Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Idol café"

"KAUNG! Are you trying to kill me right now? Huh?"

"If you won't do it, who's gonna help me then?"

"Ask anyone but me how about your kids, I am running two project right now, I can't help it, I am busy as hell, and this is my only free day my Sunday, glorious Sunday"

"Whatever, not your bias, so you give me such reason...?"

"What how dare you? Every single event I had been managed isn't it not my bias too, huh? You know I am not free, and I have to run for your ISO certification too... you bloody ..."

"So is that it, not doing it?"

"UGH KAUNG KAUNG! I am not saying that I won't help at all, all I am saying is I can't do it alone I need help, all my hand are tight, oh come on pity me a little bit OK"

"Oh don't do that so ugly, rotten face!"


She hit my head with the spoon, which she having the sticky steamed rice ...

"Aww you know my head aren't you not, how dare you"

I grab her hand twirl it a little bit, she took my hand to get off her spoon hand, we are just like that, sometimes messing with each other, and nobody cares about us. And nobody tried to stop us either.

"Get your hands off me; I am going to tell Z about this"

"Umm I don't care!"


She hit me again but I move my body back a little bit to evade it, and I heard the clinging sound of the door..

This is unexpected at all.

"MaHar, Ma"


"Oh Ma, what brings you here?"

"Kaung, I can talk with you?"

"Oh, OK have a seat Ma then and what should I bring for you?"

"Oh, just a glass of water please, oh no ice"

I almost lost my temper on Hsu Myat, I blink my eye to her, saying wait me for a minute... and she was just change her face from childishly to harder face at us ... I know she don't like but ...

"So, Ma alone ?"

"Yes, I've come to say you for a favor"

"Oh Oh yes, how can I help you Ma?"

She opens her phone and put it on the table, opening the Facebook, I know what she is going to show me...

"So, Kaung please do look for me this page"

A Facebook page name's "ZK", the photo of all kinds of Ko Z and I together with various captions on it. Over thousand of like and follower with it, I don't know when it started but I know exactly who did it...she said...

"At first this page shows some of Z picture taken from Instagram but lately ..."

"I see Ma, I see..."

"So Nay Kaung Myat Thu, what can you do about it for Z, you know Z's my fiancée, and he works with a lot of foreign company and kind of ...and he is an honorary lecturer at the University, I hope you understand what I am asking for .."

"I am terribly sorry Ma, I honestly didn't know this was happening, I have been keeping myself away from social media lately so I do as best as I can, I look after it, find out who did it, I will tell them to terminate once and for all."

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