Secret - Karma Akabane x Read...

By OhSnapCiderIsFizzy

46.5K 1.2K 706

You live with your uncle, Tadaomi Karasuma after your mother and father died. You were originally in Class A... More

Professor Bitch
School trip
Final exams
Summer vacation
Fem-boy, Nagisa
Taking advantages
Unexpected plot twist
The End Of Summer Vacation
Back On School Grounds
Welcome Back, Itona
No. 2
Big Dismay
School festival
Studied too hard
All an act
Some time off
Kill vs Don't kill
The big showdown
New year, end of the school year
Goodbye, Professor Koro
Congratulations (Fin)

Splash party

1.6K 45 23
By OhSnapCiderIsFizzy

"You should have seen Nagisa today, Karma! He was so cool with that knife!" You explained to Karma while you guys were walking to the train station together what happened while he missed out, skipping class.

"Ah, really?"

"Yeah, you really should have seen it!" 

Soon, you guys reached the train station and you handed him his bag, then you separated to your own trains you had to take.

When you got home doing homework, you thinking about what happened today with Takaoka.

Can't believe he was that much of a big psychopath... He seriously called abuse "education" and said that we have to obey him because he's our "dad."I may not have a dad, and I kinda want one, but not him, Jesus Christ...

~~Time skip~~

It was another hot day in school, and when you walked into the classroom, you guys were told to change into your school swimsuits. You didn't know why, since there was no pool and there was no pool that you saw as you came into the campus, but you did as you guys were told.

"Phew! Helter swelter! That's what they say in Osaka when a heat wave hits." He said as you guys walked into the forest by the campus.

You didn't know where he was leading you guys to, but going under the trees made you feel less hot because of the shades.

"Jeez, it's hot. Why's he got us out here on the mountain at the back?" Sugino complained.

"But I like it!" You said.

"What? Why?! We're in Tokyo, so we should be in the city between buildings, not the mountains!"

"Eh, I dunno. Ever since I was a kid, I always wanted to live alone in the mountains or a private island all by myself. It just seemed kinda comforting, being in nature all alone. It also kinda seemed relaxing."

"If he's looking for a pool, there's one at the main campus." Ritsu said through Nagisa's phone. "But that's not the direction, is it?"

"No..." Nagisa said and he put his phone down.

You guys continued walking a bit more, but there was still nothing that you saw.

"Hey, Nagisa." Karma said and Nagisa looked at him. "(Y/N) told me yesterday you really knocked 'em dead the other day. I sure wish I could've seen that assassination of yours." They both smiled at each other.

You guys continued walking, when Professor Koro stopped and started chuckling.

"Alright, we're here! Behold!" You guys couldn't see anything, but when you moved some bushes and tree branches to the side, you guys saw a small lake that had pool items in it. 

There were small waterfalls, a stream, and the water looked pretty clean and crystal clear. 

"A pool I made specially for my E Class!"

You all took off your jackets and jumped in. The water was pretty cool for the weather, so it really made all the heat in your body go away.

You weren't the best swimmer exactly, though. You could still jump in, go under water, float, etc. but you could barely swim.

You and Nagisa were hanging around together in the pool, when Nakamura and Fuwa came up to you guys.

"Nagisa... You... You're a boy!" Nakamura said, and she genuinely looked deadass serious.

"You just noticed?!"

"Well, can you blame us?" Okano said.

"I mean, when I transferred, I thought he was a girl too." You said.

"(Y/N), you too?!"

You guys all fell into a laughter.

"Oh, and speaking of, you've changed a lot, (Y/N)." Okano said.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"Don't you remember on your first day, you said "I'm not here to make friends"? You sounded so weird and edgy." Nakamura said.

"Oh, uh- did I?" You chuckled.

"Yeah, and your personality's been also kinda like Karma's lately." 

"Yeah, I've noticed too." Okano agreed.

"Wh-What? This is my usual personality."

"No, I mean, like, speaking what's on your mind, and maybe saying such great comebacks."

"Y-Yeah, I'm originally like that..."

"Wait, what? Then how come you were so cold to us back then?"

"I... Um... Well, the truth is, I didn't come to Class E to kill Professor Koro because I wanted to... I'm not saying I'm not a student, I was in Class A, but I was told that I had to come in. And I was also one of those students that always looked down on you guys... But after hanging out and having some fun with you all, I slowly started to notice you guys weren't that bad! Even up until the school trip, I tired avoiding you guys, because I noticed that I was becoming more friendlier and that wasn't exactly my intention..." You said.

"Wow, what a confession." Nakamura said.

"I know..." You all chuckled.

You guys then all heard Professor Koro blow the whistle.

"Kimura! No running at the poolside!" He yelled. "You could slip and that's dangerous!" He was now a lifeguard."Oh, s-sorry."

A few minutes later, you heard another whistle go off.

"Hara, Nakamura! Watch the breath-holding! If you stay under too long, how will we know you haven't drowned?" He lectured. "Okajima! I'm confiscating that camera!" He then took his camera out of his hands. "Hazama, don't just read all day and swim!"

You guys continued to hear the whistles the whole time, and you couldn't really enjoy yourself. You understood that he was just trying to keep you guys safe and let you guys have fun, but this was just too much. He blew the whistle to the point that he was playing a little tune on it.

"I've heard of these. You know, people who act like royalty in their own domain."

"Yeah, it sorta puts a damper on all our gratitude."

Professor Koro laughed.

"My elaborate plan makes the most of the natural surroundings, from the scenery to the design. It must be enjoyed in a orderly fashion!"

"Aw, don't be such a stick-in-the-mud, Professor Koro! Have a splash!" Kurahashi splashed water towards Professor Koro, and he screamed like a little girl. "Wh-What was that scream just now..?"

Then without a warning, Karma started shaking the chair back and forth that Professor Koro was sitting on while laughing, and he screamed even more.

"Karma! Stop that! I'll fall in! I'm going to fall! Do you hear me?! I'll fall in! Please!" He eventually came down from the chair, and he was breathing deep breaths in and out.

"Professor Koro..."

"Don't tell me..."

"Oh, I just don't feel like swimming. That's all. It's not like my tentacles get too swollen for me to move or anything." He looked way too guilty and he was obviously lying.

"But what's with that kick board of yours?" Mimura asked. "I was sure you were gonna swim."

"This is not a kick board! It's a wafer!" He showed that he took a bite out of it.

"That's  a snack?!" 

~~Time skip~~

It was the next day and you guys were back in the campus, and it was free time. So in the classroom, you guys were talking about motorcycles. Well, mostly Yoshida and Professor Koro.

"Are you serious, Professor Koro?! It looks just like the real thing!" Yoshida said.

"The hell are you doing, Yoshida?" Terasaka questioned. 

"Oh, uh, hey, Terasaka! The two of us were talkin' motorcycles the other day, since no one else in school is into 'em."

"Not only am I a grown-up, I am also a man among men." Professor Koro said on the motorcycle. "I've been known to dabble in this kind of hobby. Plus, this baby can hit three hundred kilometres an hour.  What I wouldn't give to ride the real thing one day!" He said as he got off of it.

"You kiddin'? It'd be faster just to pick it up and fly!" Yoshido joked and everyone started laughing.

Terasaka then seemed to get pissed and he kicked the motorcycle down, and Professor Koro started crying.

"The hell, Terasaka? What was that for?!" Yoshida yelled at him.

"You apologize, right now! Professor Koro's not just a grown-up, hes a man among men! And you made him cry!" Nakamura said.

"Yeah, that's right!"

"You guys are just buzzin' like a bunch of bugs... Time for an extermination!" He took out some spray can out of his desk and threw it onto the ground, and it released some kinda smoke or dust.

"What's this?!"

"A bug bomb?"

"Terasaka! Pranks are pranks, but this is going too-" Professor Koro was cut off.

"Don't touch me, monster. You disgust me- and so are all of you. Getting pulled into bein' all buddy-buddy with a monster!"

"What's got you so bothered, hmm?" Karma asked. "If you don't like it, just kill him. You're allowed to do that here, after all." 

"You tryin' to start somethin'? Fine by me! From day one, you've been really annoying!"

"Jeez, Terasaka. What he just said was true. If you don't like it, maybe you should have studied better. You were clearly aware about Class E always being the terrible place, so you wouldn't be in a class that is treated poorly and was left to do this kinda job." You told him.

"What was that?!" He started walking towards you, but Karma got in front and grabbed him by the face.

"Now, now, Terasaka. If you want to fight, actions speak louder than words."

"Lemme go!" He slapped Karma's hand away from his face. "Bunch of losers..." He walked out the classroom, slamming the door.

"What's with him?" Maehara said.

"Does he have to stir things up? Isogai added.

~~Time skip~~

The next day during lunch, Professor Koro couldn't stop crying for some reason.

"What's with all the crying over nothing?" Professor Bitch asked.

"No, no... These are my nostrils. I'm not crying, my nose is running. These are my eyes."

"What's the difference?!"

"I've been feeling a little off since yesterday." He claimed, and Terasaka came into class. "Oh, Terasaka! I was worried you wouldn't come in today!" He ran up to him, causing all his "octopus snot" to go everywhere, and it made an even bigger mess when he started freaking out and shaking about Terasaka coming into class.

Terasaka wiped them off with Professor Koro's tie.

"Hey, octopus. It's time we killed you for real. Come to the pool after class. After all, I hear water's your weakness. You all come help! I'll knock him smack into the water for you!" Terasaka said.

"You haven't helped with anyone else's assassination, Terasaka. And now you're ordering us around when it suits you? You really think anyone's gonna jump at the chance to help you?" Maehara said, which was true.

"Like I give a damn either way. Hell, I'd be happy to have the ten-billion-yen prize all to myself."

"Pft, I'd like to see you try..." You mumbled as you took a bite of your lunch.

"What's his deal?" Yoshida said.

"I can't keep up!" Muramatsu continued.

"Well, I'm not going." Kurahashi said.

"Same." Okano agreed.

"Oh, let's all go!" Professor Koro said, and you all noticed that his snot was flooding the room, and it hardened.

"Woah, his snot's all hardened! We can't escape!" Kiruma yelled.

"Terasaka's all ready to assassinate me now! This is the perfect chance for everyone to kill and make up!"

"First of all, you're so gross!"

~~Time skip~~

You guys were all back in the pool, but you didn't want to help Terasaka' with his plan, so you sat down by the rocks on the side without him noticing.

"Everyone spread out in the pool, just like that!" He shouted.

"Please, he thinks he's the leader of this classroom..." You said.

"I have doubts about this." Takebayashi said as he fixed his glasses. "Do you een have what it takes to make another person swim?"

"Hey, Takebayashi, shut up and get in!" Terasaka kicked Takebayashi into the pool.

"Hey, Terasaka! Why don't you shut up for once?" You spoke up again. 

"Huh? Why aren't you in the pool?" He asked.

"That doesn't answer my question, smart ass." He was about to push you in, but you grabbed his wrist hard and didn't let go. "Stop acting like you're the king here. Act humble for a bit, would you? You seriously sound like the spoiled ass 5 year old girl I saw at the mall a few days ago." You walked away to where you were sitting.

He clicked his tongue and decided to do his plan without you.

Professor Koro then showed up from behind.

"Ah, I see. you'll knock me into the water and have everyone stab me, yes? Then tell me, how do you plan to do so? That pistol won't make me move a single step."

Terasaka then pointed the gun to Professor Koro.

"You ready for this, monster?" He said.

"Of course I'm ready, my nose has even stopped running."

"I've always hated you. Wanted more than anything for you to disappear."

"Yes, I know." Professor Koro's face then had green stripes on it. "After this assassination, we'll have a nice, long talk."

Terasaka then seemed really pissed, so he pulled the trigger, but nothing shot out of it. Instead, some bomb went off on the wall that was holding the water together. The wall was now destroyed, causing all the water to gush out with the other students.

"Everyone!" Professor Koro jumped straight into action to save them.

He tried to grab every student, even after his tentacles got swollen from the water.

Soon enough, all the water from the pool was gone, and so was Professor Koro. You saw Karma come in through the trees shortly after the explosion.  

"What the hell?"

"Karma!" You called out to him.

"(Y/N)! What happened?"

"I dunno! There was some kind of explosion on the wall over there, and all the water gushed out with our classmates." You both looked over to Terasaka looking scared.

"I... I didn't do anything! It ain't like that he said... I was supposed to get to Itona over there and push him in!"

"Oh, I see. It wasn't your own plan. You were being strung along." Karma said.

"Look, I'm tellin' ya, it's not my fault! Blame the guy who put me up to it! He's the reason everyone got taken for a ride-" He was then pushed in the face by Karma.

"You're the one who got taken for a ride. If you've got time to go pointing fingers, try using it to figure out what you want to do here." Karma then ran down to where the water rushed out.

"If your selfish ass didn't agree to this, this wouldn't have happened." You followed Karma.

You guys came down to see Professor Koro and Itona fighting. Professor Koro's tentacles were all stiff, and he was getting hit very easily.

"Is this for real?"

"Did it really take that little water to neutralize him?"

"It ain't just the water." Terasaka showed up.


"He can't go all-out 'cause he just got finished savin' you all. See? Look above him there."

"Ah! Token chubster Hara could fall at any second!" You saw that Hara was hanging onto a small tree branch, and it was bending over.

"And to protect her and the others, Professor Koro..." Professor Koro was trying to fight off Itona and keep an eye on Hara at the same time.

"She's pretty heavy and fat, so this doesn't look good." Terasaka rudely commented about her body.

"Watch your God damn mouth." You slapped his lips.

"Augh!" He groaned. "I'm not wrong!"

"You don't gotta say it like that! You wouldn't like it if I said that your mirror would break from how ugly you are!"

"What was that?!" He tried to attack you, but you knew Karma got your back. He grabbed him by the shirt, and threw him to the ground. You gave Karma a high five and thanked him.

"We've got to save her!"

"But how?!"

"Wait a second... Don't tell me they roped you into doing all this!" Isogai said to Terasaka as he got up.

Everyone looked at Terasaka.

"That's right. Shortsighted guys like me with no vision and no goals are doomed to be played by smart guys like them. But you know, at least lemme pick who gets to pull my strings. I've had it up to here with those jokers, and I sure don't like the idea of 'em walkin' off with the prize."

You hit him by the head.

"Is that something to brag about, huh? Is that something to brag about?! HUH?!"

"Shut up! I'm trying to speak!-- So, Karma... Why don't you try controllin' me?"


"Gimme a strategy, fresh outta that shrewd noggin' of yours! I'll pull it off perfectly and save all of them!"

"Fine by me, but can you even handle one of my plans?" He slid his hand down Terasaka's shirt, opening it. "It might be the death of you."

"Oh, I'll do it, alright. I'm the perpetrator who gets results." 

After listening to Karma's plan, he jumped right into the water below.



"You tricked me good!"

"Don't get so upset. All you did was get your classmates in trouble. Perfect for a fellow who didn't fit into the E Class like you."

"Shut up! I ain't gonna forgive you for what you did!" He then took off his shirt and held it like he was a bull fighter. "Itona! You and me, one on one!"

"Stop that, Terasaka! He's not someone you can win against!" Professor Koro told him, but he obviously didn't listen.

"Stay outta this, octopuff!" Shiro then chuckled.

"What a hero. Shut him up, Itona."

"Karma!" Nagisa yelled.

"It's alright. That Shiro guy's not out to kill us students. Ant it's precisely because we're alive that Professor Koro's attention is divided. Even Hara might look like she's in trouble, but Itona's attacks won't be aimed at her. It's like I told Terasaka: He'll hit you with a tentacle hard enough to knock you out, but that's fast and as powerful as it'll get, so hold on for dear life."

Terasaka was then hit hard by Itona's tentacle, but he sucked up the pain and dealt with it.

"You held up well! Alright, Itona. Give him another." Itona took his tentacle back, and Terasaka's shirt went with it.

As soon as he did, he sneezed. 

"Terasaka's still wearing his shirt from yesterday. Which means it got a direct hit at point-blank range from whatever was in that weird spray. That's sure to have an effect on Itona." Itona started sneezing nonstop, and his eyes started tearing up a little. "So, with that opening his defenses, our octopus has a chance to rescue Hara." He then signaled for some of the classmates to jump in the water.

"Yoshida! Muramatsu! Gimme a real big one!" Terasaka splashed the water, telling them to create a big splash in the water.



"His weak points are the same as Professor Koro's, right? So all we have to do is give him a taste of his own medicine." He then signaled again for the rest of the students to jump in.

They created big splashes of water near Itona, which ruined his tentacles.

"You've absorbed a lot, I see. Your advantage is dwindling." Karma said sitting on top of a boulder, and Shiro groaned in frustration. "So what now? We don't want you to claim the prize money, for one." You then joined Karma next to him. "Plus, your plans almost got us all killed, and Terasaka got all beat up in the process. If you want to keep going, we're gonna have a hardcore splash party." Your classmates gathered up water in their hands, buckets, bags, etc. and was ready to splash away.

Itona was frightened after getting surrounded.

"Well, you got us. We withdraw. If we were to slaughter all these children, who knows how is antimatter organs would run amok. Let's go, Itona."

Itona was once again very angry, and didn't want to leave.

"Well? Didn't you have fun with everyone? Why not join us for real this time?" Professor Koro offered Itona to come back to class.

"Itona." Shiro called for him, and Itona obviously went with Shiro.

"We managed to drive 'em off." Sugino threw his water out.

"Good thing we saved your life, eh, Professor Koro?" Fuwa said, and he chuckled.

"Oh, I certainly appreciate it. I still had some tricks up my sleeve, though."

"That reminds me, Terasaka... You said some harsh things about me back there, as I recall. So I'm heavy, am I? Fat?" Hara crept up behind Terasaka and confronted him about it.

"I-I was just objectively analyzin' the situation at hand!"

"Keep your excuses! I'll show you what an assassin-trained "fatty" can do!" She drove him against a boulder that you and Karma was sitting on.

"Ah, you really are tactless, Terasaka. No wonder you let people take advantage of you." He smirked. 

"Shut it, Karma! You don't get to sit up there talkin' down at me!" He then pulled Karma into the water.

"What? Is this how you treat your boss?"

"My boss? Ha! What kind of boss would make someone take a tentacle on the chin! For a world-class slacker, you sure scored sweet part in all this!"

"As if you don't slack off..." You mumbled.

"I was thinking the same thing." Kataoka said.

"Why not take this chance to sling a little mud?" Nakamura said.

"You also shut up!" He also dragged you into the water. 

You got up feeling like killing him.

"Oh... Really? I see how it is..." You then tackled Terasaka to the ground and shoved his head underwater. You obviously didn't let him drown, though. 

He eventually got up and started splashing you, along with Nakamura and Maehara who were trying to get Karma more wet.

You guys continued to attack each other, and you guys were having a lot of fun. This was also the first time you saw Karma genuinely smile. Not a mischievous smirk, or a evil laugh, but a joyous laugh and a laugh that a lot of other people made. 

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