo had realized Eret was here and got up and headed over to the four.

"They woke up-" Nikis gasp cut him off. She was waiting for the kid to wake up, she couldn't stand waiting. Eret continued, "They are taking some pain killers again, since the last ones wore off and they have a bad headache again. They want to wait until the medicine kicks in to talk to anyone."

Tubbo and Tommy were excited with the news. The new kid had finally woken up and was willing to talk to all of them! As soon as Eret finished both looked at each other with pure excitement smiles. Niki looked about ready to run in there and talk to them this instant. Wilber was concerned, they all had no idea where this kid came from and seeing at how they arrived there is a big chance they could have some kind of trauma. He still tried to keep up with everyone else's excitement. 

The tanned teenager sighed loudly. The medicine had finally worked its magic and they could think straight, and wasn't in totally pain. They sat up and slow and steady moved their shoulder in a circle motion. It was extremely sore, but not in much pain. They were surprised to find it well bandaged and cared for. How long had they been out? They really couldn't tell. The room was decently big it had 2 other beds on the other side of the room.

They assumed this was like a hospital. What had happened to them? They couldn't remember. The mans name who had helped them, they couldn't recall. That wasn't a memory thing they were in so much pain they couldn't possibly comprehend anything. They couldn't remember if they had been in this room before or not. They couldn't remember anything, at all.

They sat trying to remember anything, but it didnt seem to work. They blinked seeing a women and man walking into the room. The women has white streaks in the front of her hair with it back in the back. The male was wearing sun glasses, both had matching uniforms.

They looked between the two before speaking up. "Who are you?" Their voice was raspy and deep from just waking up. The two looked at each other before carefully answering.

"Im Niki" The women spoke. "Im Eret" the guy followed. They looked at the two it seemed like this was the first time they had ever spoken. They were thankful for that seeing as it would have been awkward if they couldn't remember them. 

"Where am I?" They spoke clearing their throat. They took another look around the room nothing had changed since the older peoples arrival, but they didn't want to be awkwardly staring at the pair. 

This time the Eret spoke up first. "You're in L'manberg, Do you know where you live?" L'manberg? Nope didn't ring a bell for the forgetful teen. They shrugged looking out the small window to the fields and forests past it. 

"Do you mind if we bring some other people in here they could help you more?" They nodded politely, they didn't care if he brought in another person. From what they could tell, they didn't have any type of social anxiety. They sat with their head against the headboard of the bed waiting for the two to come back. Their mind wandered, what was their name? Did they have a home to go back to? Who found them? Their thoughts got cut off by five people walking in.

There was Eret and Niki, but also three others. They all wore nearly identical uniforms. One the tallest wore a beanie with brown curly hair out. The second tallest out of the new three had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. The shortest had brown hair like the beanie guys but his hair was a mess and seemed to be around 15 to 16. 

They studied them waiting for one of them to speak up. For a couple of minutes it was silent with five pairs of eyes staring at the hurt teen. The teen looked back at them studying them trying to remember anything. 

"Im Wilber, Nice to meet you..." The man with a beanie said. It was a social cue they knew, but it was to a question they had yet to know the answer to. They looked up and met his eyes. He was worried about what their answer was going to be, they could tell. 

"I don't know" They answered looking for each of their expressions. The blonde and brunette looked in confusion, Eret looked in understanding, Wilber looked in concern, Niki looked sad. They didn't dwell on the fact that some of them didn't understand. They waited for the next questions.

"Do you remember anything?" Wilber cautiously asked. They shook their head. "I don't remember my name, how I got here, or how I got hurt." Wilber nodded in understanding. 

"How does your head and arm feel?" Eret asked ready to help if they said anything but fine. "My arms sore and with my head, but I feel fine." They slowly turned over in the bed.

They moved before anyone could stop them and stood up. As soon as they stood up they fell and was caught by Wilber. What? Why couldn't they walk. 

"Hey hey! Don't try to walk just yet you had a bad blow to the head and have been laying for days." Eret and Wilber helped them back onto the bed sitting up with their legs over the edge. "Sorry." They apologized, they really should have asked before doing something. 

"You're fine, Tubbo can you grab me the small flashight?" The brown haired boy nodded and went to the nightstand on the other side of the room. He grabbed a pocket flashlight and handed it to Eret. 

Eret faced them, he was kneeling in front of them. He lightly grabbed there face and held the flashlight up to both eyes. They blinked away the bright light then looked down at the frowning male. 

"Not a bad concussion definitely not as terrible as it could have been. Do you want to try and walk? I can bring you to the bathroom?" He asked looked up at the kid. They slowly nodded and gripped his shoulder to steady themselves. They stumbled a bit, in response the blonde and Wilber were ready to catch them if anything went wrong. They gulped.

"Could I please have some water?" Their throat was dry and scratchy due to not having much water for the past couple days. "I'll grab some water and food for you be right back." Niki ran out of the room. Eret helped them to the bathroom, it wasn't very far from the medical room only down the hall. It made sense since it would be easier to get to if you're hurt. 

Eret helped them to the sink. He asked if they could do everything else on their own. They nodded and Eret left closing the door. They silently stared in the mirror. Had they always had white hair? That didn't seem like a common hair color? They moved their hand up to their eyes. They were a bright golden yellow. Was yellow a normal eye color? They touched the cut on their cheek. They hissed as it stung a bit. They washed their face with water and soap and dried it with a cloth. They couldn't shake the feeling something big had happened to them, not just a small attack.

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