Chapfer 19: The Challenge

537 39 16

August 22, 2022

It was the day before the competition and Joy had just finished baking 5 different cakes all set for what would Wendy call as the "taste test" today. She still had no idea who Wendy had invited over to be her practice judge for the meantime.

Resting her head on the table, Joy's eyes were slowly fluttering close. Baking for a competition was way different compared to baking for her customers. The former was definitely more exhausting given that everything had to be perfect- from the sweet taste of the cake to its complementing icing on top. There was no room for mistakes.

Just as she was about to finally fall into dreamland, the wind chimes that were hanging on the door rang melodiously.

"Oh, they're here! They're here!" Wendy exclaimed as she ran towards the entrance to welcome their visitors.

Joy lazily brought her head up and rubbed her sleepy eyes before finally taking a clearer look at their visitors. Her eyebrows soon knitted together and her eyes squinted thereafter... could it really be?!

"Peniel Oppa?" Joy said with utter shock evident on her voice. Her eyes soon darted towards a little smiling figure who gleefully revealed himself from Peniel's back. The little boy couldn't stop giggling as he waved non-stop to Joy. "J-Junseo? Junseo, right? Omo, what on earth is happening?" Joy was now confusedly looking at Wendy, demanding for an explanation.

Wendy bit her lip, trying to suppress her smile. "Joy-ah, Peniel and I have been good friends for a while. We met before you came, actually. It's a story to tell on another day but he's really good at tasting food, I swear! He goes around critiquing food places while at the same time doing awesome photography. I figured later on that you probably know him as well because of Sungjae" Wendy explained while playing with her fingers. It was her habit when she gets nervous.

"Annyeong, Joy-ah" Peniel awkwardly bowed, which Joy immediately returned. "U-um... so, yeah. I do that. Hope I can help!" Peniel laughed as he scratched his head, obviously nervous as well.

It didn't take a while for Joy to get what was actually happening. "Hmm... good friends, huh? You're here for my taste test really, huh? Okay, as long as you help me, oppa. Make sure to focus on my cakes, okay? You seem distracted already" Joy winked mischievously before shaking her head with a smile. Wendy was blushing way too much already and Peniel didn't even do better. She made a mental note to bombard Wendy with questions about her "good friend" on another day.

"Miss Joy! Miss Wendy! I missed you!" Junseo finally caught the attention of the three adults who seem to have forgotten about him for a while.

"Aigo, Junseo. It's been a while!" Joy lowered herself to give the boy a tight hug. She actually knew that he was Changsub's son the first time they met last summer and so she always had a soft spot for him to the point that she would allow Junseo and his cousin to be her little baking assistants on those less toxic days where orders were manageable.

Peniel cleared his throat making Joy look up to him again. "U-um, that little kid literally begged to his knees for his parents to allow him to come with me" Peniel rolled his eyes. He was going to be his nanny for the whole trip.

"I can help in the taste test too, you know! Kids are the most honest! Adults make things complicated!" Junseo whined causing the three adults to burst into laughter. "Plus I am here for a very special mission! Uncle Sungjae gave me a special mission!!!" Junseo crossed his arms proudly as he tried to explain his apparently very honorable task.

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