Lady ~ G.Blythe [2]

بواسطة -SunsetSky-

45.2K 1.3K 211

Finishing school wasn't exactly where Kate expected to end up, itineraries surrounding tight corsets and tiny... المزيد

act three.


2.8K 108 9
بواسطة -SunsetSky-

+ bradykinesia +

I sat on the stretched out picnic blanket, my large pink skirt of my dress surrounding my legs as I balanced a book on my tight, my hand stretched out behind me as a I leaned into it. Gilbert was lying down, his elbow propping up his top half as he stared at me, not saying anything as I read through the book. The park wasn't too busy, the warm sun and air pulling people towards the trees and grass on a stroll or a morning picnic to tie together the perfect spring Sunday. The warm wind ripples past us as it blew some of my hair around my shoulders, my fingers gripping onto the next page in anticipation of flipping it over.

"What does this word say?" I asked Gilbert as I stretched the book out to him, the brown haired boy leaned over it to read it. "Bradykinesia" Gilbert said as I pulled the book back to my lap, nodding my head slowly as I continued to read the sentence, realising it had no value and was just confusing my brain. "Meaning?" I asked softly, Gilbert smirking as he ran a hand through his hair before resting it in the other. "When normal body movements are slowed down" he replied, making me nod my head as I took in the new fact, keeping my eyes on his as I awaited more information.

"Don't ask me the country of origin I have no idea" Gilbert said with a shrug of his shoulders, making me nod my head again once as I lowered it back to the book. "It's not an exciting read" Gilbert said to me with a small sigh as he sat up, crossing his legs as he sat in front of me. I didn't reply as he bent down a little, looking up at me from the same plane as the book as I looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "I don't think anyone has ever volunteered to read this before" he said as he sat up straight, making me look up at him with a puzzled look on my face.

"Who wouldn't want to read about Disease theory?" I asked him jokingly, already knowing the answer to my question, making him laugh as his hands slipped around the book covers, prying it from my grasp slowly as he kept his eyes on me. "A lot of people" he said as he closed the book, setting it behind him as I let out a whine, poking him in the chest with a finger as I held my hand out in front of me. "Give me it back" I said as I tried to reach around him to get it, behind caught as Gilbert moved the book further from my grasp.

"It's my book" he protested through a laugh, throwing the book to the other side of the blanket as I let out a sigh. "I was learning about Brady-whatever" I said to him with my eyebrows raised, wanting to find out more about it, not that I learnt much from the gibberish I was reading from that book. "Well, it's a reduction of automatic movement, blinking and moving your fingers things like that" Gilbert said to me, sitting with a straight back in front of me as I nodded my head at the information, instinctual straightening my back because he did, my whole corset shifting as it kept me supported upright.

"See I know things, you don't need a book to tell you everything" Gilbert said with his eyebrows raised as a smile grew onto my face. "Feel as though the book is a little more thorough though" I said to him as I went to go and grab the book, Gilbert grabbing onto my wrist quickly before I could reach it, not letting me get it. "Come on, less reading more talking" Gilbert said as I pulled my hand back, letting out a sigh as I tilted my head to the side, looking over at him with a small pout. "You used to like when we read together" I said to him, making him nod his head, back tracking a little bit as he held his hands out in front of him, ready to justify his words.

"When we used to see each other every day" he started, dropping his hands as he held onto his ankles, letting out a sigh. "You go back to school tonight and we don't know when we will see each other again" Gilbert said to me as I let out a sighing, knowing ultimately that he was right, making me nod my head in defeat. "It's Tom's birthday next week so I'm going back to the Manor but the week after that I should be fine to come back to the city" I told him, squeezing out a sad smile as I grabbed his hand in mine, holding it between the two of mines as I rested out hands on my dress.

"Plus you wrote me a 7 page letter I think we stay pretty well connected in the mean time" I said as Gilbert's cheeks flushed pink a little, making him laugh as I smiled at him. "And summer is coming up soon" I added quickly, nodding my head curtly, the idea making me rather happy as I got to experience two summers this year, and that we were skipping out on the snowfall back in Canada. "It's probably already snowing back home" Gilbert said to me as I let go of his hand, letting him go back into his lounging position, his legs outstretched so they overhung onto the grass.

"I do not envy those at Queens" I replied with a nod of my head, the warm air moving past us, the summer breeze on its way steadily. "Although we will not be part of the annual Avonlea hockey game this year" Gilbert said with a sad expression, making me nod my head as I let out a small sigh. "Oh to be standing in the snow while I watch you play hockey" I said, raising my hand to my forehead dramatically, making Gilbert laugh as he shook his head and outstretched his hand to hit my leg gently.

"I could have put you on my team if you wanted" he said as I raised my elbows, letting out a small laugh as I shook my head. "Charlie almost broke his leg last year" I said to him, making him laugh at the memory, even though it wasn't a very funny one, Billy Andrews shoving Charlie to the ice in an intense chase for the rubber puck. "Plus as I remember, your team lost" I said to him as Gilbert let out a pained breath, rolling his eyes at me as I laughed at his pain, reaching out and ruffling his hair with my hand.

"Oh I got a letter from Ruby" I said, remembering the letter i had received in the past week in the post, complete with a few dried red rose petals in the envelope that Ruby had dried out for me. Gilbert let out a noise of intrigue, a signal for me to continue as I leaned forward a little bit. "Have you heard that her and Moody may start courting soon?" I asked him, the letter from the blonde exclaiming that what she feels for Moody must be real love, but I could particularly if the courting part was an over exaggeration or the truth. I had decided it was a mix of both.

"So soon?" Gilbert asked, his eyebrows shooting up in shock, making me shrug my shoulders in reply. "I mean it's Ruby" I said, playing with the ribbon from my hat in my hands, rolling it and unrolling it over and over again. "I've asked Anne if it was true or not, although I don't doubt that Ruby has fallen so quickly" I added, making Gilbert nod his head, knowing exactly what I was meaning, especially from his personal experience. I looked up, seeing a small family playing on the opposite side of the grass, an older boy kicking a ball around with his younger brother. "You miss Avonlea don't you?" Gilbert asked me, making me looking back down at him, my eyebrows raised in question as I didn't answer for a moment, letting his words sink in for a beat or two.

"Don't you?" I asked, Gilbert letting out a sigh as he collapsed into his back, setting his hands behind his neck to support his head. "It's an unmatchable town" he said to me, looking over at me as he let his head rest on his arm. "Yeah, that's for sure" I said with a small laugh, nodding my head at all the chaos that goes down in that town, my short lived time of one year causing enough drama to last a life time. "Now come on, teach me more about Bradykinesia" I bugged him, making him sigh as he covered his face with his hand for a moment, taking in a deep breath before he rattled off more facts about the medical condition.


A/N: I am kicking off this book with some Kate and Gilbert for you all but I am super excited for you guys to see Kates life at finishing school
sorry that it may seem like i'm shoving down the bunch back in canada down your throat but I like them having little mentions in kates life even when she's at the other end of the globe
please do not forget to vote and comment and I will see you all again soon

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