Us. (DracoXReader) 16+

By writingsbyemm

265K 6.7K 7.4K

Follow the love story between Draco and you. Will you make it out together?? (This story does not revolve ar... More



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By writingsbyemm

Readers POV

Y/n got up from her bed and put on some jeans, a sweater and her winter cloak. She made her way to the mirror and applied some mascara to her eyelashes, a touch of concealer under her eyes, and a little bit of lip balm to her lips. She tossed her hair up before grabbing the invitation from her bag, just in case, and leaving the dorm rooms. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that neither Ron or Harry were in the common room.

"Where do you think you're going?" The fat lady in the frame spoke as Y/n closed the door, making her jump. Y/n brought her index finger up to her lips and winked at the fat lady portrait, who proceeded to smirk at Y/n and nod.

It was an effort to get to the Slytherin common room. She hated sneaking passed Mrs. Norris and Filch, but Y/n somewhat enjoyed the thrill. Relief was an understatement when she finally made it to the Slytherin common room without being caught. She brought her fist up to the door and knocked 3 times, waiting at least 15 seconds before the door opened.

"Y/l/n! You made it!" Blaise cheered, moving aside to let her in. 

"I'm here!" Y/n fake cheered, throwing her hands in the air, gaining a laugh from Blaise. 

"Here, have a drink." Blaise smirked, grabbing a green cup from the table and shoving it into Y/n's hands. She looked at what appeared to be pumpkin juice in the cup and cautiously took a sip. The burn in her throat told her it was a mixture of pumpkin juice and alcohol, probably vodka.

"How on earth did you get alcohol in here?" Y/n questioned, clearing her now burning throat.

"Slytherin boys have their ways." Blaise shrugged, throwing his arm over Y/n's shoulder. "Come, come, join us." Blaise grinned, dragging her to where everyone else was sitting. Y/n sat down next to Blaise and looked around.

She caught sight of a blonde-haired boy staring at her, fury prominent on his face. Pansy was sat next to him, her legs over his, her hands playing with the buttons on his shirt.

"What is she doing here?" Draco seethed, making the other Slytherin's look at Y/n. Y/n looked down at her hands that were holding the drink.

"Yeah, what is a Gryffindor doing here?" Pansy furrowed her brows at Y/n.

"Y/n here, is my dear friend and is the best Gryffindor at this school. She is kickass." Blaise grinned, nudging Y/n's shoulder. 

"Well, if Blaise likes you, we're all good." Marcus Flint spoke, holding out his hand for a handshake. Y/n smiled and shook his hand. The music playing in the room, Boys and girls starting to make out with each other.

"Guys, let's play truth or dare?" Pansy suggested. Y/n furrowed her brows. "A kids game? I came here for a kids game?" Y/n thought, taking a sip of her drink as everyone agreed to play.

"Zabini. Truth or dare?" Pansy smirked at Blaise, who then peered at Y/n.

"Dare." He said assertively, licking his lips.

"Take off your shirt." Pansy grinned, taking her legs of Draco's lap. Blaise put his cup on the floor by his feet and took of his shirt. Y/n looked the other way to not stare for too long.

Oh, so its this type of game...

A few other dares went around, people ended up kissing, and more pieces of clothes came off.

"Y/l/n." She heard and Y/n's head snapped up. "Truth or dare." Pansy grinned at her. Y/n though for a moment. She didn't feel like taking off her clothes in front of the entire Slytherin house, so she chose the safer option.

"Truth." Y/n spoke, 'Oooh's' filling the room. She was the first one to say 'truth.' Pansy thought for a moment before Pansy smiled smugly.

"Are you a virgin?" Pansy said, knowing the answer would embarrass Y/n.

"Uhm, aren't we 15?" Y/n questioned, receiving confused looks. 

"So?" Pansy shrugged, running her fingers down Draco's arm, him also smirking.

"I'll do dare." Y/n changed her answer crossing her arms and leaning forward, Y/n beginning to smile. Pansy raised an eyebrow at Y/n. Y/n felt eyes on her, but she ignored it.

"Hmm, go into that closet with Draco." Pansy ordered, pointing to a small closet, the door open. The closet was only big enough for one person to stand in there. Y/n's smiled dropped and Draco's jaw clenched.

"Pansy-" Draco began, but was cut off by Pansy.

"For fifteen minutes." She added, winking at Blaise. Blaise then stood up, pulling me up and dragging me to the closet.

"No, guys-" Y/n pleaded, but was shoved into the small space, Blaise standing at the door way so Y/n couldn't get up. She peered over Blaise's shoulder and saw Draco also being pulled towards the closet, his lips moving, obviously threatening everyone.

"I seriously hate you right now, Blaise." Y/n muttered to Blaise, who chuckled. Draco was then pushed into Y/n, their chests pressed together. The door was then slammed shut before any of them could move, the light leaving the closet, leaving the light peeking in from the sides of the door to illuminate the small space.

"This is awkward." Y/n cleared her throat. She could smell him. He smelt like a mixture of aftershave, apples, clean clothes, and a hint of alcohol in his breath.

"Shut up, y/l/n." He seethed, glaring at her and his nostrils flaring. There was no doubt he could smell her too. Her strawberry and coconut shampoo filled his senses. He enjoyed the smell. He probably would've found it in himself to make out with her if she wasn't a Gryffindor or a Mud blood.

"Seriously Malfoy? Can you not be so rude for once? Not sure you are aware of this, but WE are both stuck in here for fifteen minutes, not just you." Y/n yelled at him, rolling her eyes as he huffed.

"You told me you weren't coming." He muttered at her, y/n looking up to make eye contact.

"Well, Draco, you don't have a say in what I can and cannot do." Y/n answered, crossing her arms. Draco raised his eyebrows at her, his white hair falling in front of his eyes and he made no attempt to fix it, which bothered Y/n to the point where she raised her hand and parted his hair out of his eyes so he could see her clearly. He squinted his eyes at her as he felt something in his lower abdomen lurch and he clenched his jaw. His hair was soft and silky, which y/n never expected his hair to feel like.

"Sorry." Y/n cleared her throat once she had realized what she had done. "It was bothering me a lot." He pursed his lips and nodded.

"We should, uh, probably try and find a way out of here." Draco suggested and Y/n nodded, trying to squish past him to reach the door handle. Draco felt her bottom brush against his front and he looked up at the ceiling, pulling his hips back. 'why is this happening right now?' He thought to himself, clearing his throat as he felt his cheeks redden. 

"Shit." Y/n mumbled with a huff.

"What?" Draco's head snapped down to look at her.

"My wand. Blaise must've taken it when he dragged me in here." Y/n muttered, fiddling with the handle. Draco felt around his pockets and took his wand out, handing it to Y/n.

"Thanks." Y/n smiled at him and he nodded. "Alohomora." Y/n spoke the unlocking charm and a laugh came out from behind the door.

"That spell isn't gonna work on that door!" Pansy yelled and y/n punched the door in frustration. Y/n then sighed and attempted to turn back around. 

"Lumos." Y/n whispered and light emitted from the end of Draco's wand, which illuminated the room further. She then handed the wand back to Draco, light still coming out of the tip.

"Thank Merlin one of us remembered the wands." Draco chuckled, and y/n smiled and nodded. They stood in the small room for the rest of the time they had left until suddenly the door opened and they both looked out to the crowd staring at them.

"You know, you could be a decent person if you were more nice." Y/n whispered to Draco, turning her head to look at him, sending him a small smile before walking out of the closet, snatching her wand from Blaise, and left the party. Draco cleared his throat and also walked out of the closet.

"What happened in there?" Blaise smirked at Draco's red cheeks.

"Nothing. I'm going to bed. I've had enough of this party." Draco muttered, pushing past everyone and making his way to his room. But he didn't sleep.

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