White Lies ✓

By but3rfliez

200K 5.7K 16.5K

All your life you've fought to prove yourself. Whether it was through school, work, or your personal life. Wh... More

Author's Note
1 - Dust Bunnies
2 - Bright Lights
3 - New Girl
4 - 800 Degrees
5 - Impulse Control
6 - Carpooling
7 - Setbacks
8 - Cloak and Dagger
9 - Sweet Dreams
10 - Emergency Calls
12 - Insomniac
13 - Predispositions
14 - Narcotic's Anonymous
15 - Swipe Right
16 - Surrogates
17 - The Devil On His Shoulder
18 - Just Tonight
19 - Concussions and Apologies
20 - A Nice Goodbye
21 - A Dangerous Backfire
22 - Long Distance
23 - Homecoming
24 - Spencer's Letter
25 - Bittersweet Victory
26 - Damsel in Distress
27 - The Twilight Zone
28 - Long Time No See
29 - Internal Affairs
30 - Family Dinner
Playlist - White Lies

11 - Team Player

6.4K 183 764
By but3rfliez

Bright lights danced behind your eyelids as you squeezed them tight. You could hear Hotch and Prentiss step into the room, talking in hushed tones to the doctor.

"How is she?" Your boss whispered.

"She's going to make a full recovery physically, but she might struggle with flashbacks for a while. Keep an eye on her."

"Will do."

You felt the bed sag as someone sat by your feet. "Y/N?" Prentiss whispered. "Are you awake?"

You nodded slowly, still keeping your eyes shut.

"Is everything okay? Are you hurting?" She asked.

"No, I'm fine, the lights are a little bright." You said quietly.

Hotch must have switched off the lights, as they went off without Prentiss moving. You opened your eyes slowly, adjusting to the cold hospital room. Prentiss sat at your feet with a worried look on her face. You smiled weakly.

"Where's everyone? Where's Spencer?" You asked, turning to look at Hotch.

He stood, leaning against the doorframe. "They're in the waiting room, do you want me to bring them in."

"Yes please."

Hotch left the room, leaving you and Prentiss alone. "Are you okay? Like, really okay?"

Your smile broke. "I thought I was going to die." You whispered, looking down at your hands. "And there was nothing there, Prentiss. No white light, no singing angels, just darkness."

She scooted farther up on the bed, pulling your hands into hers. "You made it. You're strong and you made it, YN. Don't let the rest get to you. You're alive, and you're here."

Tears stung your eyes as the team filtered in the room. You pulled away from her, wiping your tears quickly. "Hey, guys." You said, trying to smile. "How's it hanging."

"You scared us for a second kiddo," Rossi said, smiling at you.

"We're glad you're doing better," JJ added, patting your shoulder.

"Do you need anything?" Morgan asked.

"I'm pretty hungry," you confessed, smiling at the team. "Almost dying builds up an appetite."

"She's got jokes," Morgan said, laughing. "I'll track down some for you."

As he left, Spencer stepped into the room. Hotch nodded at the team, and they slowly left the room, smiling at you as they went.

"Hey." He whispered, sitting in the chair next to your bed.

"Hey yourself." You said back.

"I thought I lost you for a second." He said, looking down.

"Don't get too excited," you joked. "You can't get rid of me that easily."

"I'm sorry." He said, ignoring your feeble attempt at comedy. "If I'd called sooner..."

You interrupted his train of thought "Spencer. Shut up. You saved my life."

He smiled sadly at you. "Yeah, I guess I did. Now you owe me."

You laughed. "Yeah, I guess I do. So, are we trauma buddies now?" You asked, poking his knee.

He smiled. "You wish."

"Oh trust me, I'm fine leaving it how it is. I was just making sure you didn't need comforting."

Spencer opened his mouth to respond, but Morgan stepped into the room. He put the tray down on the table next to you.

"Here you go," he said, sitting by your feet.

Before you could check out the food he brought you, Spencer reached towards the tray and claimed the package of jello.

"Hey!" You complained as he tore off the top. "I was gonna eat that!"

"Too bad." He shrugged, sucking some of the jello into his mouth.

You rolled your eyes as he slurped the jello, making an obnoxious smacking sound. Reaching for the tray, you grabbed the small plate of fruit and popped a grape into your mouth.

"So, how long am I stuck here for?" You asked Morgan.

"I'll double-check with Hotch, but I'm pretty sure we can bust you out by tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" You groaned. "I hate sleeping in hospitals."

"Don't worry," Morgan said, smiling. "We'll keep you company."

"Team sleepover?" You asked, grinning back.

"Team sleepover." He agreed.

The day was full of commotion. You were constantly being poked and prodded by different doctors, checking to make sure everything was working right. Luckily for you, your team never left your side, using their FBI credentials to persuade the nurses to extend the visiting hours into the night, making it quite awkward when your hospital gown almost fell open in front of your boss. That's when JJ thought it would be a good idea to go to your hotel room and bring you your things, so you could put on your pajamas and avoid accidentally nudity. Hotch made you call Garcia and let her know you were okay, but you could barely speak over her bubbling. Later into the night, the nurses wheeled in some cots, and Morgan, Prentiss, JJ, and Spencer chose to take part in the promised sleepover. Hotch and Rossi prepared to go back to the hotel.

"Rossi?" You called as he stepped out of the room.

"What's up kid?"

"You know, there's only one thing that would make me feel better."

He stared at you warily. "And what's that?"

"Dinner party at the mansion when we get back? Please?" You widened your eyes at him, trying to look as innocent as possible.

"I feel bad saying no to someone in a hospital bed," he said smiling.

"Then don't say no. Say yes!"

"We'll see." He said, escaping the room.

You turned and winked at Prentiss. "Let's hope that worked."

She laughed and grabbed the remote from the table. "It's not fair, you've only been here for two months and you're already his favorite."

You shrugged. "What can I say, I'm popular."

Spencer rolled his eyes. "Yeah, and in the hospital," he grumbled.

Morgan laughed. "Someone's jealous."

You joined in, laughing as Preniss flipped the channels, looking for something to watch.

"Ooh! Law and Order!" JJ said, pointing at the screen "Come on, it's kinda funny."

"Funny?" You asked.

"Well, not haha funny, more like, it's interesting to watch it knowing everything we know."

Prentiss smiled at JJ. "Law and Order it is."

As the episode started, the nurses brought in your food, smacking away Spencer's and Morgan's hands as they reached for your food.

"Go get your own," the head nurse joked.

You laughed. "Thanks, they've been eating all my meals for me."

Morgan and Spencer both left to find the cafeteria, offering to bring back food for JJ and Prentiss too.

"So," JJ started as soon as the men left the room. "How was being undercover with Spencer?"

You sighed. "Weird. It was really awkward. We had to share a bed and everything." You said, wringing your nose. "And he was mean, like always."

Prentiss laughed. "Did you kill his childhood pet or something? What happened between you two."

You shrugged and laughed. "I'm telling you, the hatred is mutual. I guess he's threatened by a strong woman." You said, lifting your arm and flexing your bicep.

JJ and Prentiss laughed as Morgan and Spencer came back.

"What's so funny?" Spencer asked.

"Nothing, nothing," Prentiss said, sending the three of you into another fit of giggles.

The bland hospital food was passed around as the theme song of SVU played over the speakers. You looked down and frowned at the turkey sandwich on your plate, wishing you'd let Morgan steal it. You eyed his PB+J, waiting until he was distracted by something Prentiss was saying before slyly switching your plates and taking a bite before he could notice.

"Hey!" He complained a few minutes later, after taking a bite of the sandwich. "Who took my diner?"

You could feel him looking at you, but you kept your eyes on the TV, trying your hardest to choke down the laughter building in your chest

He laughed quietly. "You're lucky you're in the hospital right now, Y/N. You get one pass."

You giggled. "I don't think being in the hospital counts as lucky."

"Shush and watch the show."

As you all watched, you found yourselves laughing at the mistakes, pointing out obvious clues, and completely solving the case before the episodes even ended. After three, you felt yourself drifting off. Spencer noticed, and motioned for JJ to turn off the TV. You listened as your teammates settled into their cots, and you fell asleep to the sounds of their breathing.


"Please don't,"

"You'll never be happy"

"Take anything"

"Its the only way."

The tightening of a stocking around your neck, hands, darkness.

You awoke with a gasp, sitting up quickly. Frantically glancing around the room, it took you a second to remember where you were. Morgan, JJ, and Prentiss laid in the cots around you, sleeping, but Spencer was nowhere to be seen. You noticed the light on from under the bathroom door and shrugged it off, he was probably just using the bathroom. As sleep claimed you again, you heard Spencer open the bathroom door and stumble back to his bed, sighing as he laid back down.


You woke up again around seven to the sound of your doctor talking.

"Good morning everyone," said Dr. Morrison, smiling warmly. "We've got a big day." He passed you a small cup of water and the pain medication they had you on.

Tossing back the pills and the water, you smiled back. "Good morning."

"Okay, I'm gonna need everyone to leave the room. If you want Y/N cleared to go home today, I've got to get some things done."

The team nodded and left the room, leaving Dr. Morrison to weave through the labyrinth of cots.

"Sorry about that," You said quietly. "I was a little nervous to sleep alone."

The doctor shook his head. "Don't worry about it. That's quite common. So, let's get started"

The poking and prodding commended, filling your morning with tests.

"We did all of these yesterday!" You complained.

Dr. Morrison laughed. "We've got to double-check."

You frowned. "Fine."

After an hour, he was done, and he handed you your week-long prescription as you thanked him profusely. He called Hotch to come to sign you out. Morgan followed him into the hospital room and grabbed your duffle bag, insisting on carrying it out of the room.

"We're busting you out," he said, grinning.

"Finally," you joked back. "I'm ready to get the hell out of here."

Hotch nodded over to you from the nurses' station and you approached to sign some paperwork before following Hotch to the SUV's parked outside, and he blended you a hand in stepping up into the car. You were greeted by Prentiss. Morgan slid into the seat next to you, and Hotch took the driver's seat. The rest of the team was already loaded into the other car, and you set off to the airport. The drive was quick and quiet, and soon Hotch was pulling up to the tarmac. Funny enough, the jet was a comforting sight. You were ready to go home.

"Let's get going," Prentiss said, hopping out of the car and opening your door for you.

You followed her slowly up the jet steps, clutching the railing tightly. As you entered the jet, the rest of the team was already sitting, and Rossi patted the seat next to him.

"I thought about your request," he said as you sat down. "And I'm granting you one dinner party this month. Okay?"

Before you could respond, Prentiss was clapping at the coffee station. "Woohoo! Guys! We did it! Party at Rossi's!"

The team laughed as Prentiss mimed a small touchdown dance.

"Tomorrow night?" He asked, looking at you. "Only if you're up for it."

You smiled at him. "That sounds perfect, thank you."

"Anything for you, kiddo." He said as he leaned back and shut his eyes.

You tried to mimic him as the plane took off, but you couldn't sleep. Physically you were exhausted, but every time you shut your eyes, your brain was going at a mile a minute, jumping at the smallest sounds. The flight home felt longer than normal, and you were completely conscious the whole time. Finally, you were able to slow your thoughts by reading the book you'd packed. A few hours into the story, the plane started its descent, and you packed your things back up.

"Do you need someone to take you home?" Hotch asked.

"No, I'm fine. I should probably check in with Garcia anyways." You said smiling as you stood to leave the plane.

You walked across the tarmac and into the building belonging to the FBI. The second you stepped out of the elevator on the 6th floor, you were met with a hyper Penelope Garcia. She hugged you tightly, rocking back and forth.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she said, squeezing you tighter.

You patted her back, struggling a little to breathe. After a minute of suffocation, she let you go, but still holding you at arm's length.

"Do you need anything?" she asked.

"I'm okay for now," you said. "But I'll let you know if I think of anything."

She smiled and rubbed your shoulder and smiled. "I'll let you get to your paperwork."

"Thanks, Garcia."

You walked over to your desk and sat, looking at the frustrating stack of papers on your desk. Your brush with death earned you an accident report, so you'd probably be spending a little bit of overtime at the office tonight, with only Spencer and Hotch to keep you company.


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