Incorrect Super League

By sips_milk

51.5K 973 1K

The Super League at its finest. Mostly about Supa Strikas being the weirdest team but they'll be other teams... More

Be A Man
Hydra Being Under Pressure
Put Him On A Leash
Friends from the Other Side
Learning Life's Greatest Gift
Live & Sleeping
The Sands of Time
3 reasons why Rasta is dad
Chaotic Visible Men
Honour and Thrust
I call it ABStract Art
"Nice kicks, dude"
The Masochism Tango
Wikihow to care of a hedgehog
Soup a Striker
I Will Find You E-Vent-ually
Among Us Stars
S̶u̶p̶a̶ S̶t̶r̶i̶k̶a̶s̶

Announcements + Scenes

1.6K 31 39
By sips_milk

Author: Click on the title card picture and read it. When I found the picture I cackled too hard at this.

Main Cast:


Special Mention:
Me ;)))

Now now, I decided to make this chapter since we reach our 20th chapter, what you are going to find as you scroll down are extra scenes and some of the plot for the next ten chapters :>

To be frank, I'm like unmotivated so officially I'm going to write the chapters on my own pace! Also the request I've been getting.... Let's say it's a lot so I'll be cutting most of them out unfortunately.

However I'll list some of them down here and give a scene for it. Don't worry folks, I also have to cut some of my ideas T-T

Also for the people who actually are looking forward to the request being fulfilled, I'm so sorry. And some people won't even know that it's cut.

Yandere Au

Red. Everything is red. I can't remember anything. Everything was just a hazy red. My memories seems to be all about red. But I don't hate it. It's such a lovely colour. I always felt safe and warm with the colour red.

I first saw red when I met his gaze, when his hands intertwined with mine. Red just got more beautiful when we dine with candlelight. When I was brave enough to kiss him and he kissed back, my heart was beating so fast. Especially when he wiped his red lipstick off my lips.

But I wasn't the only one who saw red. His friends also saw red when we were together. They ripped him apart from us. That was the first time I've saw red being so ugly. What I felt that night hurts.

After that, I see him with other people. Some show hostility, some show curiousity while some show friendliness to him. Their careless touch and soft words when they spoke to him make me be blinded with ugly red. But that red start to become to be beautiful again when he sat next to me.

I was like a moth to a red flame. I love him but it hurts when he was with other people. I need to stop the pain. I need to make that ugly red be always beautiful.

And now that red ugly caterpillar was now a beautiful red butterfly when I dug the knife deeper. Cutting it into pieces and toss it into the fire. The hot fire sear the meat till smoke come out.

The burning hot sensation when I felt the heat from the fire made my heart race. That was when I knew that red was an addiction.

"Hey Max!"

"Yeah Shakes?"

"What're you cooking? It smells good."

"Something that's beautifully red, love."

[Lmao he was barbecuing meat...ok maybe not but still]

Brothers Au

"Every single damn time," Skarra bit out in the middle of the field. Shakes sat next to him. The rest of their team were talking amongst each other.

The official match was over and the crowd left leaving the two teams resting. Since Invincible United bus was stuck in traffic.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" Shakes said not understanding what Skarra said.

"Every single time, I see your face. It fuels me with many indescribable feelings."

Shakes paused, looking so confused. "..why..?"

Something in Skarra snapped. "That. That is what ticks me off. Your fucking self righteous pompous attitude is the problem. You get to do whatever the hell you want without any repercussions."

"That is what ticks you off???" Shakes said in exclamation. This is unbelievable.

"Not only that, I still see it when we were kids for fucking sakes," Skarra faced Shakes.

"You know what ticks me off, you always ruined everything I do. Always trying to one up me in everything even if its friendly play!" Shakes fought back.

"Yeah because apparently everything I fuckin do is always compared to you and guess what bitch, I still am the worse one!" Skarra launched himself at Shakes.

The two strikers are now fighting each other. Like physically. Their hands intertwined and pushing each other like a wrestling match.

"Every time you attack someone like this, I have to clean up your mess and guess what I have to fight them back! Because apparently I'm weak one here!" Shakes rolled over, straddling Skarra between his knees.

"Bitch you still win the fights anyways even at the ones I lose in! So why the hell you can't give in for fucking once." Skarra kneed Shakes in the stomach. Making the younger man yelped and dropped next to him.

Skarra kneeled next to Shakes. "You fucking piece of shit, do you ever care for your fucking well being. Do you know how many times I worry for your sorry ass. Do you know how much pain I felt."

Shakes looked up at Skarra silently and stretched his arm out.

"Heheh didn't take you for a masochist, Skarra," Shakes finally said.

"Bitch, you're a fucking sadist," Skarra sighed as he grabbed Shakes's hand and carried him to sit up.

A peaceful silence was heard. Daring to be broken by either strikers.

"So.... when are you going to return me, my Nintendo 3DS," Shakes asked as he pat the spot next to him.

"Shit," Skarra sat at the spot. He was sweating buckets.

"What did you do?" Shakes tested.

Skarra gulped. "I accidentally deleted your save file on Pokémon Alpha Sapphire..."


"Shakes..?" Skarra knew that when it comes to games. Do not delete a player's save file.

"You motherfu-" Shakes was about to go feral.

"We have the same mother," Skarra distracted. Happy that Shakes didn't fully cursed. (#KeepShakesPure)

But that failed and was instead decked silently.


The two strikers looked around to find the head that voice belongs to. It was El Matador!

They saw El Matador with what seems to be basically everyone in the two teams and their coaches with their jaw dropped.

"Oh yeah I know right he deleted the file I worked so hard to get a shiny Kyogre and Ralts," Shakes cried. Some of the people in the crowd understand his pain.

Skarra awkwardly stand there and said "F."

"You have no say in this you son of a-"

"Again we have the same mother," Skarra thought the second time it would work. Nope he got stuck in a headlock and couldn't breathe. The true F belongs to Skarra.

"What did you say again," Shakes forcefully smiled at his teammates and Invincible United while strangling Skarra to death.

"Are you two brothers or something? Because Skarra said you two had the same mother?" Dingaan and Klaus asked.

Shakes dropped Skarra to the ground. Skarra responded with a middle finger.

"Yeah we're brothers," Shakes said nonchalantly. As if it was a common fact.

"Don't you see our brotherly bond between us two bros," Skarra stood up, avoiding eye contact with his younger brother.


"I thought we made it obvious?"

"Maybe because my manly charm is too strong they could never thought a weakling for my brother."

"Jeez you sound like Uber..."


Twisting Tiger in a Tiger onesie

"I feel ridiculous."

Twisting Tiger in all his glory. Was wearing a tiger onesie. One that was suited to sleep in.

"With your ridiculous flaming hair? I think the onesie helps," El Matador scoffed.

"Tell me again why I'm wearing this?" Tiger stretched out his arms. His sleeves were longer than his arms. This onesie was way too big.

"During the party in Rasta's house yesterday, you got so eloquently drunk that you agreed to wear a tiger onesie for an entire day," Cool Joe raised his eyebrow.

"You look like Tigger from Winnie the Pooh," North Shaw laughed.

Twisting Tiger growled at that statement.

"Nevermind, you're more feral," North whistled whilst avoiding eye contact.

"Anyways, we got to go. The movie is starting soon," Cool Joe looked at his watch.

"You could say we're going to let the cat out of the bag," Klaus popped his head out from the door.

Multiple groans were heard but El Matador responded with "But Tiger is a man in a room?"

"Lmao you're the cat's pajamas, Tiger," Shakes popped his head below Klaus. [being a cat's pajamas means you're a highly skilled or excellent person in what they do]

"Alright you two, stop playing cat and mouse with them," Rasta suddenly said from behind the two young strikers which caused them to fall down on the floor.

The team in the room sighed at their antics of making terrible cat puns. Shakes and Klaus grinned like the Cheshire cat.

[The cinema was very cold so the two lucky people that sat next to Twisting Tiger get to bro cuddle him for warmth. I'll let you choose who they are]


The chicken incident

El Matador have saw many things in his life. The most prominent was his teammates winning many games. But now all he saw now was Klaus getting decked by De Los Santos. It did not help that De Los Santos was covered in chicken eggs and feathers.

"De Los Santos don't kill my teammate!" Shakes run towards Santos, trying yet failing to keep the big man back.

"I will murder this man right now for disgracing me in public," Santos puffed out as he now resisted less to Shakes efforts.

"Klaus you good, fam?" Shakes looked at Klaus who was currently holding his cheek.

"Yeah I'm fine and you can let him go, Shakes," Klaus stood up. "Sorry De Los Santos.."

"Hm. It will be helpful if  you could explain why you decided to drop a bucket of feathers and shot eggs at me at the airport," Santos looked at El Matador, "Are you part of this?"

"No but I stayed to watch," El Matador innocently. "Klaus was actually going to do this at Uber." 

Santos raised his eyebrow at that. "Uber called Klaus a chicken didn't he?"

The man in question nodded.

"Let me tell you a better plan so what you do is..." Santos whispered into Klaus's ear.

[Uber called Klaus a chicken too many times and North convinced him to make Uber the real chicken. El Matador tag along for the DRAMA while Shakes was there to genuinely meet up with Santos. Long story short, Shakes and Santos are the bait by going out together for top secret soccer moves (or a date) so Uber stalks them while Klaus and El Matador filmed how creepy Uber is and post it on the Internet.]


I highly encouraged anyone to do a dumpster dive in my comment section of ideas and request and to write it out. I may or may not take a hiatus next year and this year in preparation of a national exam because I got that Asian blood and not a Bsian. But based on the recent test results, I think I'm mixed.

The hiatus may go unannounced or the chapters will take a long time to write. So please do understand that if I'm gone for way way too long.

I'm afraid that after the break I would stop updating this due to lost of interest. But let's keep our hopes up that we can complete at least 30 chapters for this book so cheers to another 10 chapters ! ! !

Now for some deleted scenes from the chapters before

Live & Sleeping

"Alright gents, who's awake?" Meda spoke. "If you raise up your hands, I can't tell because we're in the dark."

"I'm awake and," Meda heard Shakes's voice.

"OOF- you fucker," Skarra sounded very weak from being elbowed in the gut.

"Gah!" Skarra was elbowed again but by Miko for saying a naughty word.

"Skarra's too." Shakes said sweetly.

"I'm guessing everyone is also awake?" Meda heard a many variation of yes. "I'm guessing Riano's still asleep?"

"Yeah, he's wearing earphones and have a face mask on with cucumbers for eyes," Liquido told Meda.

"What's the time?" Uber's gruff voice asked.

"11.15 ish," Chuck looked at his the glow in the dark wristwatch.

"The hell?" Uber looked confused for a second.

"Yeah it's 11.15, Uber. Why what's wrong," Miko shuffled in his bed.

"Can't believe it's morning."

"Eh?" Miko was dumbfounded.

"Ah I forgot, Uber it's 23.15," Shakes suddenly spoke. "Uber only knows military time."

"Hm." Uber responded.

"The hell, there's a different time for clocks?" Liquido and Chuck looked Shakes.

"Yeah Civilian and Military time," Shakes responded.

"So what you're fucking bilingual in clock?" Skarra asked. Legends say you could still hear Skarra begging for mercy from Miko for cursing.


The Masochism Tango

"Shakes I can hear moving at the back, stop it," El Matador looked into the rearview mirror.

"The pants you get is too tight, What'd you expect??" Shakes shuffled more.

"Stop rebelling and what's wrong with that?" El Matador glared.

Shakes kicked El Matador's driver's seat. "Pants to tight, I wear boxers. You do the math."

"Shakes you know me and El are all wearing tight suits right?" Klaus said. "And I agree that it's uncomfortable in our bottoms."

"How the hell is it uncomfortable??" El Matador turned the wheel left.

Klaus and Shakes shared a look. "The crease in our pants is uncomfortable."

"Just wear a thong like I do."




I Will Find You E-Vent-ually

"Uhhhh, Riano?" Shakes quietly said.


"Could you put me down?" Shakes blushed.

"Oh sorry, I just like carrying you," Riano smiled.

De Los Santos sighed. "Put the man down, Riano. I think he's already embarrassed falling from the vents, I don't think him being bridal carried by you makes it any better."

Riano gently placed Shakes down. Vladimir already left, having received a text from Rasta.


"Oh now that I remembered," Riano began looking for something in his suit jacket. Shakes and De Los Santos looked on with interest. Suddenly, Riano pulled out two books.

"How did you...?" Santos asked.

"Well I can't bring my bags so my suit jacket itself is a bag," Riano smiled. "Anyways I went to France a week ago for a match with Orion and figured that you two might like this."

"No way, the Hunchback of Notre-Dame book by Victor Hugo!" Shakes gasped at the book as he was handed one.

"The book that got a movie adaptation and the same author that got a musical adaptation for his works, Les Misérables," Santos was content as he grazed his fingers on the book's cover.

"I've been wanting to get this book but I could never find the time to find this," Shakes said.

"In Mexico, books like this are difficult to find in old bookshops and libraries," Santos looked at Riano with gratitude. "You have my thanks."

"That's an old fashioned statement," Shakes snickered."But thanks Riano!"

"Ah it's no problem- Oof," Suddenly Riano felt he was being lifted up in the air.

"Hey hey hey, big man put us down," Shakes quickly patted De Los Santos bicep.

Apparently Santos was so moved that he hugged Riano but also accidentally brought Shakes into the mix. Santos quickly put the two strikers down.

"Sorry, my emotions got the best of me," Santos huffed. Shakes patted his back.

"My my that was a public display~," Riano giddily said.

Santos blush as he turned his face away. "Shut up."

"Aww is that a blushing I see," Shakes poked.

"Tch." Santos looked around, "Shakes, have you seen my book?"

"I think Riano picked it up," Shakes pointed to Riano who was reading it.

"Love is like a tree: it grows by itself, roots itself deeply in our being and continues to flourish over a heart in ruin. The inexplicable fact is that the blinder it is, the more tenacious it is. It is never stronger than when it is completely unreasonable," Riano quoted.

Riano looked up to see Shakes and Santos looking at him. "What?"

Spoilers for next chapter:

PIPSQUEAK: What's wrong with the username I have now?

Middle fingers up: F*ckin ugly ass beefy ice yeti man

Proceed with Caution: Ignore the first three words that's Skarra's personal touch

Proceed with Caution: Really loved the beefy part tho

Middle fingers up: Shows how much meat you got when we all turned cannibalistic 🤠

Proceed with Caution: Especially when you slow roast that fatty meat over a fire while the fats melt and sizzles 🤤

Middle fingers up: :)

Proceed with Caution: :)

PIPSQUEAK: ...I'll change it then

Larry the Lobster: I swear if the imposters are Shakes and Skarra, we're all going to die

Extra because I'm bored:

"I am shaping a moment, you monochrome harlot," Riano said to Vladimir.

"Ease down on the drinks Riano," Meda sighed. "What are you even drinking?"


Meda frowned.


Vladimir cackled.


"Shakes, I bet you $500 to pole dance with heels," Cool Joe said and immediately felt a choking hold from North. Everyone else in the room perked up at the bet.

"Well $500 is $500 soooooo," Shakes looked at Klaus and El Matador expectantly.

"I can't believe we have prepared for this," El Matador sighed.

"Alright boys, bring the poles out!" Klaus shouted cheerfully.


"Why do people keep saying I'm part of the Illuminati???" Don Aldo stormed into the living room.

"Maybe because you have triangular fringe?" Liquido flipped a page on his surfing magazine.

"What do you mean?" Don Aldo looked confused.

"Your bald head has a triangular fringe, Don?" Chuck said looking at him dead in the eye as he changed the TV channel.

"I'M BALD????" Don Aldo screamed.


[Skarra and Shakes shaved Don's head three months ago and Don doesn't need a mirror since he thinks he'll look good no matter what so perfect prank]


The main difference between Rasta and Dooma

North Shaw: If I run towards Dancing Rasta he will catch me!

North Shaw:, running towards Rasta: INCOMING!

Rasta: Wait I'm holding coffee!!!

Rasta, spilling his coffee to catch Klaus: Not again

North Shaw: :DDD
Dingaan: If I run towards Dooma he will maybe catch me

Dingaan, running towards Dooma: INCOMING

Dooma, sidestepping as he drinks his coffee: Hm

Dingaan, crashing into the bookshelf: oww



Dooma: Certainly a lovely day

Author: Alright that's the end of this break chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience and hoped y'all enjoy the excerpts. And like the announcement said, I won't be updating until I like ~get in the mood~

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