If Only You Knew

By bradleemorris

9.9K 424 178

Harry Potter runs into none other than Draco Malfoy, four years after the war. The two discover that maybe 'h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
A/N and Sequel?

Chapter 25

184 7 3
By bradleemorris

It was night and Harry and Draco were lying in bed, cuddling as usual. Their earlier attempt at making out had been long forgotten and for now, they were just holding hands. Still. Harry hadn't let go of Draco's hand all night and Draco was really enjoying the feel of Harry's hand in his.

He ran his thumb over the top of Harry's hand and felt an oddly shaped scar. "What's this?" Harry looked down at his hand and blushed. "Oh, that's nothing." He murmured. Draco lifted their hands closer to his face to examine the scar. "I must not tell lies? Harry, what is this?" Harry sighed. "Er, whenever I said that Voldemort had returned, Umbridge gave me detention. During those detentions, I had to write lines. She gave me this quill that didn't need ink and she would make me write 'I must not tell lies' over and over again. The thing is, whatever I wrote engraved itself into my skin. The more I wrote, the deeper the cut became. It was very painful and bloody and hurt a lot at the time but it's just a regular scar now. Nothing to worry about." Draco looked at Harry and could see the pain in his eyes. A tear fell from his own eyes.

"Oh Dray, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry," Harry said softly, wiping the tear from Draco's face with his free hand.

"Harry...?" Draco practically whispered. "Yes?" Draco frowned and turned away. "How have you forgiven me? I supported that Umbitch. But it wasn't because I believed her. Oh, I'm such an awful person. How can you just forgive and forget after all the things I've done?" Harry sighed.

"Draco, don't think that way. During school I... I loved you. I had a lot of other things on my mind. Hating you just wasn't a priority."

"I was so awful to you Harry. All because..."

"All because what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Er- nevermind." Draco hopped up to get ready for bed but Harry wouldn't let go of his hand.

"Harry." Harry let go. "Sorry." He blushed. "'S'ok Ry." Draco took off his shirt and changed into some comfortable trousers. Harry looked at Draco's chest. "Those scars?"

"Hmm?" Draco looked down at Harry who looked like he was about to burst into tears. "Please tell me that those scars aren't from me. Please."

"Er- they don't hurt. Just regular old scars like the one on your hand." This time several tears rolled down Harry's face. "Oh, Merlin. I can't believe I did that to you. I hated Snape but I'll always be grateful that he was there to save you. I never would have forgiven myself." Draco wiped Harry's eyes and took his hand again. "Harry, we've already talked about this. I'm ok and I forgive you. You didn't know what the spell did. It's good, I'm all good." Harry nodded and cuddled into Draco's chest. "I'm sorry, I just can't imagine life without you." With that, he fell asleep.


Draco was working in the potions room while Harry was at Teddy's. "Hey Dragon? Should I do it?" The owl blinked at him. "Right, sorry, I'll explain better. I had to brew Felix Felicis, which is also called Liquid Luck in case you didn't know, for McGonagall and I made more than she needs. Should I drink some? It could help me and Harry get together. Blink once for yes and twice for no."

The owl blinked at him. "Alright, here goes nothing." Draco took a swig of the potion and he instantly felt light on his feet.

"Draco, I'm home from Teddy's. Where are -" Harry was interrupted by Draco running up to him and smashing their lips together.

"Dra-" Draco chuckled as he kissed Harry to stop him from speaking. "Shh." He whispered. He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and pushed him up against the wall. "Dr-" Harry was interrupted again by Draco's kisses.

Harry wanted to kiss Draco. A lot. But the problem was that Harry wasn't sure if Draco was drunk. He didn't taste like alcohol but this was definitely not something he thought Draco would do sober.

Harry cast Rictusempra, the tickle jinx on Draco and he stopped kissing. "Now listen, I'll stop the jinx if you let me speak." Draco nodded, giggling like crazy. "What are you doing?" Draco shrugged. "Please tell me." Draco rolled his eyes and turned to walk back to the potion room.

"Draco... wait." Draco turned around and Harry stopped the jinx. He grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him to the bedroom. "So you do want to do this?" Harry didn't answer. He just flopped onto the bed and pulled Draco down with him. Then he kissed Draco. Draco kissed back, biting Harry's lip. They began to fight for dominance with their tongues. Draco won. As Draco's tongue explored Harry's mouth, Harry recognized a taste. He pulled away.

"Liquid Luck? Really Draco?!" He pushed Draco off of him and stormed out of the room. "If you wanna 'get lucky' ask Goyle or something but I'm not going to let you use me," Harry yelled. He stormed over to the fire, grabbed a handful of Floo powder and yelled "the Burrow".

Draco frowned. He felt terrible. Not only because Harry thought he was being used but also because Harry had just rejected him. "What if he doesn't come back? Of course he knows the taste of Felix Felicis, how could I have forgotten he won some from Slughorn? Oh Merlin, Ginny lives at the Burrow. Damn it!" Draco ran to the fireplace and went after Harry without a second thought.

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