Love me Sensei

By Xysei05

110K 4.1K 4.4K

How will Chaeyoung get back at her old high school nemesis? By going after her enemy's younger sister, Myōi M... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

14.1K 344 246
By Xysei05

Chapter 1

Twice Academy. One of the most prestigious high schools in Japan, it is the top choice of Japan's elite families to send their children for schooling. Although Twice Academy was historically a place where the next generation of Japan's wealthiest could get to know one another, a few years ago, one of the fantastically rich benefactors of the school became bored enough to anonymously start a scholarship foundation for those "poor, poverty-stricken" students whose families did not have important business/political connections, rake in six-figure salaries, or both.

One of the afore-mentioned "poor, poverty-stricken" students is a young girl, seventeen years old, with short black hair that looks like it was styled by a blind man, and intense light brown eyes hidden behind a pair of thick-rimmed glasses. Pretty enough, to be sure, but it's hard to tell behind the thick bangs, glasses, and light spattering of acne (poor kid, puberty's been hard on her). Combined with her excellent academic record—essential for the Mysterious Bored Rich Man's Scholarship Fund—and her lack of money, luck, friends, social skills, et cetera et cetera, this kid is easy prey for fantastically rich, extremely bored teenagers. Called the residential nerd of Twice Academy (which is actually one of the nicer nicknames her peers have for her), Son Chaeyoung, in short, despises high school.

One of the fantastically rich, extremely bored teenagers at Twice Academy is another young girl, seventeen years old, with luscious Dark hazel brown hair and beautiful Deep brown eyes. Drop-dead gorgeous with a body to die for, her name is Myōi Mira, the eldest daughter of the Myōi family, whose members have both political connections and six-figure salaries. Alas, if only her personality was as fair as her face. Myōi Mira is undoubtedly the most beautiful girl at Twice Academy, not to mention that she has a really attractive accent. Such beauty and family connections are undeniable assets: whenever Mira abuses her Student Council President privileges, the administration always looks the other way. She has everyone wrapped around her little finger, including one hapless Son Chaeyoung. Every snide comment that drops from Mira's mouth is considered a pearl, or a diamond, or an emerald—you get the point—by our naïve Chaeyoung.

As Chaeyoung will soon learn, being a sucker for a pretty face is a surefire way of getting sucker punched in the gut.

"Mira! You look amazing in this picture!"

Chaeyoung, who had been studiously observing her shoes as she walked, immediately looked up at the sound of her (not so) secret love's title.

There, at the end of the hallway, stood Venus incarnate, otherwise known as Myōi Mira surrounded by a huge group of her fangirls. One of them was showing Mira a fashion magazine.

Mira haughtily sniffed and turned the page. "Oh, that disgusting picture? I much prefer this one."

Amidst the awed gasps, no one heard the residential nerd of Twice creep closer to the edge of the crowd and peek over one fangirl's shoulder to look at the magazine.

Chaeyoung's eyes widened behind her glasses. That was one fine picture of Mira  in a sinfully short dress!

"Yes, it was an exclusive photo-shoot done for Vogue Hommes Japan," Mira's voice rose above the awed murmurs. "I didn't think I was pretty enough for it, but the editor—a good friend of Papa's—insisted that I had to do one, saying that it would be a waste if I didn't. How could I say no to that?"

"Mira you're too modest! Don't ever doubt your beauty!"

Chaeyoung winced as the girls around her screamed their agreement. She cringed even more when the fangirl whose shoulder she'd been looking over noticed her presence. "What the—hey, it's Nerd Princess What the hell are you doing here? Don't you have anything better to do than just stalking Mira?"

Everyone's heads immediately swiveled to stare at Chaeyoung with hostile eyes. Chaeyoung gulped.

"What a dorky haircut."

"Shouldn't you be selling birdfeed or whatever it is you poor people do?"

Chaeyoung inwardly winced, but years of taunts had hardened her exterior to the point where she did nothing but gaze back neutrally.

The Black-haired girl was confused when the angry mutters suddenly quieted. She remained wary until she saw what had shut the fangirls up: Myōi Mira herself was making her way through the crowd towards Chaeyoung. Mira easily maneuvered through the crowd and looked down at the shorter girl with a curious expression on her face.

Chaeyoung was nearly hyperventilating. Myōi Mira was looking at her! Her, the pariah of Twice Academy!

"Son Chaeyoung right?"

Chaeyoung could only nod. Her heart nearly stopped when Mira smirked at her. "You don't talk much, do you?"

Chaeyoung shrugged. One of the fangirls hissed, "Why can't you answer properly, you moron?"

Mira ignored her followers. "Well, Chaeyoung would you like to hang out with me?"

Chaeyoung's jaw dropped. The fangirls gasped, some of them bursting into tears.


"Did I stutter?" Mira's eyes narrowed.

"Ah—no, I'm just surprised, that's all—" Chaeyoung stammered.

"I'll take that as a yes. Let's go." Mira grabbed the shocked Chaeyoung's wrist and pulled her away from the silent crowd.

"Where are we going?" Chaeyoung tried to match the pace of the other girl's longer legs.

"Shopping. We're going to replace your sad excuse for a shirt."

One hour later, a bewildered Chaeyoung stood outside an expensive clothing store, waiting for Mira to come out. The brunette came out holding a small shopping bag and thrust it into Chaeyoung hands. "Here. Don't bother paying me back; I doubt you can afford it. Do me a favor and wear it tomorrow?" Mira fluttered her eyelashes at Chaeyoung.

"Uh, sure—"

"Great! See you later." Mira waved and walked to the curb, where a limousine was waiting. Chaeyoung blinked. She could have sworn it wasn't there before.

The limousine roared off, leaving Chaeyoung in a cloud of dust. She looked through the bag in her hands and pulled out a shirt. It was a simple white shirt with a red-and-white target on the Chaeyoung shrugged. Rich people had weird tastes.

Mira's cell phone rang. She flipped it open impatiently. "What?"

A deep voice replied, "I heard something interesting through the grapevine. Hanging out with the Nerd Turd? I didn't know you liked them short and ugly, Mira."

"Shut up, Ayato I'm not interested in Son" Mira said dismissively. "We're going to play a little game with the nerd. You up for it?"

"Oh yeah." Ayato broke into evil laughter, prompting Mira to join in.

Chaeyoung fidgeted uncomfortably as she walked through the halls. She was wearing the shirt Mira  bought her, but the Student Council president was nowhere to be seen. Everyone was laughing and whispering when she passed by, but that was nothing new.

"Hey, Nerd Princess!"

Chaeyoung whirled around. A tall, handsome boy smirked at her. Behind him was a small group of kids—the entire Student Council, and Mira.

"What do you want, Kizan Ayato?" Chaeyoung's voice trembled.

Ayato tsked. "Is that any way to speak to your vice president? Maybe this'll teach you some proper respect, Son" He revealed a water balloon he had been holding and hurled it at Chaeyoung. It exploded in a burst of paint, close to the bull's-eye. Chaeyoung gasped in shock.

The crowded hallway burst into cheers and applause. Ayato smirked. "Aw, I missed the bull's-eye. Anybody else want to try?"

Paint-filled water balloons magically materialized in everyone's hands. Chaeyoung yelped as she was peppered with the rubber bombs. "Stop! Mira gave me this shirt!"

Her answer was a chorus of snide laughs and three paint-bombs to her chest.

Chaeyoung turned and ran. She burst through one of the side doors and ducked as another paint-bomb whizzed over her head. Chaeyoung leaped over several hedges and ended up in the school's garden, looking around for her tormentors before bending over and panting from the sudden exercise.

"How's it going, Nerd Princess Having fun yet?"

Chaeyoung's head shot up. Ayato smirked at her, idly tossing and catching a paint-bomb in his hand.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" Chaeyoung's voice was defiant.

Ayato's smirk widened. "Where's the fun in that? Besides, it was Mira's idea."

The crunch of gravel alerted Chaeyoung to another presence. She looked to the side to see Mira approach with a sickeningly sweet smile on her face. Mira wiggled her fingers at Chaeyoung. "Hey Nerd Princess, I'm glad you wore the shirt. It makes this game so much more fun!"

Chaeyoung stared at her in disbelief. "Wha—?"

"Come on, Son, you don't actually believe that I wanted to hang out with you? As if." Mira scoffed. "We're the hunters and you're the deer. Any last words?"

"You're a two-faced bitch."

"And I declare Son hunting" Mira threw a paint-bomb at Chaeyoung's face. It impacted with a resounding splat, covering her entire face with orange paint.


Son Shio looked up from the classified section of the newspaper she was reading at the sound of the door opening and slamming shut. Son Chaeyoung trudged into the kitchen, covered head-to-toe in paint.

Shio eyed her daughter. "What happened to you?"

Chaeyoung opened the refrigerator and shut it in disgust when she saw its bare shelves. "The assholes at school, is what happened. They have a new name for me."

"What is it?"

"Nerd Princess"

Shio frowned. "That's not very clever. I could probably come up with a better name—"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Chaeyoung growled. She plopped down in the rickety chair across from Shio.

Shio looked sheepish. "I'm sorry, but you know I don't understand how you feel. I was popular in high school!"

"You were only popular because you slept with everyone," Chaeyoung pointed out.

Shio scowled. "You should thank me for that—it's how you were conceived. The boy that was your father freaked out and gave me money for an abortion, but I used that money to support you and me."

Chaeyoung looked away bitterly. "Sometimes I wish you had the abortion."

Shio's black eyes softened. "You're my little girl, Chaeyoung I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world."

"Yeah, well, you're getting soft in your old age." Chaeyoung kept her face turned away so Shio wouldn't see her wet eyes.

"Old? I'm only thirty-four, thank you very much."

"Sure, Mom. Did you find a job yet?"

"Not yet." Shio sighed. "Pity your poor mother, Chaeyoung I always try so hard to support your schooling, and yet the gods still decide to shit on my luck."

"Support my schooling? Twice Academy gives me a full scholarship," Chaeyoung reminded.

"Well, I have to send you to university, don't I?" Shio said brusquely. "And about those kids who torture you, Chaeyoung don't worry about them...I've learned through experience that karma is a bitch, and she'll get those kids good. You just concern yourself with your studies and get a high-paying job so that your poor mother can finally retire."

"Thank you for your infinite wisdom, sensei." Chaeyoung mock-bowed.

"Use it well, young grasshopper," Shio teased back.

Chaeyoung studied her mother. She was lucky to have Son Shio as a mother; not many seventeen year olds would keep an unplanned pregnancy. Even fewer would work in random jobs while simultaneously raising a baby. Chaeyoung's future looked pretty good, since Shio had always insisted that Chaeyoung invest in her studies. She intended to take her mother's advice: concentrate on getting into university and ignore the assholes at her school. There was only one year left, anyways.

Chaeyoung sighed. She only wished that she could get back at Myōi Mira, but that would be nearly impossible.


Five years later

"Chaeyoung! Wake up!"

"Wah!" Chaeyoung woke up with a shout as someone pushed her out of bed. "Jihyo! What the hell!"

Chaeyoung's redheaded roommate looked down at her with unrepentant eyes. "You're going to be late for your new job!"

Chaeyoung glanced at the clock. "Shit! I have to get there in thirty minutes!"

"You shouldn't have stayed up so late last night," Park Jihyo chided as Chaeyoung hopped around like a madman, trying to put on her pants and shirt at the same time.

"Who are you, my mother?" Chaeyoung grumbled.

"I might as well be!" Jihyo scowled. "Damn it, don't you know the importance of a good first impression?"

"It's not going to be a first impression," Chaeyoung shot back. "Twice Academy is my old high school. They're the ones who offered me a job as a teaching assistant in the science department. Besides, it's only until I make enough money for medical school."

"Right, doctor." Jihyo rolled her eyes and thrust a paper bag at her. "Here's your lunch. I only made it for you since it's your first day, so don't get used to it."

"You're the best, Jihyo!" Chaeyoung waved and rushed out the door.

Jihyo rolled her eyes. "Idiot."


The students of Twice Academy gaped as a motorcycle sped into the parking lot with a mighty roar. The rider dismounted gracefully and took off her helmet, shaking her hair loose. A few students staggered at the sight, while others were simply love-struck.

Time had been very, very good to Son Chaeyoung. No longer the short nerd with a bad haircut and acne, Chaeyoung had grown a few inches taller and filled out in just the right places. The choppy bangs had been replaced by medium, luscious blonde hair, and glasses no longer hid her stunning light brown eyes. In short, Son Chaeyoung was now considered to be ridiculously hot. Girls and boys alike had thrown themselves at the former social outcast during her time at university. Although Chaeyoung was quite an attractive young woman, she was mostly unaware of her effect on others. It wasn't until
Jihyo pointed out to Chaeyoung that both girls and boys became stupid around the biker chick did Chaeyoung realize that she had the potential to be quite the skilled heartbreaker, although she didn't really take advantage of that fact...yet.

Chaeyoung ignored the drool that dripped down some of the students' chins and strode past them into the building. A woman looked up at Chaeyoung's entrance. "Can I help you?"

Chaeyoung grinned at the woman, making her blush. "Is Director Samizu around?"

"Son Chaeyoung!" A voice boomed behind her. "One of the best students I ever had!"

Chaeyoung turned and smiled at a huge man in glasses "Mr. Samizu, it's been a while."

"Too true, too true," Chaeyoung's former teacher boomed. "I was delighted to see that you decided to come back, if only for a short time! Come, I'll show you the new science laboratories!"

Chaeyoung shrugged and followed the boisterous man. He led her to a new building she had never seen before. "This is new.

"These are the new biology labs, where you'll be working," Samizu informed her cheerfully. "It's called the Myōi Science Center."

Chaeyoung froze. "Myōi?"

"Yes, the Myōi family donated the money for this building. Their eldest daughter was in your class, if I remember correctly."

"Unfortunately," Chaeyoung muttered.

Samizu missed Chaeyoung's Comment. "Actually, the youngest Myōi daughter comes here. She's the Student Council president, just like her older sister was. Those Myōi's really are ambitious, aren't they?" Samizu laughed.

The cogs in Chaeyoung mind turned furiously. Was this, perhaps, a once-in-a-lifetime chance for the vengeance she so craved against Myōi Mira?

Samizu stopped at a door. "Oh, Dr. Sagizawa has started class. You might as well start now, Chaeyoung." He threw open the door, startling everyone in the classroom. "Listen up, everyone! This is the new teaching assistant, Son Chaeyoung" He dragged Chaeyoung into the room.

Chaeyoung straightened up nervously as the hungry eyes of hormonal teenagers zoomed in on her. Yuri Sagizawa quirked an eyebrow. "Hello, Ms. Son. Would anyone like to familiarize Ms. Son with the class?"

Nearly everyone's hands shot up. Samizu chuckled. "They love you already, Chaeyoung, Good luck!" He gave her a thumbs up and left.

Yuri sighed. "The students are showing the most enthusiasm I've ever seen from them in class. How about our Student Council president, then?"

"Certainly, Dr. Sagizawa."

Chaeyoung froze at hearing the hauntingly familiar accent. She slowly turned her head, only to experience the strongest feeling of déjà vu in the history of mankind.

Myōi Mira's doppelganger was standing up and looking at Chaeyoung.The only reason that Chaeyoung could tell it was not Mira was that this girl had light blonde tresses instead of dark honey brown hair.

"I am Myōi Mina Student Council president. This is the third-year biology class; I hope you find your time here enjoyable."

A tiny devil popped up on Chaeyoung's shoulder and hissed in her ear, "This is the perfect time for revenge!" Chaeyoung tried to ignore the little bugger, but the small devil-chaeyoung insisted, "Seduce the kid, ruin the Myōi family name, and in turn, ruin Mira's life. Karma's a bitch, and so are you."

Chaeyoung smirked. She had never tried to seduce anyone before, but how hard could it be? "Thank you, Mina, I'm sure it'll be a pleasure to work with you...all." Myōi Mina blushed. Oh yeah, this was definitely going to be easy.

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