If Only You Knew

By bradleemorris

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Harry Potter runs into none other than Draco Malfoy, four years after the war. The two discover that maybe 'h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
A/N and Sequel?

Chapter 22

204 8 5
By bradleemorris

"Dray? You did this?" Harry was speechless. All the people who were important to him were under the same roof, although the roof happened to be charmed invisible, as the Great Hall roof usually was. To be at Hogwarts too, Harry was beaming with joy. "Of course I did. I'm just that amazing. Plus you definitely deserve it. So we'll party here and then a smaller group has more plans. Enjoy."

"Everyone, hello, everyone. You should all know me but if you don't, I'm Hermione Granger. I've been friends with Harry since first year and he means a great deal to me. A few close friends of his got together and planned this surprise as you all know, but he doesn't so that's why I'm sharing this. Harry is a really amazing young man and the best friend anyone could ask for. Harry, I hope you have the best day ever. A few things to note: the tables, except for the Gryffindor table are filled with food and drinks, feel free to feast away, the Gryffindor table should be where you leave your gifts, which we will get to in a second and lastly happy belated birthday Neville! For those who don't know, it was Nev's birthday yesterday. Harry I'd like you to sit wherever you'd like at the Gryffindor table and we can start with gifts." Everyone smiled, some clapped and they all headed to crowd around the Gryffindor table.

"When I call your name, bring your gift to Harry," Hermione instructed. "Hagrid."

Hagrid brought a cage over to Harry. "Happee Birthdae Harry. Eleven years later from the day I met yeh, I never would've known how important yeh'd be in me life. Yer a great friend, Harry. I tried ter get yeh a kneazle fer your gift but I had ter settle fer a cat. I thought it'd on'y be fittin' ter get yeh a pet, tha's wha' I did the firs' birthdae I knew yeh." Harry examined the fluffy grey cat. "Thank you Hagrid. You're very important to me too."

"Teddy Lupin and Andromeda Tonks." Teddy ran up to Harry eagerly and handed Harry a twig. "Look I found this wand in bahyard. I wanna give you to keep." Harry chuckled. "Thanks Teddy, I love it." Teddy beamed and his appearance began to change to look more like Harry. Next Andromeda handed Harry a very small box. "My cousin Sirius gave this to me as a wedding gift. It was his. He gave it to me because both of us were sort of shunned from our family. We were very close. I think he would've wanted you to have it." Harry opened the box to reveal a shiny gold band ring. Sirius's ring. He began to tear up and gave Andromeda a big hug.

Next was McGonagall. She handed Harry a note first. It read: "Harry, I know you already have one of these, but I thought you might want to display it instead of using it, as it was from Sirius. I hope you like it." McGonagall handed Harry an all too familiar package. He unwrapped it to reveal a new Nimbus 2011. "Wow thank you so much Professor, I love it." McGonagall smiled and went back to her seat.

"Narcissa." Harry smiled as Draco's mother approached him. She handed him a photo album. "A lot of people have given memories of your family but unfortunately, l was four years ahead and don't have stories or photos of them to share. But I do have photos." She handed Harry a large, thick leather book. Harry opened it and instantly realized what it was. He had just been gifted an album of Draco's baby photos and photos from his youth. Draco turned beat red. Harry chortled. "Thanks so much Narcissa. This gift is definitely priceless." Draco scowled. "Let's just continue." He huffed.

Molly and Arthur Weasley cheerfully walked over to Harry. "Harry my boy, I know you're going to deny this at first but I really insist," Arthur said as he handed Harry a key. "It's for the Ford Anglia the second. After you crashed the first one into the Whomping Willow I started fixing up a new one. But I don't use it much anymore and you live in muggle London. You just need to get a driver licence and you'll be good." Harry was in such shock he didn't know what to say. Molly plopped a lumpy package in his arms which helped him snap out of it. "Thank you so much. I don't deserve this." He then proceeded to unwrap the trademark Molly Weasley Lumpy Package™. As usual, there were knitted clothes, but this time it was a hat because it wasn't Christmas, so he didn't get a jumper. "I hope you like it dear." Molly smiled. "Yes, I do very much. Thank you both.

"Bill, Fleur and Victoire." Bill escorted his wife and daughter over to Harry. "Alo 'Arry. It's so good to see you again." Fleur handed a small package to Harry and smiled. "We thought you should have this," Bill explained. Harry opened the package to find a key. "It's for Shell Cottage. We thought you might like it as a vacation home and besides, we don't need it anymore now that we've moved back into the Burrow for Mum's help with this little one," He said, motioning to Victoire. "It's all yours." Harry was shocked. "Wow, thank you!" Draco grinned. "We'll be putting that to good use." Harry giggled.

"So Harry, I'm not sure how you'll feel about this but I pulled some strings in Romania and got you a scale off of the exact Hungarian Horntail you faced. I thought it would be a cool memento." Harry nodded and took the scale from Charlie. "Thanks Charlie, that's really cool."

Percy and Oliver were next. Percy walked smoothly up to Harry but Oliver walked quickly and rigidly. He handed Harry a large chest. "I heard you live in muggle London so this might not be of use to you there, but if I understood Perc' correctly, you can put these to use at Shell Cottage." Harry opened the chest and it was full of quidditch balls. "So cool, thanks, guys."

"George and Angelina." The two picked up three small packages. Harry opened the smallest one first. "That's one of my Patented Daydream Charms. They could always come in handy so I thought it'd be useful," George explained. Harry opened the next one. "It's a Pygmy Puff. You know Ginny's puff, Arnold. They make great friends and aren't much work." Harry nodded. "Thanks." He opened the last package. Inside was a picture of his quidditch team during first year. It's signed and everything. "George, Angelina, this is really special. Thank you guys."

"Ron and I will go next. We have seven things for you." First Ron handed Harry a large box. "It's Wizard's Chess, to remind you of our first adventure." Harry smiled at his friends, even tearing up a little. Next Hermione handed Harry a book-shaped package. "This is Moste Potente Potions. The book we used to find the Polyjuice recipe. To remind you of our second adventure." Harry was so emotional at this point. "Third one," Ron said. "These are the sweets you never got to try from Honeydukes on our first trip to Hogsmeade because you couldn't go." Harry smiled back at his friends and wrapped them in a big hug. "You guys are the best. I love you." Draco nudged Harry in the side. "I thought I was the best. You change your mind too quickly. Harry laughed and began unwrapping the fourth gift. It was a framed piece of paper written in several different handwritings. 

The first part said, 'I, Hagrid, told Parvati tha' I was lookin' fer yeh.' The next line said, 'I, Parvati, told Dean that Hagrid told me that he was looking for you.' Following that, it said, 'I, Dean, told Seamus that I was told by Parvati, who was told by Hagrid, that Hagrid was looking for you.' The fourth line said, 'I, Seamus told Ron that I was told by Dean, who was told by Parvati, who was told by Hagrid, that Hagrid was looking for you.' Below that, 'I, Ron, told Hermione that I was told by Seamus, who was told by Dean, who was told by Parvati, who was told by Hagrid, that Hagrid was looking for you.' The last line read, 'This was never even true, I've done it once, I won't do it again, I'm not an owl, love Hermione.' 

Harry laughed out loud. "That's to remind you of fourth year, we got everyone to write it out for you. They were super confused but they still wrote it." Hermione laughed. "Here's the fifth one. It's the sign-up sheet and a D.A. coin from Dumbledore's Army. You were the best D.A. teacher we had. They're to remind you of our mischief in fifth year." Ron handed Harry another package. "Here mate. Thought you'd get a kick out of this." Harry opened the package and in front of him was Ron's old Advanced Potion-Making book. He glanced at Draco, remembering what happened with his own copy of that book and frowning. He opened the book and glanced down at the cover page. 'Property of Roonil Wazlib'. Harry laughed. "A funny memory of sixth year, isn't it Roonil?" Ron joked. Harry chuckled and began opening the final package. Inside was his old wand, that Hermione had accidentally broken. "Our final adventure," Hermione said. "We have so many great memories with you Harry and we hope for so many more. Promise?" Harry smiled and hugged his friends once more. "I promise."

"Draco, your turn." Draco shook his head. "Nope, my gifts are for at home."

"Alright, Pansy and Blaise." Pansy pulled Draco out of his seat and around in front of Harry. "We got you quite a few things. Firstly, I painted Dray's nails." She winked. "Just for you. Try and contain yourself." Both Harry and Draco blushed very hard. Blaise handed Harry a book. "You need this." Harry read the title. "Gay and Thriving? Why do I need this?" Blaise laughed. "Just read it."

"Theo and Daphne, you're up." Theo handed Harry a box. "This is what Draco requested we give you. He says he's tired of loaning you his suits and you need to look as charming as him. So here's a suit." Harry gave Draco a look. "This is the only time I've ever borrowed a suit from you." Draco chuckled. "Thanks, guys," Harry said.

Neville and Luna approached Harry, Luna skipping the whole way. Harry opened the parcel they had for him. "Those are spectrespecs and there's a butterbeer cork, it keeps away the nargles," Luna explained. "The plant's from me," Neville explained. "It's a Flitterbloom." Harry nodded. "Well thank you guys, very thoughtful.

Cho and Ginny gave Harry and Draco tickets to the next game the Harpies were playing. Justin and Hannah brought a cake. Katie gave him alcohol and Alicia gave him a 'world's best seeker' mug.

"Dean and Seamus." Dean threw a shirt at Harry. A blue shirt with a dark blue collar. "Look familiar?" Seamus asked. Harry facepalmed. "Could someone explain please?" Draco asked. "Gladly, Harry always wore this shirt throughout his years at Hogwarts and even during the war. We always joked that he only owned the one shirt. Now he owns two. But they're exactly the same." Dean laughed. Harry laughed too.

Goyle strutted up to Harry, smirked at Draco and looked back over to Harry. "Here. It's a green apple. You wanna get Draco into bed with you, this is all you need. He loves them." Draco looked really angry. "Uh, er- well um thanks? Dray, calm down." Harry placed his hand on Draco's knee. "That's not all I have, so one time I was at Draco's house and I walked in on-" Draco interrupted Goyle frantically. "Okay, that's enough. Next person."

"I believe that's me," Kingsley said, handing Harry a large envelope. "These are photos of your parents, Sirius and Remus as well. But not from adulthood as most of your photos are. These are photos from their school days." Harry smiled. "Thanks Kingsley. I'll look at these later. Thank you so much."

After the gifts, food and socializing, a smaller group headed off to the Three Broomsticks.

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