Chapter 22

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Chapter 22


The night is silent in my room but the heart beating on my chest is louder than my shout. The whole world turns against me my body is shaking, tears on both cheeks and the body is sweating like hell, what a night mare is that? A wet black dark night mare..."NYI"

Oh Lord Buddha, what have I done to myself, I turned myself as a devil to NYI. I did it on this .... This ... the blanket and the pillow are on the floor bed sheet is messy... I instantly jumped off the bed, go to the corner of my room, kneeling on the floor and I hug my own kneel so hard, I cry like hell, what have I done? I indulge myself so much lead to NYI hurt. OH noo noooo nooooo....

I have never felt like that before, but ..... I love him clearly...not in a Million years to force him to do that, I never think of it. I give myself to him my body and soul but I want nothing but love back to me. But I overstepping now, this's not me, I can't control myself, I am just a sinful immoral person for him. I am dirty.

Sorry, sorry NYI, I am so so so sorry, I never felt like that, I am very sorry, I will never think like it anymore, please forgive me... forgive me ..."

If this keep happening this is not going to end well myself, I always use Nyi as my lech libidinous onasism. Oh Lord I disgust myself, I hated myself... I hate to be here ... I am really strangulated in this room, I am the Lech dirty person, the sweet Nyi is asleep so purely. I am just a mess for him.... A pervert .A nympho sodomite ....

I looked at the time ... the clock says it's 4 AM in the morning ... I can't sleep anymore, I dare not to go to bed anymore, that is the place that I .... Make NYI .....oh I hate the bed, I hated the room...I get up and go to the balcony looking around a bit, still tears won't stop yet. The pure fresh morning air goes through me like the laugh of my LOVE ... pure and fresh...but how am I going to face him now? What if this going on again? What if I get lost myself again? Oh Nyi, I pray not to love like this anymore in next life.

I looked at Nyi's room; ever shining room is covered with curtain ... Hmm NYI

I can see him through my balcony marble balusters ... I was just leaving him alone ...then I thought to myself .... He shouldn't be outside ... the weather is still cold....

My worried mind always wins my shameful mind ...



Nyi shock a bit because he was not expecting at all, he looked at me and come closer on his side of the balcony.

"What are you doing, still cold you know?"

"Yeah I can't sleep, I wake up by a nightmare..."

He stops speaking and look at me and smile at me ... oh you are so adorable ...

"How about you?"

"Ohh ummm yes, I can't sleep either..."

"We haven't gone to Inya Lake side walk lately shall we go?"

"Still dark though , you sure?"

"Yeah, a couple minutes the sun gonna come out."

"You want to go?"

He nodded his head with a confirm smile.

'Ok then, let's go"

"Give me a second, I am going to wash myself, hey we are going to walk OK?"

"Ok , Ok I wait you front yard"

He wears an oversize white hoodie look like a bunny, still his face wet and some of his front hair too..

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