The College Roommates || A Bu...

By BugheadsMemequeen

26.3K 516 263

Betty, Veronica and Cheryl, run away from Riverdale by going to UCLA for college. On the plane ride they meet... More



1.2K 36 5
By BugheadsMemequeen

Jughead's POV

My dad put on the tv in the room and I saw Betty getting dragged into a room. Archie chained her onto a table and I clenched my jaw.

What happened next was the worst thing I ever saw. Archie grabbed a knife and he started torturing Betty. Her screams were the only sound I never wanted to hear.

I felt tears stream down my face. My father cuffed me on a chair so I couldn't do anything.

'Dad, please, take me instead of her'; I pleaded.

'Your so pathetic, the reason I told you to sleep with women without boundaries is, because when you care for someone, you have a soft spot and a weakness'; he scolded. I scoffed.

'Says the one who literally dates Betty's mom, I guess we both like blondes, except mine is an angel and you are with the devil herself'; I told him and he punched me. I spit out some blood and groaned.

'Aww my poor daughter, now what do you see in that whore'; Alice asked me when she walked in.

'SHE IS NOT A WHORE'; I yelled.

'Don't you dare yell at her'; my father yelled. 'So you have a soft spot dad'; I asked him smirking.

'Shut the fuck up or I'll make sure Betty will never wake up'; my father yelled at me.

'So that is really what you want, your daughter to get murdered'; I asked Alice not wanting to believe it.

She swallowed. 'You don't want that, do you ? Because if you did, you wouldn't hesitate. Yes you may strongly dislike her and feel satisfied when she's hurt, but can't have your daughter killed, can you?'; I asked.

'That's enough, like I said, the more you talk the more she'll get hurt'; dad sneered.

I looked at Alice and I saw tears in her eyes. 'FP, see this as a break up'; she said and suddenly she tasered him.

'Your right, she stays my daughter and when I saw the love in her eyes for you, and how selfless she is, I don't know, but something changed in my mind'; she told me.

She broke me free and cuffed my father. 'I'll get Archie away from her, you call the ambulance and the police, I deserve everything that will happen to me'; she said, giving me a phone and I stared at her in shock.

I called the police and the ambulance. I saw a lifeless Archie getting dragged away.

I ran in the room where Betty was and I saw her unconscious. 'Betts, baby, please stay with me'; I cried. I picked her up bridal style and got her out of the room.

When I walked back to Alice she looked at Betty and I saw the pain, guilt and regret on her face.

'My poor little girl'; she whispered. I wanted to murder her, but this was the last time she would ever see Betty so I didn't matter right now.

'Jughead, thank you for taking care of Betty, and promise me never to hurt her'; Alice cried. 'I promise'.

Soon the ambulance and police came and took, my dad, Archie and Alice to the police station.

They brought Betty in the ambulance and I went with her. They hooked her onto machines and gave her an oxygen mask. I took her hands in mine and slowly caressed them.

When we arrived at the hospital they took her to the or and was left, waiting for my blond beauty to wake up.

I walked to the reception and asked if there was a phone available. She pointed at one on the wall. 'Hey Toni, it's Jughead'; I said as she answered the phone.

'FORSYTHE PENDLETON JONES THE THIRD'; she yelled and I winced.

'Where the hell are you, do you have any idea what could've happened, they could've taken you too'; she said with worry laced in her voice.

'I was actually taken, I'm at the hospital right now, Betty is in surgery'; I told her.

'We are coming right now'; she said and hung up.

Now her father.

'Hello this is Hal Cooper'

'Hello Hal, it's Jughead'; I said nervous.

'Hello Jughead, what's the matter, why didn't you call with your own phone'; he asked with worry.

'I don't know if anyone told you, but yesterday, me and Betty we got in a fight, it was stupid, she ran out of the dorm, she probably wanted to stay with you and Avery for a while, but she never came back'; I told him, tears filling my eyes again.

'What do you mean, not coming back, what did you do Jones'; he asked getting angry, you can't blame him tho, if someone would ever hurt my daughter I would too.

'I did something stupid, and Betty did too, I actually wanted to ask you yesterday if I had your blessing to give Betty a promise ring'; I told him.

'Betty didn't come that night, while everyone was asleep, I went looking for her, and I found her in a way'; I said.

'What do you mean'; he asked.

'Well, the people who took Betty, also took me'; I said.

'Who were these people'; he asked. 'My father, Alice and her abusive ex Archie Andrews'; I told him.

'Your father was part of this'; he asked and I could hear the betrayal in his voice.

'Yes, unfortunately, he was in an relationship with your ex-wife'; I said. 'Betty was getting tortured in front of my eyes, I swear I tried everything I could to help and I think I did, I asked Alice if she really wanted Betty dead, I think it changed something in her, she knocked out my father and Archie, she let me and Betty free and let me call the police, you need to come to the hospital, Betty was already unconscious when the ambulance arrived'; I said tears slowly falling again.

'I'll be right there'; he said and hang up.

Hello peeps, so this story is coming to an end. Like I said before, I lost all inspiration in this story, but I didn't want to discontinue, so I cut it short. What the next book is about I'm not entirely sure yet. Stay safe ❤️

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