Cherchant (Kylo Ren x Reader)

By Rabbit241Rat

18.7K 701 406

Kylo Ren x Reader Post TROS (New Planet, New Kylo, Lots of Explicit Content) Kylo and Rey part ways after the... More

Thirsty Thirty
Thirty-Six (The End)


824 32 31
By Rabbit241Rat

Kylo stood on the pier watching the island-hopper carrying you disappear toward Okiwaan. The sea mist hit the exposed skin of his face as he zoned out, replaying his time with you. He had already known that being in close proximity to you was intoxicating but... damn. He had not expected to be so blown away. He regretted losing control in front of you, cringing at the memory of your face painted with anger and fear. You wore your emotions so freely.

He had doubted his plan to bring you here many times. As soon as you were in his space, however, he sensed that this path you had started walking was inevitable. It was as if the universe was gifting him a glimpse of what was possible by being near you. He had sensed much more than companionship over the course of those 24 hours. Passion, yes, he had tasted it with that kiss in the pool. But there was something else, something greater shimmering under the surface... power.

You would become a force unto yourself. He already sensed the power of your creativity beginning to work in tandem with your Force sensitivity. He would teach you everything. You would become his equal. To what end? Only time would tell. For the first time since marooning himself on this planet, Kylo allowed himself to hope.

— — —

A cleaning droid moves through the club mopping up the sticky reminisce of spilled drinks, erasing all evidence of the fundraiser from the night before last. You finish inventory and place an order to replenish empty stock.

You were thinking about Kylo again. He had reluctantly agreed to take you to the pier after the intense scene in the pool. Your abrupt need to leave had been abundantly clear. You'd more than reached your limit of mind-blowing experiences in one day. The ride was silent but before you departed the island he'd asked you when he could see you again. Passing his desire to kiss you goodbye into your mind. The implication that you'd probably have to deal with this escalating lust before it would be possible to resume training had sizzled below the surface. You'd given into the kiss. Seeing it play out before it happened made it impossible to resist.

By the time you had made it home you were bursting at the seams. How many times had you made yourself cum last night? A lot. Exhausted to your core, you'd passed out and slept until noon today.

You hadn't made a plan to see him again but he knew where to find you.

Kaav is leaning against the bar examining his fingernails.

"Come on," he whines your name. "Don't leave me hanging. You're so obviously dying to spill."

You eye him cautiously, concern etched across your face. You are dying to tell him everything. But you're also worried about sounding insane. Plus, you have no idea what this past 48 hours means for your relationship with Kaav or how he will react to the news that you've met someone.


Just rip the bacta off already.

"I... I met someone."

He barely reacts, shifting his weight and nodding for you to continue. As always, exuding ultimate coolness. Deciding to omit the bit about the Force, you continue.

"His name is Kylo. He showed up here a week ago and kinda sent me spiraling," you blush, studying his expression.

He nods.

"He showed up again during the fundraiser and I went with him to his villa in the mountains. Sorry again for leaving so abruptly, by the way. I owe you."

"Villa?" He says, raising his eyebrows. "Fancy... Look, I don't mind if you spare me the details. Just tell me you're safe and that he's not a creep."

"He's a lot of things but creep isn't one of them," you reply, wanting so badly to spill the details about the intensity of it all.

You don't feel right about describing what you've already nicknamed 'Kylo magnetism' to your friend and lover so you keep it to yourself.

"Kaav," you softly say, approaching him and placing your hand on his. "What we have... the sex... it was always temporary, right? I don't want to lose you."

Sadness at the thought of him walking out of your life knits your brow and causes your lip to quiver with emotion ready to spill over. He takes your chin in his hand and tilts your head up to meet his gaze.

"I'm not going anywhere. I expect you to follow your heart. In fact, I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

Concealing what you suspect is disappointment he gives you a wink and leans down to plant a small kiss on your cheek. You throw your arms around him in a huge hug.

— — —

"No. No. No. What I'm saying is Chiyya couldn't possibly have invented Grotto Jazz because her album came years after Pogo released B-Sides."

You amusedly eavesdrop on the two elders at the bar.

"C'mon man! We've been over this dozens of times by now! Back me up," one says your name and looks at you pleadingly.

Laughing, you reply, "Not a chance I'm getting involved in this one."

"Alright, alright. At least bring us another round, would you? This is going to take a while," he says, as his companion rolls his eyes.

Their conversation inspires you to play the Pogo record next. Sure it might intensify their argument but it was a damn good album. Perfect for a rainy night. Just as you feed the disc into the machine, the door swings open and a crack of thunder rings out carrying a blast of windy rain through the club.

And there he is, standing just inside the door.


Your heart jumps alarmingly.

He shakes off his jacket and hangs it on hook in the wall, running his fingers through his wet locks. He wears 'waterlogged' well. He spots you and you quickly go back to your task pretending you hadn't been staring.


You look up and fail to stop your sheepish grin from forming. He follows you back to the bar and takes a seat. You walk around to resume your bartender duties and ask him what he'd like. His eyes flash mischievously at the question.

"To drink," you add.

"Dealer's choice," he says.

Nodding, you turn to gather ingredients. His eyes on your body feel like a physical touch. Damn. Determined to look professional, you push his intrusion aside and concentrate on making the drink. After shaking the contents over ice, you fill his glass, reserving a small sample for yourself. Satisfied with the taste, you add the garnish and slide it across the bar top.

"One Bonadan Flyer, for the gentleman."

You watch enraptured as he takes a slow sip, masking his emotions.

After a tortured eternity he finally says, "Mmm, exemplary."

You can't help but grin back at him in triumph. You are not playing it cool.

Pull it together! You think.

You're being flagged down at the other end of the bar. Going about your work, you keep glancing over at Kylo every chance you get. He seems content listening to the record, slowly enjoying his drink.

Finally, it's time for last call. You go about tidying up the bar while the night's regulars slowly file out. The rain has stopped. You lug the trash out to the compactor and when you return, Kylo is alone. Your breath catches at the sight. You lock the door behind you. It takes you several moments to get the butterflies under control and collect yourself enough to face him. You slowly approach the end of the bar. His eyes are somehow more beautiful than you remembered.

"I've missed you," you manage. "I hope that doesn't make me sound desperate or clingy or something... Kriff! I get so flustered around you."

Ungraciously, he lets your awkwardness hang there.

He stands.

With a jolt you receive a vision of him scooping you off of your feet.


He takes one step toward you, sending another onslaught of imagery coursing through you. Him roughly tossing you onto the bar top and tearing your top off.

'Kriff', is all your useless brain can come up with in response.

At his next step you see him ravaging you with bites and licks. He's still several feet away but you are losing your ability to stand as warmth pools between your thighs.

His next step brings a flash of his hand closing around your throat as you moan in pleasure and pain beneath his godlike hands.

You are melting.

The anticipation is too much. Was he trying to make you cum without even laying a finger on you?

Take me already!

And then he does, lips crashing against you as he lifts you with ease and carries you to the bar. Your tongues spill into each other's mouths and you feel the pressure of his cock, hard beneath his pants. He sets you down on the bar and steps back, wiping his mouth, surveying you from head to toe. You are panting and dripping with anticipation. The air around you is electric.

I want to be as rough as I showed you... Give me permission.

His voice fills your head sending shivers down your spine.

"Yes. I give you permission. Please," you sputter.

He growls in response and then he's there, tearing your shirt off, flinging it across the room. He kisses your neck moving down to gather your exposed breasts in his mouth as you struggle to remove his shirt. In frustration he rips it off, sending it flying. You feel him attack your body again, biting and sucking. Definitely leaving marks. Your moans fill the air as your hands explore his expansive chest and back. You scoop up handfuls of his gorgeous black locks and let your fingers slide through them. You breathe in deep, savoring his intoxicating scent.

Kylo pulls your pants off by the ankles, pausing only momentarily to drink in the sight of your skin, tattoos gleaming under the bar lights. He's looking at you with serious consideration as he undoes his belt buckle and wriggles out of his pants, hopping from foot to foot as he pulls each boot off. You are met with the sight of his massive bulge now hidden only by a thin layer of fabric.

Your lips meet again as he maneuvers you deftly and climbs up onto the bar top. His kisses are rough and your lips are swelling along with your lust.

"Fuck me, Kylo," you breathe into his neck.

He's kneeling above you, eyes locked to yours as he pulls his length free.


Nervous excitement runs through you.

This is going to hurt.

Biting your lip you watch him pull your panties to the side and slide his dripping cock up and down your slit wetting it on you. You gasp as he starts to push his length into your eagerly pulsing entrance. You feel yourself stretching to take him. Pain and pleasure intermingle as you tighten your grip on his biceps. His eyes haven't left yours. You feel an intrusion into your mind and sense that he is attempting to gauge whether or not he is hurting you, if he's too much for you. You silently encourage him to continue.

The first few thrusts are devastatingly slow and purposeful. He's opening you to him. Sensing your readiness, he starts pumping into you faster, eliciting a yelp. He grunts in response, speeding up to an excruciating pace as his hand slides slowly up your torso. He squeezes your breast, slaps it playful then twists your nipple. His hand continues up your chest to wrap around your throat. Your body spasms as he applies pressure, lightly constricting your airway. You see his eyes flash with intensity at the sight of your face turning red beneath him. With each thrust crashing deep inside of you, deeper than any man had been before, you feel yourself getting close.

He does too.

Suddenly, he's releasing your throat. Making sure to remain inside of you he lifts your back up off the bar shifting so that you're now straddling his lap. He doesn't stop pumping as he cradles the back of your head in his massive palm and resumes kissing you, pushing his tongue deep into your mouth. Pulling away, he shoves his thumb down your throat making you gag and sputter. His excitement undulates through him. He moves his thumb from your mouth down to your clit and begins moving it against you in small circles. Your ecstasy at his touch catapults you both over the top way faster than anticipated.

I'm gonna cum! Oh!

You aren't sure if that was his thought or yours as a massive wave of bliss crashes through you. You are experiencing both orgasms. Your cunt clenches hard and fast as his cock fills you with hot cum. Your organs continue to pulse together, bodies buzzing. You imagine that you can feel every hair, every drop of sweat rolling down both of your bodies and you slowly come back down to Edoterra.

You stay like that, holding each other for a while. Once you finally feel strong enough to move again, you climb off of his lap and feel his seed spill out of you and begin to roll down your thighs. After using a clean bar towel you wipe yourself up, you begin picking up the pieces of clothing you'd lost along the way. He pulls his pants on and tucks himself away. You find your shirt but he stops you from putting it on, looking you over for any damage he may have caused.

"Don't. It's okay," you say, moving his hand to hold it in yours. "That was... amazing."

You round the bar to pour two whiskeys, as is your post-coital ritual.

"I've been thinking about coming here and taking you this way all week," he says. "It's as if you have taken up permanent residency in my mind."

"From what I've seen of it so far, it's pretty filthy in there," you reply, smirking as you throw back the liquor.

"Come stay with me," he says, eyes boring into yours, radiating intensity.


Taken aback by his proposal, you struggle to find words.

Come stay with me.

His voice in your head is accompanied by a vision consisting of quick flashes filtering through your mind.

Watching the sunset over the sea...

Sparring in the clearing...

Zooming around on the back of his speeder bike...

Fucking on the floor in front of the fireplace...

Kissing in a hot spring...

Laughing over a cup of caf in soft morning light.

It's over in a flash leaving you wondering, is this fantasy or the future?

Tears of happiness well up in your eyes.


Yousend him your answer, knowing that you would follow this man to the ends of thegalaxy.

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