Way Back Home

Por btobmelody88

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[COMPLETED] Joy never had a place to proudly call her home. Everything was always temporary. City after city... Más

Chapter 1: Another Beginning
Chapter 2: First Meeting
Chapter 3: Crossed Paths Again
Chapter 4: Forming Links
Chapter 5: Drunk Mistakes
Chapter 6: Butterflies
Chapter 7: Opening Up
Chapter 8: Comfortable
Chapter 9: Baby?
Chapter 10: Picture Perfect
Chapter 11: Confessions
Chapter 12: You Can't Play With Two
Chapter 13: Unplanned Surprises
Chapter 14: The Birthday Clash
Chapter 15: She's Gone
Chapter 16: The Cupcake Clue
Chapter 17: The Chase
Chapter 18: Lingering Doubts
Chapfer 19: The Challenge
Chapter 20: Fated Encounters
Chapter 21: The Heart Finally Chooses
Bonus Chapter: Baby... For Real

Chapter 22: Way Back Home (Finale)

821 47 24
Por btobmelody88

"Pssst," Sungjae gently poked Joy's left shoulder repeatedly. She has been extremely quiet since their reunion earlier at the airport lobby, just letting Sungjae lead her until they have eventually settled comfortably to their seats inside the airplane.

"Sooyoung-ah," he poked her again. Joy still did not bulge, though, as she just fixed her gaze to the night view offered by the airplane side window.

"Park Sooyoung," he gave her arm a little pinch, hoping for some attention... but still failing.

"Joy-aaaaah," Sungjae is starting to whine like a child. Why won't Joy look at him?! His lips started to shape into a pout.

Sighing, he tilted his head as he tries to think of another way to catch the young lady's attention. After a couple of seconds, a smirk started to grow on his face when an evil plan conceptualized in his head.

Sungjae scooted closer to Joy and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Hey, baby..." he softly said in his husky voice.

That single word sparked all the shivers on Joy's body in a snap. "Y-ya!" Joy screamed as her two hazel orbs widely darted towards Sungjae who was now mischievously smiling at her.

Finally, some attention! Sungjae laughed internally.

"Keep it down, you lovebirds!" an elderly man who was sitting across the aisle could not help but scold the bickering duo. "You two are adorable but I would like some sleep," he added before placing back his eye sleep mask.

Sungjae and Joy were taken aback by the stranger's sudden comment that the two turned into a blushing mess.

"You look like a tomato," Sungjae teased Joy in an attempt to hide his own reddened cheeks and ears.

"It's your fault," Joy softened her tone this time and rolled her eyes.

Sungjae reached out for Joy's hands and locked them in between his two big hands. "Now that I have your attention... can we please talk now?"

Joy bit her lip and nodded silently. There was no way she could get out of her situation right now, anyways.

Sungjae cleared his throat twice. "Let's see... where do I even start?" he was about to speak again when Joy cut him off.

"Maybe you could start with why you lied to me about Singapore," Joy said, hoping deep inside that she did not sound too bitter.

"Then I will start with sorry," Sungjae gave Joy's hand a little gentle squeeze. "I did go to Singapore for a business meeting, though. I did not lie about that. You can even ask Changsub hyung for my schedule!" Sungjae raised his palm as a sign of promise.

Seeing that there was no change in Joy's countenance, Sungjae continued his defense. "About SoHyun..." he paused for a while as he tries to come up with the right words. He definitely cannot mess this up.


Joy's mind suddenly flashed back to the unexpected encounter with her. Bittersweet, indeed. She looked at Sungjae straight into the eyes. "Why did you leave her? She needs you. You're supposed to be with her," Joy's voice cracked. She felt she just pierced a sword to her own soul.

"No. I am right where I am supposed to be," Sungjae responsed sternly.

"I guess SoHyun told you about her plans about therapy, already. Yes, I was with her to accompany her after my business meeting... but only for a couple of days until her parents arrive to settle with her," he added, making Joy look at him with shock painted all over her face.

Sungjae reached for Joy's left cheek and brushed his hand against it as tender as he could. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it. I thought it was trivial and I was afraid to bother you with it especially when you had a competition on your shoulders," he then softly kissed Joy's forehead. He wanted Joy to feel his sincerity as much as he could.

"SoHyun and I may have had something in the past, but we have long settled that and decided to remain in a brother-sister relationship. You want to know why?" Sungjae smiled as his thumb rubs Joy's hands.

"...because I love you. I am deeply in love you... and I will choose to love you everyday, whether it is a good or bad day," Sungjae confessed with his whole heart.

The moisture in Joy's eyes was obviously betraying her the moment Sungjae said those painfully beautiful words. She had doubted him for no good reason.

"I understand what you said back at the bay. I will let you heal in your own time, Sooyoung-ah... but whether you like it or not, I will stay by your side until I can completely earn your trust and love again," Sungjae slowly brought Joy's hand to his lips to give it a kiss.

"Please let me..." Sungjae's own waterworks were now working as well. Oh, what great things he would willingly do just to turn back time to that dreadful day he had hurt this precious lady beside him.

He had to learn the hard way, and there truly was no day that he did not regret what he did. At first, he succumbed to his pathetic ways of heavy drinking and locking himself in his unit. Thankfully, Changsub knocked him out of this hole and made him realize that he will never get Joy back with his behavior.

It also took some time for him to make SoHyun realize that she needed therapy, and that his heart had already chosen Joy.

Sungjae worked extra hard day and night, trying to make his company grow even more successful. All those times, he kept on thinking of Joy as his motivation because he wanted her to be proud of him when they meet again. It was Joy who helped him change his strategies about his business in the first place.

He had also tapped several private investigators just to search for her all those years. His hyungs were shaking their heads at the amount of money he had spent on a task that seems impossible anyways. Yet he never once faltered. He believed he will meet Joy again one day... and who knew it will be because of Junseo?

Sungjae's thoughts were halted when he felt Joy's hands cupping his cheeks. Her fingers tenderly wiped his tears, the way that he did to her earlier.

It was so tender that Sungjae closed his eyes, wanting to savor Joy's touch which always gave him the comfort that he needed.

He soon felt a pair of soft lips brush against his quickly. The unexpected contact made him open his eyes, silently wanting for more.

"I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry for doubting you. I'm sorry for clinging into a past that you have obviously regretted about already," Joy paused briefly and rested her head on Sungjae's broad shoulder. She felt remorseful of her choices and has vowed to change for the better, slowly but surely.

"I hope you can wait for me, Oppa..." she finally added before placing her hand on top of Sungjae's. Her hands look so tiny when compared to him.

Sungjae chuckled at the sight and slowly clung his pinky to Joy's pinky. "I will wait with respect... pinky promise," he declared with a beaming smile.


Soon enough, the duo arrived at Busan and Sungjae was now driving their way to Wendy's house. He would soon have to go back to the airport to catch another flight to Jeju.

"Oppa, I told you I could commute, you know. You are just tiring yourself," Joy said. Worry was evident on her tone.

"Can you say that again?" Sungjae smirked, making Joy roll her eyes.

"Oppa..." she finally surrendered to his request. "Do you even have enough time until your flight?" Joy asked.

The smiling Sungjae briefly spared Joy a glance. "I got just enough to drive you home safely," he then winked.

"Aish. I should have not made up with you! You are being... annoying again," Joy crossed her arms and turned her body towards the window. She wanted to hide the fact that her heart had been fluttering countless times already, especially now that she and Sungjae had made up.

"Oops. No retracting of words. You and I are stuck together forever!" Sungjae playfully teased before bursting into laughter.

The two continued their childish bickering and before they could realize it, they were now already in front of Wendy's house.

"Thank you, Op- ya! I can do that myself!" Joy screamed before covering her mouth with her hand. She had forgotten that it was early in the morning already in Busan. She meant to give her gratitude to Sungjae when the latter just casually went out of the car, grabbed her suitcase and was now walking towards Wendy's front door.

Joy had no choice but to follow him gingerly while rummaging her bag for her keys. After a good minute, she finally found it and raised it on air. "Got it!" she declared.

In a snap, Sungjae snatched the key from Joy, opened the door himself, and barged in without invitation.

"Ya! Wendy might still be sleeping. Why are you just ente-" Joy was about to give Sungjae a scolding when the living room lights suddenly turned on and a loud pop of confetti blew in front of Joy.

"SURPRISEEEE! Happy birthday, our dear Joy!" Loud cheers soon erupted the tiny living room.

Joy stood frozen to the ground as her eyes widened. Slowly scanning the room, she realized everyone that she had known from Jeju was there right in front of her, including her unnie.


Mrs. Yook.

The oppas- Eunkwang, Minhyuk, Changsub, Hyunsik, Peniel, and Ilhoon.

Even Chorong and Junseo were there clapping for her.

"...w-what's h-happening?" Joy stuttered, still stunned by the turn of events.

She soon felt a pair of arms envelope her from the back. "It's your birthday, pabo," Sungjae chuckled. "I'm sorry we only got to celebrate it now... but I'll make sure I won't miss the succeeding ones anymore," he then kissed Joy's cheek softly.

"I did NOT wake up early, fly from Jeju to Busan, too see THAT sight," Ilhoon playfully commented, causing the everyone to burst into laughter.

Joy could feel a mixture of emotions in her heart now, with happiness dominating. She had never felt this loved ever before. Happy tears were now flowing down her cheek. "T-thank you, everyone. I did not expect this at all. Thank you, thank you," she bowed repeatedly, even almost kneeling down.

Good people still exist, Joy whispered to herself. She left all of them in Jeju yet here they are, still treating her with kindness.

Seeing Joy's vulnerability, Wendy rushed to Joy and gave her some support. "Aigo, our baby is so overwhelmed. This should be a happy day! Let us celebrate!" Wendy cheerfully said. "Besides, that loverboy of yours..." she glared at Sungjae before continuing. "He made me do 24 freaking cakes to celebrate even your past bithdays!" making Sungjae divert his eyes somewhere else. Definitely guilty as charged.

"Miss Joy! Miss Joy! I helped unnie! I did more work than Peniel hyung because he was always taking pictures of unnie instead of- AHHH!!! Put me down!" Junseo screamed when Peniel carried him to his shoulders as an attempt to stop the kid from further exposing him.

"I guess there are more reasons to celebrate today, huh?" Joy teased the blushing Wendy.

Minhyuk and Hyunsik sandwiched Peniel and gave him knowing squints.

"I feel so single, bro," Eunkwang whispered to Changsub.

"Yeah, me too," Changsub said without thinking.

"What did you say, young man?" Chorong said from behind, raising her eyebrows.

"Y-ya, I m-meant too bad for you, bro, because I got a sexy and gorgeous wife!" Changsub tried to save his life.

Chorong rolled her eyes and picked up Junseo. "You. Couch. Tonight," she said before sticking her tongue out, making everyone laugh again.

"Aigo, my children! Let us all eat now, shall we?" Mrs. Yook smiled, motioning everyone to make their way to the dining area already.

Sungjae was about to walk when he felt a tug on his shirt. He turned his back, only to be welcomed by a tight hug from Joy. "Oppa... thank you," she said.

"Anything for you," Sungjae hugged her back and swayed their bodies gently.

"What about your flight, though?" Joy asked.

"I'm already on board..." Sungjae released his hug and lowered his gaze to meet Joy's eyes. "... in this flight to your heart," he then winked.

"Ah, jinjja! You are way too cringey!" Joy laughed without restraint.

"...AND WE ARE STILL HERE! JUST REMINDING YOU!" Ilhoon shouted, shaking his head with an evil smile.

It indeed was a birthday that Joy will never forget.


It has been several months and Joy and Sungjae's relationship had been going steady. Sungjae has still been patiently and consistently going back and forth to Busan to visit Joy when his time permits. Well, he makes time for her, anyways.

Joy, on the other hand, was just taking her healing process one day at a time. She had converted her diary into a "healing diary" where she writes down her feelings and tries to process them at the same time. She had never felt this happy and confident with her raw self. A work in progress, as they say.

"Ya, our next big client is outside. Should I let her in?" Changsub asked as he peaked inside Sungjae's office.

"Ne. Thanks, hyung," Sungjae replied, not even sparing him a glance. He was too busy reading all the paperwork in front of him.

"Well, looks like Mr. CEO is too busy for me today?" Sungjae immediately dropped the papers he was holding and shifted his gaze to the beautiful lady in front of him. He knows her honey-like voice way too well.

"Sooyoung-ah! W-what are you doing here in Jeju?" he then rushed to give Joy a big hug.

Chuckling, Joy pinched Sungjae's cheeks. "Wae? Am I not allowed to step foot here now?" she teased.

"Ani! I was just surprised. I-it's been years... I'm so happy you're here, baby," Sungjae rested his head on Joy's shoulder. No coffee can recharge him the way Joy does. "Until when are you staying?"

"Hmm. For good," Joy briefly said, trying to suppress her giddiness.

Sungjae broke the hug quickly to look at Joy straight in the eyes. He heard it right, didn't he? Is he hallucinating now?!

"W-wha-" Sungjae was cut off with Joy gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"We are officially branching out Sweet Treats Shop here in Jeju..." Joy paused a bit. "...and I'm going to be the overall head here. Plus... I'm reopening my online shop" she finally revealed.

"AHHHH!!!! Sooyoung-ah! That's such great news! I'm so proud of you!" Sungjae lifted Joy without warning and gave her a twirl. "I'm so happy... I'm so happy!" he exclaimed before putting her back down and claimed her lips. They will finally be together now in one place.

"I guess I'm home?" Joy softly said as she embraced Sungjae again.

"Sooyoung-ah... I really did not expect this... but can you come with me for a while?" Sungjae asked almost embarrassingly that Joy could not help but nod out of curiosity.

Two then ended up in a simple 2-storey house that was still under construction. Carpenters and painters were all over the place doing their own tasks.

"Y-you're building a new house for rent?" Joy asked. Sungjae's business had been covering hotels, motels, and apartments. Perhaps houses were his new venture now?

Sungjae chuckled and reached out to Joy's hand to entangle it with his. "It's our house... our future home," he said with a blush on his face.

"I-I wanted to build one for you so that when you're ready... you know... Aish! I did not see this happening sooner! This is not even complete! I don't even have the ring with me and my speech is totally messed up! Why didn't you tell me you were coming today?!" Sungjae whined like a child as he ruffles his hair in despair.

This was definitely not the plan he had in mind. He got too excited earlier that he completely forgot that this house was not even finished. He had purchased the ring months ago but he kept it in his safe thinking that he would not need to bring it anytime soon. There weren't even cameras to document this moment!

Joy, however, was bursting with happiness that her tears were starting to form again in her eyes. The house was nowhere complete but it already looked so beautiful- just like the ones that she had only imagined to own when she was a little lost orphan. Not to mention that she was there with the man that she loved the most.

She reached out to Sungjae and cupped his cheeks. "So is this a proposal?" she teased.

"I'm trying!" Sungjae pouted. "I-I planned a huge kitchen, though so you can bake all you want! See over there? C-can that count for now before I ge-" Sungjae was silenced with Joy's lips.

"Can't say no to big kitchen... so alright. Plus I love you, anyways" Joy then gave her killer eye smile before laughing.

"Wait, really?!? Omo omo omo omo omo!!! AHHHHH I love you, Park Sooyoung! AHHHHH SHE SAID YES EVERYONE!" Sungjae screamed at the top of his lungs, making the workers around them clap and whistle endlessly. He was jumping up and down, doing high fives with everyone.

Joy could only chuckle at the sight in front of her. This will be definitely be another chapter in her life...

...but this time, with the love of her life,

...surrounded by people very dear to her,

...and in a place where she could finally call her home.


A/N: Awww, we made it to the end! Thank you to everyone for reading my first ever story here in Wattpad. I know that there is still so much room to grow and I will try my best to improve further so I can give you better content. It has been nice writing when I get too stressed with school.

I just want to quickly dedicate this chapter to @msmisokim. You were the first person to leave me a comment in my first few chapters when nobody even bothered to read this. Thank you! I hope you get to see this ✨

Anyways, let me see if I'll still drop the super short Bonus Chapter for this book! For the meantime, see you in my other works! Chapter 2 of Beyond the Contract is out :)

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