Chapter 15: She's Gone

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Warning: includes curse words

September 10, 2019- Day 194
2:35 pm

"...with that, we can totally call for a celebration for another milestone in our business, Sungjae-ya!" Ilhoon proudly said after finishing his branch report.

Sungjae, though, was just staring blankly at the wall. He is really tired. Dark eye bags were evident on his face. SoHyun has been really demanding lately. They've been to the mall almost everyday and if he won't buy what she wants, she would whine all day and would threaten to leave again.

Sungjae had thought that she had changed back to the SoHyun he knows, but she only came back worse. Yet he couldn't just be harsh on her after he found out that SoHyun is suffering from anxiety attacks. He is basically torn between taking care of her and disciplining her.

Ilhoon knocked the table twice, catching Sungjae's attention. "Uh, hello?! Am I talking to myself over here?"

"S-sorry, hyung. Just a little tired" Sungjae finally responded while rubbing his temples.

"Geez. Were you even listening to my report? I ain't repeating that! What's important is we are successful and we ought to parteeeeeeh!" Ilhoon said while slightly shaking his body and raising his arms up in the air. He is so ready to party after such stressful times.

He abruptly stopped his imaginary party and looked at Sungjae with a grin. "You're totally lucky with Joy. She did basically 3/4 of the marketing last month... and without pay?! Now that's what you call L-O-V-E" Ilhoon teasingly laughed.


Sungjae sighed. He held onto his chest after feeling a pang of pain. He hasn't had the time to reach out to her after his outburst. He felt really guilty and had wanted to make it up to her, but SoHyun would butt in every time.

"Speaking of Joy... what happened to her online bake shop? Our employees totally loved her cupcakes to the point that they specifically requested for her to take in-charge of the sweets in the party. But when I was about to order online, her app says she's on hiatus? So do I just order via phone? Give me those digits, maknae" Ilhoon curiously asked as he grabbed his phone to check Joy's app again to make sure.

Sungjae scratched his head. "Maybe because she wants to focus now with her new work at Cafe88. I-I'll drop by today to personally ask her" Sungjae assures Ilhoon. This could be his perfect excuse to finally see Joy and ask forgiveness.

4:18 pm

Sungjae parked right in front of Cafe88 after finishing all the paperwork in his office. His heart was beating like crazy and he was sweating so hard, but he didn't want to miss this chance to set things straight.

Sungjae couldn't help but smile the moment he stepped foot inside the little cafe. He had so many good memories with Joy here. His eyes then tried to scan the whole place, hoping to catch sight of the beautiful lady.

After several minutes of trying but to no avail, he finally approached the barista on duty.

"Good afternoon, sir! Do you want the usual?" the barista cheerfully said. Sungjae and Joy had been here so many times that the regular baristas already know their orders.

"Hello. I, um, actually was just looking for Joy? S-she started working here already, right?" Sungjae asked straight. He was already desperate to see Joy.

The barista's smile suddenly turned into a confused one. "I-I thought so too, sir? But our manager said she dropped out last week due to personal reasons. It's such a shame. We all wanted to work with her" the barista sighed.

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