Chapter 12: You Can't Play With Two

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August 27, 2019 - Day 180
9:13 am

It has been two days since Joy confessed to Sungjae at the rooftop.

It has also been two days since she hasn't heard from him.

Being an over thinker that she is, Joy has been coming up with various reasons why Sungjae hasn't contacted her... and boy, the range was wild.

Maybe he's planning something like a surprise for me? Maybe he wants to propose already? I mean, he did kiss me back, right? Maybe he's too embarrassed to show himself again? Was I a bad kisser? Maybe he regretted kissing me?

Ouch. That last one hurt.

"Aish! I'm going crazy!" Joy mumbled to herself as she gave her cheeks multiple soft slaps.

She soon decided to just go on an unplanned grocery trip to somehow distract her from her own thoughts. She has to finish a couple of orders today, anyways.

As Joy was about to enter the grocery, familiar voices called out to her.

"Miss Joy! Joy-ah!"

Joy looked to her left and saw Changsub waving at her while doing his signature dorky smile. His sister beside him immediately rolled her eyes with embarrassment before also smiling at Joy.

"O? Changsub Oppa! Jungeun! It's nice to see you here!" Joy went closer to the duo to give them each a warm hug.

"Joy-ah, I think the grocery is our official meeting place, eh?" Changsub playfully commented as he recalled his first meeting with Joy.

"You're right, Changsub Oppa. At least you got your wallet safe with you now" Joy chuckled.

"What do you mean safe? My wallet was brutally murdered thanks to Jungeun. Aish. Rest in peace, wallet" Changsub took out his wallet and softly patted it like a baby.

Changsub immediately earned a hit from his sister. "You're over reacting again, oppa! I only bought essentials, you know. Skin care is totally an essential. Chocolates are essential! Don't listen to him, Joy!" Jungeun gave Changsub a death glare. He can never win with his sister.

"Fine, fineee. Anyways, Joy-ah... why are you alone? Where's Sungjae?" Changsub curiously asked. The two have been literally inseparable lately and so seeing Joy alone was new to him.

"I, um... I-I also don't know, Oppa? I haven't heard from him the past two days. Maybe he's just busy?" Joy stuttered as she tries to hide the sadness in her eyes. She misses him.

Am I just being too clingy?

Changsub noticed this and made a mental note to find Sungjae.

Something is not right. He thought to himself. He knows Sungjae way too well and he's just hoping his hunch isn't right.

"Alright, Joy-ah. We better get going then. This sister of mine wants to go to the make-up store to buy another essential" Changsub made a face then smiled.

"Beauty is essential, Oppa! Aish. Anyways, bye, Joy-ah! See you again soon!" Jungeun waved at Joy.

"Bye Changsub Oppa. Bye Jungeun. Take care!" Joy genuinely smiled before finally doing her grocery therapy.

10:32 pm

Sungjae pushed his lock code and lazily entered his unit. It was a long day for him. Before he could turn on the lights though, he heard a loud snoring from the living room.

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