Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Nyi's breath just calm, instantly the phone in my pocket ringing. I know that cannot be from my work so I power off immediately as fast as I could but very easily wakening Nyi notice it and open his eyes. Get his head off from my shoulder and ... seems dizzy ...

"The phone is ringing right? It is from work?"

"Oh no, it is not... then why you shut it?"

He grabs my phone quickly and hit the button to power on, as soon as the power on and the cellular line is up Mahar call is in ...

"Mahar is calling you"

He gave me the phone and suddenly stands right up, telling me that ...

"I am fine now, go wherever you have to go Ok" and he just look away and go into the restroom. Oh Nyi you are the one who taught me to love and now you letting me go too. I take the phone...

"Hello Mahar?"

"Hello Z, why did you power off the phone?"

"Sorry, my battery is dying so.. As soon as I know I plugged it in ..."

"Ok OK then, so please come, an old friend of mine from KengTung who was a pupil of your father, I really want to introduce you, so can you come?"

"Ok Ok I am coming"

A pupil of Dad, slowly she did bring her in our family, closer than close she is really smart ...


Turning back on me and he is going to leave me now, I don't want to see him. I can't see him. I switch off the light of the toilet and I cry not out loud but inside hurting. I dare not to see my own tears which always haunting me. I hated myself for what I want to do to him, to steal him from his future, from his dream of family, his life itself. I don't want to destroy everything selfishly, for a life without anything, no name, no honor at all, but a life of darkness floating around in the ocean of people spit. I am the one who wrong prayer...

"Nyi? I had to go for a couple of hours Ok?, are you still puking?"

Oh don't worry to me, I am not worthy, I am the one who is crazy in love with you deviously, don't love me so much I am just the insincere one.

"Stop shouting, let me be in the toilet alone for a moment come on, I am ok just go"


Don't outs me go, don't force me to go.. How many times you did I am always wanted to be around you, don't please ... I lean on the toilet door but I gotta go...

"Ko Oo, Ko Oo take care of him Ok I won't be so long, you guys too sisters watch over him OK"


I heard he telling everyone in the shop to look after me, I heard the foot stepping that leave me, you are not leaving the place or the shop, but my heart ... you just stepping over my heart Ko Z, go away then I let you go I won't stop you just go ... I am hurt by it ...but the more I don't want you to be in my miserable life... go now go don't come back...

"Nay Kaung!"

I heard the sound that I really don't want to now, or for my life...WAI YAN...

"Nay Kaung... where is he?"

"How did you, why are you here?"

He does not answer at all, He grabs my both arms and ...

"You sick? And vomiting?'

"OH, no no I am fine, go...if KO Z came back, and see you and everything is going to be messed up"

"Hey, what is happening to you, you had something aren't you?"

"I told you I am fine, as you can see, just go, get out of my shop, go away"

"Don't tell me to go, I won't I know you don't want me in your life but at least you cannot outs me too, you said you are fine then why in hell you go to Victoria? Huh? I know you had something wrong?"

"Wai Yan if you are so free whatever you want to do, take every penny and go find some guys to have fun yourself, I am very tired now leaving me alone, I am telling you ..."

"I know you really sick. Please let me take care of you at least"

I turn back on him, I really hate to see his face...but he did the things I never wanted from him. Hugged behind me .... I got no power to resist anymore but I take everything I've got and I push and I wag ..

"Get your hands off me"

"Please listen to me, please... when Z around you I can stand beside and I can take it, I get it that you don't want me too. But he is not with you anymore please let me take care of you, I take care of you like he did, even more than he did, you don't have to smile at me like you did to him, you don't have to look at me the way you looked at him ... you can yell at me shout at me, scold me, whatever you want just please give me a chance of taking care of you. Please. I just want to love you.."

No, this is the challenge of my loyalty, and my love and my pride and my mind. Even though my body can't resist it my still my mind do, the hand he got off my arms I take it as hard as I could twitch it and throw him over ... my mind is losing but I concentrate as far as I can, I get over him sit on his chest when he knocked out and punch him as much as I can, I know not how many but I just keep punching .... Saying ...


I feel lost everything, I can control myself, I just keep punching, I hated him, I hated the way he looks at me, I hated the way he talking me, I hated his voice, I hated his present of me, I hated his face, I hated his feelings on me, I hated him ...I hated him... he does not resist me at all, he takes every punch that I give him, the end my hand start weaker and weak, blunt, numb and my body doesn't respond as my mind want to.. But I still fisting my hand ... he takes my fist slowly ...

"Nay Kaung... stop it ok you are exhausting. You are tired... stop it"

He is getting up from the floor and wiped his blood from his nose and mouth ...still he isn't angry me at all ...yet he takes the tissue from the bin and wipe my sweat from my forehead ...

He sits on me, I can barely stand, I don't like it at all, he hugged me on my waist I don't like it either I don't want anybody except Ko Z touch my body.. I had my fist on his face ... he said

"You and punch as much as you can Nay Kaung, you own my body too..."


I really want to punch him in the bloody face but ..... I cannot ... I...OH instantly... my belly it starts hurting again ...oh oh I can't stand it anymore .... My whole body throws on the floor... my fist become pushing in the belly...

"Nay Kaung , Nay Kaung?"

I know everything he did, he hit me on my cheek, but I cannot move I want to let loose my mind but ... I don't want Ko Z to be know about everything ...I don't want him worry me again.

I know he embrace and carry me, all the staff and Ko Oo asking him what happened and what to do ...they put me back seat of the car ...I think my head are on his thigh and he said to Ko Oo ...

"Ko Oo call Z, come on call him"

Oh no, NO I take my all energy that I've pushed his hand and the phone that he was trying to call. I can't say anything ... I grab his hand so hard ...but he knows my mind


I know he won't call him now, I can ..... I can ....


End of Chapter 20

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