Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The clock says 11:00 PM, I check Nyi's house, silence no sign of person awake, it's Nyi asleep too? He won't be asleep he is late night sleeper, wishing he's not in bed yet...because I bought for his favorite 77th Chocolate Cake, he loves so much whenever woke him up from sleep and give him something to eat what he likes mostly. As we know the habits of him, his Papa and I always do so. I enter the house gently close the door and I call out...



I heard the sound of unexpected person, I just want to jump it ... but I can't ... I close the book what currently reading I don't know what to do, looking around and nervous. Did I switch on the light or off I am not sure anymore ... what am I going to do? Take the long-sleeve pull them down until reach to the finger, wear the pullover with headset on it and quickly going down floor to the living room.

"KO Z?"

"It's that...77th?"

"YEP, come on.. Well well looking good eh, top not hair wow... reading or playing games? Can I switch on the light Nyi?"

"Oh no no off is good, don't waste the electric ... give me the box already"

"Hey Hey easy this is for you only there is no one here ..."

"I am going to take some plate.. Don't open the light OK?"

I know he will be curious about the light but I can't let him see me clearly, I can't let him see me like this. The skin is changing ... everywhere is yellow now... I have to avoid him lately on the day, I don't have to worry about Mum and Dad they all going to work so early and came back late. I just have to make sure not to face with Ko Z all days ...

I give him two plates and two spoons... he looks at me suspiciously but he look away ... ask me nothing ... he open the box and cut the cake... putting on the plate ...and he said...

"When I was coming back and I had some business at Tarmwe near Central Music Society, I miss you and I bought for it... "

"Wait the store was already close then?"

"No, I bought it early you know... the work took me a couple of hours there know, reading?"


"What is this?"

I reach down and take the plate to eat, he saw my top not and messing with it.. Grabbing and flicking my hair with his fingers again and again...

"Come on stop it, here take the plate eat your own..."

I give it to him and I take of my top not....

"Hey Hey don't take off it ... come on its look good on you leave it"

I put cake on his plate a bit more ... he said..

"No no let's eat together OK... I don't want to do the dishes"

"Nope eat you own, I'll do the dishes"

I told him to eat on his own plate but he forcedly take a slice of my cake with his spoon... I don't want to eat together but I just feel uncomfortable with him to have with me, my sickness was contagious but I just feel bad ...


I raise my voice on him, he look away with a long face ...

"Ok, but I'll eat my own plate but you have to do for me one thing too"

"Still bargaining about eating ugh what is it?"

"Come on I want the top not do it, or I take all the cake back to my home"

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