Bonus Chapter: Baby... For Real

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Sungjae was drowning in the amount of paperwork in his office. He shifted his gaze to the clock on the wall, only for it to show that it's already past 7 pm. He shook his head in dismay and let out a deep sigh. He was happy that 6SJ Incorporated was now the top and leading company in Jeju, but being its CEO definitely demanded way more time and effort than before.

"Yaaaaa, Sungjae-ya. Look at this report. Our new advertisement seems to be effective!" Eungkwang said with much eager as he handed a folder containing their company's recent stock report to Sungjae.

"I smell... a salary raise," Eunkwang grinned widely, hoping to get on Sungjae's good side. He's desperate to take a hot girl out on a date soon!

Sungjae was about to get the folder when he saw his phone light up.

It was a video call from Joy...

...and of course, in a quick swipe, he answered.

"Hello, Oppa!" Joy blissfully greeted with her killer eye-smile.

Oh goodness. What did I do to deserve you?

"Oppa? I know, I know I'm pretty. Stop drooling," Joy teased Sungjae.

Sungjae couldn't help it. He will always be mesmerized by Joy's beauty- both inside and out. Her face would always radiate and he was mentally cursing his phone for not being able to capture her full beauty.

"Hey, baby. Why did you call? I'm sorry, I might come home late. Paperworks are killing me," Sungjae said apologetically.

But Joy always knew how to get Sungjae... and so she gave her cutest pout.

"Oppa, you always come home late. I cooked dinner for us. Please come home now. Palli, palli," Joy said as she showed their table already set with Kimchi Fried Rice and loads of side dishes.

"Omo! That's looks so good. Thank you, baby... I'll try to come home earlier than usual, okay?" Sungjae replies with wide eyes. Joy's cooking has significantly improved, thanks to his mom who had been teaching Joy every week. He sometimes think his mom prefers Joy as her child as they have more dates then they do.

Joy, though, wasn't appeased. She then had to resort to her last secret weapon.

"Oppa... but we want you here now. Why are making your babies wait, hmm?" Joy pouted again.

"Ah, Sooyoung-ah... you're really making me crazy. If only I could fly there now. Tell you what, I'll just bring dessert for you, Sami and Haetnim so that you won't sulk too much over there, okay? Please wait for me, my babies" Sungjae attempted at pleasing Joy. He really wants to come home now but his paperworks are truly hunting him.

"But I'm not taking about pets..." Joy said while trying to suppress her smile.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Sungjae nervously said. He heard her clearly, right? She said babies? As in, plural? But isn't Joy his only baby... plus the pets- Sami and Haetnim?

"Didn't you hear me? I said don't let your babies wait! I'm baby No 1... and baby No 2 is..." Joy lowered the camera to her tummy and pointed it "," she finally said.

Sungjae's whole body was awakened and sparks of shiver went up and down quickly on his spine.

Could it be?!?

"B-baby... it's not nice to prank. You know I'll believe you easily..." Sungjae stuttered.

Joy didn't answer him directly though. She wanted to tease future daddy Yook as much as she can.

"Hmm hey there baby. I don't think your daddy wants to eat with us tonight, huh? It's okay, we'll just bond together while he's away. At least it will be peaceful," Joy adjusted the camera phone to perfectly capture her gently stroking her tummy.

"Your daddy can get pretty wild when we're together, you know... like really, really wild. Maybe that's why we have you now..."Joy added and chuckled. She sure knows how to tease.

"H-hey!!! Sooyoung-ah!! Are you really... are we... ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!" Sungjae shouted as he accidentally dropped the phone to his table out of excitement.

Joy was now laughing without restraint. She couldn't even see Sungjae now in the video as he is probably jumping up and down by now.

"YAAA!! HYUNG!!! I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!! SOOYOUNG IS PREGNANT!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Sungjae can be heard screaming his lungs out like a lucky lotto winner.

He then grabbed his phone again to see Joy. "BABY!!! AHHH AND MY OTHER BABY TOO!!!" Sungjae said, feeling goosebumps on his skin.

"I'M COMING HOME RIGHT NOW! WAIT FOR ME, OKAY?? I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU BOTH! GOD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! SEE YOU! I AM ON MY WAY!!! Sungjae said with so much excitement in his voice before ending the call.

"Hyung, I love you soooooo much too! Please finish the rest. I got daddy duties!!!" Sungjae forcibly kissed Eungkwang's cheek, much to the latter's dismay.

He was about to dash out when he halted his steps abruptly and turned to Eunkwang. "We can still d-do it... right? Even when she's pregnant?" Sungjae smiled mischievously and finally ran off before Eunkwang could throw a book at him.

"Oh goodness... Yook family chronicles will now begin... please let it be a little Joy. I can't handle another Sungjae!" Eungkwang muttered under his breath, but still with a sincere smile. He's happy how his maknae has grown up.

Joy, on the other hand, was just smiling ear to ear as she rested comfortably on the couch to wait for Sungjae.

She stroked her tummy again. This will probably be her new habit now.

My baby... your mommy and daddy will do their best to give you the best home. I can't wait to see you, love...


A/N: I didn't have plans to post this... but I got so caught up with the pandemic life (I'm a newbie frontliner, btw!) I couldn't update Beyond the Contract. So I'm posting this as a sorry gift 🥺 Hope I can update soon when the situation gets better. Take care everyone! Wear your masks, wash your hands, and do social distancing~ ♡

P.S. I just saw the recent comments left here by some new readers! Thank you for reading my first story ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

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