Nyi ( English Translation Boo...

By HsuChiKo365

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Original Author's Statement
Burmese to English Translation Brief
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 _ Part I
Chapter 9(Part-II)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Ending part one

Chapter 27

266 47 0
By HsuChiKo365

Chapter 27

"Hey there's he come"

As soon as I enter in to the shop, all of them including Ma Cho stop speaking and quieted. I don't know why, but may be coincidence.

"You drive alone?"

Worried Hus Myat asked me, pour me a glass of water everybody seems so curious of what she did for me, actually it's really wondering what she did was, she never like that before. Everyone is looking at us like watching reality show, weirdly.

"Nope, Wai Yan gives me a drive"

Ma Cho eyes open wide a bit, seems shocked by the name I used Wai Yan, but she asked me nothing about. I don't know why they're all here and I'm a little nervous because Ma Cho bring with her three well known celebrity from social media quite a fame in ... kpop fandom ...

"Maung, Ma has some favor to ask"

"Yep, anything Ma"

"I hope you remember, I told you once about the fashion show that want me to create ...and I accepted to make an event for it"

"WOW, congratulation Ma"

I am really happy for Ma Cho, it is so hard to lunch a show these days, and there are a lot of competitors to face, like this is really a breakthrough for an on growing designer ...

"Yes, about that I need your help"

"Oh yes, tell me what can I do for you Ma?"

I told Ma unburdens about the favor but a couple girl smile a bit for what I just said. I am not coyly why I loved, but I am just excited for whom I loved.

"So, you know Maung, I had a dress umm a suit, evening suit ... A man suit, my own dress my design and I want you to wear it on our show dear".

"Do I have to catwalk too? No I can't you know that I mean look at me?"

I know, even now I am looking so bad...my body is covered with my wears.

"Oh no...you don't have to walk; I have a better idea dear..."

"What is that?

"You see, umm entertaining on stage Solo like playing violin or playing guitar like that..."

I think for a couple of seconds...and she pushed me again ...

"Come on dear..."

And all the girls asked me to do it too...

"Ko Ko do it, when you play the guitar you are so handsome you know..."

"Ohh Ko Ko do it Ok"

"Ma, is it going LIVE too? I am pretty sure you guys invited the celebrity and all kinds of famous people too, oh no no I cannot ..."

"Hey, actually we do invited them too, but I want to make something fresh you know unlike others I want to show them quite unfamiliar one to them. And the dress is fit on you I am sure that it would be perfect for you... I know you would be a bit nervous, but please help me Maung Ok please..."

Umm this is strange; Ma Cho never asked me like this before in fact she never asked me to do anything like this before. I check Hsu Myat she acts like she has nothing to do with it... Just mind her own business and drinking yogurt.

"Ok Ok, umm I am not sure about violin but guitar ... I can do it what should I sing?"

"Whatever you like dear, how about the song you sing for them before ..."

And one of the girls stood up and said ...

"How about the song you sing for us?"

"Yeah, that is good for the show"

"Yes, agree"

I am thinking this is something, the ever talking mistress Hsu Myat avoiding this.... Hummmm?

"Maung? So which songs do you listening these days? How about trying the one you have been listening, the time is short and hope you don't have much time to practice you know"

"OOO yes, Ko Ko what are you listening now?"

"Until you"

I instantly mistakenly drop it, I cannot take it anymore...they all just AWWWWW to me, now I have to sing it..

"WOWOWOW that song is good, in solo with guitar ohhhh groundbreaking .....we have to tell the stage manager to create fantastic background and lighting too, ...oh this is going to be awesome"

I just smile at them and nod my head confirm for them. I just want to make everything and everyone happy for my short timing.

"So Maung, it settles then"

Ma Cho asked me for the second time to make sure, I nod my head and confirm that I am going to do it.

"So, this is settled then, I am going to practice well, don't worry OK Ma? Call me whatever you need OK?"

"Yes Yes, I will are you sure you're free for it"

"Oh sure I have time for that. Actually my class already finished you know for the NGO"

"Maung, rest more ok, you look so weak lately, drink more water too your lips need moister"

"Yes, Ko Ko is you alright?"

"UGH I am fine. Don't worry. So I am going back now, I left Ko Oo alone at the shop I have to go back"

"Oh oh I am going with you too Kaung"

The whole time she's not saying a word but now? I can't tell her not to so ...

"Hey I am going to get a taxi you know, but if you want to go with me you have to pay it too"

"Oh come on, I won't pay it Ma Cho I am going with him ..."

"Hey...don't fighting on the way too..."

"YES we won't"

I tickle on her waist and go around the car which the sun light blocks. She pushed me too but she lost the seat.


OH dear, I looked at his back, he slowly walked away still messing around each other, happy to see him going through but I felt sorry though listening Until You ... oh dear.. You are really feeling alone aren't you dear oh my little Maung.

"Hey sis can you guys believe it he is listening 'Until you' ... how lonely he will be ...awwww"

"Oh so feel bad for him, KO KO"

"Yeah ... Ok Ok let's continue our discussion ... so how are we going to do ..."

"Well simple ... listen... Ma Cho you call your BOYFRIEND Taryar back OK? You have to attend the ball with him , and You must accept the gift with him, but you have to make sure Z does not seen you Ok, And make sure both of them attend too.. Make sure MaHar to attend.. OK?"

"I still think Z attends better without her..." "Yes" "Agree"

"OK OK cut it listen ..."

"Hey how about KO KO, oh he is smart, he would going to know our plan if Taryar coming too,"

"Hey Hey I am saying...just listen guys ... Ma Cho make sure Kaung Kaung late for it OK, make him the last show .. Performance ... whatever ...keep him long ... don't make him noticing anything by all mean everything's guys we can't screw this up OK"

"Ok Ok" "Yes" "We know"

"Ok I make Kaung Kaung busy in the dressing room, Only Z would know that Taryar will be there, and Taryar will be the one who bring Z on to the stage."

"Yes, yes ... we will announce first about Kaung Kaung, and you both accepted the gift and tell everybody that Taryar is your boyfriend. And Z is going to be furious ... what happened and where is Kaung Kaung and then ...we bring Kaung Kaung forward ..."

"Hey...how about the lighting? As we discuss it right?"

"Oh yes, the whole hall will be going to darken and the only light will be on Kaung Kaung. After his performance both of them will be known by all .... The crowded will be amazed by it and all of them will be applause ... cheering and ...OHHHHHH "

"It is so exciting! OHHH sis I can't wait to see it ..."

"MEE TOOO ... Oh"

"OK this will be wild if the plan is going to work, ohh the whole country will be known and this will be the hottest and most trending news all over the Asia.."

"YEAH! This needs to be work, we need this, and THEY DEFINITELY NEED IT TOO, they won't have time to think about their parents or whatsoever ..."

"I am crossing my fingers...now, even Ko Ko did move his moves still I am really nervous about Z, he is too naive about this kind of stuff."

"That is why we need this...guys. They need this...yes sometimes Z seems so keen to him, love him more than anything but this time like this he won't hesitate anymore I am certain about it"

"Sometime Z is the one who really hard to understand you know..."

"Yep, because he was born and raised by old fashion way, they just teach him the marriage is based on family honor and dignity and blah blah...still believing this kind of loving is the mistaken from the wrong wishing from the past life ugh...."

"And all for that nonsense our Ko Ko had to suffer more than everyone ... "

"OK Ok now, stick to the plan to make sure everything is right on schedule and don't mess it up, after this we had to embrace for them whatever the outcome is, they will need us more than ever now. We had to know this. OK? We must support them whatsoever OK"

"Yes sis YES"



Oh this is so exciting!


"How are you Kaung?"

"I know you really care for me lately but Hsu Myat please see me as Kaung Kaung forget the sick OK?"

"You know I can't ... you know I had been researching and asking and browsing all about the HCC treatment, I even asked the Doctor who gave treatment my late grandma .. I worried Kaung Kaung"

"Oh don't worry I am going to be fine"

"No, unless you don't cure it completely"

"Well, we still can stop expanding, after I am done here I going to Bangkok. I will told Ko Z and my parents I am going to attend a class for my Pastry ...If the cell won't expanding anymore and I am going to get my surgery there"

"Oh ... Chemotherapy first or the ablation RFA, you know how hurtful it is that ... you can't face it alone...I can't let you go alone at least you should tell your parents Kaung"

"No, no I won't bother them; I don't want them to be known... I couldn't tell them... if they know they would be heartbreak first, I am an only son for them, you know the feeling of single son, I know Mum, she suffered enough by Grandma, when grandma got sick she devastated by it, heartbroken and everything isn't the way it is, I am thankful the Karma for that the disease skip Mum and happened to me ..."

"Oh Kaung Kaung stop "

Oh my dear friend, even in this kind of situation you can still view everything optimistically, so young, and so beautiful your life don't even start yet you mature more than us.

"I was thinking you know, I am wondering about Ma Cho asking me favor, do you know anything about it Huh?"

"Oh come you are over thinking too much"

"Yeah, I think I might over thinking a lot...ahh almost forgot...hey you remember the bargain we kept ... if you delete the page I would have to give you what you ask ... tell me ok, before I go.. I want to give you my promise faithfully ..."

"Oh the only thing above all I wanted is that you have to be healthy again OK I want that"

"You know Hsu Myat, I am really proud and thankful to you because you are my only comrade and only girl-friend who always beside me whenever I need, I don't know it's too late to say but Thank you thank you for everything, thank you for understanding for me so long, thanks Hsu Myat"

"Oh ok Ok enough already you aren't doing anything ..."

I don't care about the driver looking at us, I just holding my tears not to come out again, I don't want him to feel sorry again. He is just lean on the car window...looking outside ... and writing with his finger on the glass ... over and over it was the only words ...Z Z Z Z Z


I never left you

I watch you every day,

I'm always near you,

I know deep in your heart

You would realize I'm here.

I watch when you asleep

In your bed at home

I hear you when you spoken

Even you are on your own

You cannot understand

The reason I've gone

But reality I never left you

I'm here to keep you strong

Talk to me I can hear you

Though you may not see

We shared an unbroken bond

That will always be

Death won't keep us apart

For our love is forever

Just remember me in your heart

One day we'll be together

Live your love and live it full

Waste not a single day

Remember that

I am always with you

Every step of the way...

John F Connor

I don't know why I love this poem, I am willing to give up but I am still afraid of it, and I have to, I need to prepare for better or worse. Only the giving birth did think like the anima spirit but what if one day ...

The time I have to leave him I really expecting someone to apart the anima spirit of me from him ... he is too close to me like my own parents never left beside me since I know nothing of the world . Since two day after my mum gave birth and to this day almost 23 years he always with me all along ... I think this is the reason I need anima depart ...

I wish my anima spirit won't fly beside him after I've gone...


End of Chapter 27

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