Fool's Heart [Katsura x Reade...

By Trihajung

4.1K 168 125

You were a former Joui daughter running a pet cafe, one day your cat escaped and while you were searching for... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6- I promise
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

317 13 20
By Trihajung

You and Katsura had become very good friends. Every day there was something unexpected katsura could do. He was foolish to have Shinsengumi catch him if they wore cat ears and dangerously smart when making his schemes to the point that he could assassinate the shogun if he actually wanted to. You always looked forward to seeing a new side of him and the new side you saw today left you awestruck.

It was early afternoon you had almost never seen him this time of the day. He was not wearing his normal attire which consisted of a blue kimono or his monk attire, but was wearing brown joggers a pink sweatshirt with zura printed on it and a red cap. Just like that he entered your shop with Elizabeth following behind him.

"Yo y/n dono"

"Katsura san you rap ?"

"Rap janai Katsura rapda-yo"

I think it was the first time mayura had seen Katsura. Her reaction was what everyone would expect. Her mouth was open for a serious 1 min before she spoke something. You had told her you were meeting with a joui rebel but she was shocked to see him in a hip-hop outfit.

"I believe you are Katsura san, you have become very good friends with y/n, I need to get some work done, you both can enjoy yourselves together" said mayura and left the shop. You tried to stop her but how to explain to someone that this person standing is not that weird and he is indeed a genuinely nice person.

"Mayura dono seems to be a very hardworking girl "

With a hand on your forehead you spoke, "Katsura san what are you doing."

"y/n dono I need your help. I have prepared a rap to recruit new joui members. I want you to listen to it first."

Before you had even agreed to it, Elizabeth had already plugged the music to the power circuit. They were in position with Elizabeth holding a sign "here we start."

3... 2...


Yura nara ima shika ne ~ Zura ~

Yura nara ima shika ne ~ Zura ~

Joi ga Joy, Joy ga Joi!

Joi ga Joy, Joy ga Joi!

All right, here's the important part! Shouted zura indicating Elizabeth to follow. Elizabeth raised a sign "Joi ga Joy (x2)"

"That's wrong!!!

I know that you speak fluently

when I'm not around!"

Katsura was getting angry at Elizabeth for ruining the chorus so stepped in to stop the fight.

"I think the rap was perfect, Elizabeth doesn't need to sing the chorus part as it is sing you sing better"

"Yes, yes y/n dono I agree with that. Alright since y/n dono has approved let's go to gintoki's house I will convince him to join me today"

"You mean I should go with you too"

"Of Course he will kick me out immediately but with y/n dono with us maybe we can have a better chance"


You were now outside yorozuya along with zura and Elizabeth with zura practising his rap, the whole way. Your embarrassment was immeasurable. You had actually wished shinsengumi would see him today. When zura knocked, a young spectacled boy opened the door.

"katsura - san, gin chan is not here" said shinpachi.

"Oi zura ginsan is not here, did you bring anything for us? '' said Kagura while chewing her pickled seaweed.

Shinpachi welcomed both of you inside. Katsura introduced you to shinpachi and kagura and vice versa. Kagura was very sweet and started asking you many questions and you both became like sisters almost immediately. Even shinpachi and you had exchanged a few words to not be strangers at least.

"y/n oneesan lets play with sadaharu"

You are very good with handling pets and sadaharu didn't even chew you which he normally does with everyone. In the hour you were waiting for gintoki you had made shinpachi your lil brother, kagura your small sis and sadaharu your own pet. While you were playing with them gintoki entered.

Katsura on seeing him started his rap and before Katsura could finish Gintoki kicked him out of the window.

"Stop irritating me, I am not a joui" said gintoki.

You immediately got up to leave but kagura stopped , "oneesan I still want to play."

"Come see me whenever you want." with that you left the house.

Katsura was not hurt but he was sitting on the side of the road with a big puffed face (please imagine him as he is on standby).

"Thank god you are okay I thought you must have gotten hurt."

"Today was useless, I could not motivate Gintoki and now y/n dono made new friends so my special place is gone now you will only talk to them."

Katsura is a kid, confirmed and the cutest kid to ever exist.You patted his head,smiled and said,"Katsura san just because I made a new friend doesn't mean you will lose your special place." It was enough to make him happy he got up and you both started to walk back. Elizabeth had to do something so he left immediately allowing you both to be alone. You both stopped at a dango shop to eat. While you were eating katsura said, "y/n dono I might not be able to meet you for a few days. I have some work to do."

"Ah don't worry I will be fine and do your best at your work."

With that you both parted ways. Today you made new friends and also saw rapper zura but more than that you saw a baby katsura who gets jealous when his friend makes new friends. You didn't see katsura for almost a week.

Note: I am one day late. I am so sad I wanted to publish this on gin chan's birthday. I am so hyped for the movie and sad at the same time I wish Gintama never ends.

 I am really fine with a big anime. Thank You so much for 100 reads I honestly thought no one will read it. Thanks again for reading it :)

But Katsura is soo cute like look at him how can anyone hate him.

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