Best Enemies

By herefornoreasons

114K 2.7K 3.5K

*HIGH SMUT CONTENT WARNING* Camila and Lauren both take pride in their constant buzzing phones and ability to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 12

4.9K 121 127
By herefornoreasons

Lauren lift her sleepy head from the pillow reaching to scratch her eyes only to find them pinned around the younger girls body, her lower arm acting as a pillow while the other tangled between Camila's fingertips

She pause for a moment smiling before setting her head back down burying it deep into the fresh smelling brown locks in front, her heart fluttering as the small body stir pressing back into her chest in a sleepy haze


Lauren spoke eliciting a sense of alertness inside of the girl as she turn her body slowly to face the voice behind her, the reluctance in opening her eyes only made easier by the sweet scent of Lauren's day old perfume

"Hi.. mmm I don't wanna wake up...."

"Come on.. we have class soon!"

The elder spoke lightly shaking the girls shoulders dragging back the covers slightly forgetting she was still completely naked below her

"Wow.. I never get tired of looking at this.."

She spoke gliding her warm palm over the bare stomach eliciting a small giggle followed by a gentle slap

"Stop Jauregui! Go find me some clothes"

She shot playfully with a still prominent stern tone Lauren couldn't if she tried ignore, she rose from the bed huffing as she pulled open her top drawer grabbing a pair of tight black skinny jeans and a tight fitting white crop top, she threw them across the bed at the younger before getting dressed herself

"How do you do that?"

Camila ask as she lean against the nightstand watching as Lauren paint on her signature winged liner faultlessly

"What this?"

"Yeah? I could never do that I'd end up looking like a panda!"

She giggled wetting her lower lip as Lauren step back smiling having finished the second side, she turn her head gently looking at the girls awe filled gaze

"What your mom didn't reach you how to do your makeup?"

"Uh- no.. my mom .. she was busy a lot I guess"

Lauren notice the sad tone in the girls voice feeling slightly guilty for even asking as she reach for her hand pulling her in front of her body with a gentle smile

"Close your eyes"

She spoke softly reaching up to cup the girls cheek as she began to draw a line across the girls lid, her soft touch comforting somehow as the close proximity felt secure and safe.. like nobody in the world could touch her

"So you start here and just move it out, but less is more.. with your eyes you don't need too much.."

She spoke as if teaching the girl a lesson however Camila was more focused on the sweet smell of her perfume filling her nose, she reach her hands out around her hips taking advantage of the close touch causing Lauren to pause slightly

"Sorry.. just felt right.."

The younger admit with her eyes still tightly closed not witnessing the wild smile that creep onto Lauren's face as she move across to the other eye drawing a perfect wing hovering for a moment just to sneak one last look

"Ok you're good, take a look"

Camila turn around to face the mirror wide mouthed letting out a puff of air as she admired her new look

"Wow Lauren.. thanks? This looks so good..."

"I'm talented what can I say!"

She smirked placing down the makeup in her hand before grabbing the half filled bag draped over a lone chair in the centre of the room, the younger followed suit following out of the door heading to class


Camila pull open her locker grabbing for a book inside rummaging around before a sly voice behind her spoke out causing her attention to deter from the cramped metal

"Excuse me?"

She reply not hearing the statement clearly, her eyes fix onto the small petite blonde who stare on with a grimacing glare, she hadn't recognised the girl but somehow she thought her familiar, as if she'd seen her before some how?

"I said! You're a slut! Camila!"

The girls temper immediately heightened as she drop her bag down beside her confused at the random hate comment thrown her way, she paced forwards slightly with a kinked brow and sweaty palms

"What the fuck did you just call me?"

Her tone was sharp however the girl in front wasn't ready to back down, she was there for a reason and it was obvious she hadn't made a mistake as every man and their dog knew exactly who Camila was...

"You think you're this sex celebrity walking around campus like you own shit? Just know who you're messing with Camila!"

Camila screw up her face slamming her locker behind her issuing a loud crash before walking closer towards the girl with a furious strut

"What the fuck are you talking about? What you text me and I didn't respond? Back off pretty girl!"

One thing to note about Camila was her wickedly shape tongue, she never held back on what she really wanted to say which seemed to cause more waves than calm.. the girl in front however very blatantly shooting her shot as she unfold her arms with a hostile defence

"Ew! No! I wouldn't be caught dead touching a fuck hungry slut like you! I'm talking about my boyfriend! You think just because your popular you can touch up on him like that?"

Camila screw her brow confused as to what it was she was talking about, she'd never been with a guy before never even kissed one so this was news to her..

"Boyfriend? First of all poor guy! Secondly? I've never touched a guy in my life! In case you hadn't realised I like GIRLS! So fuck off and go throw your tantrum elsewhere!"

The girl didn't even begin to respond before shoving Camila back harshly against the lockers smacking the back of her shoulders against the cold hard metal unaware she could give just as well as she got, her hands reach out grabbing for the girls shirt using it to turn her replacing her stance slamming her back into the same position

"Never fucking touch me like that again!"

"Or what Cabello? What you gonna sleep with my boyfriend again?"

The girl yell out breaking free from her grasp however in the process accidentally smacking the girl square in the eye... that was it.. the younger girl saw red immediately lunging forward in a scrap filled with deep yells and cussing remarks

It was only a matter of seconds however before a strong grip latch around her waist and shoulders pulling her backwards off of the girl and onto the floor, her raging fury to hot in her head to even process what was happening or who had even grabbed her, all she could feel was the tight arms wrapped around her body pinning her arms to her chest as she sat between a pair of legs

"Sam just get that stupid fuck out of here!"

The voice spoke followed quickly by his footsteps leading the swearing girl out of the room, Camila began stirring trying to break free of the grip noticing quickly she wouldn't be successful, her eyes finally opening enough to see the familiar rings and half undone sneakers either side of her thighs

"Camz just calm down!"

The sound of Lauren's voice behind her instantly soothing the burning rage in her stomach sinking her head back onto her shoulder as a soft pair of hands finally release her body instead wrapping gently around her waist as the pounding breath began to ease

"Just breath ok? It's gonna be fine!"

Lauren place a small kiss onto the girls cheek resting her chin in the crook of her neck just waiting for the girls body to completely relax

"She called me a slut..."

Camila spoke in a timid painful voice as she lift her hand to her aching cheek, Lauren quickly turn her chin to face her gasping slightly at the hearty red mark that would soon turn to a blatant bruise

"And so you started fighting?"

"She said I slept with her boyfriend.. I've never even kissed a guy lo?"

Lauren sigh as she noticed the girls flakey voice obviously exhausted from the altercation, she couldn't deny the evident pain in her stomach as she enter the room seeing the girl getting hurt.. it made her feel helpless and almost upset.. she realised in that moment just how much she had grown to care for the girl

"Well her boyfriend is that guy from the green.. the one who tried to grab you... he's probably just talking shit to her because you rejected him.."

"when my mom finds out about this she's literally going to kill me!"

She giggle lightly making the elder feel slightly better as she stood to her feet helping her up along side her taking a full look at her bruising face

"She really got you Camz.."

"Stop laughing at me you're so mean!"

The girl playfully slap away Lauren's hand before a few heavy footsteps huff into the doorway instantly eliciting a joint 'oh shit' moment

"Camila.. my office.."

The man spoke in a disappointed tone slightly annoyed after the girls had seemingly been doing so well

"Mr Sampson it wasn't her fault..."

Lauren began as she step slightly in front of the smaller girl grabbing her hand subtly from behind almost mentally telling her not to say anything

"It was mine.."

Sampson furrow his brow looking on at Lauren awaiting an explanation

"This girl came in here saying mean stuff and I guess I just got angry.. Camila was just stood there and accidentally got hit.."

The man huff out as Lauren squeeze Camila's hand behind her back, it was obvious he was taking his time in thinking over the decision as the silence felt almost numbing 

"Ok well.. you know the drill Lauren.. suspension for the rest of the day.. and make it your responsibility Miss Cabello makes it back to her dorm in one piece! I will be speaking with you tomorrow however"

"Got it"

He spoke before leaving the room, Camila turn Lauren by the grip upon her hand forcing her to face the confused gaze as she raise her hand questioningly

"Why did you just take the blame? You didn't do anything?"

"You saved me the other day.. it's only fair I save you.."

Camila gulp back taking that statement almost too literally in her head, she had been struggling recently with the pressures given by her mom but since fixing things with Lauren she just felt so free and full of life.. Lauren saved her in more ways than she was happy to admit

"And also I didn't want you to get in trouble with your mom.. Sounds like she's giving you a hard enough time as it is.."

She continued fully aware of the constant mention of her mom, she grab the girl by the arm and head out into hall not wasting a minute in slamming through the crowds of people

"I have a surprise for you in my pocket"

Lauren spoke wiggling her brows as they approach their dorm doors, Her tone of voice cheeky eliciting an eye roll from the younger who watch as Lauren open up her pocket

"What? You're not gonna find a vibrator in there stop being weird!"

Lauren laugh as Camila reach into the open pocket pulling out the perfectly rolled joint sat neatly inside with a deep smile Lauren couldn't help but grin at

"You read my mind..."

"I know! I'm good at that! By the way could you stop imagining me naked right now?"

Camila threw her head back laughing intensely before placing the filter up between her lips, Lauren quickly light a flame at the other end allowing the smaller to drag back with closed eyes

"What would mommy think if she saw you smoking on a joint right now?"

"Oh my god... she would probably come here and smother me in my sleep.."

She giggle truthfully as she exhale the thick smoke passing over the stick as Lauren sat herself against her door

"She's really that bad?"

"Uhuh... yeah she's pretty conservative..."

Lauren flick the ashy remains between her legs as the younger sat down to join her with a weird look on her face the elder was only intent on exploring

"Why don't you just tell her how you feel.. you know you're old enough to make your own decisions.. especially about who you love.."

Camila drag back on the smoke with a sad glint rolling her fingertips over her knee as she exhaled deeply

"It's just hard, she's really hot on me getting a boyfriend and it's kind of getting worse the older I get.. I'm just scared of how she'd react.. it's almost like she wants me to have a boyfriend just to look good in front of my family"

Lauren felt the joy disappear from her voice feeling guilty given the fact her parents both accepted her for who she was without even a glimpse of hesitation.. they even threw her a coming out party

She reach her hand over grabbing for Camila's lifting it to her mouth before placing a gentle kiss over the warm skin in hopes to cheer her up

"Well, let me tell you it feels better to just get it out there but also it's ok not to be ready.. it sucks she's so oblivious to your feelings though.."

"Yeah I know but there's not really much I can do about it.. feels like I'm in some stupid contract with her.. act straight around family meals.. tell your grandma you're dating someone .. it's dumb!"

Lauren could tell it was a heavy subject .. she only wondered what it felt like not to be out.. hiding away who you really are just to pull off a desired appearance.. nothing hurt more however than the eventuality of Camila and her maybe being something more.. would they have to hide away?

"Do you think you'll ever come out?"

"I don't know... I want to but I guess timing is everything.. while everyone's watching me it just doesn't feel right.."

Lauren extend her arm out over the girls shoulder pulling her into a familiar comforting embrace settling her sad stomach enough for the warm air to suddenly feel appealing


The next day Lauren head into Sampson's office as asked previously setting herself down in the home from home chair fully expecting a scolding as the man pull forward his chair typing out an email before looking over at the young girl

"How are we today Lauren"

"Good I guess"


He spoke joyfully before taking off his glasses folding his arms over the desk in front of him

"So you want to explain yesterday to me?"

Lauren squirm in her chair trying to remember the lie she had told yesterday in order to defend Camila, she part her lips glancing around the room before beginning to answer

"Uhh... some girl came in started talking shit.. so we got into a stupid fight and Camila got hurt..."

The man nod sighing under his breath

"You two really have come a long way huh! Well it's great you're using your brain and covering for Camila's outburst but Lauren you have to understand this is her punishment not yours.."

Lauren screw her lips up as she realised the man was too smart to fool, her eyes falling into her lap wishing she'd had a more convincing story

"I'm sorry... but seriously that girl deserved it.. she called her a slut.. not like she's worth much anyway the ugly cun-

"Let's stop right there shall we?"

The man spoke cutting Lauren off thankfully as she nod gently

"Lauren I appreciate you being the bigger person here but fighting is just not tolerated..."

"Mr Sampson please! I'm begging you don't email her mom... she's having a rough time right now and she doesn't need her shouting at her for this too.."

Lauren begged clutching the arms of her chair with a look Sampson could only feel a sense of empathy for, he took a deep breath exhaling before pressing his palms against the desk

"You know what... just because I admire your maturity in this situation I will let it slide BUT and this is a big one Lauren... no! More! Fighting!"

The girl nod thankful as she stood from her chair with a now gleaming smile heading over to the door 

"And Lauren... keep up the good work!"

Lauren smiled pulling open the door to rejoin the busy hall noticing Camila stood just outside waiting for her like a lost puppy

"What happened? Did you get in trouble or? Did he know?"

"Camz calm down! I dealt with it! You're in the clear!"

Camila calm instantly happily accepting the secret kiss Lauren place over her lips pulling back staring deep into her green eyes with no intentions of looking away

"I don't deserve you..."

Camila spoke softly as her pinky finger link subtly around Lauren's eliciting a genuine smile that almost lit up the hall

"You deserve the world Camila... and that's a promise... a pinky promise.."

Lauren spoke back lifting their pinky fingers in front of their faces

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